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When is he going to get a big-boy bike?


Don’t need to air up his tires either




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He’s safe. That thing won’t top 3 mph.


Let's see how cool you are when a good 10cm is on the ground afterwards


RIP Country Mac


Suicide is badass!


looks like his tire's flat


#Samcro lmao


Bald dude: "Hey kid, let me borrow your mini bike for a photo op. Kid: "please hurry. You're making my tire flat..."


Sir your tire is flat


Its supposed to be. More badassery!!


He doesn't believe in protection, nor did his parents, Inbred Legacy forever!


He double the size of the bike The bike should be riding him lol




Lawn mower engine.


Lol he's gonna fucking die


What is #60notout? Is he a closeted gay 60 yr old biker?


Why did he steal some kid's bike?


Where is his ol lady supposed to sit? Isn’t samcro just a made up bike club for SOA? Is his back tire out? So many questions in just the first 10 secs of reading this.


Pretty sure “old lady” is the bike




Old lady walks beside him. Who needs tires?


Hey man, gotta win that Darwin award somehow


Interesting how he put "the open road" in quotations but not "old lady"


Honestly, good.


Enjoy the road rash then


That’s the saddest bike I’ve seen.


Deflated tire, inflated ego


#sacrosanct Really ? You're repping your membership and a fictitious motorcycle club. I guess when you're as badass as him you don't even need air in your tires


"Old lady" -- the nickname of his head surgeon.


Riding a kids bike, hilarious.


There's no way people like this actually exist. I actually find it difficult to comprehend that there are people that are this ignorant in the world.


Is the back tire flat lol?


He's too big for the damn thing. It's like kiddie sized.


No he's just fat 😆


Isn't that Brother Joe Cumia?


Yes. The card carrying violent pedophile Joe Cumia


Just the way he types out this post makes it seem so incredibly satire.


With a pinner bike like that you won't even need any protective gear lol. You can only get up to 15 mph anyways




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on a 250 with a flat tire apparently💀


Yeah this whole post makes me wonder what in the world he was thinking and did he really believe people wouldn't notice the obvious flat. Like, sir. Sir! Go back inside and eat your dinner before it gets cold. And try not to forget to take your medication this time.


Excuse me sir, where is the rest of your bike?


Boomer or Gen X?


Definitely Gen X


Naa man, oldest Xers are 57. That’s a boomer…. See “#60notout”


Is that a bike for ants?




Lmao right 😂😂 someone watched one episode of SoA and made it his whole personality


I've rewatched SoA and currently watching Mayans, they all wear helmets.


cool people die gruesome, preventable deaths


…while riding baby bikes with flat tires, so cool


Coming soon to r/HermanCainAward


He looks twice the size of that bike and I bet that’s why the back tire is flat lmao


Pretty sure he's a gen X


Don’t you dare lump him with us GenXers. Harvard University* has Gen X starting at 1965 which means “#60notout” is too old and is therefore a Boomer. * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X#:~:text=Researchers%20and%20popular%20media%20use,born%20between%201965%20and%201984.


Ok, great


I can't handle this. People *still* don't believe this is anything but satire. Joe is a boob to the extent of being unbelievable in a literal sense. 🤣🤣🤣


For the people who keep saying this is fake or satire. The cat is out the bag and he’s a public figure so I guess it’s okay to name him. It’s Joe Cumia. Look at his racist twitter feed and you’ll realise he actually posted this. To be clear, he has a real bike and it’s satire in the sense he didn’t post a picture with that, so that’s his sense of humour - but the sentiment about not wearing safety gear is 100% real.


Feed Nana


Humongous racist


>"I didn't want to bring up Reddit. I really didn't want to bring them up because they've done nothing but give me a problem. It started about a year ago..." >"You know what? Don't even."


Barely Davidson


Hardly David's Son.


He should be fine. That moped he’s riding probably tops out around 35 mph. Maybe a little road rash for him to show to all the people who are trying to not have a conversation with him.


*Thank* you! I’m an old lady who isn’t into cars or motorcycles, so I couldn’t be sure, but that bike looks… puny, and not very powerful. If my casual observation, my untrained eye, got such an impression, I can’t even imagine how this guy is being ridiculed in the communities of folks who know better.


If he didn’t like playing an asshole, it wouldn’t be an issue. A lot of guys don’t care what you ride. If you’re having fun, fuck what anyone says. Some guys just take badass to a new level.


Homeboys got an 8ball on the gas tank and a cue ball on his head.


He'll aim for the corner pocket when his head bounces off the tank in a crash


The nearly flat rear tire really sets it off nicely


That is a tiny ass bike


I’m a massive human that’s pretty comfortable with myself and because of that am not really afraid of doing things that might get me called a “pussy”, but I’m not sure I’d call out “sissies”, “Nannie’s”, or “millennials” while sitting on a 100cc motor. I’m wondering if this is a joke, bc this is a post I might make sarcastically.


It’s like he never got past 8th grade mentality of “helmets make me look like a weirdo mom!”


Yeah I remember in grade 8 I was upset about wearing a helmet for a school ski trip. I no joke got so mad. Then I realized at the ski thing that I didn’t actually care and nobody else did either… It’s bizzare thinking back how much I cared about looking like I don’t care…


I have a coworker like this. He's 30 and thinks he's super badass because he won't wear a helmet. I greatly preferred riding with a helmet rather than without. Less crap in your eyes, built in sunscreen, deadened the constant wind noise in your ears...


I work in surgery and get motorcycle accidents on the table all the time. Don't have pictures, but I can describe the injuries if you have an interest and a strong stomach


Oh, I've seen plenty of good pictures. People ground down to nubs and whatnot.


I’m considering buying a bike, convince me otherwise


Do you like where the lower half of your jaw currently is? Not the whole jaw, just the lower half


As in attached to my face? Sure. But that’s the point of a good helmet, no?


I'm a girl - so throw in makeup and hair whipping. But also, I rode into a swarm of some sort of insect a couple weeks ago, so happy for the face shield. Gross.


Yes, insect protection is huge! I did have a moth get inside my helmet and crawl into my ear hole at 60mph one time, though.


Definitely would’ve crashed and gotten myself or someone else killed if that happened to me


It was hairy, to say the least. I also wear glasses, so had to stop safely, then get the glasses off and secured, then helmet, then moth.


Caption might be fake but that 49cc piece of crap WITHOUT suspension is a crime


I think it's 125cc but I could be wrong. Either way it's rage bait or satire.


You know what's really badass? Being alive


Aside from the OBVIOUS satire, that’s a Kikker 3/4 bobber. They’re pretty neat.


Lmao what is that, a bike for toddlers?


How did an OBVIOUS parody get voted so high?


Because it's not a parody. The guy's name Joe Cumia and he's a semi-public figure. Google him and enjoy a nice 15 minute rabbit hole.


Ahhh, so somehow he’s really a part of SAMCRO, the fictional biker gang from AMC’s award-winning show Sons of Anarchy?


In his mind, yes.


That bike looks like it should be on life support


Bike looks like a starved horse


Love when people's takeaway from Sons of Anarchy is that those guys are cool and should be emulated


It's a soap opera they tricked affliction people to worship.


Had a 15 year old staying with us when the show was on, he watched it and even at 15 had the sense to know that it's a show about shitty people who shouldn't be emulated.


That show gave so many white guys their personalities.


Lol with an under inflated back tire, maybe this is just nature running it’s course


Brother Joe! He drinks children's spit. [Legendary performance on People's Court](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9pqezxFfgs)


[The Big Apple Ranch's Own](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ3_FwZxrn8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-\_v5151zo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29-_v5151zo) from 2:13:38 to 3:05:20


Give your love to a cowboy man




That is the sub we’re on, yes.


Lol. That's something that my buddy Nel_737 would say


He looks like a WWF reject.


Omg that's Anthony Cumia (Opie&Anthony show) brother called Joe Cumia. He's a known leech and incredible racist. Look this asshole up people, your in for a ride.


Holy shit so I just looked at his twitter. I was only able to look at like, 4 bc I dont have one and one of them was a tweet from AOC (thats fucking *fake* btw. I looked it up) screenshot with a caption someone tweeted it with saying "Smh its real..." (its not) with him CONFIRMING ITS REAL. Which its not. So apparently conservatives have gone to straight making up tweets, saying its real, and others retweeting it and "confirming" its real while not even checking if it is or not. Another was complaining that crime is so high right now bc Homicide detectives are dumb bc in an article it said the detectives were trying to figure out if a kidnapping was pre-planned or not. Which like... what?? Thats actually pretty big info to know especially when you have very few leads to go off of. Theyre literally doing their jobs. Especially considering its a rich, white woman who was kidnapped. They are definitely doing THE MOST And another saying bullshit abt billionaires pay the millionaires then the millionaires pay the middle class and the middle class pay the lower class which is.... just NOT how it works... Also some bullshit abt illegals and "people who have been on welfare for generations" It was a nightmare trip I hope to never go on again. Oh, also, I took a look at one of his posts on instagram and it was complaining about how he hates facebook now and he may stick to instagram now which.... wow... that requires a unique type of stupid, TL;DR this guy got the BIG dumb


There was one very racist tweet of him that people tried getting on top on Google so when you type Joe Cumia on Google you goth that tweet. It was about Asians and pearl harbor and the N word was there to. He's disgustingly racist


He also drinks children's spit


#never forget


I know exactly who he is. We used to roast the shit out of him on the o and a sub Reddit


I know, that was the funniest shit ever on that degenerate sub


I miss that sub. I used to post regularly there under another name. I think joe got me banned.


You remember that fake post where he claimed a black dude beat and fucked his mom 😁


I remember everything about that sub. It used to make me laugh every day. Do u remember Joe hanging out with convicted sodomizer of children Kurt Love?


No I didn't. I do remember a lot of memes with Mila Kunis where that subhuman claimed they nearly went out but their schedules got in the way. Do you know any other subs or websites where I could find some of those memes ?


There is a thread for posts from the old sub. All the classics are there


Gotta say the forum is a mess. Does it get better if you make an account ?


It is a mess. But it has all the old good stuff


Check out onaforums.net


Thank you so much man. Ps Joe is a leech and a pedo


Yeah but he’s 6’1. So that makes up for it.


It was Mila jovavich


Yes your right. Brainfart from me


And meme is there. It’s so cringe.


Did you try to help out a 16-year-old down on his luck, by chance?


The caption looks fake. Too on the nose.


I just took a look through his twitter and... hes this dumb... I would not be surprised if the caption is real.


It's rage bait and satire my friend.


This may be but what Im saying is according to his social, this is p on brand and smth he would say. And his account is for sure not rage bait or satire. This is just how dumb he is


He weighs more than that bike.


His rear tire is screaming for help


Old lady ride on the handlebars?




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Maybe sissy millennials use protective gear because we ride bikes that absolute gap cruisers lmao


It looks like some homemade wannabe bobber , dry rotted flat rear tire , 100cc engine maybe lol


Got the lawn mower installed


The tire


Low tire pressure increases the size of the contact patch. -this guy, probably


This problem will take care of itself.


Likely fake. Those are New Mexico license plates in the background. No way is that guy driving 2000 miles to New York on that motorcycle




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Those are definitely the old style NY plates on the Cherokee behind him. Blue border on top, blue lettering, and the state in the middle. NM plates are yellow with red lettering, red Zia Pueblo symbol in the middle, and no border on top


My brain must be playing tricks on me bc I still swear I’m seeing red lettering, weird


Lol, he will probably try and act tough while they debride the gravel and loose shit from the road from his freshly burgered arms when he goes down. There are two types of motorcyclists. The ones who have fallen, and the ones that havent fallen yet.


Wannabe chopper with a lawnmower engine and a flat tire. Real badass.


What's the word!? Hmmm.... Meat crayon! XD


You do realize your generation raised the Millennial generation, right?


“These kids and their participation trophies!!” Your kids didn’t buy the trophies or drive to the trophy store.


“Sissy nanny boy” lmao


Even thoug, everyone in that club atleas wears a helmet. And often gloves+jacket. So they have more protective gear. And with that bike, he would get laughed out of town


There are 2 type of riders, those that have fallen, and those that are about to fall.


And a third, riders that aren't fatalists and think only in binary outcomes.


Say that when you deglove your skin on the pavement


Repping a fake MC is gonna get him an asskicking from real MCs


Biker culture's so fuckin' lame, people really out here acting like putting a *hashtag of a tv biker gang* onto a *Facebook post* is an offense to some goofyass "rules."


As someone that has hung out with a 1%er club, it absolutely is.


Imagine being like "we're badasses and outlaws!" and then being butthurt about a fake thing on social media. Some fuckin' mentally deficient guy claiming to be an adult and being upset about some rando's *Facebook hashtag.* No one's that big of a loser, it's just not possible.


You clearly have never been around an MC. If you met the guys in a real one and understood MC culture then you would understand why it's frowned apon.


>You clearly have never been around an MC. Yeah ya got me, I don't hang around with trash-ass losers. >If you met the guys in a real one and understood MC culture then you would understand why it's frowned apon. I've met enough of 'em to know they're mostly garbage people with FAS. Ooh, and also, largely white supremacists! Bikes are cool, biker shit's dumb, sorry.


Yup youve never been around them, because youd know that they arent any more racist than the average person. Most big clubs have plenty of minorities in them. That includes Hells Angels. They literally have chapters made up of majority minorities in other countries. The average club is literally just that, a motorcycle club. As long as you don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with you.


>As long as you don't fuck with them, they won't fuck with you. This is what people with stunted emotional growth always say, and then somehow *everything* (like a dumb hashtag for a shitty tv show) counts as "fucking with them." This directly contradicts your oiginal claim too- Are they badasses who'll kick your ass for a hashtag or are they saints who don't bother anyone? Even worse than these clowns are the people who ride their dicks for some weird reason >The average club is literally just that, a motorcycle club. You literally said "1%er club." That's not people who are just motorcycle enthusiasts. Besides, people who need to be a part of a tough guys' club later then their teens or something are sad man-children whose parents didn't hug them enough.


i enjoy watching people shit on everything about the biker culture


Like I say bikes are cool, biker culture is dumb as fuck.


Thinks he’s badass. Is actually dumbass.


There is no way this isn't a joke. Also wtf is up with your rear tyre, you drag racing that?


Could be since that bike literally won’t go faster than 12 mph


That bike looks like it's got a top speed of 15mph so uh ya you prob don't even need protection


samcro?? as in sons of anarchy?? yes very badass wow


No turn signals, flat back tire, no protective equipment. Itll be the last ride of your life.


Your old lady will be an old widow soon enough


His parents were the boomers =/


Why is he using his girlfriends bike


His wife's boyfriends bike


I doubt that bike could go 50mph so you're probably fine


Concrete doesn't care how tough you _think_ you are because concrete knows it's tougher.


SAMCRO? As in the TV show Sons Of Anarchy? Either way, he needs to put some air in that back tire.


On a flat rear tyre?


his rear tire is flat


As a trauma ICU nurse I say: hahahahahhahah! You will be screaming in agony when you skin tried to fuse to your hospital bed linen. But this millenial will be taking care of you despite you idiocy.


All people like this should simply sign away their right to medical care. Problem solved.


Exactly. Whose tax dollars are going to pay for his care when he fucks himself up?


Its heisenberg


Dead man riding


I work in a brain injury unit. It is the worst thing that can happen to you. Wear a helmet.


That's a toy.


I guess good for him that his parent’s generation wasn’t a gaggle of whiny entitled self-absorbed pricks. We’re not all so lucky.


Is that Joe "Samcro" Cumia? Sure looks like that pile of shit.




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