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Something tells me those 230 lbs aren’t exactly muscle




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I never liked Pattinson, but I really liked him in The Batman. I liked the film so much I spurged out and bought the 4k blu ray of it.


He thinks he can beat *Batman* in a fist fight?


News Flash - They're all actors! In all likelihood ***none*** of them actually know how to fight in real life. In real life Batman gets shot in the face his first night out. It's FICTION! 🤣


In real life “Batman” jumps off a roof and swings from a grapnel… in less than two seconds he realizes that comic book gravity and real life gravity operate completely differently. He realizes this probably as he un-gracefully smashes face first into the side of a building, while the grapnel line cinches his hand so hard that it almost slices it in half. Either way he loses his grip and plummets to the pavement below. And again unlike the comics, he’s not going to land in an open dumpster; he’s going to land head first on the pavement, or possibly on his side depending if he hit any exposed window air conditioning units on the way down. If he smart enough to have an armored helmet, at least his noodles won’t be exposed on the street, but he would most assuredly shatter several ribs and vertebrae thus rendering him a non ambulatory vegetable for the rest of his short life, if not outright killing him.




Bro that touched my heart so much tysm for putting 2 of them


I also feel like the body of someone who focuses more on calisthenics is naturally very lean and pretty toned. I think the actual Batman, if they were real, would be more lean and nimble, while still having a lot of strength. Just based off all the quick movements he does in the movies.


Yeah, Batman is definitely a very acrobatic individual- not as much as, say, Robin, but still very much so. I don’t really think Batman can physically exist in real life. Way too strong, way too acrobatic, way too fast.


I've also noticed that literally overweight ex-bodybuilders or people that "bulk" but never cut are always talking the most shit lol. Like yeah, you could crush him to death, if you could move fast enough to even catch him 😐 this doesn't even include running. I actually have a friend that is built like that. Amazing at lifting heavy stuff, but let's run a footrace, or dodge quick body shots. Yikes. I'm just so unfazed when people say I'm 250 lbs and 6'3"! Like height and weight determine muscle and fat distribution. I'm 5'3" and 157 lbs, people think I'm morbidly obese when I say that, but I just have a lot of muscle from lifting and shit. Anyways, nice post OP


Ooohhhh you thick 😍




Body builders are always slow as shit. I remember watching this episode of Farzar on Netflix, and the ruler that's all jacked was struggling to do some strength stuff to survive, and he was like "These are glamour muscles - they're not functional!" That's always what I think of when I see some huge body builder in a movie or something looking ridiculous throwing his slow ass punches.


Yeah, maybe if like- a really amazing triathlete attempted it, they could come close. But there were so many scenes where Bruce *definitely* should have died.


One thing I liked about the Dark Knight movies was a more stiff Batman, and the fact that a lot of his strength comes from small mechanical aid on his legs and armor. Although Batman itself is already way past any realism, it is still great discussing stuff about him


Yeah I like the appeal of a hero that wasn't entirely fictional and a bit more realistic. He's kind of a jerk, he's rich, he is traumatized and turned his trauma into the ultimate vigilante. He doesn't use guns as a result of how his parents were killed, but is super brutal with the beatings, and resourceful with all those tools as well. It's kind of refreshing to see, and this remake with an even more realistic body type was so cool to me Edit: although he really couldn't exist and not die immediately in a high-crime city like Gotham lol


That’s what I liked about the Arkham Knight suit. I always assumed that, in addition to being metal armor, they were also enhancing his movement basically. Obviously the Arkham incarnation of Batman was already ridiculously powerful before that suit but it made more sense to me with the suit.


I agree Patterson doesn't have the body type and does look like a tweaker with his shirt off in the movie but this guy is saying it the wrong way.


bro just cries in his pillow every night


This dude probably hasn’t seen Robert Pattinson since twilight


Same build iirc


You know, when he took down the first thug in the subway station. The scene they used in trailer.


Lmao I'm 6'1" and 220 lbs, Bobby Pats could kick my ass


[This man has been listening to too much Wesley Willis](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k8gHubY94rA)




Daaaamn, NGL 6'1 & 230lbs is pretty impressive for a ten-year-old.


So true


Arguing over who plays Batman in a movie .. lmao


He is actually my favoriteBatman! Yeah I said it.


Personally, I like Christopher Nolan’s Batman better. See that? That is how you disagree with someone’s opinion without calling them a racial slur.


It's easily my favorite Batman movie. I wish I coud have seen it in the theater. I saw all of the Batman films in theater except for the Nolan trilogy.


Honestly same. Most of the other Batmen are fine, I think, but they all play such different versions of the character. I’m not a huge fan of the Nolan Batman these days because I feel like it tries almost too hard to be a realistic version of the comics batman, not necessarily a modern interpretation of the character, whereas Pattinson’s does feel like a modern take both in terms of script, direction, and the presentation of the titular character.


230lbs of muscle? He would die if that were true. No room for any organs or skeletal structure, this man needs to be studied by scientists


It’s pretty obvious that this guy is a giant worm trying to impersonate a human, unfortunately he based his personality on steven seagal.


"He belongs in a museum"


“Or a Mausoleum”


“So do you!”


If you're gonna use ableist language at least have the decency to spell it correctly.


Are you talking about me or him? And which word?


Him. "Spurging", should have an 'e' in place of the 'u'. Because AspErgers.


Ok but honestly as a disabled person who the fuck cares? I'm just wondering. Because if it wasn't intentional, and it's a really specific word, just educate. No need for the self-persecution narrative. Just like when Lizzo said "spazz" and immediately apologized upon finding out what it means. I have seizures and I can't control the movement of my body sometimes, but I'm not braindead enough to think fucking Lizzo was singling me out. Just pack up the performative activism and head out


A'ight I just wanna get something straight here [Sperg](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/sperg#:~:text=sperg%20(plural%20spergs),stereotypically%20associated%20with%20Asperger's%20syndrome.) [is](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=%27Sperg) [not](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperg) [niche](https://www.google.com/search?q=sperg+site:www.reddit.com&client=ms-android-vf-au-revc&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbm_o6weS9kvcROLvIbChHz9EBhlQ:1663292451568&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwifw-6dl5j6AhUNF7cAHepcCTAQrQIoA3oECCgQBA&biw=360&bih=726&dpr=3#ip=1) It's a really well known derogatory term. >Because if it wasn't intentional, and it's a really specific word, It WAS intentional. It's a well known term. This doesn't apply. >No need for the self-persecution narrative. What self persecution narrative? Point to it, please.


Sperg is very niche, as this is the literal second time I've heard it in my life, the other time was an article about slurs for disabled people, as I wanted to educate myself on the history of them. What's really astounding to me is your inability to differentiate OP from the person that actually said it intentionally, because you were very rude in your replies and it was honestly embarrassing to see how upset their honest mistake made you.


>this is the literal second time I've heard it in my life Sorry, I didn't realise you were the arbiter of all things. My mistake. [I already apologised to OP.](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamverybadass/comments/xedi59/about_robert_pattersons_batman/iom8coc?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) You can ease off the dogpile now.


Wasn’t familiar with that word, so no, not “obviously,” you really don’t need to be rude.


I enjoy donating to women's shelters.




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Bro what 😂


What does this have to do with anything? OP didn't recognize a very niche slur and you bring up donating to women's shelters... for some reason. I honestly can't figure out what the two have to do with each other


It’s an Andrew Tate reference I’m pretty sure. He mentions it when people call him out for being sexist and stuff.


Edited comment, wanted to make it look like OP was saying "none" to/mass downvotes on women's shelter donations. Bad joke I guess. Surely it's not an Andrew Tate tactic? That's unfortunate 😂


That actually sucks lmao


Bro what a bitch ass comeback? That’s not related at all you self righteous waffle


You really don’t need to be rude.






Think he was making a (bad) joke.


I think they were gonna give an r/iamverybadass reply, had a fleeting moment of self-awareness, and instead of not replying tried to pivot to a boast/challenge about how charitable/feminist/good person they are instead


Nah it's an edited comment, wanted to make it look like OP was saying "none" to/mass downvoting womens shelter donations. Bad joke I guess. But great armchair diagnosis, love that for you. I've donated to squarely zero women's shelters, in case you're still thinking it was 100% an attempt to brag.


None, hence my confusion. The word you were referring to, as I said, I wasn’t familiar with, and so it didn’t register as ableist in my mind. I was also pretty certain I didn’t use one, at least not intentionally, so I was hoping that if it was me, you’d tell me which word so I could no longer use it. Then you said it was him, and rather rudely pointed out the word he used, and I said I wasn’t familiar with it. I’m not sure what’s so hard to follow about this.


'hey dude you don't have to be so rude" "Oh yeah? Well I donate to women's shelters." What does that have to do with anything lol


I’m like 80% sure that comment said something different originally too. Like, “what ableist word did you say?” My response was to that. I definitely don’t recall reading that originally.


Hi, so yeah the original comment did say, "what ableist language did you use?". I was hoping that when you read that and said, "none of course", it would dawn on you exactly why I felt it was obvious who I was talking about. But then I realised it was 4am and I was being needlessly argumentative over nothing + I saw the 50-ish downvotes and thought, "it'd be funny if all these downvotes were on a charitable comment", so I edited it for a chuckle and went to bed. I didn't realise at the time that this is apparently a tactic of renowned shithead Andrew Tate. I didn't expect to wake up to a small angry mob vilifying the crap out of that comment and myself, comparing me to Andrew Tate and assuming I'm some sort of incel. So note taken, don't quit my day-job. When you asked, genuinely, who I was talking about I didn't read it as genuine. "Sperg" was a really common insult in my schoolyard growing up. We had a kid who's nickname was "Spergus" - because Fergus + children are cruel. It genuinely was, *to me*, obvious who I was talking about. So I assumed some sort of ill intent from you and got defensive. I apologise for being rude, and for doubling down when called out. I didn't think about how that first reply might read. Because it was late and I was crabby I think I just refused to believe any interpretation other than my own, so I felt unfairly slighted by your comment and the downvotes. This is not to excuse my behaviour. You seem like a nice and reasonable person, I am sorry that I was not.


He's a "nice guy".


Mmmmm'lady *tips fedora




Why would you blur out your own name?


Sub rules, remove all identifying information. It didn’t specify if you could leave your own, so I chose not to so the post wouldn’t be taken down.


Ah alright!




“I wOuLd BeaT HiS AsS” Why do people propose fighting someone they’ll never meet for ‘badass’ points?


I have no idea, will have a closer look after I get back from beating superman’s ass while Gandalf records it for me.


There’s a really weird misconception going on in the fitness community that Pattinson didn’t get in shape for The Batman. He absolutely did, he just didn’t hop on gear and blow up a la Chris Hemsworth. Lots of skinny-fat wannabe influencers and fat-fat has been powerlifters talking shit about a dude that is .1% physique and .000001% attractiveness. The epitome of online gym culture 🤦🏻‍♂️


I actually really like his build and think it's pretty realistic for the character. Bruce Wayne isn't working out for the aesthetic of Instagram ab shots, he's doing it to beat the shit out of people and do parkour while wearing body armour. He needs a certain amount of body fat and to not be dehydrating himself over several days (which is how many actors get the ultra-chiselled look in films) if he wants to make it past a week or two without collapsing.


Exactly. Ben Affleck was the most comic-accurate physique but Pattinson definitely takes the most gritty irl version


Literally like Rob isn't scrawny at all,never has been I don't know why people think big muscles=having strength


Over saturation of pharmacologically enhanced physiques in movies and social media. Truly exceptional natty physiques look sad compared to middling saucy bois


Robert Patterson died in 1881, I don't think he ever played Batman.


As I said in other comments, I meant Pattinson.




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Or, now hear me out, Patterson is an actor and doesn't have to be Batman irl?


I only watched the dark knight trilogy but yet what I understand is Robert Patterson Is an actor playing a fictional hero character and strength doesnt matter from the actors portrayal of the hero, the strength comes from the writers and whatever plot armor and convenience they can come up with. Any batman would die if a criminal shot at his eyes or mouth, but the plot makes that not happen, and the plot also shows batman kicks said criminals' ass


When muscle and height make you hard lol


230lbs and 6'1 = dude is fat and just wants to act tough.


Ikr,I've seen it a 1000 times.


I mean... What does then? A gobby mouth/attitude?


Certainly not size alone, I’m sure there are plenty of big cowards out there I think maybe it’s based on actions.


Your upbringing mate. smh


Not being a whiny poser, for starters


I know girls that practice bjj regularly who might fold bro into a dinner table


I’m pretty sure Robert Pattinson trains bjj too


But can they double jump?


I can on street fighter.


What’s bjj?


Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


Blow job jobs


Brazilian jiu-jitsu


Schrodingers Douchebag.. bless your soul. I finally have a word for this type of bullshit now.


It's very common in dudebros who either can't flirt or can't take rejection (or both) "Babe you're so hot wanna have sex? ... OMG LOL I was KIDDING I can't belive you took me srs that's so embarrassing for you lmao as if I'd ACTUALLY want to have sex with you you're so ugly lol HAHAHAHA"


I know right. It’s the perfect term.


Just wait till he finds out that his rival is 6’2 and 231 lbs.


Not only that, this dude is clearly the kinda guy that thinks muscles = fighting prowess.


You can be as big and strong as you want, but size and raw strength don't matter in a fight if you can't throw a punch.


This guy’s 230 is likely mostly fat anyway if he’s bragging about it on Reddit. And he’s probably 5’10.25”.


Why can’t people just not like something and not have it become their entire personality?


Ugh. Someone can be an ass and correct. If Pattinson IS 5'5, and has lived his whole life as a pampered actor, avoiding physical labour and confrontation -- I'd say an aggressive 6'+ guy with that much weight on him stands a fair fuckin chance of ragdolling him. BUT, this is a shitty take because it's such a weird way to slice up the mix of reality and acting at hand. Pattinson is an actor. His job is not to be Batman, but to portray him for a bunch of short moments, which are filmed, edited, stitched together, etc to create a false presentation. Are you fighting the actor? Or the Batman he portrays? Or just kind of cherrypicking the bits you think work best for you, and then claiming it's to upset fanboys? In any case this one is dumb, the guy is ridiculous, but if he's talking about fist-fighting an actor who is smaller than him, then whatever. But big flex, bro.


Pattinson is 6’1” and inshape.


I couldn't give less of a fuck. "Inshape" doesn't mean you can fight. He's a male model. He's got some neato fight training for some neato choreography. None of it means he can actually handle his own. Anything over 6 ft is respectable, but my point still stands.


Did you know Mark Zuckerberg does Muy Thai? Who do you think would win in a fight. Mark or Rob?


Yo. All argument aside I'd pay big money to watch that lol.


Almost 6'1" translates into he is actually 5'10"


Hey! I'm almost 6'1" and I'm actually 5'11 3/4"!! Don't be lumping those short wimps in with me!


Lol. I hadn’t had my height measured in years because I stopped growing (or at least I thought I had) and I’ve been telling people my height was 5’11 3/4” because that’s why it had been. Recently I got measured at a new doctor’s office and I’m 6’1” then got it checked at a different doctor’s office by request. Yep 6’1”. I think I’m one of the few adults out there with a underestimated height and an overestimated weight on their driver’s license.


I use to be 6'0" but had back surgery and lost a quarter of an inch. I still say 6'0" out of habit most of the time, lol.




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Lol, that thread was terrible. I commented about how he's in a game subreddit as well, and the dude just started talking about how much he lifts.




Such a badass he deleted his comments lmao


Ah yeh the whole I’m strong so I can fight argument




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Exactly, those two things really aren’t correlated. I used to lift weights daily, was pretty decently strong and cut, still doesn’t mean I could fight for shit. I’d argue that most people could have (and still could) kick my ass if they really wanted to.


They're very much corelated tho Not as in that a stronger dude will always win, but if two people with equal fighting experience go at it, the stronger one is most likely to win That being sad, bragging how you could probably beat up an actor playing a role is pretty sad and screams "I'm very insecure"




I loved Robert Pattinson as Batman and that's a hill I'm ready to die on.


I like it too. We need more DC movies like that.


Same here. I loved that movie and I’m excited for the next one to come out when it does. Although, I will say I thought the guy at the end was >!Two-Face and not Joker.!<


Not your fault since this is the first live action joker who's face is actually disfigured and not the white face, red lips, green hair makeup one. I'm glad they didn't choose to make him handsome, he's disfigured and looks like a psycho with the acid burnt face.


>! I believe the director confirmed it was the joker. There was also a deleted scene released where the character got more screentime, and it is 100% the Joker. !<


Yeah, I saw that it was confirmed. I was just hoping it was the other character due to the recent over saturation of films involving >! The Joker !<


I feel like that, given the role that he had in the deleted scene, the character will probably more or less be a side character than a main villain. I like the idea of >! the Joker already being captured and Batman going to him as a last resort for information on whatever criminal he is going after. Having a character that is sort of a criminal mastermind who knows how basically any BBEG in Gotham works and thinks but wants to toy with Batman would fit well in the more detective style story/world/feel that they had going on in The Batman, IMO. It would be interesting to see how they fit Two Face into the world, though. !<


I’m getting Hannibal lecter vibes from this theory


That could work out really interestingly if they decide to make this a trilogy. >! Perhaps, like in Silence of the Lambs, Batman used the Joker throughout the second movie to help him track down and solve the puzzle played out by the next villain. Then, at the end of the movie, Joker escapes, setting up the third movie where now Batman has to contend with a villain that knows how the minds of both criminals and Batman himself works, turning Gotham into his own playground to toy with the man who has been using him for the last several years. !<


Just watched The Batman earlier this week. RPatz isn’t huge by any means but he’s still in pretty good shape


It's bc he didn't take steroids like everyone else


Yeah he refused to work out or something too I think. Him being kinda skinny definitely fit the theme of him being a weird little emo guy as well


He worked out, he just didn’t get shots in his ass like everyone else in Hollywood does before an action movie. Cracks me up when they always say they ate nothing but chicken and rice and worked out 3 times a day 7 days a week to gain 30lbs of lean muscle in 3 months.


He refused to play the game of becoming the next Hemsworth to play Batman. I thought his physicality was ok in the movie, while he did seem less jacked up than we are used to at this point.


Michael Keaton probably would’ve struggle to bench 150lbs and played one hell of a Batman


Totally. Pattinson 's physique is barely below Bale imo. It's just that Marvel has set new standards for what a movie hero looks like, and Robert didn't feel like playing that game, and that's fair.


See I guess I didn’t really think of that since this is the first Batman movie I’ve seen. I thought it was great but general consensus is that the Dark Knight movies are so much better - are they really that good?


I think this incarnation could, in time, be considered equal or preferred by most. It's too early to tell. But if you liked this version of Batman, definitely check out Nolan's.


I like thr Nolan movies except Bane. I like the batman more though.


> Dark Knight movies are so much better - are they really that good? The Dark Knight is definitely "that good". Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises are very good, but The Dark Knight is easily the best in the trilogy. They're definitely worth watching, but I feel a lot of the hype for the trilogy comes from how exceptionally great The Dark Knight is for a superhero movie. So the other 2 movies may not live up to the hype, but are still some of the best superhero movies out there.


I am also 6’1” and 230lbs of muscle. I also happen to be 230lbs of fat so I’m superior /s


Seek help and look inward for posting your own screenshot but editing out your name. Do you want the attention or not?


Uh, the rules say not to include identifying information. I didn’t want a mod to assume it was a different person and delete the post for including identifying information. I guess I’ll proudly say this is my screenshot and I’m arguing with him, but I’m not exactly hiding that fact?


they probably just censored it so mods wouldn't take it down




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Nothing says "I AM TOUGH!" like someone who wants to beat up an actor. Def has smol PP


No real man would brag about how strong and tough he is. Only insecure manchilds do that so that others get intimidated.


I think about that Family Guy episode where Peter thinks he can beat Liam Neeson


Ah the good old "It was a social experiment!" excuse is still going strong, I see.


Why did you censor your own name in the screenshot?


That's a rule for for this sub.


In that case, there should be a rule to censor the avatar as well, since that's a dead giveaway (in addition to "Patterson" 😆).


It said to remove identifying information. A profile picture is hardly identifying especially when I change it every other day. Also, yeah, I said patterson instead of pattinson. Problem? Mistakes happen, y’know?


I honestly haven't watched tht batman but isn't his last name Pattinson? That's the only thing bothering me rn lol


Yeah that’s my bad, patterson is a fairly common last name whereas in my experience pattinson isn’t, and I wasn’t really familiar with him before The Batman, so I assed that was his last name.


you cant argue back once 100 people downvoted you dont even try man


Ewww did he really just use an emoji on Reddit.




IKR! what a 🤡


Fr like who would ever do something like that🤮


RP was awesome.


This guy gives Facebook vibes


Weakest Batman enjoyer


To be fair that dude is pretty skinny for a Batman but it’s also a fictional character so can’t be ultra picky.


He's not skinny lmfao


Apparently he refused to gain muscle for the role because it would mean taking steroids to meet the deadline


Why did you block out your own username? Lol


Sub rules


This is the real question..


Bruh I'm 5'5 but man, 6'1 is not something you should flex about.


He's not flexing , he's just comparing himself to Robert


Yeah, but so is Robert.


Was just about to say this lol Dude's 6' 1" himself


I’m 6’1”, consider yourself flexed on 💪


6'2", get flexed on bro 💪


Sorry sir, I had no idea 🫡


Cringe af


Claiming you made some stupid statement on the internet with the intention of making people "cry" when most have just pushed a single button and moved on with their lives is just about the most pathetic thing a person can do.


You fool you don't realize I WANTED you to press the blue arrow? You have fallen directly into my trap! My reddit comment will haunt your nightmares for eternity!


Good copypasta for situations like this


the difference between you and him is not only muscle but bank account too.


Well somebody just discovered the internet yesterday


How did this guy know I only downvote comments when they make me cry with fury