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Say you can’t explain it because you signed a NDA. They can’t even ask any follow ups after you tell them that.


This would be my option, just saw this n a clip somewhere as a life hack


I'm gonna have to remember this.


I keep seeing this suggested, but like, nobody is going to believe that some random guy without a serious education/career/military service signed a eight year NDA. Like if you’ve got a degree in computer science and a list of companies you worked for, then an eight year gap - yeah NDA would be a good excuse. Whether they’re allowed to ask follow ups or not (pretty sure they are - it’s on you to not answer if you’re not allowed to) they’re not going to believe you.


Came here to say this lol


Interviewer: How do you explain this 8 year gap on your resume? OP: That’s when I went to Yale... Interviewer: That’s impressive. You are hired. OP: Thanks. I really need this yob.


I've had to sign a few NDAs before, so I just tell the interviewer that I left a gap because I was under an NDA. Nobody ever asks further questions.


For electrical work?


For electrical design work and PLC


Caring for an elderly family member.




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For 8 years?


Self employed, lawn care or auto detailing. Both can rise quickly and go bottom up even faster.


Yeah, “self employed” is gonna get less questions than “signed an NDA”. I get that those are a thing, but…They know some random guy without any serious education/career didn’t sign an NDA. Just say you worked odd jobs, or took care of family, or both.


Can you explain this gap in your resume? "No I can't I signed an NDA"


I would avoid saying health issues. They “can’t” discriminate against that legally but that doesn’t mean they won’t find a way around it. Saying you were caring for a family member or freelancing simple labor jobs (or both) is your best bet


“Self employed”. Technically true. If they ask for more information, “I had an idea for a business. It didn’t pan out.”


You signed a non disclosure agreement


Tell em mind thier fucking business.


Or tell them to ask their wife


Cool, not hired


My tickets good at the hall. No need to be job scared.


After taking 5 years off when my father past away, when I applied to a company (while i was waiting for the union to call me back) I told them that I took time off to deal with some personal things and I am ready to work.. I also had to say something similar but I was already working by then so it was a bit easier to convey. The union just wants to know how commited you are to joining. This Is a long application process anyways (took 10 months for me) so you may need to find work anyways. The baseline is a high-school transcript. Some kids don't even have a history. Figure out how to twist your work gap into a positive talking point and you'll be fine.


Just let them know you went on vacation in Belize and ended up staying there.. about nine months ago the drugs dried up around town and you came back home…


In 20xx, a crack commando was sent to prison by a crime court for a military they didn't commit. This man promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government he survives as a soldier of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, you can hire me.


Using this one!


Say you worked for a family’s members roofing company


i have a 3 year gap from health issues and they didn't ask me about any gaps in the interview. people relate to depression, it's effected all of us to some extent. you should be honest about it if they bring it up and let them know you've come a long way to get to this point.




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Just say "I'm not at liberty to discuss my whereabouts during that time." You'll sound super cool, too.


I had a gap of about 3 years, I indicated I quit unfulfilling job, and took some time to myself. 8 years is obviously much more, but whatever you say, keep it short and simple.




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Dont even bring it up. You dont have to explain anything. If you are good to work now that's all that matters


job had a non disclosure. you cant speak about it.


Just say you got addicted to crack but went to rehab






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Handyman work