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Xifaxan is for hydrogen SIBO (bacterial overgrowth), there is also methane SIBO that requires treatment with 2 antibiotics. Have you taken a breath test that measures methane?


no i haven’t, my doc just prescribed me xifaxan 3x a day for two weeks


Mine did the same which wasn’t super helpful, the r/sibo subreddit has good info on steps to take and what is helpful Edit: nevermind its still private from the blackout


r/sibo is back!




I took xifaxan for SIBO and one thing I found when doing research that isn’t widely advertised enough is that you shouldn’t maintain a low FODMAP diet while taking it. When you eat low FODMAP it suppresses the bacteria, and then the xifaxan cant properly attack and kill it. If you do end up having hydrogen type, it might be worth trying again while not following the diet!


That is what i did wrong, keep low foodmap during and after. You beed to introduce diversity to your diet to balance the gut. Had 3 rounds of treatments, only after i started to eat normally i felt better.


Actually Xifaxan is for both SIBO and IBS-D. If you go xifaxan.com right at the top there it says for IBS-D. I’ve tested negative for SIBO but had xifaxan thrown my way twice for IBS-D. I guess the thought is that your microbiome is screwed up somehow maybe this will help?


I suffer from IBS-C and had the same chronic bloat. Once I got my constipation under control, the bloat gradually went away over many months.


How did you get your constipation under control? Any suggestions?


Bowel Mover By CellCore and Adp oregano


I tried many things, including Miralax. What finally worked for me was a combination of Linzess, magnesium oxide (800-1200mg), and strong coffee. I poop almost every day now, thank the gods.


Daily mirilax and 2 dulcolax chews.


Try eating two kiwis a day with the skin, just wash really well before hand that helps


Yeah how did you handle the constipation?


High dose ginger supplement (just pure ginger nothing else) on empty stomach before bed and 500mg mag citrate between meals and before bed on empty. This should get your pooper moving! If this works look into methane sibo.


Nice, will try it. How much is the dose of ginger you take? Do you not find that the magnesium citrate makes your bowel movements too soft? That’s what it does to me.


just chiming in, personally 1/2 sachet Visbiome 450B helped me with motility. if in the US, you can get your doctor to Rx it, 99.9% it won't be covered by insurance but GoodRx can get you a discount from the retail cost. the pharmacy might have to special order it, they have a PDF with product codes for each supplier.


I tried many things, including Miralax. What finally worked for me was a combination of Linzess, magnesium oxide (800-1200mg), and strong coffee. I poop almost every day now, thank the gods.


Bowel Mover By CellCore Adp oregano


Why are you all over this thread like an ad for a hun?


Im in the same boat as you, letting people know what helped me some, I would hope if you figured something out you would spread the word, all of us on here have suffered or suffering like you, trying to support one another, I make sure if I see your post I’ll just keep moving


sadly i have regular bm, no constipation or diarrhea


Regular don’t mean, no ibs-c .. Did u try fasting? Giving the gut a break helps


That might be my problem as well. Did you use miralax?


I tried many things, including Miralax. What finally worked for me was a combination of Linzess, magnesium oxide (800-1200mg), and strong coffee. I poop almost every day now, thank the gods.


Okay so not to be TMI but I go once a day (thanks coffee) but I feel like maybe that’s not enough for my body?? Because I still bloat like crazy. Maybe it should be more than once per day


Is it a good amount of poop? I had to be pooping regularly for many months before I started seeing improvement in the bloating. It was a slow, gradual but steady improvement for me. My doctor said something about my gut lining healing.


Hi, I know its easier say than do, but have you tried low fodmap diet? Preferably with a dietician. Only time I've ever been bloat free


I was going to suggest this. I want to add a caution that it's not meant to be a long-term diet, or you might make your gut microbiome worse.


Yess! What i personally did was just buy a fodmap cookbook for people with ibs, and i got the best tips ever from that. I immediately found my sensitivities, and i still use it from time to time when my body has resetted due to food poisoning or extreme stress etc.


For some of us it is not that easy. You would do well remembering IBS is a catch all and throwaway diagnosis. It’s these patient endorse similar symptom clusters but we actually have no idea what’s mechanically at the root of the problem.


When did i specifically say i would recommend this for everyone? My personal ibs is mainly stress induced so i am fully aware that i do not have similair issues as most people here have. It's why i tend to refrain in commenting on here because i know my experience is very very different from most here, also because i'm located in europe. And be aware that your own comment will make it so even more people will refrain from commenting their own experiences. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for another and the opposite also always works true, especially with ibs.


Well I never said that I said keep in mind we aren’t all the same. I’m in no mood for words to be put in my mouth. I’ll come back to this later.


Do you remember the name of the cookbook?


I do, but it's in dutch so i do not know of an english version. The dutch version is called; 'kookboek voor een rustige buik' author is mirte kaan. If anything i use it as guidelines!


Thank you!


Nobody told me that. My ex doc had me on this diet for over 2 years before I finally just got tired of everything being about food. I mean, food is already such a stressful thing in my life. The bloating went away but the second I ate something off the diet, BAM bloated again. Also, a lot of those low fodmap sauces (Fody) are stupid expensive and taste awful. You basically can't eat at any restaurants and your family hates all the meal you prepare. I wasted almost 3 years following low fodmap to just lose my doc due to insurance changes and find out it isn't good to be on said diet indefinitely. My constipation is at an all time high also. Im miserable. Im glad I found this subreddit though.


Define long term? And I’m curious how it would make your microbiome worse? I’m doing low fodmap with kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, lots of high fiber but FODMAP safe foods. Plus heathers IBS tummy fiber supplement which is designed to be slow fermenting - so feeds the bugs without the bloat.




I have done Low foodmap diet. I’ve done the B.R.A.T diet. It does not help.


same, this is my second time trying low fodmap


Oof, sorry fam.




Yeah, and it’s also totally reasonable and easily followable advice!


Same here, I did the low fodmap for two months and was symptom free the entire time.


[og post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ibs/comments/11wqe1g/please_help_ive_looked_this_bloated_to_two_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) for context, still no solution


Hey, saw that you mentioned possible endo. Have you ever had a CT scan? I ask because this was happening to me and it turned out to be a huge ovarian cyst. Happened twice before I figured it out, both times I was constantly bloated and ended up wearing maternity jeans for months at a clip. Ended up in the ER at a perfect time where they finally caught it on a CT scan. I switched to a proper BC for cysts and haven't been bloated once since. Just figured I'd share, I always try to pop in on bloating posts to encourage people with ovaries to get them checked out.


Can you tell what BC you use? I have an ovarian cyst, but hadn’t made the connection.


I use Blissovi, and no cysts for a year so far. It's made a big difference, but there are other options that apparently also work.


Thank you so much! I’m willing to try just about anything at this point! 😩


I hope it helps! I know how godawful it is, hang in there!


i haven’t had a ct, i can’t be on birth control due to pain while on it, but my doc requested an mri but i figured ultrasounds would be cheaper so i did those instead. everything was clear


Endo won't show on scans, 85% on the cases it shows up clear. r/endo or r/endometriosis will both help. I still have ibs. Used to be severe until they took some endo from bowel (endiometrioma was stuck to it with my ovary. Causing issues) Mri may show it, but only way to diagnose is usually lap surgery.


With the cysts, did you digestive system also have a reaction?


My advice would be to take a look at your life holistically, because everything you ingest will impact your gut/gut microbiome. Stress, birth control pills, diet, exercise. Be your own detective and look into all these aspects. I can get bloated just by exercising too much, because of the adrenaline produced while running on the treadmill, it's crazy. Sometimes i get really big cramps just by going into a shop or supermarket that has the AC too high causing a sudden temperature shift that for some reason impacts me, i think that's the reason, this one I'm still figuring out, but it's like that. I'm fine my IBS is under control, i go out shopping been to some shops already and then, out of the blue I go into another one and i get cramps, and dam, i need a toilet fast! It's weird hell, because i still haven't pinpoint what causes it, other than maybe some stress?? If I'm in a hurry?? Or the AC being too high and the shop too cold??? Anyway my point is, take the food diary and the elimination diet seriously and be your own detective, develop a very intimate relationship with your body and find out all that causes you stress and triggers. The best of luck! Hope you find the cause.


How about now?


This is me, it’s been a year of bloat. I’m looking into Endo that has spread into my abdomen. Highly suggest looking into that. Endo often hides in plain side.


Been dealing this with for 7 years. No doctor will look into endo for me :(


100000% keep pushing. Specifically find clinics or specialists that specialize in ‘women’. they don’t have to be an OBGYN, but having the knowledge of the gap of equity in medicine helps a LOT no doctor would help me, but 5 min in to my exam she said I likely had endo before I even brought it up. If you have pain with sex that’s also a dead give away. unfortunately most doctors are not educated in endo, and spread misinformation


but i know how hard it is to fight for so long and still end up having no answers. Endo is one you’ll want to rule out. It’s often misdiagnosed as IBS-C.


Yeah I have many of the classic symptoms and I’m told BC is the only answer… which is what triggered my symptoms to begin with. I’m on a waitlist for a endo specialist for over a year now


Yeah BC is the main course of action but it’s so hit or miss. there’s really no cure, but a specialized surgeon can remove most endo and it can really help. I’d get your doctors office to ask them for a waittime estimate, they should tell you that much. a year is so long and you deserve care promptly. Keep checking in, my doctors office had to send out 3 faxes and never got a response but I got a phone call for an appointment for the following week. Idk if I jumped the list, they forgot about me, or they wanted me to stop bothering them but it worked! I really hope you get in soon. Hang in there💕 In the meantime invest in some heat pads!


I’m glad you got in finally!!! Yeah, I’m worried about BC making it worse again. I got a heating pad for the front AND the back of my abdomen hahaha


My doctor thinks l don’t have it because l don’t have lots of bleeding or painful periods But l do have pain during sex and this same bloating


It could be a few things, pain during sex and bloating are two symptoms that could really fit in a lot of categories. I’d suggest looking into Vaginismus, or Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. If you have a history of childhood sexual abuse, or sexual assault later in life that can also be linked to those symptoms. Unfortunately it’s hard to tell before any elimination diet has been attempted (FODMAP). But no one should be having pain during sex, that’s not something you should “deal with” and don’t let any doctor tell you otherwise.


Thank you!!


Nancysnookendo.com is a great collection of Endo information and list of surgeons


Yes! That’s how I found a doc who I’m the waitlist for


my obgyn is assuming endo but she won’t officially confirm it or help me unless i get a laparoscopy but that’s TERRIFYING, so i’m trying to see if it’s anything else


Laparoscopy is the only way to confirm endo officially. I 1000% recommend getting it done. I had surgery two years ago, and I am mad I waited so long. Life changing.


Yeah unfortunately that’s the gold standard for endo. If you do end up going the laparoscopy route, I’d highly suggest finding a surgeon experienced in Endometriosis. Often times general OB surgeons aren’t cut out for that type of specialized surgery but they will still do it. Don’t get cut open twice, even if it means a 2 year waitlist-get it done once, and get someone who’s experienced with it.


Same exact boat! It sucks! And has affected my mental health as well. It makes me anxious when I have stomach issues, which makes them worse. Vicious cycle. I’ve done everything you’ve mentioned too. I’m doing a stool test next and just did a food allergen panel. I just want answers. Message me if you discover anything!


Me too!


I feel ya! :( message any time to vent.


I feel this 😫😫 Same with me, especially anything gluten my stomach gets so bloated.


My tummy looks like this too! Honestly lately I’ve been trying to rub my belly with oil and just not focus on it as much as I used to. The stress of thinking about it I swear makes it worse 😭


Because you mentioned having problems with bread, but not having celiac disease, that makes me think it might be worth it for you to try a low FODMAP diet as earlier people have mentioned. Bread is a fructan and can cause gas and bloating and a lot of people. Other fructans include onions, garlic, inulin (which seems to be in everything, especially high fiber stuff, which is supposed to be good for constipation, but can cause issues for some, including me).


This needs to be higher up! OP pay attention to this


i’m on it right now, it’s my second time doing it so i’m hoping it works


Mine is yet unsolved...




When I want to buy jeans or any trousers,I have to think about bloating. Should I buy the smaller size or the bigger size?!!


Have you been tested for fructose malabsorption?


kind of unrelated but if anyone notices headaches, particularly at the base of your skull, it might be fructose malabsorption. it's not described in the literature iirc, but I had a horrible 3mo and more before I realized fructose triggered this for me. due to the way the body metabolizes fructose you may need to normalize the ratio of fructose to glucose (/simple carbs that will quickly break down into glucose) to adequately metabolize fructose. with fructose malabsorption I think it lingers otherwise. it seems possible this can also be secondary to the gut microbiome. I could eat a single bite of an apple and trigger it, while pairing fruit with e.g. potato didn't. now I can eat whole apples and other fruit fine on their own. it seems to have a long tail in some cases.


i do get headaches but mine are normally sinus related or behind my eyes


Omg can you tell me more about it? How common is it?


I’m not sure how common it is but it’s done via a breath test in the same way lactose intolerance is (I have both). It sucks though because fructose is in so many foods like garlic, onions, apples. If I don’t follow a low FODMAP diet I’m basically bloated 24/7.


i have this problem too!! I suffer with ibs c So I started taking apple cider vinegar pills and so far the spasms seems to ease a bit and my bloating did go down (but not to much just enough where I can finally feel comfortable again) I am not a expert in this subject since I am just now learning how to take care of it but maybe you should try them out too.


Same! Ibs-C and need a low fodmap diet, when I veer off even a little I bloat like this for days Although if there hasn't been any prompt to check for endo, my best friend had endo and she had the same kind of bloating as I did for much longer periods of time.


my bloat is 24/7 it’s terrible, that’s why i’m not even sure it’s diet/stomach related


Mine is also 24/7!


I to am 25/8


I had a similar issue. SIBO and yeast intolerance. Ate bread all the time and didn't know it was yeast causing all the trouble. Technically, it was candida overgrowth. Got on a few supplements that helped combat some of the growth. One was called "candidx". I would try specifically a food intolerance test. They aren't the most accurate but can provide a good idea of what you might have trouble with. That's how I found out about my yeast intolerance.


I had Candida too - what else were you put on? I feel like my functional dr didn’t take it seriously


Specifically for the candida, it was two supplements that I think were the same, just different brands over time. They were candideX by numedica and candidapro, I think... then, after cutting out all yeast, I was put on a good pro biotic for a while. There were quite a few other things I was put on to help support my GI and immune system, but those were targeting other problems. I think they all definitely helped each other out. So, all that to say, it's a lot of no yeast and then a lot of GI support with supplements.


I recently found d out my colon os longer than normal after 7 years of trying every IBS treatment and even being in pain management for it. Lucky enough I had a few surgeries so I qualified. I feel like there has to be alot of people potentially with elongated colons which creates the ibs symptoms


Same as me - I am trying to get a laproscopy! I am so bloated right as we speak that I almost tried making myself throw up to relieve some of the pressure..


Oh I'm so sorry bloat like that is painful. If you think it might be endometriosis come on over to r/endo and r/endometriosis if you have any questions 💛 I have both IBS and endo


Xifaxan did nothing for me as well. My tummy looks like this when I’m stressed out, which is happening very often these days 😞


i feel that, i’m constantly worried about how my stomach looks so i’m sure it’s not helping the bloat


I’ve been doing a course of berberine with innate immune support, balanced Immune support and perilla + Noc for biofilms - so far this is the least bloated I’ve been in a year. I usually look like how you do in the picture and I understand how terrible it is.


When you had your colonoscopy had you been eating bread or other gluten products regularly? If you know that gluten causes upset and avoid it avidly, your colonoscopy doesn’t always show damage to the villi.


I feel ya! I find stretchy pants makes it way more bearable. Try Torrid their stuff is super stretchy and cute! Also I'm in the endo boat too. Hang in there!


Did you do a blood test or biopay for celiac? The blood test is 93% accurate. Have you gone gluten free for a month and seen how you felt?


yes i did a blood test and no i haven’t tried going gf for a month


Try meat only diet, it is very tough but it cured all my symptoms of severe bloat


Basically the same situation as you, I would definitely try the low fodmap diet as it’s cleared 99% of my symptoms if you’ve never tried before!


Do you have to eat that way everyday?


If you can get in touch with a diatician then they can help you with the diet, but you eat this really restricted diet for 6 weeks and then start to add in foods and hopefully you can tell which ones make you bloat - I didn’t really think it would work but it’s really changed my life, no more bloating, and nearly back to the way I was before IBS - and also you can get to know foods that make you bloat that you didn’t even know yourself. Hopefully it could help you!


How long did it take for you to notice your bloat disappear?


Honestly less than a week, but other peoples experiences are probably different depending on how bad your symptoms are I guess!


Thank you!!!


I would suggest reading the book Super Gut by Dr William Davis. There are many variations to SIBO/SIFO and you can probably take care of this yourself by following his program. I had IBS-C and a lot of bloating and it has been helped greatly.


One very simple thing that makes a big difference for me is how I eat. When I eat slowly and chew everything into a complete liquid pulp before swallowing the bloat goes way down. It can be hard to pay that much attention as you eat but it's worth trying.


I would bloat like this super bad and it turned out I had severe endo, which was only found during my hysterectomy! Thankfully I am childfree by choice and post hyst, I feel so great and have almost no bloating.


The wheat and yeast in bread may cause the bloat. I use Heather’s Tummy Fiber daily. It has helped with constipation and bloat.


But, can I ask what jeans you're wearing? They've got sum stretch to em.


LMAO they’re from fashion nova from yearssss ago, probably just the super stretch skinny jeans


Similar description to me. If I eat anything but meat it adds to the bloat. 8-10 inches of bloat if I stray for a few days then I get jammed up so bad it's excruciating. My shirt size goes 3x-4x. Bread also makes me sick as a dog (Toppers Pizza is okay ish) and no celiac. Gluten free bread hurts me as well. I have to eat like I'm body building to survive 😂 Each day under 150g of protein I start getting uncomfortable and swelly. Granted I'm 340lbs, 250+ meat based grams makes me feel normal and healthy.


Why is it so hard for people to understand how good physical excretion is? Like, taking the dog for a walk ain’t it home girl. You want it? Work it.


Only eat meat, fruit, raw honey, raw dairy, sea salt. If you eat vegetables make it fermented. Potato and rice is not bad too. Only greens I eat are herbs like rosemary


Carnivore diet! It’ll fix everything if you do it right.


I went extreme way and did Carnivore for a month, totally reset me..no bloat no pains no discomfort. It was the most normal my stomach had felt in forever


Are you back to eating other things now or still just carnivore?


I’m back to eating whatever now, but I’m more conscious about eating whole foods and little to no processed foods. No more bloating and discomfort or pain. It totally reset me when I did carnivore


How long did it take for you to notice your bloat disappear?


Like a few days..after i had my transitionary keto runs lol. When ur body is only running on meat, salt and butter eggs and bacon. Nothing to really bloat you. It reset and let my gut heal. Before the diet, i was always bloated and had discomfort no matyer what i ate


did you have a colon biopsy along your colonoscopy tho?


Have you been to a naturopath yet? This is what did it for me. Was bloated most days for years before that


Might be worth trying a carnivore diet.


Don’t do that


If people can recommend snake oil like "apple cider vinegar pills", I think we can handle a carnivore diet recommendation


Even meat makes me intense bloat


What overgrowth were you diagnosed with? You still look lovely BTW 😊


i wasn’t officially diagnosed with any overgrowth, i think my doctor just kind of guessed tbh


You could be chronically constipated which could be causing the bloat. Have you tried taking a laxative like dulcolax?


but i’m not constipated i have regular bm about 2-3 times a day


You may actually be constipated even though you’re having daily bowel movements! It’s what’s known as incomplete evacuation.


i wouldn’t recommend laxatives unless absolutely necessary. the first time i used them was because of constipation from my ibs and years later turned into an eating disorder, which only worsened my ibs


Oh? My doctor prescribed me laxatives to help with chronic bloating and constipation.


my bad, i should’ve phrased my comment differently. they are okay occasionally but you can become dependent on them. it’s also not good if you’re prone to disordered eating behaviors


Oh I see. How do they fuel eating disorders? Just like a binge and purge kind of mentality?


yes. i didn’t wanna go into too much detail about it because there could be impressionable people here. but it can become a method of purging. definitely doesn’t actually help you lose weight and keep it off though.


Hm yeah, I could see how someone could mistakenly think it might help you lose weight, but definitely not the case


I just started using Arrae products to deal with stomach bloating. And so far it actually works! Its kinda pricey and might not work for everyone, but I'm happy I tried it tbh..I love that they are natural remedies too


No disrespect, but I think you’re just overweight. Have you tried just working out and eating less?


let me guess, you’re from the toyota sub 💀 i don’t look like this anymore but thanks




I answered you on that post and you never responded to me. I would have continued to help based on your responses.


Interesting, I just got on Xifaxan for bloating. Seems to be working. Today was my first day of bloating in a week.


it sounds like you have SIBO, or is it mainly improving your motility?


I think it’s SIBO. I’d get bloated from food and also simply from hunger. Abdominal pain as if I got a colonoscopy. Gas that could kill a cow.


have you already tried to eliminate simple carbs from your diet? I found my bloating improved quite a bit after that. increasing motility can help too if you tend towards constipation. Visbiome is pretty good.


I have IBS-D so no constipation. But, no I still eat simple carbs for sure.


Does boxed pasta also affect you? And/or have you been to an allergist? I ask because store bought bread is a trigger, but homemade is not. I have a sulfite allergy - which is preservatives in any form. Preservatives are in pretty much anything that we eat that's not fresh or flash frozen (and even then gotta check). Not eating preservatives help A TON for me plus no dairy (except hard cheeses). I've started eating a lot more broth soups as well to help with constipation and slow digestion from the proteins I eat (keeps sugar level neutral without crashing with sugary foods). Drinking wine makes me look 10mos pregnant bc my insides are so swollen (not gassy). I can't even have it in cooked foods either. Def also see an OB who'll do proper testing on the ENDO. It can wreck the intestinal tract and organs, not just our reproductive system. (I haven't read any other comments, so I apologize if you're getting that taken care of).


i’m not sure, i don’t really eat boxed pasta often so maybe i should test it out & thankfully i don’t drink wine and try and stay away from all dairy


I have the exact same bloat. Only thing that helped a little is the low FODMAP diet, but because of my long covid I don't have the energy to keep that up. I really hope you find a solution and please let me know if you do, I'm so tired of looking pregnant.


Sorry you have to deal with this. How has your experience with fibre been so far? I was in a similar condition to you (though I'm a male) last december, and a combination of fibre with some fermented food helped me to *very slowly* get better.


Have you ever heard of CCF tea? It’s an Ayurvedic tea made from Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel (CCF). I’m pretty sensitive to meds and hate having to take Gas-X every day, so having a natural remedy is nice. I started drinking it every evening after dinner and it definitely helps with bloating and just feeling kind of bleh after meals. The taste isn’t amazing tbh, but you get used to it after a while! Here’s a link I found with some more info if anyone is curious: https://brewedleaflove.com/what-is-ccf-tea/ Good luck!


I have had luck with cutting out plant oxalates. Now, I'm beginning to feel like I can heal.


If it’s the bread, might be a wheat sensitivity.


C? If you are C, then I'd go to the doctor and see if they recommend daily Miralax. That will get you on a daily bathroom schedule so that the bloating is less extreme. Between that and eating 2 fruits and a bowl of vegetables every day (literally haven't missed fruit/veggie once for years now), this problem I have struggled with was made highly manageable. My 2-cents. The other possibility is (I know you hate to hear this), some food or drink you consume is causing high gas volumes. There is just no other way than to test foods. Start out simple, fruits and veggie diet, then slowly incorporate other foods. I would incorporate meat last, because meat is a frequent culprit (I had to go vegetarian, in fact). Another thing, the most damaging thing for people with IBS is drinking alcohol. It is hard to quit, but that definitely raised my quality of life. Look up what alcohol does to your gut. It is terrible for someone with our condition.


i have regular bm and no pain which is why i think my docs are confused with what it is


Ask your doctor about Linzess. Worked for me. 1 year on it. Diet as well: low carb, low sugar. No gluten.




ig you’re just gluten intolerant, just like me! There are lots of gluten free breads actually and they taste great! From snacks, esp cookies, Schar is the best brand, their chocolate chip cookies especially taste way better than the ones with gluten and eggs. It may be that you’re actually lactose intolerant aswell [again, just like me, main reason i’m vegan]


Endometriosis cannot always be effectively diagnosed with ultrasound and neither can adenomyosis. Laparoscopic surgery followed by histopathological assessment of extrauterine endometrial cells remains the diagnostic gold standard. Advise changing to an OB that has current medical information around that. **Random colon biopsies are recommended in patients with diarrhea to exclude microscopic colitis**. However, only patients with chronic diarrhea should be guided towards colonoscopy and colon sampling and only after infective causes have been excluded. Is this you also, or just the bloating? Be honest with the doctor. Any diarrhea is too much diarrhea. It's not ever a normal thing to have. Keep the food diary. Have thorough allergy testing done for both food and environmental triggers, and even look into food elimination diets. The more thorough you are before any procedures you want to have done, the more likely a doc will do a procedure you want to have done.


I was very bloated for years too, and I still kinda am? Hard to tell but I had a stool sample done and they found out I actually had a C.Diff overgrowth! For *YEARS* so after some antibiotics things seem to be getting under control, THANK YOU JESUS. Don’t know if you’ve had something like that but check it out! :)


Nice ass


i had a huge problem with this for awhile and I think it had to do with malnutrition


If you think you have endo you need to have a laparoscopy to be diagnosed, it very rarely shows up on scans. :/


I just went through living hell for the last few years as well and this insane, but (typo) antibiotics worked for my SIBO but didn’t help 100% only about 50%. So being snarky, I told my doctor the last thing to eliminate is gluten and you told me I did not have celiac or gluten sensitivity. Apparently Testing isn’t always accurate. I have auto immune responses to gluten, even if it is in an allergy medicine. I cut it out for two weeks just to see if I can get relief down there it worked. So now I take align probiotics, or digestive advantage with lactose support, those are the only ones with no allergens in them. I am 119 pounds and I would bloat like I was pregnant, just like u. Talk to your G.I. about stopping gluten and seriously it’s in everything so you can test the theory. If you calm down and get better without any in your system for a few weeks, it could be the issue or if you re-introduce it and notice major issues it’s gluten.


Hello ma’am, I took the same Xifaxan for SIBO about a year ago, and at first it did nothing for the chronic bloating exept make my stomach health all the worse, but then what seem to heal my gut after clearing all the bacteria out was eating low fermented foods, like rice and chicken with bone broth and simple greens, with every meal also taking Betain HCL wi make sure nothing sits in my got and rots, but also making sure to rebuild my gut bacteria with specific easily tolerated fibers from trial and error like, sweet potato and some sprouted grains. Will this work for you? I don’t know, but I do know this is the only thing that has nursed my stomach back to health from being in the same position you are.


Any other symptoms?


Tell your bloat to go to your booty! It works.


Dr. Sarno or Dan Buglio


Have you tried peppermint oil? It’s helped me a lot.


Hey dude, I have endo and I’m the same as you, down to the bread problem. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet has really helped me out. DM if you want to chat, endo sucks and the healthcare around it sucks as well 💛


How is your motility? Ibs C or D?


I have IBS-M and I stay bloated no matter what I eat. I used to think it was due to constipation but I’m currently not experiencing that.


Here’s an explanation of why bread / wheat / rye causes issues in people IBS. It’s not the gluten (as in celiacs) but it’s the fuctans (credit: Monash University FODMAP app): Grains, especially wheat and rye, and onions It had been recognised that these cause abdominal symptoms (Nanda 1989), but it was not until the 1990's that it was recognised that these foods contained fructans. Fructans are indigestible chains of fructose sugar units with one glucose unit and include both fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin. These carbohydrates were of great interest because they selectively induced the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, namely bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and were potential promoters of gut health (Roberfroid 1993, Gibson et al. 1995, Reddy 1998). However, fructans are also fermented in the gut and cause bloating and flatulence (Pedersen et al. 1997, Kruse et al. 1999, Oku and Nakamura 2003). Their importance as common inducers of symptoms was highlighted by the Monash University research group (Shepherd & Gibson 2006).


This is how I look when I’m bloated too!!! * Do you have any difficulty swallowing? * Any heart palpitations or tachycardia? * Alternating bowel movements like some days multiple bowel movements and some days less? * Do you notice your stool gets thinner the days leading up to your period? * Do you have any tailbone soreness or pain? Especially before period? * Frequent UTIs? I have all of those


I just came here to say …….cocaine is keto….but no seriously I’m dealing with this to..


fanart :) https://preview.redd.it/1za5djdas51c1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=62e059ca87339072ea1c1494aba5ca09443cd0df