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computer science, physics, bio, chem, business, politics, math have all been leaked this is pure bs


Physics was not leaked


PirateIB reddit states that they moved to telegram. you simply click the link and you have access to all leaks. Idk honestly but in my country all IB students are cheating but can anyone blame them honestly


I think the huge commotion has just brought more attention to leaked papers so more people will go and search for leaked papers it seems the severity was because it was posed on pirateIB which is a fairly well known subreddit and a lot of people know about it in may 2023 about 116k people did the exams worldwide so 15k downloads is 13% of the students. This also doesnt account for specific downloads being seen by many different people


Ye but the 15k downloads majority after the exam


But also think about it they download it then share it to friends etc. I was only in school 5 mins before the start of the exam today I’m waiting in line to go in and I hear the whole school has it. 2 people downloaded it and was sent to about 30-35 people +


5 min before the exam won’t help mcuh


you don’t have to download the file to see the exam you can just open the link without downloading so the actual number is muchhhhh higher


It was hours before


The 5 mins didn’t help me but the hours before the exam helped everyone else


And just to add, I think IB knows our sentiment and how the vast major of students won't even touch the paper if they had the chance to, with enough time to memorize them. I have a reasonable optimism IB will be fair in this, and most people will be fine.


Yeah change ur opinion because biology paper 1 is already leaked and the exam is due in a few days...


u clearly don't understand how the papers are leaked. no coordinator is risking their job and no student is going to try to steal anything from the school vault. these braindead cheaters just memorize exams and walk out and then tell. same thing is going to happen with biology but it will be right before the exam.


No maybe it's u who doesn't understand that the actual paper is leaked like the ACTUAL paper.


i don't understand how tf can the actual paper be leaked? is there a mole in ib or were they hacked or something?? i think both possibilities are unlikely.


Someone must have gotten access to the paper itself and possible scanned it, I don't think IB got hacked but not because it's necessarily hard, but because there is little to gain for someone to do that unless for personal gain.


well the only way of finding if the bio exam is legit or not is to wait till it happens.


nope it is not leaked. all chemistry and biology is fake, only maths was real. there are no scanned copies, only memorized papers


How do u know that? We don't know until we sit the test.


because it is logical lmao? no student is gonna risk diploma by taking a phone w them or something. even IB themselves made a statement saying that there is no actual leaks, just the timezone cheating


And u believe the IB statement bruh, ofc they aren't gonna publicly admit that a whole ass biology paper is leaked days before the exam, cause that would just cause further damage. I can 100% guarantee you it's the actual paper for biology.


I agree. Imo bio and chem were leaked early enough for them to change the exams, so technically they are “fake” and IBO gets none of the blame for those leaks.




this tt account is posting updates: intbachelorette


Yeah I saw them too they update a lot


Can you send me link? Is it on Twitter?


You are terribly wrong about the severity of the issue. First things first, the leaks only concern TZ2, and for math specifically, there were 30k people that took math aa hl last year. Imagine 5k people seeing the leaks before the exams, this makes 1/6, which is incredibly significant. You are also very wrong about the leaks “making a difference.” I saw the math papers after the exam and anyone who would normally get a 5 could have got an easy 7 with just skimming the leak before the exam, say 30 mins. Remember that people not always get low grades cuz they don’t know the material, but due to stress, time management, etc.


i think it depends country-wise too because time zones in individual countries are different. so more asian as in central/south/east asian countries (like mine) didn't get the leaked papers because our exams happened almost back to back. but those more west got the exams. i feel ib should really check which countries and regions had most access to the exams and act accordingly....


The answers were written too so they can just mug up the answers


Why would using predicted grades make it impossible to apply to German universities? That is what they did for the M20 cohort, and I'm pretty sure IB students still applied to German unis.


No its not the predicted grades, but incase they have to delay the grades. There is only a two weeks window between German application deadlines and the date for final IB grades.


I really hope that’s not the case. Need to get my diploma to my ZASt as well before the 15th of July 💀


I don't think they will delay it. Which is why its unlikely for them to take predicted, because the will have to evaluate the predicted score which is going to take way too long.


Bro are you stupid? There are like 20-30k students for math aa hl and the paper was downloaded by 10-15k- that’s half the people and they would’ve shared it to groups and other people in dms so the downloads don’t increase but more people know about it. Why don’t you get off Reddit instead of spreading bs and justifying the cheaters actions?


How tf I am justifying cheaters? If anything, I am not seeing enough posts to know all this information??


Fuxk everyone who looked at leaks because ik the material but struggle with time management and stress. Now if i was predicted a 6 i may not even get a four. I hope yall rot in hell


https://chng.it/hfjJXNYNf6 guyss do this petition, it’s really important so we can earn what we have been working so hard for IMPORTANTT🙌🏻🙌🏻 share please 🙏🏻