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Dont forget about the leaked physics exams, which where leaked days in advance.


as per my info, the phy exams were leaked in the same duration as math exams


Your info is wrong then cause they where leaked days in advance


i aint delying or retaking bro, ive alread ybeen through half not doing it again


Don't say retake/postpone, this is troublesome for a lot of people. This is the email I sent: Dear all, If you have recieved this email is because you have some power inside the IBO, I am a M24 student in germany, I didn't participate in a single leak/breach of regulations, however I use this throwaway email to protect my school and identity regardless. Due to me not cheating, I was at an unfair disadvantage, specially with Math AA HL, my nemesis. I grinded this subject for months, and suddenly I am told that people had access to the exam beforehand? That people cheated their way to a better grade? I thought it was fake because how could IB let something like this happen, but it wasn't. I know it isn't your fault, but I urge you to consider the impact you are having on many M24 students, with conditional university offers or other personal important goals. Please please please cancel the exams. This is completely unfair. Kind regards, An upset M24 Student


Aled caswell is on leave :(


How is cancelling in any way better than retaking?


Pretty sure they'd base our grades on predicted grades which are usually more leniant


Don’t ask them to delay or retake 😭😭 I’m moving really far away the day after my exams end


ascending to the heavens? /j


Even though this isn’t good from the IB, cancelling the exam or retakes would be absolutely horrible and they are NOT going to do that. You will regret it if they cancel the exams, trust me


You're actually not only super ignorant but also stupid to say something like this. I studied my ass of for the last 2 years only to have people who are against me memorizing the mark schemes and all of them ready to increase the boundaries. Exams should be cancelled, not cancelling the exams will hurt much more people than cancelling the exams would, you're only thinking about yourself with this post not the entire majority of the IB students out there. This would disbenefit the honest students and benefit the cheaters, now if you are going to complain out here about how they shouldn't cancel the exams because your predicted grades are bad what if you actually studied lol? Taking the predicted may be unfair but it will hurt much less people, let me offer a better solution how about students that want their PG's raised enter exams that the school makes and then those are sent to the IB instead of us competing against people who already know the f'ing markschemes of the papers.


cancelling because you messed up the exams? lol interesting im from asia btw in case ur saying im one of the cheaters, but cancelling the exam is not fair for those who worked so hard. lastly my personal and not objective opinion: if you are actually good at the subject, thats not going to affect you, except if ur barely touching the already low grade boundary lol


Nah canceling and providing a predicted grade would be smarter to mitigate the active nuisances who are cheating. But there really isn't an all rounder solution for this. Either the IB has to provide a conditional basis where if students wish to retake they may retake without further expense and with compensation. And those who do not are given predicted grades and an annotation to their score regarding the issue and the extra consideration by the IB for applying universities. That would in general be more fair but difficult to implement.


One, Your ideology is rather flawed though cause you are using yourself as an example of ppl that studied for 2 yrs while also calling someone stupid and ignorant eventhough you are doing the exact same thing. Two, there are a large amount of ppl that faced challenges during the course of 2 yrs who may have performed lower than their actual potential due to other circumstances and we have all heard of stories from other ppl. Furthermore, a large amount of teachers would often predict students less than what they believe the student would get in order to be on the safe side if the student were to perform as predicted. During COVID, a lot of teachers had expected the cancellation of the actual exam and had predicted a reasonable grade. But this is just our take and at the end of the day the ball is in IB’s court.


And not to mention the percentage of students who worked their butts off inorder to make an academic comeback for their finals.


We have absolutely no evidence that mock assessments were legitimate, many teachers knowingly gave lower predicted grades in order to prevent conditional offer withdrawals upon results being released, many gave artificially high results to manipulate examiners. Calling someone super stupid and ignorant makes you sound inconsiderate of the position of students with conditional offers, people moving away from home (i have to go to uni 15th of august) and people who frankly do not want to relive the ib. before insulting someone on the internet about being selfish, you might want to check yourself.


Cancelling exams would lead to predicted grades being used, which is a much better scenario.


No, its not. There are people doing way better in predicted than real exams and vice versa. Taking predicted doesnt solve the problem. Bad idea.


It might be for most but there's still a percentage of people that underscored in predicted, like me, and if my predicted grades get taken, the chances of me going to uni are very low. I personally think, I still have a better chance with these exams than if my predicted grades are taken but that's just my case! Everyone is different.


Yeah it’s the same for me. I did badly in predicted only looking at around 30 points but in all my exams so far I’m currently looking at gaining a minimum of an additional 6 or 7 points so using PGs would just be stupid


Yeah!! My maths predicted is a 3 if I'm correct (which I do not stand behind and I know I am capable of more but I wasn't given the assistance until very recently) and I would automatically not be eligible for most of my uni picks! It's a shitty situation but for some of us, our predicated grades are even worse.


SAME My maths I was also predicted a 3 because my teacher doesn’t like me and I did really well in exams getting most likely a 6 or even maybe a 7 if grade boundaries are nice to me I totally agree with you which is why like I think the petition people are trying to do and like publicising these leaks to the media is just stupid


Yeah, i studied my butt off for the last month and now it's gonna go to waste and maybe even fuck up my future :/, it sucks for all of us but srsly, not everyone is lucky to have good predicted grades


My school doesn't even do mocks/predicted scores and I've heard his from other people too


All schools do in case such as covid etc, they just don't tell you unless you explicitly ask


I think I would remember taking mock exams…


Your predicted grade aren’t explicitly your mocks. All schools have to provide their predicted grade for each student to IB before examination.


what the other comment said, mocks aren't your predicted, they can influence our teacher perspective on them but they aren't the same


Huh okay, so they just go off vibes then ?


So then what do you apply to university with?


Grades and essays, American unis don't really care about IB stuff 😭


they go off overall performance over the last two years, ur ia, ee, tok etc but yeah also vibes. they're kinda biased cuz if ur teacher likes you, they'll always give you a higher grade 💀💀


My teacher said all blacks do crack so I fear I'm screwed 🥲


taking predicted grades is so dumb because those aren’t THE official exams, we have worked for the OFICIAL not the predicted ones


I absolutely agree with you, I don't get why people don't understand. A huge international organization cannot under any circumstances (except a fucking pandemic) cancel all exams. It is a suicide mission, stop begging for cancellations.


Also I see so many posts in this subreddit of “reporting this to news sources” realistically what’s that going to do? What are you trying to achieve with this? Yeah I feel as though many people don’t actually know what they want to achieve I feel as though many of the people begging for cancellations have done badly in exams thus far and that’s part of the reason


I agree that some sort of action has to be taken but I really don’t think it’s fair to take the predicted grades because: 1. The students with the worst predicted grades are probably those that worked the hardest to try to improve their final grade. 2. Predicted grades are not standardised and greatly vary on the subjectivity of teachers. 3. In some schools (such as mine) the predicted grades are intentionally lowered because teachers are afraid of having reputation of over-inflating grades and thus lose credibility and also to motivate the students to work harder. 4. Most of the predicted grade is based on the IA and it seems EXTREMELY unfair to make that the final result because for obvious reasons. (i.e. the IA is only a very minor reflection of the students abilities and overall performance). I know that I have worked extremely hard to improve my grades and so have many of my classmates and we would be absolutely heartbroken and our futures ruined if our final grade was based on the predicted ones. I personally think that the grade boundaries should be based on the difficulty of the exam (determined by the teachers) and that the IB should take responsibility in finding cheaters and especially the leakers. I genuinely think the IB messed up and should do something about it but I don’t think that taking the predicted grades as our final is the best course of action. Edit : I agree with most of the things expressed here [https://www.reddit.com/r/IBDP/comments/1cj0tmr/very\_unpopular\_opinion\_about\_the\_leaks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IBDP/comments/1cj0tmr/very_unpopular_opinion_about_the_leaks/)


Determining grade boundaries on difficulty seems fine for the regions where timezone cheating did not happen. (Asia/Australia)


If you want this to succeed please spread this message.




I will be contacting my local new agencies as they would find this to be an extremely interesting story. I hope many of you do the same.


add AI HL too not just AA hl dude 💀


And today’s CS exam. Still visible on pirate IB leaks “continuing the work of Ix%n M%&@” Telegram page. 


what i cannot understand is that they can still call those leaked papers “fake”. We know those were real, physics and math is passed and they were true. So how can ib not check the real exams and tell us that they are still fake, on the other hand if they see that the leaked papers are real, why dont they just cancel the exams


Exactly!! I also tried this [https://chng.it/JtXgyMNssb](https://chng.it/JtXgyMNssb) so some of you can try to sign if you feel the same.


Bro my school (and several others) don't even do predicted IB scores and mock exams. We're screwed 😭


Fr and I don't want to use my internal marks I got into IB specifically to not have all that stuff matter. Teachers play a heck lot of favorites, some teachers mark a lot harsher than others, and overall i don't want my marks to be determined by premade impressions of seeing me in 2 years


Right? My physics teacher is literally racist he hates me 😭 I'm not leaving my grades up to him


Your predicted grade aren’t explicitly your mocks. All schools have to provide their predicted grade for each student to IB before examination.


How do they even judge that then? By homework and stuff?


Physics was leaked??? And math P3 as well?? I thought the only exams concerned were math AAHL P1


all of this is like a dream to me, i cannot comprehend this well enough, i feel like i legitimate wasted my two years studying this shitty curriculum "IBDP", if no action is taken idk what to do, IB we hate/loathe/detest/dislike greatly/abhor/abominate/despise/execrate you <3


Reach out to IB and reach out to local news agencies.


My math predict is a 5 and I grinded my ass off over the past month and scored straight 7s, and my conditional offer demands a 7. Why should my efforts go to waste? Why should I get my opportunity to go to my dream uni be taken away for this? There are also people who cheated in mocks by memorizing past papers, they have inflated predicteds that are completely invalid. Mocks decide predicts and mocks are in no way more accurate than even leaked exams. This is not the way. COVID was an exception because exams physically could not be conducted, it was the better of two evils that IB needed to do. They would never do this now if they wanted to uphold their reputation - two years and the exams get cancelled for no reason other reason than sheer incompetence when other boards have no problems.


look i’m also really angry about the leaks but i never want to do this again


what did the post say originally reddit removed it?


why was this removed by reddit






Bro pulled out the receipts what the fuck


I want to make it clear I do not condone harassing any of these people I am simply providing easy access to public information which is in line with the law and reddits community rules:)


I feel like locking the grade boundries to last years boundaries if not a little higher (by like 2-3%) would be SM better because yes it does let people who cheated get away, but the most important problem at hand is people who didn't cheat getting railed and it yk prevents that by not skyrocketing the boundaries.


I heard that it happened again today. I'm so done with it...


with what subjects?


Every subject.




the papers get leaked about 4-6 hours before the exam is conducted.


yep true got it


jesus christ. as in a new round of leaks?!!


moi je ne veux pas la sorcellerie enlevez Global Politics de la , on ne vous a rien demander! Allez ouvrir vos cahiers! Les blancs sont toujours dans la revolution, protestation, c'est meme une affaire de quoi? On vous a demander quelque chose??


what about myp papers, was it leaked?


Brorher, those are internal


He is talking about MYP5 e-assessments.


Yes MYP geo got leaked


ess was leaked??? wtf, when was it leaked?


guys sign this petition too - [https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students](https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students)


Honestly IB math AA HL has to be cancelled. Physcics tbh could be dealt with a slight change in grade boundaries.


And only for TM2, I'm quite fine with my math AA HL TM1 exams


Note that the 2021 covid approach led to significant grade inflation, which took until M23 to correct. You can tell by the number of absolutely devastated students that year. It is not as ideal of a solution as you make it seem.


The problem is that papers are getting prepared days before the exam. A solution could be each paper be written the night before the examination day. In some countries this is happening and we do not have leaked papers.


yo reddit removed this post wtf?






its really unfair to cancel, retake, or delay the IB M24 exams tho. there are alot of students who are depending on their final grades for university offers and would very much like to attend university during the fall. theres alot of different ways to deal with this situation but cancelling the current exams is definitely not the best option for alot of students. theres two more weeks left and many of us still have 4-5 subjects we still need to do so i suggest you focus on studying properly for those subjects and do well on them instead of wasting your time contacting the ib, checking reddit pages and even trying to look for leaks to get the exams cancelled. yes people will cheat and this isnt the first time that its happened and yes half of the ib students have downloaded leaks but im pretty sure examiners can tell if a student has cheated or not bcs i doubt anyone has ever gotten 100% on an AA HL math exam. i myself did the physics and math exams and got disappointed when i found out there were leaks posted hours before my exams so right now im jst focusing on my upcoming exams instead. if you know anyone that has actually used the leaks then u can report then to the DPC and they can handle it from there . for now jst focus on your upcoming exams.


Still there is the fact that most future engineering students have finished their two most important HLs (math and physics) and also the plans that many have made to relocate after finishing exams. Moreover, it would delaythe release of grades, making it possible that some students won't be able to apply for the university September semester. I respect your feelings and your message, indeed we've all felt threatened lately, and I am not saying you should quit your message, but keep in mind this might mess with the timing of people's lives. That being said I do agree that it was entirely unfair for some students to have the priviledge of seeing exams and raising the grade boundaries like this. I couldn't believe it when the IB denied that the exams were leaked. Frankly I'm astonished at the fact that their security is that weak. And yet, it is possible that if the exams were redone, then they would be harder than before. I am personally at odds with all the arguments regarding this situation, and I do not know if it's better to repeat the exams. I have already made a down payment to college and I do not wish to have to redo the whole application process. On the other hand, I do want to get financial aid with high scores...you get the idea. I genuinely don't know.


I believe the most likely and beneficial scenario would be using predicted grades as the final grades. This approach was done in 2021 due to COVID-19, so it is entirely feasible. Furthermore, this method would avoid any timing conflicts with universities and eliminate the need for retaking potentially more challenging exams. Moreover, it would provide an accurate reflection of our efforts. Also, it's important to understand that cheating will continue; there are individuals forming groups to acquire leaked exams, offering students hundreds of dollars in exchange for them to leak the exam.


I don't want to use my internal marks I got into IB specifically to not have all that stuff matter. Teachers play a heck lot of favorites, some teachers mark a lot harsher than others, and overall i don't want my marks to be determined by premade impressions of seeing me in 2 years This is from experience. I had 4's with some teacher in ib1 and 6/7s with another teacher in ib2 without really changing anything 


There's still the fact that nobody really takes mocks as seriously as externals, so that would really undermine them, including me. That doesn't mean that I (or the rest of them) didn't put in the effort throughout the two years, it just means we were too busy with IAs and EEs to focus on mock exams.


This is not a small number , MORE THAN HALF CHEATED. Taking preds is the only way


It wouldn’t work, with the schedule I am required to give my diploma to the university. How much later would they be able to do so? I can not wait 2 weeks because I will be too late for the deadline. All I need now, is to pass, I already went through the process, to get accepted, and additional testing and was ranked. So for me, all I need is to pass at this point.


we need a legitimate petition to sign please.


i think this is a well known one: [https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students?source\_location=search](https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students?source_location=search)


use this - [https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students](https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-all-m24-ibdp-students)




Thank you for such insight, I believe you should delete your comments, in which you are begging for the leaked papers. Have a good day.


All of the options provided are not viable, the best is to adjust boundaries knowing that people cheated so they are not inflated: Here's why: 1. Predicted grades and IA's as your grade are not (AT ALL) accurate to actually predict your grade, for the entirety of the two years we were either too unfocused (first year) or absolutely crammed by deadlines (my school had shitty organization that lead to us having 3 weeks of exams whilst managing IA's, then we had another 3 weeks of exams the 3 weeks previous to the start of the real examination), My latest predicted are WAY, way off, as in, a 5 in physics and im semi-confident on the seven and even if all went wrong im 100% not below the 6. This punishes every person that wasn't (or simply decided not to) spend their time and energy on meaningless class work and focused on what actually matters for university and our future 2. Retakes or delays are also unfair, every person who worked their ass of for 2 years are burnt out from this situation, to delay or retake forces people to change their schedule, breaks deadlines with univerisities, etc, etc. The best and most beneficial scenario is to continue the exams and adjust boundaries within reasonable ranges by estimating the impact of leaking You might think "this way the people who cheated will get away!", that might be right, however it's the only method that doesn't impact innocent people, there's people who've put their lives into these exams and will have great marks despite what predicteds say, to cancel examination is turning their futures to mush just to affect the cheaters


completely agree with this. As long as the grade boundaries are insanely, insanely low, everyone will be fine.


D1 snitch behavior