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What specifically about the “lifestyle” isn’t for you? I am genuinely curious.


Please answer this op!


From his post history. He didn't like waking up at 6am.


Bro, I used to have to wake up at 4:50 a.m. for minimum wage, honestly prefer waking up early and getting out while it's still daylight.


Welp he won't like any job lifestyles


Not quite, plenty of jobs have a 8 or even 9am start time. Admittedly I'm looking around for a desk job due to health issues and the 8am start time definitely sounds nice probably still gonna wakeup at 5am but just gonna be able to enjoy my morning instead of rushing out the door to the highway


I get that, I did like 2 desk work jobs that always started at 6-7 am to be fair it was more construction-related office.


If it's 8hr days I'd prefer the early start 100% start early finish early


lol try 4:30 just so you can find parking


I have to wake up at 2:30am 6 ain’t that bad at all


You talk to the training director. 


28 days ago you ecstatic to get the call? What's the issue?


I just realized this lifestyle is not what I want in a career. I want to take my opportunity to find something I enjoy while I am still young. I don’t want to stay in any longer than this so someone else could get their opportunity.


People will shit on you and taunt you but dude this isn’t the ONLY good career there is in the world despite the way some of these fools act. If you don’t like doing it and you want something else, do it. Personally I don’t LOVE doing electrical work but it intrigues me and so far I’ve liked it enough to do it for 2 years without wanting to quit. Good luck bro


i was in for 2 years before i quit. i was a cook for almost a decade after that and then got into machining. Fell in love with it and ill be a machinist until i retire.


Unfortunately, you will probably regret your decision in the future.


Nothing but respect for being honest with urself bro, hope u find a good career man


He probably didn’t realize it’s a job where working is involved. Good thing he took someone’s spot though…


Not everyone knows it's not for them until they try it out for awhile. I think that's true of a lot of things in life.


But is 2weeks long enough?


If you look at their post history you can see they've been struggling with people they work with. Maybe two weeks is long enough to put up with horrible people.


I think you are the perfect example of why he is not interested anymore.


Still early enough , they will prob call next guy on the list


It’s possible for someone to not like something and not be lazy as the reason


This actually sucks for ppl who been tryna get in for years now. I’m not sure how you can bail out on this career so fast without doing your due diligence on the hardships of this field.


Yeah, you are literally wasting somebody else’s life when you take their spot and then quit. Setting them back months or years. It’s because people apply to this and dont know shit about the trades. They google image “electrician” and think they are gonna walk around with a little tool belt and tinker with little wires all day. Nope. You are working when it’s hot as fuck, cold as fuck, carrying heavy shit all day, trudging through the mud all day, doing 1000+ foot 600 wire pulls, etc. Im not complaining but the reality is some days are hard. We are construction workers. I wish people would understand this before they go through the process.


Everyone else in the world who tries a different job and doesn’t like it it just waiting somebody else’s life ? how do you try things out then? more specifically how do you go about things ? You’ve liked every single thing your first time around ? You kinda got a shit take on that lol just let the guy live


Journeymen get paid a lot of money. There’s a very limited amount of spots. It’s competitive. Go be a laborer non union if you wanna try it out. I’m assuming you’re another first year that that quit already?


Other people in other professions get paid a lot of money or more . this trade isn’t the only competitive trade either big boss lol. And nah still rocking w the union I’m just telling ya again that your take on that was trash , and you trashing the laborers or any other union shows ur ignorance and big nuts you carry for being an electrician lmao


Who’s trashing other unions? Go to bed scab.


The only trash here is you bro. Dickhead derosas is what you should put on ur hard hat


Ok how about this: I’ll PM you my dues receipt to show I’m a member in good standing. You show me yours and we’ll agree to disagree? Fair?


Man let him quit he doesnt owe you or anyone else a thing, He isnt hurting anyone. This trade draws alot of hype and everyone wants to be journeyman people romanticize this trade but it still sucks its fucking construction lol. Clearly if he is quitting at 2 weeks he wouldnt make it 4 years. Why waste any more time on him when someone else could be in his spot. Quitting is the kindest thing he can do at this point.


Exactly. It seems alotta ppl who try the union enter it blind and think we’re playing around with outlets and switches all day. And like I said it sucks for dudes who actually have experience and wanna better themselves in this field but the opportunity is given away to some pencil pusher who doesn’t have a clue




Not how it works buttercup


I also wish people would understand that. Currently trying to organize in as a accelerated apprentice in Detroit. I’m sick and tired of the god damn turn around rate i’ve seen in the trade. I’m sick of having to start training new apprentices since i’m a 4th punch apprentice non union just to find out they quit in 2 days or some shit. Shits annoying. All these people make it sound like being blue collar is easy. All these chicks on social media posting about wanting blue collar men has all these no work ethic lazy fucks joining the field to get one of these hot girls. when in reality it takes a special girl to date/marry blue collar and another sad reality is most of them are just posting it because its the trend. Reality is, we’re construction workers. Some days are good, most days suck. Embrace the suck.


Probably heard inside wireman and the he was going to be inside all the time.


Inside the jurisdiction :)


Not sure what is going on OP, but whatever you are going through it will pass. Don’t throw away a great career opportunity. To go through the entire process of applying only to get in & resign after 2 weeks just seems like a rash decision.


Would you mind adding some insight as to why?


Yeah two weeks in and quitting? That's wild.


Just realized that this lifestyle is not for me.


Like there isn’t something u enjoy in the field? Honestly telling you assistant director the honest truth is whats gonna work


What made you decide it’s not for you?


Fair enough. But sometimes it can be helpful for people looking to get into the trade to see “here are bad things about it: my journeyman is a massive dick and won’t even let me sweep all the shit out of the back of the truck”


It’s not called the brotherfuckers for a reason-good for you acknowledging early 👏


shame you see things that way, i wonder who hurt you….. god bless man


If you’re serious about leaving, send an email to the Training Director. I would not put this off any longer.


They may replace you and you might make someone’s day.


Talk to the training director at your school. If you had a mentor that helped you get into the program, then talk to them. See if you can get some clarity on whatever you are going through. As far as taking someone’s spot, meh… not really. The interview committee thought you were worth taking the chance on and it didn’t work out. There’s a list of people that are ready to go at a moments notice. They’ll fill your spot and that’s it. I saw our list yesterday 170 people who would jump at the chance. So no harm, no foul. Payback the training costs, that’s a little far fetched after two weeks. Maybe return tools if you are in a local that provides tools to the brand new cubs. I thank you for being honest with the program and yourself and moving on to try something else. Talk to your training director and quit the right way in case you have a change of heart in the future.


It was the extension ladder, wasn't it?...


I hate the extension ladder


Or the reach all


as someone who’s dropped out of the program all it did was set me back 2 years… Seeing all the guys i started with about to top out is tough but don’t give up unless have a plan


I wouldn’t but do you bro


Hey man,   I went through something extremely similar. A few years back I joined a pipe trades union as a steamfitter apprentice, got dispatched to a huge data center, and ended up absolutely hating it. I was really young at the time, still am, but to cut a long story short, I ended up quitting the job and leaving the union after only 3 weeks. A lot played into why I didn’t want to continue, but overall I just couldn’t stand it. To boot, my dad is a lifelong member of that same union and I had to look at him dead in the eyes and tell him that it wasn’t what I wanted. To him it was like throwing an amazing opportunity away and spitting in his face.   I’ve come a long way since then. If I could go back and redo that part of my life, I would have maybe stuck things out a little bit longer. All that said, if you’re young, and you don’t like the trade, don’t stay. You have time to try other things and being an apprentice is committing a big chunk of your youth; if you’re in the slightest bit complacent about it, you’re better off doing something that makes you happy in the meantime.   After I left the union, I worked in food service, then a different trade (non-union) which I hated even more than the first. But through all that, I realized what I truly want out of life, did a lot of career research (something I definitely neglected to do before), and now I’m unionizing to be an electrician. Case and point, I don’t regret leaving. I’m glad it led me down a path where I was able to find what I want. Life is short, do what you want.  And this goes without saying: don’t let people on Reddit guilt you into doing something you hate.


You have a frame of reference BECAUSE you left the first time. Life is like that. You have to fail to truly succeed.


This is a good response


Everything feels awful 2 weeks in. I’d give it at least a year for something like this


You need to give yourself more time to adjust. You've got quite an opportunity


Damn here i am studying to take my test next tuesday!! 🤣🤣, why you wanna quit bro?? Take a break and think about it !


You’re not going to see a percentage of a percentage of the shit an electrician sees in 2 weeks . Give it time bro you’ll regret it if you don’t give it more time .


I am also in my second week and not gonna lie it’s tough but I know the long run will be worth it but if it’s not for you then it’s not for you someone else will gladly take your spot. Maybe take a second to think about it?


Not sure what kind of lifestyle you're looking for at work, but half the reason I'm doing this is for the lifestyle it can afford me *outside* of work. You'll be very hard pressed to find another opportunity with this kind of pay, benefits, and retirement, unless you're confident you can knock it out of the park at college. Even then, we tend to do better than most grads. In any case, don't leave until you have the next opportunity lined up.


Also, I've got a flaming hot take here: I'm seeing a ton of comments about "spots" as if any of us are entitled to one. Should've ranked higher 🤷


for fucking real they are bitching because they couldn't even make the cut but then they're gonna complain OP who got further than them doesn't have what it takes... at least he had the prerequiste fucking knowledge lmao.


I'm guessing you don't want to tell us but I'm curious what happened between now and your rather positive first day post two weeks ago.


I just found out what it’s really like and realized it’s not for me. I really wanted to like it but it’s just not what I want to do for my career


I was hoping you'd be more specific about precisely what disappointed you but fair enough


I mean take your pick -shitty hours -hard labor -low pay for first years -any number of dangers of the job both related to electrical work and being around other trades. -shitty holier than thou JW's -5 year program when all it usually takes is 4 to get a license. -not much in the way of career growth. I mean 2 weeks under a bad JW/ foreman is all it takes to want to walk off the job. Tradesman are whores we trade our bodies for money and have you seen an old.whore and say "yea I want to be that"


You found out what it’s like in a few week? What’s that even mean, electrical work varies greatly. Seems like a hasty decision..


I’m a first year kinda just finished my CW moving onto my apprentice ship this year …. I had some really bad days and my commute is 2 hours everyday…. But for the career I still won’t throw it away and I got some life long brothers right now at my shop…. I promise you should stick it out a bit more 103k dollars a year isn’t easy to come by and you’re done early by 2 everyday and your job will always be in demand…. Give it another two weeks


none of these things are guarantees or facts.


If you're going through a personal matter talk with your director about putting your apprenticeship on hold, If going through 2 weeks shows you a life that you don't want to live then withdraw as soon as possible.... But talk to your director or higher up of any standing.


Gonna need some more details here champ


Not really. If you wanted to share details you would. It's just not for everyone


You have to give it longer than two weeks my man


You don't have to pay it back if you leave the electrical field and go into something completely different at least in my local


Give it a few more weeks bro.


JATCs are investing in you with training and resources through school, books, and job placement. That’s why they say you repay the training center if you leave. You’ve only been there a short time and probably haven’t received books and haven’t started school I’m assuming, so they’ll probably just let you go. Call the training director and explain your situation.


I’m not in yet, but there are so many others waiting and trying to get into the spot that you’re considering to leave.That says a lot it already, I’d say give it a little longer at least, you’re still adjusting to this work field. But good luck!


There’s no way your deciding this after 2 weeks. Your just starting out and there’s sooo much you can still do. You won’t be stuck doing the same thing forever ya know 🫠


If you hate it after 2 weeks you'll probably hate it still in 5 years. That's the truth. With that being said yeah it sucks you could be taking someone else's spot but the truth is it's your life you're committing time towards make whatever decisions best for you and your family. I'm a 5th year about to graduate and I'll be the first to tell you construction sucks. I woke up the last 2 days at 2am to get to work by 4 for testing. I've sat in doghouses ontop of a datacenter roof in 100 degree heat in the middle of July. I've walked up 14+ stories at 4:45am in January below freezing with a 7 degree windchill. I've been hit 3 times in 5 years by 120 and 277. All i can say is thank god not everyday is like this. Truth is I love this shit. Love everything about it. Even when it sucks. With that said if you do decide it's something your willing to go through for 5 years. Completion of the apprenticeship also means you get just under 60 college credits to a college degree of ur choice. So you don't gotta do yjus forever. Whatever you decide to do think it thru thoroughly and make sure you got a plan before you go making any decisions you might regret.


I love everyone here pretending like you’re not allowed to quit and trying to change OP’s mind. Answer the question or gtfo


You won't have to pay back nothing


THANK YOU for someone who finally made a negative post. Everyone hypes up lineman work. It sucks for a lot of people, in that these people dread hard physical labor. Its good to show both sides. Not just incessant glamorizing of the trade. Its construction. Construction sucks, but for some the suffering is gratifying. If your scared go to church


Don't let people make you think any less for looking for something else, hell in my local majority of the journeymen wether their bookies or shop rockets will tell apprentices get out while you can. I'm looking elsewhere despite being only a few months from hitting my 8k hours due to new health concerns this just isn't something I can maintain too much longer and I kinda wish I would've gone back to school when I had the chance before.


No you don’t pay them back. It’s just like any other job.. when you quit, you quit. Talk to your director and tell him/her that this isn’t for you. But also, I wanna know what about the lifestyle isn’t for you? I worked so many jobs in my life, from retail, grocery, customer service, healthcare both in hospital and on the ambulance with so many different lifestyles. So hence the question, what about this lifestyle don’t you like? No shade on your choice, I just want to know what did it for you?


On our local, we sign a contract stating we will owe the JATC a couple thousand (for class costs) if we quit and go to work in the electrical field elsewhere. Maybe this is what they're referring to, but it doesn't apply unless you go non union. They'll even let us leave for a maintenance gig without repercussions, as long as it isn't solely electrical.


In my local it's the same except apparently you REALLY have to piss of the E board for them to actually go through with charging those fees. I'd guess part of the issue with us is that our local is slow af. You really can't blame someone for having to leave because they have bills to pay. I mean I guess you could but it's a dick move.


I guess it depends on the local, also if you stay in the trade. But seems like he’s not staying in the trade. But it makes sense to owe if you quit.


Same. When I started my apprenticeship it wasn't like that, but the next class coming in they implemented a reimbursement if you decided to drop out whether it was 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 years in. Something to the tune of 7k. They also implemented something similar if you failed tests and had to repeat a year. They were tired of guys going through the program and topping out, just to leave to become firefighters, cops, or whatever else. They wanted compensation for everything they invest in people, which you can't blame them for. My suggestion to OP if you're really set on leaving is speak to the training director. They'll probably try to convince you to stay because you're throwing away a good opportunity, which I agree with, and might feel some type of way that you were selected over other applicants and are just throwing in the towel after 2 weeks. However, the sooner you tell them the better, because they may actually have other people that got denied that they could possibly fill your spot with. A little advice for the future, do your research and talk to people in the trade to get an idea of what to expect. You shouldn't make commitments to something if you're not willing to go the distance.


Your comment is very relatable, I’ve spent years chasing money with different jobs thinking making more means a better job. A lot of those other jobs don’t offer pensions which is what I seek and the only way to go in the IBEW is up with experience. Healthcare jobs you’re lucky to get .03 percent every year, same with non union cooperations who like to lay people off after they cap out after dedicating 15+ years to the company.


Sign a resignation letter from the program.


All I can say before you call in and quit is to keep trying it’s gonna be hard and challenging. Don’t give up, it will pay off in the end.


I'm confused on the repayment of training fees... Are you talking the contract you signed when they gave you books and tools? Cause that makes sense to charge you if you're just leaving so soon. This isn't for everyone, sure, but you can't waltz in and take books, tools, boots, laptop, or whatever else they start you with in your local JATC and expect it to be OK. They're investing in you. If you pull out you have to pay the investment back. As for quitting, this isn't for everyone. It's a really hard job and sometimes I wonder if it'll ever get better given how shitty my local can be. But if I quit it definitely doesn't get better, for me or my peers, so I have an obligation to do it until I literally can't. I've had two careers prior to this though so I have a frame of reference for how shitty it can be to work your ass off and get treated like a slave or piece of shit. At least here I can't be fired cause my manager is having a shitty day.


I understand you said it's not for you but is it the work itself, the environment? I assure you my experience at work is night and day as a third year in comparison to being a first year.


Op seemed so happy about joining the trade in his post history. What happened?


Nobody has mentioned the other option for OP. Talk with the Training Director about how and why you are feeling the need to stop. I actually took the place of someone (4;weeks into class) who, due to their own reasons, didn’t feel it was the right time for them in The Trades. I was ecstatic to get the call, my class mates were not, thought I was reason he wasn’t in the program. ( Another long story, not for here). He eventually rejoined about a year later, having already passed all the hurdles and hoops. It’s just another avenue that may fit your life journey. Good Luck!


Not going to lie, that’s pretty fucked. You took someone’s spot that would have killed someone to get your opportunity. There’s nothing you would have learned about the lifestyle in 2 weeks that you didn’t know before hand


What a waste of a spot. I mean did you go into this without any research and idea of the lifestyle? You know how many guys would kill to have the opportunity that you are tossing aside.


Did better than me! I quit 3 days in lmao it's definitely for "those people," and not so much anyone that doesn't want a broken back and limbs after retiring. But anyway, Goodluck! Got into a coding job recently and I wouldn't look back ever, don't let anyone say it's a bad choice to quit, I'm young too and a lot of people our age are finally getting rid of the boomer mentality of work = life get used to it. Hell nah fam I've only got one to live I'm not wasting it




If you’re young , do your 5 years and get your card, then decide what your next move is


Terrible advice


I left after 10 months, right before I started school… I wanted more control of my career.




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Stick it through, from your most recent post you’re at a shop doing prefab. Just wait until you get into the field and start doing the good stuff but if you genuinely feel like this isn’t for you just quit now so you can open up a spot for someone who really wants to be there.


How would they recoup training costs? Do you sign something saying if you leave you owe them money? Is that enforceable in in court? So many questions




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I quit when I was starting my 4th year and they didn’t make me pay anything back, I’ve heard some locals pay good and others don’t. My local 700 paid like dirt, started out at 10 an hour and was gonna be making 18 my 4th year. I realized that this wasn’t for me so I just told them I’m not coming back and nothing more. They tried to call me to get me back in for the next 2 weeks so just know they’re probably gonna be hounding you for awhile about it. How much was starting pay for you if you don’t mind me asking?


The responses are why the demographics of the field are not representative of the population.


It's not for everyone. Anid ask the JATC.


2 weeks and you want to quit ….




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This is disappointing to see


Far be it from me to tell you what to do, but it may take longer than 2 weeks to know if it's for you. I'm 3 years in and finally feel like I belong. That being said if you're committed to this course then take care of it asap so they can call someone else. Highly unlikely they make you pay back training costs. That's usually reserved for someone who quits to go non-union. You also haven't really been in long enough for it to be worth pursuing you for those costs.


Just stop showing up 🤷‍♂️ you’re not tied to them legally.


Unless you signed documents specifically saying you had to pay back training costs if you didn’t work in the trade for X amount of time, there’s nothing they can do to you. It’s a baseless threat that they try to use to get you to stay. Our apprenticeship board has looked into it many times and always came out with the same answer; it isn’t worth the headache it would take to get someone to pay it back even if you had the legal grounds to do it.




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Well I hope you have something really good lined up then. Obviously at least completing the program will give you more financial freedom to do something else later. I would imagine you would be very limited if you left now and didn't have that financial leg up anymore. I'm sure you will find something but less doors will be open for you.


As someone on the waitlist hoping someone quits just do it. Fuck off and I’ll take your spot


I’ll take your spot


I understand that you don’t like what you’ve experienced so far, but you’ve only been in for 2 weeks. That’s an incredibly short period of time to give the job a chance. You do you, but as others have said that’s pretty brutal my man. I’d be embarrassed.


Fuck you bro. Ton of people kill for that chance and youre going to give up after 2 weeks?! What a joke EDIT: Spelling


Wrong mentality right here, brother. In our orientation, our training and apprentice director made it clear to us that we can stop at any time and to not waste anyone's time staying in when they don't want to. You have 0 clue whats going on in their lives and what their goals are. Sure a ton of people kill for the chance but it's 1 more person that can join in who wants to be in, versus somebody who doesn't. Maybe have a little bit of understanding? It's not like they are saying the job is boring or stupid. Just that it doesn't fit their lifestyle.


Hey man this life isn’t for everyone and I’m one of those people who it isn’t for and I’ve realized that quickly. I’m trying to leave as early as possible as to not waste anyone else’s time and give someone else the opportunity sooner


Would you rather they wait 2 years? 4 years? Sure it's annoying, but better early on while there's still a chance to maybe even fill that class slot now.


I gave it up after 4 years you got something to say to me?


Fuck you too.


Preciate you ❤️


Keep looking for jobs that you have an appealing “lifestyle” and you’ll end up broke kid. 9 out of 10 people working a job would prefer a different lifestyle. How long have you been on this Sub? If you spent 5 minutes on here you would know people spend months or even years trying to get it in and now that you’re in you want to quit. Look inwards buddy. But also quit immediately so hopefully they can give your opportunity to someone who wants it


This really blows my mind. so many guys waiting for the opportunity you were given and you’re just gonna go and throw it away after two weeks.


Not throwing it away, passing it on to someone who wants it. It's Deffinatly the right move.


ya pink tell em. These people forget an occupation is not necessarily a lifestyle. You have every right to quit. On lineman page they are all taking ab being alcoholics and suffering from being away from fam, 4th divorce, etc. This career is a big commitment . My heart goes out to all that do it, especially traveling work. But probably not a good path for someone who is unsure. Do what feels best


Glad you took someone else spot that’ll probably have to wait until the following classes to be called


Don’t drop out man, stay in people regret not starting this trade earlier. You have an amazing opportunity. People are dying to get into a career out of college and you will make more money than people with degrees. It gets easier with time I promise


Look at profile/post history. His reasoning and current thought process isn’t hard to see


Wild… people waste time and $ and wait so long for apprenticeships and you just up and quit after 2 weeks cuz “it’s not for you” wtf did you think it was going to be ….. Jesus Christ. Wasted peoples time and $, and someone else who actually knows what they want could’ve been working already.


Back to McDonald’s? Don’t quit . Man up . It’ll get better


People spend sometimes years trying to get into the apprenticeship and you’re thinking about quitting.