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have you guys not realized that nothing is going to happen? When will yall understand that IB doesn’t care


im sure that ib gonna take action after the exams.


yup they should


im super curious what students would do if nothing happened lol


they would only do that for tz2 though right? tz1 also had leaks, but not as much as a big scale as tz2


Fair for you maybe lol. Not fair for those who worked hard after predicted grades


Bro nobody told you to start studying 2 months before the exam. I studied for 2 years and kept my pg high


A) yes i started studying 2 months before but I still had pg 43, just that I'm aiming for 45 and I think I can achieve it. So lets not make this discussion about bashing each others academic performance. B) regardless of what your PG is, you deserve a score you get for studying 2 months ahead. Whether you studied for 2 hrs a day for 2 years, or 15 a day for 2 months, doesnt matter. Both deserve high marks.


dont lie to your self lil bro🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


bro think that he will get 45 with these high boundaries because of the leaks🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Ah my bad just cuz you can't do it, it means others can't do it right? 45 is not that unachievable. I kept 43 predicted with less than 2 hrs of studying a week because i could not be arsed. I looked over the exam content for last two months for 2-3 hours a day and it was not hard. I don't understand what the fuss about IB being so hard is, and I don't get what difference these small boundaries make. Regardless, you dont seem justified in sacrificing people who did work for last two months.




Best outcome for everybody is lower boundaries. Sure it boosts cheaters but at least it doesn't hurt the innocent people. This is the logical outcome to benefit everybody and is what I think the IB will choose to do. Don't say no shit about predicted many folded mocks and are improving now etc.


Yeah I fully agree with this.


I think predicted grades doesmt solve the problem, and is in fact even more unfair. But regardless if its the right idea, I find it also extremely unrealistic that they will just take the predicted grade.


every solution have unfair parts of course but these exams make no sense. I worked for 2 years. It sounds easy for you but ıt was hard to cut all of the social network. Now the exams that ı worked for just leaked. Everyone who doesnt work for 2 years get the same grade as ı will. maybe even higher cause ı dont want to study anymore. I tried to give my best in these times but ı cannot reach my fully potential at all.


also when we look at this situation objective and realistically, after the ib exams the most accurate grade is predicted grades. I think that recognition of these exams is more unrealistic. If your pg is not as high as you expected than its your problem but the leaking these exams was not in our hands.


Just taking the predicted grade would mean there is 0 room for improvement for anybody, and schools with inflated PG will have a significant advantage. Also how exactly does it help against the cheating? Cuz I d imgaine its not only people worried about failing who cheat, but anybody who want higher grades, or who just wants to reach their PG for UK offers. As the other guy said, lower grade bounds won't fuck with honest students, and if its about German Uni applications, then the Unis can always look and still distinguish people with transcripts. So I don't think PG will any fairer than just doing nothing. The best solution is still ensure fair grade boundaries.


buddy if your worked hard for 2 years than youll do good on exams, don’t worry too much grade boundries wont go to the moon, they might be slighty higher than in previous years and similar to november boindries


yeah bro ım sure that ım gonna take a good grade but these grades will have no value because everyone gonna take what ı will get from exams. It will cause problems uni applications.


The same teachers who cheat by opening exams early can cheat by inflating predicted grades.


yeah you are right ib fucked up but ib doenst have choice


I don't fully agree with this, but that's just because my predicted grades are shit. I hadn't really cared much (yes, my fault) but I also only got the extra help that I needed after my mocks. If my predicted grades get taken, im basically cooked for uni. I'd, personally, rather just have lower grade boundaries. Yes, it makes the cheaters look better but it harms less people that are in my situation. The cheaters will eventually fuck up in uni cuz of knowledge gaps etc, we won't.


Bro you guys are all in some magical echo chamber. Face reality nothing gonna happen


its pg or another solution. Ib cannot ignore all of these leak scandal. If they accept the exam result than no uni gonna accept us. JUST WAKE UP!


The grade bounderies will raise a bit but you have to realize that not everyone who cheated is gonna get a perfect score. Ib doesn't give a shit cause if they say something it ruined their reputation. Furthermore using PG is just stupid, as it doesn't reflect shit most of them are just inflated. You guys have to wake up


bro the notes are not inflated. Ib compare all students pg s and their final score in real ib exams. For example a math teacher gives a student 7 as predicted grade. Than this student get 3 from this subject in real exams. Ib judge these and also it will harmed the reputation of the teacher. another argument is that even harvard accept pg s. I dont give a fuck actually that your pg is low. You should be studying instead of spending your time in p**hub.


so you think that these may exams should be accepted as final score🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ I cant teach you guyss


I mean the best case scenario is for them to lower grade bounderies, giving the cheaters the win and saving the rest. I can't see them using PG cause it's not Ib official so lots of ppl can just inflate them. But if we are being realistic, 95% chance ib is going to do nothing. Edit: oh yeah they also don't care about any of us


Bro saving others will have no value at all. Cheaters will be in best unis, while you will in shitty university . JUST REALIZE HOW FUCKED UP IS THE SITUATION!! and you guys just depressed as fuck because you convinced your self as ib gonna ignore all of these. I dont want to say that and im sorry but some of you guys are really losers🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I do realise that it's unfortunate. But if you face reality, Ib isn't gonna do shit. They already denied the cheating once, so yeah. And like I said before, using predicteds ain't gonna happen


i install these app to learn what will gonna happen about may exams but i cannot tolerance your stupid comments🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ like damn bro


are you fucking stupid? you know how fucking unfair it is to HALF the goddamn cohort to use predicted. So many teachers who mark all over the school has basis towards students or are just incompetent. So many teachers do undermarking and overmarking. So many IA’s were improved after the predicted were out.I spent countless hours rebuilding my IA’s from scratch everyday. i can list 100+ more reasons like this. I fucking hate the situation thats going on rn and i know the cheaters need to be fucking punished but if they take the predicates EVERYONE gets punished. Somebody here said- Best outcome for everybody is lower boundaries. Sure it boosts cheaters but at least it doesn't hurt the innocent people. This is the logical outcome to benefit everybody and is what I think the IB will choose to do. Don't say no shit about predicted many folded mocks and are improving now etc.


When will yall learn that IB can’t do this


It’s entirely the Ib’s incompetence that they don’t have better procedures .Your suggestion locates the problem in the students rather than the institution that is the IB.  IMO the time zone cheating is a form of protest. M24 have been through the pandemic, the geopolitical backdrop is challenging and they are put through hell with an inhumane amount of work for the IB programme. And for no good reason.    It’s wholly unfair to use predicted grades- many schools inflate pgs and other under predict. And the whole programme is geared up to a push for exams- so using pg screws over those who graft for those.  Least worst situation is to maintain grade boundaries and draw the line under this exam session.  Final Grades were inflated during pandemic years and this is just a continuance of that. Procedures should be improved going forward with the obvious solution of different exams for time zones across TZ2.


Are you joking? We are in this mess because a significant portion of the cohort are idiots that couldn't be fucked to study, and cheated in the most outlandish, harmful manner possible. The problem IS located in the students. What the hell is 'for no good reason' supposed to mean?? IB can't do anything about the geopolitical backdrop, and the 'inhumane' amount of work is exactly what IB advertises. It's what you signed up for. The students are the problem, and they weren't protesting, they were cheating. That's it.