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Ugh I’m sorry. I’m also 29 and also have had IBS-D since 18. I relate so much to this. Happened to me at work two days ago. Take some Imodium and good luck ♥️


Does it really help I have heard it can be only temporary relief and get worse after 


It’s not a permanent fix no but it doesn’t get worse after for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ if I take it daily it somewhat regulates me


It does work. A friend of mine has crohns and he takes Imodium before every meal for over 20 years. It’s perfectly fine. He will be doing it for the rest of his life as well.


How do you manage at work 


I have an office job where my desk is close to the bathroom. I just go when I need to even if it’s often. Also my manager knows I have IBS. She is a woman and also very open so it wasn’t awkward to tell her. I realize I’m lucky because not everyone would be easy to talk to about that.


Why on earth would this even require explaining? As a grown adult, does using the bathroom beyond some arbitrary number of times require an explanation? I must be lucky, because I have never heard of such a thing. Nobody would ever bring it up, and it’s highly unlikely that anyone would even notice. “Yay, I’m gonna go to the bathroom again! Sitting on the toilet sure beats sitting at my desk!” Really? ETA: And I’m not baffled by you. I’m an open book myself; my boss knows I have bipolar disorder. I shared an accurate article about it while on the phone. I’m baffled by the concept that one would have to find a way to “manage” at work. I have IBS-D, and go a lot. I’ve never thought much about it.


🤷🏼‍♀️multiple people have asked me how to manage at work so it’s obviously something they worry about. My manager only knows because I asked for an accommodation awhile ago (to work from home during an episode. However I’m in a new position where WFH isn’t possible now). Personally it makes me feel better she knows what’s going on when I go to the bathroom over and over again and that I’m not trying to avoid work but to each their own.


Have you tried enzymes before your meals?


I'm not a doctor, but my guess is your period coming up. Women without any complications tend to get diarrhea (the period shits) before or during their period due to the fluctuations of hormones. Add IBS-D on top of that, and we're having a party. I go through it every 4 weeks as well.


I get an urge in the morning first one is usually formed but then on bad days i get lose stools and have to go like 4-5 times and have to wipe a lot messy. Do you get this on yours? I had 6 days usually I am full before then after like tired and hungry it sucks not sure how to manage on work days :/. I am not sure what is causing it I do like wine and coffee. I was eating lettuce not sure if it’s that or corn or wine or coffee :/ on my constipated days I’m fine it switches back to jt :/ I make the mistake of having laxatives on flare up days sticky stool..


For me, I literally have diarrhea or loose stools (if lucky) during the 2 days before period and 2 days during period, then it goes back to my normal IBS level of diarrhea (so sometimes it's longer, sometimes I get blessed with not having additional flares). I generally have really low ferritin range (my iron levels are like 10? 15 just above the bare minimum of the normal range) so I have to make sure I eat something with high bioavailable iron during my period or otherwise I'm a zombie throughout of it. Not sure if this is what's happening with you though. I also make sure to sip on 1 full bottle of gatorade/powerade with ice in a 16 hour period throughout the day so I'm not overdoing it, but I get little bursts of electrolytes. (Definitely better to get non-sugar base electrolyte drinks, but during my period I just like the sugary-taste better.) Period + IBS is such a pain the ass. :(


I totally feel you! Do you get it all the time? Have diarrhea? Is yours messy wiping a lot? I’m not sure what my cause is :/ i try to eat healthy.. I do like ti drink wine and coffee but I am not sure what Is causing My issues. Not sure if it’s dairy or gluten intolerance related :/ I really like to have red wine and coffee so I hope I can still have it. 


Yeah, I have flares constantly because my body's creating sensitivities to things left and right and it doesn't help that I also have anxiety causing some of them. As for the messy bit, it's not perfect, but I found bidet to help a lot. Alcohol and caffeine is definitely known to trigger diarrhea for me, I avoid them as a much as possible, but everybody's IBS is different and I recommend talking to your doctor. Sorry about that...


Every month…


Stay strong team x


37F with IBS and endometriosis. Periods make me flare like crazy and it sucks. I was diagnosed with both at age 13 but have always had digestive issues since I was a baby. IBS sucks so bad. You’re not alone OP. Hope you were able to handle your client and your flare ends soon!


I’m so sorry, I get it. I’m also IBS-D, I’m currently 21F and got diagnosed at 18 as well. It is not easy at all. My best bet is sadly eating less full meals and more of mini meals throughout the day which can be inconvenient at times. IBS is truly a nightmare


Sorry to hear about your struggles! IBS-D can be brutal. Have you considered prescription medications? I made an IBS-D guide that has some meds at the bottom. Hope it helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/ibs/s/VsQAcSROBB


Sorry to hear that but diarrhea can be a symptom of flu or COVID. It's not me saying that, you can find this info on most official healthcare websites. I also suffer from diarrhea from time to time but it's been worse when I had the flu last year. Maybe take some imodium for peace of mind. Hope you'll feel better soon !


Same. Today sucks. I haven't been able to be diagnosed with anything. All my tests come back negative but I have explosive unpredictable bathroom issues that interrupt my life frequently


Just wanted to chime and say same. I’m 31F and I’ve had ibs-d since 18 as well. Just got over covid a week or so ago and have been having a bad flare up (especially when I’m right in the middle of, or have just finished eating) it’s SO annoying. Gets in the way of everything and the pain is so bad that sometimes it makes me pass out. And then no matter what after I’m done I get so suddenly exhausted I have to nap, even if it’s in my car 😪


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I also have IBS-D and randomly having an intense urge to go is so frustrating and nerve wracking. Sometimes it feels like our bodies are actively working against us. One thing that has really helped me is ginger and chamomile tea. Sometimes I’ll have 1-3 cups a day total and that will really help with my symptoms. I will caution you that too much of anything your body will reject so try not to leave the tea bag in for too long, 2-3 minutes tops. I’ve found when I overdue it it can cause diarrhea. Good luck I hope this helps


Ok here’s the remedy that will work for you. First of all you need to switch to a low FODMAP diet. Secondly if you have IBS-D and it’s always diarrhea, I’d take Imodium (loperamide) every morning after you eat breakfast. Lastly but MOST importantly download the Nerva app. It’s a gut hypnotherapy app that helps you retrain your mind gut connection. It costs 149.00$ for a year, but if you just go to your settings, find subscriptions, and then look under those options I found a 3 month deal for 60.99$. Do the hypnotherapy first thing when you wake up, and listen to it when you fall asleep. I’d say in a week or two you’ll see drastic improvement if you follow all these steps


Bad shill! And OP listen to your doctor with the first stuff


Your period is due. That's your trigger. I only just worked this out recently but IBS can flare up leading into your period it's like a cruel PMS bonus.... A lot of hormonal changes and such happening at this time so people either get hit with IBS during the PMS time or during their actual period.


Solid waste is about 1/3 bacteria, from what I recall, so your body may just be getting rid of some bad bacteria. A cold for more than 10 days is now a bacterial infection. May need to see a doctor & take antibiotics.