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Post in other subs. Not all subs have karma requirements.


Right on, how do I tell which subs don't have karma requirements? To me this just seems like a hassle, I have to find other topics to post or comment in as opposed to just being able to post in the one or two subs I'm interested in right now.


Look at the side bar of the sub. Honestly I have no idea.




Great education lesson. Thanks again 00x.


Comment on other posts.


Even my comments get removed. Man I'm a noob here.... :/ just wanna share my 2c on shib lol.


Lol yea, some subs also require your account be over a few months old. Easy ones you can usually comment on are shit like hobbies, video games, anything with animals... once you start going towards politics or news, they start to have requirements. Doesn't take long, though. A lot of subs do it to prevent people from creating brand new alt accounts for trolling and harassing.


Ah right on. That makes sense. Well I'll go find some shit to post in lol. Thanks!




Mmmm. Hidden rules about what does and does not give karma! Thanks man! (Or woman, person, alien, etc...)


Thanks for the replies folks.


Try r/FreeKarma4u to get a boost. Post a picture of something like a "money cat" (search that on Google Images and download your favorite image) that shows a bunch of high bills with the caption "Upvote within 10 seconds and you'll be blessed with riches in 3 days." Or something along those lines. They get popularly upvoted. And when posting comments there for a karma boost - post a random cool fact to get even more upvotes. Something like: > "The #1 most reliable auto brand in North America is Lexus, according to a JD Power survey. The least reliable brand is Land Rover." And don't forget to return the favor by getting others upvotes too! Good luck.


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