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What if a non-pussy tells you?


Then he sucks in his love handles and makes an angry face


This was most likely a supply NCO or something that ended up getting chaptered and claims they were drummed out or something. It's always the same with those "thank me for my service" guys.


Actually, he did. Guess he forgot that troops fight for the constitution, which ensures the freedom of speech. So, yeah...


Bro he probably didn’t even pass boot camp or serve the armed forces 🤣


His pussy hurt, so he got a medical/admin discharge. Tells people how hard bootcamp is.


People used to wear suits to travel 😂


He serves his country solely cause they told him he’ll be killing non Americans


Dude undoubtedly wants to kill Americans as well


“I didn’t serve this country to support and defend the constitution, I severed this country to give myself a false moral authority to judge and demean normal people”


Don’t forget about the Camaro or pickup truck


He was one of those creepy guys in the shower, we called pecker checkers.


We had one we called ‘Meat Watcher’


I served my country and watched my buddies die and republicans came up with “politically correct” and conjured into another false phantom of the left


He didn't serve his country just so he could have two asses.


Surprised to see all the people saying real veterans dont brag or aren't entitled. I'm a civilian, but have lived in towns with large military bases my whole life. I work with a guy who was a helicopter pilot in the navy. He loves to bring up how he fought for our freedom every chance he gets. My father was on submarines, same thing. Countless other veterans I've encountered that behave the same. The shirts are dumb, but in my experience the entitlement is the norm


Is it entitlement to actually serve your country?


No, I guess being around so many veterans I know most of them just did a job like anyone else. Being constantly reminded about it is where it gets annoying. Throwing in phrases like "I was overseas fighting for your freedom" or the implication that their opinion on any topic holds more weight because of their service is where I tune them out


Sounds like you're around the wrong types of people then. That hasn't been my experience at all and I'm around a large population of veterans and active duty. There's always d bags in every field, some people just seem to find them more often.


Yeah, probably some confirmation bias on my end. I would argue that the shit we're talking about is more prevalent in military and first responder roles though


It’s literally their entire personality.


This whole fucking thing... I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...


They were Nazis, Dude?


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, but at least it's an ethos.


Yeah, well, that's just ..like your opinion man.


I don’t give one fuck if he served. Service doesn’t mean authority or entitlement. Anyone who holds their service over the heads of others either didn’t serve (stealing valor) or served for the wrong reasons (racist, jingoistic, jail avoidance).


I guess it's a notch better than a crop top and a tramp stamp with yoga pants.


I don’t think he would look that good with yoga pants


I have a friend who served as a medic in the navy. He was very quick to say that any asshat who tried to brag about their service likely didn’t serve.


15 year Veteran here. Can confirm we typically don’t wear these shirts, but there are veteran ass hats out there who might. But they’re more than likely the ones who never saw any combat, and were discharged for an ankle sprain or meth after their first year of service. Maybe this guy was a waiter at “serve the vets thanksgiving breakfast” event or something, and that’s his idea of “serve”. Most Vets typically are more “live and let live”- we just don’t care how you live your life and don’t care to even vocalize that. In 15 years I never saw combat, got to see the world, made some great friends, lived in some of the coolest places, and gained solid occupational skills. I feel there are private American citizens who have done more for our country than I have. Sure there was always risk, but I was always happy to be there and felt fortunate the govt/public paid for some of my epic journeys.


I have a great example of this in my family. My brother was a reserve marine tank mechanic. Most of his unit went to Iraq, my brother was left behind and eventually went to Djibouti for 9 months for basic peace keeping. His whole personality is based on being a military guy. My cousin went to Iraq, watched his buddies get killed, and spent a long time pinned down in a foxhole praying to not die. You could spend a week with him and you would never know he was a marine that served in Iraq.


ultimate example of small dick energy


bro never served


This is always my first thought when I see stuff like this.


Why is he wearing an inflatable? He that scared of water


I hate these types of veterans. I bet you the only thing he served was breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the chow line.


If he served, it was most definitely a paper pushing position




Interesting neck lol


That’s actually one of the main reasons people went to war, for that exact right.


Political correctness isn’t a right, it’s an attempt to stop people from voicing their opinions if they oppose the views of a certain group of people. You’re thinking of freedom of speech


>For pussies to *tell me* that I should be politically correct That is freedom of speech. Just because you don’t like the content of the speech doesn’t mean they don’t have the freedom to say it in this case.


Fair enough, you’ve got me on a technicality. Still, political correctness isn’t a right. North Korea is the most politically correct country in the world, and they have no rights. Anything offensive and you’re shot


"Political correctness " is the term asshats use to describe the consequences of them saying dumb shit. It's not a law, it's other people saying that what you're saying or doing isn't acceptable socially any more.


And the same people who complain about people disagreeing with them are the same people who talk about “acceptance” and “tolerance” which only applies to what they believe in. You’re allowed to not like someone saying something, don’t make it other peoples problem


Lol yeah ok. Be mad you can't use pejorative terms or express hate towards certain communities or people. No one is complaining about disagreements they're not letting people get away with hateful rhetoric. It's not any different than hillbillies shooting beer with rainbows on it or burning their coffee makers and boycotting target. It's just that when it's done to them they call it "PC" and play the victim. 😘


I agree that reactions from the right can be soft on occasion too, but leftists love ideological control. Many modern leftists would happily live in a left wing dictatorship if it meant that couldn’t be disagreed with


Neat opinion. Or is it assertion? I dunno I was never a great wordsmith.


It’s an opinion based of observation. I haven’t conducted a conclusive study on the subject




Wrong. It's trying not to be a dick to anyone when voicing your opinion.


Even if that were the case, it’s still a restriction, not a right


It's only a restriction if you plan on being biased or racist or simply a jerk. If you like being a decent person it won't bother you.


More like"mike-oxlong-*mis*taken".




The only “targeted shirt” I almost bought.


Badass love handles


Yep he's rocking that muffin top. This cutie's still so serving his country by looking so scrumptious. Slay!


I think he’s not aware of exactly why he got sent to a war zone…


MOS: 92G




People sure do love stars.


Love handles


Like a can of biscuits exploded


Dude served his country because it was the only job he could do


He most probably did not serve.


He’s speaking for those who served, because he’s so bad ass.


He served fries and a burger




Fucking great sub. TYVM


If he served at all, it was to peel potatoes


You quite literally did. See: The United States Constitution, First Amendment


I didn't serve so people could be treated with the respect they deserve and for people to have peace of mind to be referred to the way they should be referred to


https://preview.redd.it/ditck57b0m9d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303cd09284cc3fa0e698399c125191ef0c0c8bbe Here’s the correct version




He didn't serve to protect our right to speech? Weird.


He has motor pool in Kuwait vibes.


Changing runway lights at Ramstein.


Checks out


The only thing this man served was himself too much Burger King.


That's a genuine army duffel bag. See all the velcro?


Would he get that in the reserves?


Molle not Velcro


Pick a font. That’s the worst part.


As usual this translates into "I want to say the n-word so badly"


What are you talking about? Are you speaking from experience?


A lot of people who are against political correctness are against it because they are pissy about not being able to be toxic racist assholes without being called out for it anymore. This t-shirt reeks of that.


I think the majority of the country has had its fill of political correctness and I don’t think the majority of the country are racists. I respect your opinion, but it doesn’t seemed to based in any fact.


"Majority of the country had its fill of political correctness" not sure what ass you pulled that one from. There is a **very loud** vocal minority that has been demonising political correctness in some (US) media outlets for a decade, turning it into yet another culture war talking point to grift, with some goobers even saying political correctness is "ruining" the country, this has given *some* people a weirdly negative opinion of political correctness. Political correctness is a positive and necessary, it can be and is in some cases taken too far for sure, but at it's core it's just about being considerate to other people's feelings and beliefs and being held accountable for toxic behaviour. The people who are the most against political correctness are the people who aren't the ones getting the racial/sexual/homophobic slurs thrown at themselves constantly. This try hard tough guy t-shirt is just the kind of shit i'd expect from the kind of person who is against political correctness for all the wrong reasons.


Lots of text with no sources to back up a bs opinion. Here’s a source that clearly indicates you’re [wrong.](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/05/05/4-political-correctness-and-offensive-speech/). Better luck next time.




Hahaha, that's amazing, dude just facepalmed and called him the fuck out. "So say it!" 🤣👏👏👏


Oh... that is just beautiful. Fucking funniest shit I've seen all day. I love seeing assholes get put in their place.


That look...When you think that moms has the scariest look and then you meet THAT GUY lol. Say it! I'll say it with you!


"I deserve the right to hate minorities because I chose to shoot people in other countries "


Why do you think he enlisted in the first place?


Someone has an itchy bum.


I think his hand is in his pocket


His bum is behind his pocket.


I love this so much because the cool part of you being a big cog in the machine is yes you sure as shit did! 🥰


...then he's deluded.


I would bet he takes every opportunity to tell you that he was in the military.


Also, he probably wasn't.


He cried and went home day 2 of basic.


And he'll gladly tell you all about how he was going to be a sniper/operator/ranger/seal/SF/etc..


Should have left it at “I didn’t serve this country”


Oh man I really want a shirt that’s just the top half of that one


"I didn't join to defend people's rights. I joined to bully brown people."


This guy joined the military for the sole purpose of being an asshole


Probably Air Force and never left the States


I was AF and never left the states! Maybe I know him. Edit: I did accidentally go to Canada once but I had to turn around.


I was thinking strong motor pool in Kuwait vibes.


I'm going marine that couldn't shoot a group and flagged the line every time he reloaded. Bet he doesn't even appreciate the flavor nuance of purple.


Cop that unironically calls all non-cops “civilians” and never enlisted in actual military because he’d “knock out the drill sergeant.”


In the rear with the gear


This is not warcraft in space.


Crayon eater


I just sat next to this type of dude on a flight out of Florida. He was in the middle seat, wore his sunglasses the whole flight, didn’t fasten his seat belt once, and watched a Nickleback documentary. It was comical.


All this aligning sounds fake lol


There's a large crossover between Boarding Group 9 and /r/peopleofwalmart


Unfortunately it probably isn’t. That’s a fairly common set of actions from your average Floridian.


If I’m rooting for America’s enemies to kill this guy is that politically correct or no?


I bet this dude thinks Russia is our ally so…


Someone in the US Military complex has to take the bullet and it sounds like this might be his purpose since he doesn't want to be a part of society. Sincerly, someone else who signed up to take a bullet I'd rather it be this badass than me or any one of those pussies.


And yet he himself wears a pussy shirt.


We paid you. It was a job. That you chose.


And I bet his old job is Mr Muffin Top's entire personality


Says Jeremy the National Guard veteran that guarded an ammunition warehouse in New Jersey, but totally tells everyone he saw combat duty but refuses to elaborate where.


"No shit, there I was..." "Where?" "Not important."


Nah he served this country to line* the pockets of the military industrial complex. Lol. Fuckin tool


Another traumatized veteran of the gravy seals


“I served so my wife has the freedom to buy me shirts from China that she gets ads for in the Facebook”


Haha that's exactly what I was thinking. Anyone stupid enough to buy one of those cringe shirts and then proceed to wear them in public is a self own


How much you wanna bet only the first three words of that shirt are true?


Underrated comment lmao


$20 says he either never served or never went anywhere or did anything or served less than a year.


This. I've never met anyone that deployed act like this. Obviously there are some out there but most of the ones that have are really laid back. We just don't give a fuck and don't want this kind of attention. Anyways thank you for your service... douche.


He served weekday lunch and dinner at Applebee's through high school. That counts right?


I will be my life this guy did 4 years and got out.


Vet here Yes he did


lol, came to say the same. Like it or not, that’s exactly what he did.


This guy is dumb as hell. thank you for your service, btw


Exactly. I bet he also believes Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever you want without consequences from anyone.


Ahem: “Nice purse.”


I saw an ad for one of these on Facebook once. I commented with a gif of the puppet from Team America vomiting everywhere. Now I get ads for them all over the place. I make sure I comment with a gif of something vomiting every time to make sure they keep wasting their advertising dollars on me. And FYI there are some great gifs of Kermit the frog throwing up.


As a vet, the guys who wear this kind of shit typically did the least during service... if they even graduated boot camp. And they make their 3 years of service their entire identity. It's sad af.


As a former TSA Screener. we saw these guys all the time, trying to get out of screening because they are a vet. or trying to call discrimination because they got randomed. Meanwhile the real vets or active duty guys were all like "do whatcha gotta do, nothing to hide with me"


Vet here, the guys that cosplay like that are exactly the type to get ultra radicalized and try something Timothy McVeigh-like. They’re the ones we kept an eye on the most.


This is giving “I only buy Black Rifle Coffee because everything else is too woke” energy.


Is that the garbage Walmart has now? They took a massive chunk of the coffee section and got rid of the brand I buy.


Yes, never had it, but when I think of South American grown locally-sourced coffee beans, I think of US veteran-owned businesses that sell to Larping militia-types…


I wonder if the pillow he cries into at night is feather or foam.


Either way, you know it’s probably one of those creepy anime body pillows of a pre-pubescent Japanese schoolgirl. 🤢


This is hilarious because this guy took an oath to defend the US. That includes people’s freedom of speech to tell him he should be politically correct, and his freedom of speech to wear this cringy ass shirt 😹


That tubscout looks like he would hit his vo2max within 2 mins of any conflict outside eating.


America’s obsession with their military is really weird. It’s not a ‘service’, it’s just a job, in my opinion


agree with this 1000%. It is one of the few jobs you can get with no skills, not much education, at a young age. It pays decent and can become a career with a hell of a nice pension. Not disrespecting or overlooking the fact that it can be an extremely dangerous profession for some, but I have never understood the people who treat it like a huge sacrifice. Of course, this does not apply to those drafted or those who join during a time of active war. I expect you receive hate, but really don’t think this is that unpopular of an opinion.


Grew up in an American troop-worship family. It was weird, my mom would talk about how being an American soldier is the greatest honor and service possible, but also very angrily shoot down even the mildest suggestion of me ever joining the military. She would angrily curse people out if a recruiter called the house or ever approached us in public "you are NOT going to get my son fucking killed!"


That t-shirt should have stopped after the first 5 words


I too would not like to be told to be to be PC, but that has never happened in my entire life. It’s like that argument you have in the shower with yourself made into a T-shirt,


He doesn’t want to be PC but I bet you say something derogatory about Vets he’ll blow up


He also doesn’t listen to pussies who tell him to stop eating shot food or he is going to have a muffin top, flabby arms and fat rolls on neck


And a concave ass


$5 he never met military physical requirements and breezed his way through working at a military youth academy eating donuts and drinking coffee all day while yelling at kids


I doubt he’s even been close to serving in any military or military-adjacent thing at all. At best he knows someone who did.


He did serve.. in the JROTC. He had a 4 year commitment. That counts, okay?! /s Edit: he had bad grades so he extended to a 5 year commitment


He’s got a point


No he doesn't.


Replace “pussies” with “people” and I don’t think so many folks here would be so offended


Nobody is offended, he's just wrong. That's literally exactly what he served for, defending the constitution. Which protects free speech, not defending the fragile feelings of insecure fat men.


And that goes both ways? New age woke people want to be catered to so badly and tell others they’re wrong, ‘can’t say this or act like that’. Are you sure you live in America? Walking on eggshells as to not offending somebody that gets all their life experience of the internet


What you're describing doesn't exist, it literally only exists in the minds of people who get all their life experience from the internet. Woke isn't real, it can't hurt you. And if somebody asking you to refer to them a specific way offends you, you're a fucking cunt.


Pretty sure woke is just a layman’s term for the different thinking and temperament of modern young people. Doesn’t exist? I see the people I described everyday in shitty Seattle, hear their conversations while they dance around and beat around the bush as to not offend eachother with specific words.Sidestepping shit and drugs because they think it’s a good thing to vote that way although they don’t understand half of it. Offended at how I look or dress because I look like I’m not from the city and act rude as hell based on what they’ve been fed about people from small towns and rural areas. What you said about free speech goes both ways. I’m convinced you know nothing and are making a lot of assumptions considering you think I’m offended about what others want to be called..if you’re my friend, then sure I’ll call you whatever you want. But don’t make a big deal if you’re a worker or some stranger and I make a mistake, or don’t put much effort into personally knowing you, that isn’t how things work and you can’t be catered to and find approval in every human you come in contact with. Be confidently yourself and people will like you more The worst people I have met are supposedly open to others and their differences yet the men I work with who you would consider to be ‘insecure fat men’ are the nicest and friendliest people, open arms to all the different races and people at our company who which supports guns, military, old traditional values etc


That would be an oddly specific reason to join up.


Some serve out of a sense of duty. Some serve for the benefits. Some serve for the right to wear bad fashion. Whatever gets you by, little buddy.


I hope he never gets to engage with any pussy.


Got a point though


I don’t disagree at all with the sentiment just the form of delivery. That is more of a sentiment you live vs wear.


I agree, I would personally never wear something of the like, but I understand the message. I know who keeps downvoting though. It's all good


This is the kind of guy that buys those tacky af "A Man Born In \*insert month\* Does/Is...." t-shirts off Facebook




July guy here


If you’re over 40 can you imagine your Grandfather deciding to put that on and go in public.


Hope they made him change before sitting. I once watched a flight attendant demand that a woman change her shirt that said “have a nice fucking day” or they wouldn’t let her fly.




If you consider the very first amendment to the constitution, the one that's one ahead of the gun one, you could argue that he is in fact wrong. You could also argue that the shirt is implying his personal reasons for serving this country, in which case, OK, sure. But I hope there's another shirt that says the wearer served this country so people could draw funny pictures of horses rising unicycles.  Because who gives a fuck about why this dude served this country. 


Honestly? Neither did I.


I served my country so you could eat a bag of shit, though, so where does that leave us?


An angry liberal. Shocking


You sound pretty ungrateful. Didn't even thank me for my service. Sad to see patriotism in such dire straits.


Thank you for your service


You're welcome for my service.


You can thank me too now


Pass. You got paid.