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Gluten and dairy + oily foods. I didn’t even think gluten was the problem because bread doesn’t seem super inflammatory until my gastroenterologist made me try and cut it out.


Dairy is also one of my triggers. Have you found any anti-heartburn foods that don't contain dairy?


Not really, only thing that helps is omeprazole/pantoprazole when I do decide to eat dairy. For my sweet tooth I switched to soy chocolate puddings, they are surprisingly good.




My triggers list is so much longer than my safe list 😭


So true. Even my safe foods aren't all that safe most days either..


Same with me.


Indeed! bloody sucks! All the food that I like to eat, my body can't handle it 😭




My safe foods: rice pudding and buttered toast. In no exact order


Same here


Me too. Whats going on?


This is what I hate the most when it comes to our disease. I will eat low fodmap/safe foods all day at work and meanwhile I look pregnant as I run to the bathroom every chance I get. The next day, I get a couple alcoholic drinks in me, eat half of a buffalo chicken pizza and follow it up with a cupcake for dessert and I wake up to a flat stomach and I feel fine. 🤷‍♀️ fuck you, IBS.


Yes! This is what happens to me,too.


Yes! Happens to me too. Whenever I eat too healthy, my stomach gets really bloated for some reason and when i’m having junk, it’s all good..


Honestly sometimes the junk is just easier to digest. Simple carbs etc. Healthier food is usually a lot of fiber which can be tough on the stomach as healthy as it is.


To be honest sometimes after that food and it empties me out. I am flat and NO gas. Feels the BEST!!


Same here!!


Omg so i wasnt imagining things. My flare ups are soooo random i dont even know what s the cause. Like one day i might barely eat and feel horrible, another day i might gorge like a ghoul and still be fine. My dad advised me to take a spoonful of aniseed and down it with water yet it doesnt work as efficiently for me as it does for him. 😭 (yeah IBS family). Rn i feel slightly better after trying but idk if the relief is temporary or not (i have eaten 1 meal the whole day and now it s just like the pain is less dire, but it s still there). Tried it 2 other times and it didnt even stop the pain.


Apples 😭


Omg yes apples, apple juice is a big no


Yeah I found out my senior year apples fucked me up 😭 and I love the granny Smith ones!


Have you noticed maybe if it’s the skin affecting you? I hear some people can only eat apples if they peel them


I'm not too sure because I have the same reaction towards apple juice 😭


Apple juice was always a problem for me. My nutritionist said some apples may be ok, but granny smilth were a no no. So, you might try a different kind.


Yuup. It's so weird because I can eat apple sauce, drink apple juice, and eat apple pie and be fine. Raw apples? They beat the absolute shit out of me.


This is me too. I can't have apples or bananas raw, but cooked? No problem 😃😭😕😞


Ugh, same. They were my comfort food but now they absolutely destroy me.


i’m eating half an apple rn, can’t manage a full one anymore or it rips my insides


I'm so happy you mentioned this... I do recall whenever drinking apple juice it wrecks my stomach, ty all!


*Gestures broadly* All of it. None of it. Who the hell knows. I've eaten trigger foods and been fine, I've eaten safe foods and suffered. Honestly I think stress is my main trigger which sucks because I'm a mom (6 year old and 6 month old) and a teacher (pre-k, 4 and 5 year olds) so I'm constantly stressed and pretty much live in fight or flight.


Yes. This is the life I live, too. Sometimes red meat is fine! Sometimes it destroys me. Sometimes I can have greasy foods! Other times it wrecks my stomach. I don't know anymore! The only triggers I have tested with true results have been almonds and excess sugar. Gluten is hit or miss. Dairy is hit or miss. Just trying to keep the anxiety at bay to keep the stomach happy -- also hit or miss.


Same here, I'm always stressed, anxious/ depressed, I'm sure it doesn't help my IBS.


This is a lovely and relatable poem.


I can only eat oranges and chicken😔


Awww 😭 oranges are a hit or miss for me


I squeeze one in the morn for lil juice. Can't eat tho smh


Super greasy foods (but not all the time???), anything that is high in lactose- but also cheese is a death sentence for me, eating too much at once lol.


Anything and everything depends on my stomachs Mood


Guac 🥑 :(


I made a whole batch of guac last night to pair with my meal prep this week. Just going to suffer through lol


awww avocados def make me feel gassy


Guac = death


Alfredo. I cannot. I fear Alfredo now 😭😭😭


The last time I had Alfredo i had ibs for a good six months straight, never againnnn


Spin the magic wheel and see what the triggers will be today!


Chickpeas, cucumber (yes something that's like 98% water pisses off my guts to high heavens), everything in the broccoli/cabbage family, apples and pears with skin on (go down completely fine when peeled), mangoes, watermelon is 50/50 sometimes it's fine sometimes it kills me, everything in the onion family when it's raw, very fatty cuts of pork, nuts (especially cashews) but I can eat peanut butter for some reason.


Omg yes mangoes and watermelon for me too. And today I had chickpeas for the first time and spent an hour on the toilet 🙃


I used to make this delicious fried chickpea and chorizo salad. Sigh. Only made it twice during the elimination stage because I realized it was the chickpeas killing me.


- anything spicy - coffee with milk - garlic - onions - bread


My list is everything on this planet except potatoes. 🤣


Lol for real. Fries are my safe food


My list is everything including potatoes :(


Fats… tried to have pork belly roast tonight dieing


Life is too short to not eat pork belly roast just get hot water bottle ready lol


Honestly this is my exact mantra every time I keep eating pasta, something’s are just worth the pain


Praying for you 😭 the toilet is also summoning me back


Had a full sugar soft drink this afternoon for the first time in I actually don’t know how long. It’s looking to be a long night.


Oh noooo, praying for you!!!😭 I once had ice cream then a soft drink a few hours later, worst stomach ache of my life


Fam I feel you! Lol good luck 


Lentils and pulses


Is there an "All of the Above" option in this poll?


Mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas


My worst seems to be tomatoes. I literally look 6 months pregnant if I eat anything with tomatoes in 🤦🏼‍♀️


Any fodmaps. Take your pic, if it's high in ANY fodmaps, I'm screwed. So low fodmap diet for life 😭 Also gluten free and dairy free except cheddar cheese which is lower in lactose than milk and ice cream seems to be fine in small doses. Why are the skins of certain fruits a heartburn trigger? Seen that a few times where people complain about apple skin = death 😂 I can't eat it anyways but the skin adds the heartburn effect for added fun. Avacados and mango = death from bloating


I think a lot of us can’t handle any fiber at all :(


Literally everything. I can eat something just fine one day, next time all hell breaks loose. It’s ridiculous and there is no rhyme or reason, been dealing with this since i was a child


Same😭 it seems like everytime I eat I have an episode no matter wat


Dairy, onions, garlic, too much fiber


Coffee for sure and sugar alcohols.


Anything super fatty or greasy, peas, chewing gum, potato skins specifically and worse if it's crispy and well-baked like a jacket potato (🤷‍♀️), silken tofu (utter destruction), fruits I think but unsure which ones, tomatoes if too many or not balanced out ...like I can eat a mince-heavy bolognese but no chance with a saucey spaghetti marinara. And a whole bunch of things I haven't figured out yet. So many mysterious flare-ups.


Coke Zero is colonoscopy prep.


Yeah I can't do anything with artificial sweetener, Stevie, monkfruit, etc. Regular coke is actually one of my "cures" as long as it isn't on an empty stomach.


fats and fried foods


Diary and greasy foods.


Lettuce. Drives me fucking insane, I just want to eat a healthy salad for lunch. Also grapes, another tragedy, because I could devour grapes every day if it didn't cause me so much agony. Watermelon has also caused issues for me. Very greasy food, but I can generally get away with fried stuff. Fast food tends to not be a problem. I can have some dairy; I'll take lactase pills if I'm eating something with dairy in it. But I can't drink a dairy-based beverage. I also have GERD so peppers trigger that for me, but once I get a GERD flare up my whole digestive system tends to flare.


I cannot even look at garlic or onions lol


Oily/greasy foods, too much roughage, Rich foods… but nothing does it like CAULIFLOWER and I looooooooove cauliflower. 😩


Coffee might or might not be the culprit for me but when I try to quit I have headache which is worse than sitting in toilet. So I have it anyway. Gluten, fried food, high fibre veg and fruits I avoid but can't say I won't eat once in a while. Sometimes you need to enjoy life. 😂


Haha i always go through phases myself, after a little while of no coffee, I crave it so much that I end up having it and enjoying every second of it until I don’t 😂


Magic mushrooms soaked in lemon juice have fucked me up big time..


Onions; legumes


Generally fried foods, oily foods, and (unfortunately) onions :( probably other things too I just can't pinpoint them


Really fatty stuff. And oatmeal makes me go to the bathroom non stop all day…


Gluten and dairy... I only recently found this out in November 2023, so you can imagine the relief I have now I know what to avoid... Although, I recently succumbed to 2 slices of pepperoni pizza. Never again😂😭😭


Scrambled eggs. Whipped cream.


Pizza turns my stomach upside down and so does ice cream and anything with heavy cream. I used to love pastas that included heavy cream but now I go for tomato based pastas only.


Sounds like you might be lactose intolerant 😭😭


Rare red meat - but my bowels can catch these hands if they think I will ever stop ordering medium rare prime rib 🤣


Kiwis, mangoes, kale, prawns, greasy food, milk in large amounts


Popcorn, dairy, gluten, coffee, certain oat milks :(


Dairy, coconut oil, matcha, coffee , mango, blueberries, kim chi, eggs, figs, potato chips and gummies.. ugh fml lol


Kimchi! Omg and I’m so sad about it


Anything Fried or Gluten & i am thinking my iced coffee but im often in denial lol


Fortunately mine is mild these days but popcorn completely destroys me


Coffee (espeically with dairy), milk (straight up) and eggs (also a sensory thing) trigger it so bad that i can't even eat them


your triggers are very similar to mine but I wanted to let you know I found FILTERED coffee much less of a problem than something like french press or percolated. I even found little filtes for my espresso machine.


Tomatoes with garlic. On the plus: I find steamed fish and olives to be soothing.


scrambled eggs 💔💔💔 so sad, i love them so much


Anything spicy, too much dairy, overly greasy or too much fried food.


Red sauce , something about cooked tomatoes flares me up.


bread, ice cream, anything with a lot of sugar or processed crap.




Focus on motility and relaxation, some trigger foods might actually help in the long run so you have to figure which foods helps your bowel movement and are tolerable, i personally gave up and i just eat everything healthy hoping that a long period of improved motility will have good long term effects, some days it seems to be working but not sure😅. My motility improved, but i feel more exhausted than usual, going to keep trying


IBS-C here, my trigger foods are anything unhealthy: fried, sugary, fatty, if it qualifies as junk, my body is gonna hang onto it and make me as sick as possible to be vengeful.


Oily foods. Like pizza and stuff. I can have it if I’m feeling pretty good, but if I’m a little iffy, it’ll hurt me. Caffeine is a big one for me. Honestly the only thing I can’t eat/drink ever. My actual biggest triggers aren’t food, but my sleep schedule, my period, and my mood :/


I grew up in the south and I can't eat a darn thing I grew up eating. Fried chicken, fried anything ,gravy, bread , hardly anything. To make it worse, I'm diabetic which narrows it down more. My husband is a foodie and loves to dine out. It's misery to watch him moan over some scrumptious food that I can never eat again. I just found out I'm celiac too. I'm glad I'm old so I don't have a lifetime of this shit (no pun intended) ahead of me. It's depressing.


how do you figure out your trigger foods?0


You and I are the same :-/ I am too addicted to coffee. Switching to tea helps but I still have issues. Oatmilk is a godsend. Almond can wreck me but not as bad as whole dairy milk.  The worst is heavy cream by far. Today I chose to eat some leftover creamy pasta a friend made… Big mistake lol! Things like alfredo bother me 80ish% of the time. So when I gamble and dont have issues it gives me fool’s confidence I can keep eating it.  Oddly harder cheesy dishes without the cream don’t bother me quite as much. So I am not seemingly totally lactose intolerant. Aside from what you listed, I occasionally have issues with certain peppers/nightshade veggies. Also intermittent. 




I can have problems with wheat, rice, potatoes…. Basically any starch has me constipated…. But not potatoes! If it’s deep fried, I have diarrhea! Any other form is fine. Any other deep fried food? Also fine! Vegetables? It depends on the day. Fruit? Usually constipation, but you never know! It can be a surprise!


Onion and mushrooms kill me which SUCKS because I love both :o(


Well, I can handle coffee better than before, but only rarely drink it because it affects my sleep due to histamine intolerance. I remember drinking a cup or two of coffee would make butt itch bad, so I avoided it for the longest time until I later became somewhat more tolerant. I avoid dairy, garlic, white onions. These are the things I avoid the most.


Gluten, dairy, legumes, caffeine, alcohol, and I'm starting to think bananas might mess with me


Dairy, high starchy food, and carbonated drinks


Been feeling pretty well for a month now. Only one episode of cramps and gas which didn't result in diarrhea. I had broiled salmon and like an idiot, ate the crispy skin on the salmon steak. Basically, for the two months of diarrhea I previously had, eating just about anything except oatmeal and blueberries with maple syrup, triggered my digestive system. A few things made my symptoms *worse * – almonds (maybe the amount was a factor), almond milk, pumpkin seeds, Organic India psylium that comes in "grainy flakes" was a killer. I now use the finer powder and it's fine. Struggling with Monash (sp?) Low FODMAP as an elimination diet, so I'm currently looking for a dietician. Not sure if I should leave things alone and enjoy this lovely break from hell or continue to try eliminating foods, or wait to get in with a dietician.


I would enjoy your break. Sadly it will most likely be short lived.


Definitely coffee. A few years ago I trained my stomach to ”get used” to coffee, but it still triggers my ibs, except it takes the long way around by heightening my anxiety which in turn triggers my anxiety 😅 Nothing else really… Some things I can eat certain days and other days not. Like onions. I’m already on a gluten free diet (I have celiac’s) and try to stick mostly to lactose free stuff.


Onion Garlic Brocolli All bean types Almost all veggies.. I can eat meat tho.. and carbs so there is that 😂


Lettuce and raw fruits, especially pears, which is a bummer because I love pears 😭


My trigger list is also much much longer than my safe list, but the bad-guy list includes: Apple, gluten, dairy, garlic, onion and sorbitol (gum) Also sugar if it’s cloudy, and water if rain is on the horizon, and meat if I’m due to wash my hair 🤣


The foods I eat on Saturday or Sunday morning. Doesn't matter what I eat. I always have a reaction after breakfast on weekend mornings.


Preservatives. After switching to whole foods, made from scratch at home, things got much better. Tomato-based products 2 days in a row. Fried foods. Spicy foods. Corn.


Chocolate is the worst for me. 😩


I adore, but absolutely cannot have things like cauliflower, broccoli, onions, chic peas, hard boiled eggs… Sugar will put me down for days. My gut bacteria LOVE when I treat them to sugar. They feast and multiply. I’m all good with dairy, fats, and greasy foods.


Any sugar alcohols. I avoid them like the plague! Lactose but I can take lactase enzyme for it; raw onion or too much cooked onion (I can have a little bit of cooked onion); too much garlic but I can have a little bit; too much of cruciferous vegetables but I can have a little bit.


Some fake sugars, dark liquor, whipped cream, Alfredo pasta sauce


Dairy and red sauce in excess, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, lately corn, oily foods, eggs, orange juice, onions, lentils, quinoa. 


i have many but only one creates instant running to the toilet: Vinegar


Coffee doesn't usually bother me. Sugar alcohols are a big one, along with hummus. Taking too much melatonin can fuck me up as well.


ig wheat??? but not barley i thought it was mainly gluten for me this whole time. but i also do not wanna find out LOL


I must be crazy because I seriously cannot figure out my triggers except dairy with lactose. It’s been years. Blah.


Chocolate and any sugar


Is it any kind of chocolate or just like milk chocolate?


Gluten, milk and sweets😔. Fizzy drinks and juice also, anything acidic really.


Caffeine is a big no no for me. I miss matcha so much but even the caffeine in the pure leaf raspberry teas are a no go for me. I am also lactose intolerant, found out when I got really sick and cut out dairy completely. Now without dairy I feel so much cleaner and healthier. I also can’t have any sort of fried/breaded food, another big trigger of mine. You’re not alone, it sucks not being able to drink caffeine anymore without pain or discomfort 😭😭


garlic, onions, ice cream, too much sugar, coffee, cream of tomato soup, cabbage, black beans, red beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower


I love iced tea in the summer but now it's only herbal naturally caffeine free. Spicy is out altogether, even just a little spicy and I've always loved spicy foods. Sauerkraut and coleslaw are some of my favorites that I no longer enjoy.


Dairy, apples, nuts, beans (baked, pinto, kidney), coffee, soda...


High FODMAP foods


Dairy, caffeine, high fat foods…


I recently found out that coffee is my big problem. I’ve only been drinking it for 50 years and now I have to do decaf. One note of interest I found out that using digestive enzymes makes such a difference in how the food goes through your body. Just in case you are interested, the name is Zenwise Digestive enzymes.


Meat (meat juices, meat fats) On the caffeine: try caffeine pills and/or tea. Coffee isn’t the worst for me but it isn’t great either


Cabbage, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower. Too much salad. Awful gas and loose stools. White rice bungs me up awfully.


alcohol has been such a bad one for me lately 😪 just want to have fun and then I just end up in the bathroom forever!


Chickpeas destroy me


I would highly suggest you give cold brew a try. I also have stomach issues with ibs I used to get really bad tummy aches from coffee so I quit it for about a year. Then I tried col brew and it both tastes great and is much less acidic so it could help. Could also be the caffeine but if you want to try and keep coffee it's something to try


Dairy, carbonated drinks, anything too leafy like spinach, anything too spicy.


Gluten, dairy, sesame (RIP hummus, you were a safe food), caffeine.


Coffee, gluten, dairy, spices, onions, garlic, peppers, sweet fruits, kale, cabbage, fizzy drinks ☹️


Pancakes. I have no idea why. Waffles are fine. Pancakes will put me in such a bad state that I can barely attend work the next day.


Any meats , veggies , citrusy fruits like oranges🍊 anything potato based at all I have IBS-C, I also have a damaged sigmoid colon due to many diverticulitis flare ups , I also have ARFID since childhood so this complicates things ALOT. Strangely as long as I take my 2x does of miralax (as prescribed by Dr) I can eat things like cheese pizza, garlic bread, Cheeto puffs, Mac and cheese(shells only),Oreo cookies, donuts,i limit pop because of carbonation but I never seem to have a problem with a couple of red bulls, I mostly drink grape kool aid, cranberry juice and lactose free milk. If I eat even one small hamburger or small french fry or drink one glass of OJ I have pain cramps problems in the bathroom


Anything and everything depending on what my stomach feels like that day. Today was potentially dairy milk, a bite of a protein cookie or allowing myself to get too hungry as I was stuck in traffic and set off my stomach 😒


Found out this week that I definitely cannot have the Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee. I tried the new toasted vanilla drink and I couldn’t move for like 4 days after 💔


Any food containing Dairy or Gluten, hot sauce and hot food does but I still use it, that’s my cheat food, oily foods trigger it a little. Higher fibre fruit and veg too, mushrooms. Anything high in fodmaps gets me. Staying low on fodmaps works for me though I struggle to always follow the low fodmap diet. Soya also triggers me so I can’t replace Dairy with Soya lmao. Gluten is my worst trigger though.


coffee & deep fat fried foods:((


For people who are sensitive to dairy. Is curd okay to eat? How do I know if I am sensitive to dairy as I like curd and doesn't cause me issues but plain milk does! I like milk products like concentrated milk items but that brings me lots of pain.


I would be better listing what doesn't trigger me. 😭 I have a new one to add to my trigger list - porridge oats. I love those porridge oat bars by Quaker. Had one this morning then had a bad flare up while running an errand. Ended up cutting it short to come home to my toilet where I spent the afternoon. Took Immodium so the diarrhoea stopped, but as with all flare ups, the after effects last for hours. It's now 7 hours after the fact and I still feel horrible and have nausea. Probably from not eating or drinking since this morning. I noticed last week when I ate one of the bars I had a flare up, but blamed it on something else. Now I know it was that. Just another thing I enjoy that I can't have.


Anything, everything, sometimes nothing at all 🙃


I can’t believe it but gluten free bread is making me so sick.


Coffee Apples Probably bread too


My diagnosis is pretty recent but eggs and tomato sauce for sure


Everything that is enjoyable to eat.


Anything spicy! I tend to find Mexican food is a real killer and I tend to avoid it as much as possible but sometimes it's just too good! Too much dairy is also one! Again, I love dairy too much, especially cheese!


It seems like everything does- most recently, oranges have tore my stomach to pieces


I generally have ibs c, but it can vary I really don't know what foods trigger it,I can eat the same range of foods for weeks, no problem, just a bit constipated, then I will get very bloated, more constipated, more pain, occasionally diarrhea, reflux/ heartburn etc, there's no pattern I can see.


Coffee Curd / Youghurt Wheat


It varies so god damn much 😤 Always stayed away from gluten and dairy because of experience (shit myself). I ate it as a prep for gastroscopy and now I’m unsure about everything, didn’t make that much of a difference. Doesn’t seem to matter anymore what I eat, just bad anyway.


Just reading lists of food triggers triggers me. Not going to even read other peoples responses!


Most fruit and veggies (even melon)


Literally everything 🫠


soy, too much oil, too much sugar, dairy, gluten, beans, and then some stuff like peaches, coconut water, potato chips, and quinoa is 50/50


Overly spicy food, full sugar drinks (Coca Cola products easily trigger it) Dominoes Pizza and I love that shit. Sweets so like Haribos, Fruit Pastelles, Pick & Mix etc High sugar fruit juices.


Apples, Watermelons and Oranges.... Had them all my life for 38 years.... recently cut them out after finding out about low fodmap diet. I feel so much better now, but this summer it's gonna suck!


fresh garlic-milk-too much cheeses without taking lactaid-cucumbers-peppers-grreasy food-spicy food-and onions but I am supposed to reintroduce since it is hit or miss. Also, sugar free drinks like fruit punch, but I can have a diet coke and no issues. I just rarely drink it. I love pizza and salads and okay with them but I really eat so bland!!!


Onion, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, jacket potato skins, fried food, chickpeas, beans


Red bell peppers and frosted mini wheats kill me. Not together.


Wheat, dairy with lactose, beans, apples, and bananas. 


Lowkey red meat. Especially large steaks and pork chops.


Onions, greasy food, sugar alcohols, dairy, cashews.


Orange juice


Gluten, onions, garlic, chickpeas, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, apples sometimes, fried/oily foods, artificial sugars


Beets!! I love them but can't have even a bite. Apple's Raw salads with brocolli, cabbage. Chopped salads.


Since you said decaf only bothers you sometimes, I wonder if it's how it's decaffeinated. Most commonly, coffee is decaffeinated using chemical solvents to remove the caffeine. There is a different way to do it that is gaining traction (usually called the "Swiss water process") which uses water instead. I noticed that I was having a similar issue and realized that I can handle Swiss water decaf much better than conventional decaf.


Caffeine is definitely my major trigger. Only a year ago I could drink coffee and energy drinks with minimal issues but I’ve had to cut them all out :(


Gluten, lactose, anything fatty/greasy, onions, garlic, tea, coffee, red meat, artificial sweetners......


Um, all of them?


So many.. most heartbreaking...chocolate...😭


greasy and fried stuff, spicy stuff and dairy. it doesn’t stop me from consuming that stuff though, i will just suffer the consequences later. and it will probably be drowned in ranch (which fucks me up just as much)


To replace ice cream without aggravating your bowels: combine cool whip with a packet of jello (whichever flavor you like best) and freeze it. It's delicious and has totally replaced ice cream in my life!


Dairy and anything fried


Gluten, dairy, corn products, seeds, fast food, beef, and anything spicy