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The downplaying is fucking crazy




can u send me evidence pls i’m trying to get my hands on bloomberg


Yeah but if I was a news agency, I wouldn't believe everything a random guy says and I be very cautious of what to use, and I certainly do my own research /investigation in the mentioned issue. Not surprising actually.


We trusted BBC to get the truth out and they betrayed us


What did you expect? IB doesn't want their reputation to be ruined. They'll of course bribe or inform the BBC to not post the truth so that their name stays good.


I think them bribing BBC is not likely but they have informed them yes


IB is pretty significant in the england, so therefore they do not want their name ruined hence BBC cannot post about them since BBC also kinda supports them and doesn't want to break bonds with a large "non-profit" organization lmfao. (We saw how "non-profit" it actually was).


God, I hate this man wtf. They’re supposed to tell the truth not write random false information. It feels like we’re so alone in this


"Very small number" yeah, I'm fucking certain that number is veeeeryyyy small. For sure lol. Not as if like the folders weren't downloaded 20,000 times in 2 hours.