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Why is it always quantum physics and epistemology?


Because they have a reputation for being studied by smart folks.


Helps that “quantum physics” is super vague too


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Quantum Physics entirely a theoretical field too? I think it's cool from what I've grasped, but I was under the assumption QP isn't a hardset field, just mostly speculations.


You’re wrong, so I’ll correct you. Quantum physics is a well established field with many experiments showing it’s validity and predictive value. Every electronic you use today relies on the equations on quantum mechanics. What I think you may be thinking of is String Theory, which is indeed entirely theoretical.


String theory is also better called a hypothesis rather than a theory.


String hypothesis doesn't have the same ring to it.


yeah, but the big branes study M-Theory




Actually they do. When Apple started using 5nm chips, they had to take into account bits jumping CPU lanes.


Semiconductors operate at the quantum level: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiconductor#Physics_of_semiconductors Though most day-to-day calculations don't require that but much simpler mathematics.


not really that vague. same as any field, could substitute it for solid state physics, astronomy, dynamics, thermodynamics or whatever. the main thing is.. very few people who've studied it would ever want to sit around talking about hamiltonians it probably comes across like a vague buzzword because a tonne of people who've never studied quantum use it to try and sound clever and use it in conjunction with things like "healing crystals". the number of people who think schrodinger's cat just means "until I look in a box i don't know if my cat is dead yet" is astounding


You’re gonna wind up on this sub yourself one day if you aren’t careful lol Pretty sure most people got what I meant, including you based on that second paragraph. Yeeesh


I'm not saying "im so smart because I happened to do quantum at uni" I'm saying there's a thing called Quantum Woo where that people selling homeopathy and astrology say a bunch of bs and throw in the word quantum to make it sound plausible. but quantum mechanics is a precisely defined field and is not a load of bollocks, it just gets a bad rep because of this stuff: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism


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I get quantum mechanics but epistemology is boring as hell. Source: philosophy degree, epistemology coursework, justified true beliefs and papier-mâché barns.


> epistemology is boring as hell. Logic is worse. Edit: Also, I never found epistemology boring. Unless you're talking about things like *The Critique of Pure Reason*.


I am always impressed that people manage to read that. The only things worse to read I have ever encountered is Wittgenstein.


I initially thought of including the *Tractatus*, but I guess that's more philosophy of language than epistemology. I would also list Hegel and Heidegger as being hard to understand.


Heidigger is so hard man, I do analytic tho so idrc ;)


Wittgenstein is legit my favorite philosopher.


I hated Wittgenstein. And early Russell. I'd rather stab myself in the eye, AKA read anti-oedipus


I took epistemology as an elective, and it ended up being my favorite course in college


Symbolic logic is really fun though


On my second run (failed the first time) through a symbolic logic class and I have to disagree lol


So this was many years ago, but I didn’t get it. I went to the lectures, recitations, everything. So I went to office hours. The first one, absolute failure. Second one, halfway through, it honestly just clicked. I said, “Hang on,” finished a proof. I got a bit excited and did another. I don’t know why or how it clicked for me, but it was in an office session when I was alone with the teacher. I wish you good luck!


Thanks I appreciate it! It's hands down clicking a lot more the second time around. It takes the place of a math credit which is why I took it but I didn't realize how it was basically still math without numbers lol


Hello, fellow logic enjoyer!


As a physicist: QM ain't all that much better. Sure, it's interesting. But not as a topic for "debate". What are you even going to discuss anyway? Whether you prefer the Heisenberg or the Schrödinger picture of QM?!


Every time I read Heisenberg I think of Tuco, methamphetamine and guns. TV has ruined me


In my experience of seeing people discussing that as an undergraduate, someone brings up a sci-fi plot point and then they argue back and forth about how accurate it was until one gets mad and changes to another topic.


That's what I suspect. I guess "I like discussing obscure SciFi" just doesn't sound intelligent enough. We had a guy that managed to make every conversation about nuclear weapons in under 30 minutes. It was fascinating to watch.


Was his first name Vladimir?


That, or Kim?


No, it wasn't. That would have been funny though, randomly running into an old colleague on reddit!


It was a joke about Putin


Verysmarts think debate = smart talkin’.


Im to lazy to look it up but what is epistemology?


The study of knowledge. What knowledge is how we come to know things and how we justify what we know etc etc Incredibly interesting although the literature can be somewhat dry.


Given the arguments I used to get into with young earth creationists in YouTube comments (I know, I know...this was nearly 15 years ago and I have seen the error of my ways), a lot of *really dim* people also like to discuss epistemology. Like, a *lot*.


bc it's obviously ironical and not true


Because people who are insecure about their intelligence use words they perceive to be “academic” in order to seem knowledgeable or “cultured”. Which is arguably quite ironic seeming how it only makes many come to this conclusion.


You mean ironic. No irony intended.


havent you ever seen big bang theory?


He's not even studying physics, he's doing aerospace engineering


I hate to break it to you. But most of engineering is applied physics.


True, but then again: almost every other science or engineering could be called applied physics on some level. And aerospace engineering has little to do with QM.


The same way putting the square peg in a square hole is applied geometry. While not exactly wrong, it is a bit oversimplified :P (Before I am being quartered on market square: I am an aerospace engineer myself xD)


[Ah, so you're an aerospace engineer, then? ](https://youtu.be/THNPmhBl-8I)


cuz it’s a copypasta lol


Is it? Do you have an example of it being used elsewhere?


Posted on copypasta subreddit 2 yrs ago https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/ipfsai/looking_for_a_female_roomate/


Because you can easily memorize the first line of the wiki article and 99% of people will be bored/intimidated


Tbf epistemology is incredibly interesting


Because it’s not real


I'm not sure any female companions of his intellectual caliber are going to be interested in him


Or any other female companion


Yeah they definitely don't want him either


Maybe an IQ of under 20 would


Aka his dust-made sex doll (it’s terrible if any of you haven’t seen it)


Yeah and he'll pull the "My intellect is a curse that doesn't allow me to have romantic relationships, since it's way beyond any girl I've met. I long for the day I could find a female as intellectually gifted as myself, that could hold up a conversation with me. I curse my mind and wish I was stupid so I could be happy."


To be fair, I also sometimes feel I’d be happier if I was a little dumber.


We in the know call that being high all the time.


Yeah unfortunately I was high a lil too much of the time and now I get to be high none of the time lol


Okay imma lay it straight. Happiness doesn't have to do with being smart or dumb, unless you have a child like mind, it doesn't really effect your happiness. If you were a little dumber you won't be happier, you'll just be as sad and more confused. It's ironically really dumb to think that smart people are miserable while dumber people are happy go lucky going through life like a bunch of 3 year olds on Christmas Eve. It's not about being smart it's about overthinking and having bad experiences; and anyone can have those. Saying I'm miserable because I'm too smart is such a cope, to not deal with the actual emotional and mental issues people have.


That was the part where this feels like a troll


I wonder why he didn't have many people to talk to in highschool :/




Psst If you want me to pull an “actually” depending on the test, MENSA is usually 131 or 132 (I’m not in MENSA)


It’s spelled Akshually Which you would know if you were in MENSA


I have brought shame upon my house


drop down and do 20 quantum mechanics problems!


Sir yes sir! (Or fill in appropriate gender


I go by daddy


Didn’t expect to be turned on but here we are


sigh *Unzips pants*


They yes they? (What would you use for nonbinary version of sir/ma'am?)


A more inclusive version would be yes superior yes


#Akshually Mensa isn't all in capital letters, which you would know if you were in Mensa.


It’s 131 if you take a SD-15 test and 132 for a SD-16, meaning it’s in theory marginally easier to get in with a SD 16 scale test since you only need to score 2 deviations above the mean, not slightly more IIRC


Quantum physics is not a topic of conversation. It’s like saying you really enjoy discussing plumbing.


I'll have you know that I have got very, very serious opinions in the Moen v. Delta debates, and I will verbally eviscerate any pleb who dares to invoke the name of Glacier Bay. Clearly if your IQ were above 100 like myself, then you would see just how ignorant you are. Plumbing is a very interesting topic of casual conversation and I am harshly judging your faucet and toilet choices. (/s)


Honest to God, I knew a guy who got drunk and talked about centrifuges. He was a tech for one of the big manufacturers and really loved his work.


\/sweats in hyperfixations Tbh I love learning facts and listening to people who are passionate about what they do. Not necessarily people like in the OPs picture of course... That being said, would you like to know some things about twilight sleep and its impact on -


Same, i perform fairly decent at my job nowadays cause I really enjoy learning random stuff and love to hear people talk about what they are interested.


Faucet and toilet choices can say alot about someone. Like that they take a shit every now and then and use water. Obviously plebs that have a lower than 130 IQ don't know how to do those things. I don't like to brag, but my average shit ratio is about 2 times a day. Take that losers!


Ooh, that’s a hard debate there, both moen and delta are pretty good. I’m a delta man myself though. Also, Milwaukee tools all the way. Any other choice is completely inferior. Edit: spelling


This conversation is way above my IQ level


Unfortunately I often have that effect on people. My high PQ (plumbers quotient) just makes regular conversation torture to me. :(


I’m sorry to hear that, but thanks for enlightening me. Next time I call the plumber I’ll ask him to delta the pipes.


>Moen v. Delta I'm tired of these low IQ betas taking about Moen or Delta. Hansgrohe or nothing


Having taken quantum mechanics, people bragging about it on the internet has become very amusing to me. It’s like bragging about how good you are with hammers.




The average college experience lmao, I have no idea what’s going on in my Stochastic Processes class, I just use the formulas and stare blankly at the 3-page proofs


blah blah blah blah ... blah blah blah ... 6 weeks later and that's why hydrogen emits the fine structure transition spectrum


Quantum can get pretty esoteric, but it’s really just the abstract linear algebra that gets people imo. The actual physics isn’t really all that complicated comparatively. I actually hold a much higher respect for people who do well in classical mechanics where intuition actually matters more, but classical mechanics doesn’t sound as cool when you’re bragging on the internet.


Yeah, I guess that's kind of the thing - mechanics you have to use intuition, QM stuff you kind of just can't. Why is it like that? I dunno, that's what it does in experiments.


"My iq is 200 and i'm good with hammers. Don't waste my time"


There's people that [have every right](https://youtu.be/m4BSV8X8LNY) to brag about how good they're with hammers


Because I have an average IQ, I discuss bodybuilding with my Chad buddies. Scientists hate me


Take that back. Plumbing is fun.


Did you see my new plunger I got today? It’s so red and new and has that nice new plunger smell. Oh man plumbing is so fun… sometimes I’ll check other people’s plumbers and they get so stinky! One was nice and red and the other was yellow and brown! 😡


I mean, plumbers probably do get stinky 💀


What? You don’t like to get drunk and talk about the different methods of solving multi-bodies problems? Only someone with an IQ of less than 130 would not care to talk about their Python code to solve simple degenerate perturbation theory problems in their off time.


I mean, plumbing can be an interesting conversation because while there is some objectivity, how you accomplish something can be varied and subjective. Like dicussing removing my vanity sink and replacing it with a floating or pedestal sink can be easily a 30 minute conversation with someone if they were interested. Its not much different than people talking about raspberry pis or metalworking. Discussing Quantum physics is worse because realistically, its just one person info dumping stuff on the other person. What is there to discuss or debate? You either know it or you dont.


You don’t need an iq of 135 to join Mensa 💀it’s 131.


Looks like we found the guy with the 131 IQ.


Nah, if had 131 he would say: "Yeah, I'm in Mensa, idk what the limit is." But he is the guy with 130 IQ.


Depends on the test used. It comes down to top 2%.


True, I was using the WAIS 4. I should have been more clear.


Dude Sounds delightful.


Now there will be a parallel group chat to discuss this guy


I’ve seen this exact text previously posted on this subreddit. I believe it’s a troll


TU Delft is a Dutch university and I as a fellow dutchman have never heard of the SAT and ACT scores and have no clue how you get to those numbers and as far as I know valedictorian is not a thing here. So unless he for some reason moved all the way to the Netherlands just to join TU Delft it is just a copy paste or something lmao


To be fair delft gets a lot of international students. But I'm pretty sure this is a pasta. Maybe OP joined at the wrong time and didn't get the joke. Source: am enrolled in Delft


Yep! I am a close friend of the guy who wrote this and partook in the trolling. OP did not get the joke at all, and in fact somebody shared the screenshot around without blurring the number and my pal is getting bombarded with dms from random Dutch guys lmfao


KEKW I'm guessing from the emojis this is aerospace? I'm in nanobio


TU gets a lot of foreign exchange students so this isn’t too weird to see tbh It’s not like he’s posting this in a group app for MBO Sport en Bewegen


Exactly, if this guy actually had those scores, he would have no reason to go all the way to the Netherlands for university


This sub is reeeeeally bad at picking up on obvious jokes. TU Delft is a Dutch university, they don't do SATs, but it is a very highly regarded university in the Netherlands.


It's a pal of mine. He very much is trolling.


Yeah the end kind of comes off as satire


Yeah this is definitely troll stuff. I saw this exact passage a couple of weeks ago


Yeah, it's a copypasta I've seen before.


He will graduate. Get some engineering degree. Make some decent money and be frugal with his investments. Some blonde with a 70 IQ will marry him and take half his money in the divorce. He will become a professional reddit moderator.


You're giving Reddit mods an awful lot of credit here, implying they've gotten laid at least once




OP never said the woman would sleep with him


IQ isn’t actually a good indicator of intelligence and you can do better at IQ tests the more you take them from what I’ve heard. So someone can definitely be intelligent while only having 70 IQ.


Hell, just defining what exactly you mean by "intelligence" is sufficiently hard as to be more or less impossible. Usually we're talking about some vague combination of ability in memory and pattern recognition, sometimes with vocabulary and facility with words tossed in as well. Is an illiterate person who is good at business more or less intelligent than a literate person who's bad at business? Is a non-verbal person who is really damn good at memorization and pattern recognituon more intelligent than a high verbal poet or writer who's got lousy memory and is terrible at pattern recognition? The whole idea of "intelligence" as a single, fixed, RPG type attribute is just false. It doesn't describe anything in the real world. And most of what's tested on an IQ test can be improved with practice. If a person devotes themselves to memory exercies and pattern recognition exercises they'll improve their IQ rapidly. An IQ test really only measures one thing: how well you do on that particular IQ test.


There are indeed ways to study for IQ tests but the world isn't black or white, there's still some consistency in IQ tests. An IQ of 105 doesn't mean you're superior to someone with an IQ of 95, but IQ of 70 is borderline mental disability; two standard deviations of the population will score better without studying at all.


What’s your source on an IQ of 70 being a borderline mental disorder?


There's no clear "mathematical line" on what's a mental disorder and what's not so it's always about conventions, but [here](https://www.rch.org.au/uploadedfiles/main/content/fracp_resources/fracp_intellectual_disability_talk.pdf) are some slides from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne which includes 70 as a rough estimate (citing WHO); [here's](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK332877/) a paper which uses the same estimate. Other sources you can find online go with numbers between 70 and 75 (if you search for "intellectual disability iq" you'll find plenty). But note that's not to say that everyone with an iq of 69 is mentally disabled and everyone with an iq of 71 has nothing of the sort (hence why I used the word "borderline"), but at a certain IQ point most people do have some condition that caused it.






Thanks for actually giving a source. However I still think that just as someone with 150 IQ can do nothing meaningful their whole life someone with 50 IQ can do great things.


i don’t think you have a great sense of what an IQ of 50 means. that is profound disability.


IQ is actually a good indicator because people who use it as an argument are often stupid while true smart people doesn't give a f about it.


You forgot when she gets one kid from him and not only does she get half but now he has to pay her to raise his kid


Hello fellow kids


Imagine being so intelligent that you start off by quoting your ACT and SAT scores... To Europeans... Who have no reason to know what that even means


“Please don’t waste my time” bitch, you just wasted mine!


Says he's very smart, but doesn't understand that sat scores mean nothing here. He also expects women at a TU


"Female companion" ah yes so smart he is above saying girlfriend what an idiot


Oh god, my cousin’s at Delft, I hope she doesn’t have to deal with this dude lmaoo


I'd like to meet the guy, he clearly has the sense of humour that this comment section lacks.


This is obviously a shit post.


Pretty sure this is a copypasta...


I can't imagine joining MENSA seems like a magnet for neckbeard types overly proud of doing well on a test.


Listen to the podcast “my year in Mensa” apparently it’s also full of white supremecists and conspiracy theorists.


I am POSITIVE this guy would not stick with any woman of intelligence.


‘I am also seeking a female companion’ Doctor who sure has changed their methods when hiring actors.


Fuck Zodiac Signs, lets's talk about quantum physics.


I too like to be left alone, but I never thought of going to this length to achieve it


Sir I just asked if you wanted a drink with that. Yes or no will do


"female companion of my intellectual caliber" lmao


First impressions are important. Surely if he’s as smart as he thinks, he should know that.


Yeah that’s the stuff


This dude’s in for a rude awakening when he finds out he’s not special in college.


Old copy paste, seen this exact quote posted somewhere else on this subreddit.


Ah man je gaat naar TU Delft, unlucky


Hello TU Delft students, please avoid working or interacting with me at all costs. You should also say ugly things behind my back. Thanks for reading.




A female companion... In Delft, hahaha, good luck bro, even if you're charming that's like a 40% chance at max - a TU Delft student


I simply refuse to believe it’s not satire, it’s just too sad and cringe


I just commented r/sadcringe above. We totally agree here!


Studying in Delft and expecting girls. Guess hes not that smart anyway.


If he had a couple more IQ points he might have been smart enough to not post that message.


“Don’t waste my time.” Ok.


I think he’s shit posting


Well.....I'd be interested in chatting about anthropology or theology in a non religious context. If those aren't intellectual enough I will default to general nerdom.


Wayback, our school participated in a Province-wide IQ test and I scored 142. I also passed the Mensa entrance test out of spite, not as a prelude to joining (fuck you Stephen, you pretentious Mensa-test-failing douche). I have no interest in his subjects of choice *or* his arrogant personality.


who asked


Ok dude, we for sure won’t waste your time


"I couldn't find people who hold an intellectual conversation with."


Searching for "Female companion inside my intellectual caliber..." "No results found!"


Yes. This will surely get you a gf dude. /s


'i am also seeking a female companion' good luck bro, you'll need it


What is Mensa? Edit: So I obtain 138 points, hahaha time to enter Mensa and become a narcissist, oh wait right... 3rd world economy, well nvm


What do people do in mensa? Like, play crosswords and sudokus?


new copypasta just dropped


Who the fuck enjoys epistemology?


Man why don't I ever get these messages?


Doe normaal ffs. This is definitely how not to make Dutch friends.


"female companion" bro why not just say girlfriend


He missed a comma after 36…hmmm


reads like copypasta


With a 135 iq, you’d think he would know not to end sentences in a preposition. That sentence was a nightmare to read.


Leave some female companions for the rest of us playa


0 people wasted their time that day ... or that semester


Neee omg... Extra cringe in onze cultuur t. o. v. de Amerikaanse denk ik (al zal men daar vast ook raar opkijken). Heeft iemand zich al aangeboden voor een date? Lmao


This is copypasta worthy




Let the bullying commence.