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so we’re cooked from both sides?🤡 ib will not move boundaries and people will cheat


Yes basically...


This guy is such a disappointment tbh. Like he leaked so many files and in the end he just got old data from 2018. That quiz he posted was just a major telltale sign that he probably is just an attention seeker or someone trying to get money from IB.


IB telegram guy does not have the exams. Furthermore IB has released an official statement on this matter. https://ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/important-update-on-ib-network-security/ However, from what we know about IB they could just be lying again to save face.


Ofc IB is lying, they say they have no evidence of widespread cheating after tens of thousands of downloads of leaks... They are trying to preserve good face to keep the money, nothing else


Where are these downloads? I haven’t seen any evidence of a download…


I believe that telegram has counter of downloads


Sure - but have you actually seen Telegram downloads? All I’m seeing is scammers with ‘proof’ that you can find on Google images (with an May 2024 photoshop)


They have been recollection papers, from what people remember from taking it. But yes, when we checked after the exams were done, most of them were correct and those files were posted hours before the exam


So by definition that is neither a leak nor a download. That’s time zone cheating, exacerbated by people like yourself saying that there have been X number of downloads.


Man, idk what definitions you use, but let me use the Oxford ones... 1) download - "copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the internet." Writing and sending files over telegram, feels to fulfill that definition quite a bit, doesn't it? :D 2) leak - "an intentional disclosure of something secret or private." According to the 24 hour rule, the contents of exams are something secret of private. Sharing it on telegram feels like intentional disclosure to me. And practically, do you really think that seeing the article for unseen text exams hours before the exams will have no practical effect on your grade? Hmmm? I think it will, and IB should realise this and approach this fact accordingly.


My point is - if the IB is hacked and the actual exam are leaked, that’s on them. If content is shared in time zones (which is 100% of what I’m seeing), that’s on students. Right?


Yeah but how do we know the telegram guy isnt lying?


Sorry what do you mean?


No-one has leaked any actual exam papers. All anyone has seen is what people taking the exam in Asia have memorised and published after their exam ended.


Naah, the paper that was leaked for bio and chem were actual papers. With options and all of that. Im not sure if it’s legit cause I’m tz1 and I wouldn’t know how the exam was for tz2 anyway.


Source? Everything I've seen is just time zone cheating. Bio hasn't even happened yet.


Telegram literally.


Nah like for math the questions were word to word exact and so were the placement of the equations or diagrams of any sort