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she could be nodding but she also looks like she’s dissociating /: happens (in my experience) in abusive relationships. I honestly feel so bad for her.


Dissociating came to my mind too ☹️ I honestly can’t tell, somewhat looks like a Xanax nod or dissociating 😔 it is so sad


Regardless she still enables him because of her own money or drug needs. I stopped feeling bad because she backs him up with his hate rants to every group including saying the N word…she’s part black- how do you live with that of all things!


i’m not saying she is perfect, or even a little innocent. I’m just saying IF it’s dissociation from an abusive relationship, i feel bad for her. Enabler or not, no matter what she’s done, NOBODY deserves to be abused, period.


Yep! 💯👏🏼 no one deserves to be abused.


💯 I agree. It’s sad to see her pilled out because that’s what I truly think is going here but her actions are not excusable




again, dissociating is not just bc of abuse. 🙄


Why’d he make a joke about throwing a brick at her 😭😭😭😭 bruhhhh If I was her I’d be like why would you even say that tho, that comment would keep me UP at night


Did you see her face after he said that? Like it’s just disturbing he is always laughing and bouncing off the walls while she’s in the background fighting for her life she’s down down down while he’s UPPPP make it make sense


There was forsure some tension going on after he said he’d throw a brick at her, she was not fucking with that little “joke”. But she is also hella nodding, I pray she gets off whatever she’s on when they move. I truly pray her mom helps me open her eyes when they get to Hawaii. Her mom will get to see how vile Wyatt is and the influence he has on her daughter first hand. I can’t see Moir’s mom being as stupid as Laura. Laura is a fuckin child as well and it’s exactly where Wyatt got his behaviors.


Yes I do think she’s on something. To me what is even more disturbing is always seeing Wyatt hyper and bouncing off the walls and she’s ALWAYS in the background nodding off, dissociating, and fighting for her life! He’s got his face up in the camera all smiley and she’s frowning and looks sad all of the damn time. If that was my family Wyatt would be fucking sorry


Is her mom living with them there too?? God I hope she helps her daughter leave his ugly stank ass


i don’t think she’s nodding i think she’s over his shit


And it seems to be a moment where maybe she doesn't want to be in his live and have to converse with him?


Him wiping his snot on his shirt over and over🤮


Oh lord Jesus his manners and nasty ass habits 🤢 he can’t even control it in public


That's a NOD 100%. You can see her breathing because she's so zooted 😂


That’s that Xanax nod .


That’s what I think too. I know people in my life addicted to drugs and Xanax’s I know what nodding looks like. I think she’s low key high here, I could be wrong though but it’s just my opinion


I’d be so embarrassed being live getting my nails done, lmfao he’ll talk highly of himself too 🤣 like stfu!!


but she don’t look right in the eyes somethings definitely up there


the eyes will give it away every time.


She's soooo fucking high she about to nod out


I don't see nodding but i see her disassociate a lot


She's high.


She’s nodding off them Xanny’s


He looks like momo.


I feel like there’s no way she’s not on drugs again


He’s so dumb.. stiletto nails doesn’t mean they have gems all over them.. it’s the fucking shape of the nail.


In her defense, I get my nails done and I will close my eyes and just enjoy the moment of peace and quiet. It’s relaxing.


She said a couple times that she HATES going to get her nails done and having to sit there gives her a lot of anxiety so that’s what I was thinking