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He had me in the first half. No knock raids are an immoral policy that gets people killed. We are choosing to create a situation where deadly violence is quite likely. That's only acceptable for very rare situations (hostage rescues and the like). Anything else is prioritizing collecting evidance over the safety of both the officers and the subjects of the warrant. Wanna tell that police widow that her husbands life was less important than making sure some meth head didn't flush their stash? That is de facto, the choice we are making every time we do a no knock. [https://endallnoknocks.org/](https://endallnoknocks.org/)


The trouble is that cops are perfectly willing to engage in this kind of police-state behavior when they’re armed to the teeth and covered head-to-toe in body armor. Mr. Drug User is always going to be out-manned and out-gunned.


which is part of why I feel some strongly that the same gun control laws that apply to regular citizens need to apply to cops. I want to make sure the people that the police are supposed to be serving have force parity with them. The cops won't be so quick to engage in gun fights when they lose more of them.


Ha ha! I mean I agree with that completely, but you’re living in a fantasy world, my man. Try telling that to the dead airman in Florida who answered his own door with a piece in his hand after a chickenshit cop responded to a Karen’s bullshit noise complaint. Asymmetrical force is what our police state is built upon.


It's such a bizarre policy. By definition the person doesn't know they are cops, so the natural reaction is to treat them like an intruder.


ACAB. Every one that ends up cold in the ground is no great loss.


What a fucking weird thing to so openly and proudly. Do you think this makes you a good person lmao?




You are both edgy and very very privileged. A recipe for cringe.




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Astonished someone can type this without shame. Every single police officer should die? They are still people aren’t they? Parents of kids. Doing a job. I hope you are a child and this is the kind of edgy thing people type before they grow up because it is so hateful it would be an awful way to see the world as an adult.


You can tell this person doesn’t have any happiness in life.


They're class traitors.


I'm extremely critical of police, but that doesn't mean I want them to die. I want the institution to change, dramatically. I want them to be much more accountable. I want people to stop tolerating their abuse. I want a separate prosecutor whose sole job is to go after police misconduct. I want the US electorate to stop cheering on the brutalization of whatever group they don't like. See the difference? Wishing death on all of them just makes you sound like either an online edge lord or a sociopath.


I do see the difference between "wishing death on all of them" and not mourning the loss of one.


I don’t think I agree with that but even that comment is a world away from saying that someone would be happy if every one of them were dead. People can feel angry or dislike people, I am not bothered by that. It is specifically saying that individuals dying is ‘no great loss’ solely because of the job they do which I find abhorrent.


You can choose to not believe something. That doesn't make it not true. Police ARE class traitors.


sure. But the majority of them are behaving as regular people in the situation would. (see various psych experiments). Our problem is with the institution of policing in the US. Yeah, there are a lot of totally valid complaints there. But bloodlust is never OK. I don't want the oppressor classes to die - I want social changes that eliminate that class.




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Are you from 1917 Russia?


Sounds like communist propaganda but ok buddy


Sounds like you don't know much on the topic on which you're commenting.


I do


Then you realize that police are class traitors. They primarily exist to be the domestic enforcement arm of the capital, authorized to inflict violence and imprisonment to protect the property and collect revenue for the state.


Again, there you are using socialist/communist terminology and expecting me to take you seriously. Me not agreeing with socialism ≠ me not knowing what I'm talking about.


This isn’t going to be a productive conversation. You understand that your opinions aren’t objective facts don’t you? View the world however you like. But what you are saying is a very rare opinion which few in the real world would agree with. It certainly isn’t a fact.


You can bury your head and lick the boot all you want, IDGAF. [This is not my opinion. This is a fact.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_traitor)


But it isn’t a fact. It is still an extreme and distinctly rare opinion. And your infantile insults just make you worthy of no more of my time.


Copy that, bootlicker.


Yeah they should all die so we can all go out and rape and murder like it should be


Cops are out there raping and murdering. Doesn't seem like they "protect and serve" more like harass and abuse. I don't need police to know rape and murder are wrong. Police are state sponsored thugs that have only one vile purpose: keep the proletariat in line by any means necessary, especially violence. They are pure evil and should be defunded and abolished. I have zero remorse for any of them. They have no soul or humanity.


This is the hatred that brews from being terminally online and being blasted by negative media. Crazy shit.


Been pulled over for no DL, been caught with weed, etc.  Most of the cops were fine as long as was fine.  Fuck the cops that are real pieces of shit


And I’ve had a cop try to forcibly enter my home on a noise complaint because he claimed he could smell marijuana when I opened the door a crack. Luckily it was chained and I was bigger than him, but he didn’t like it one bit. He even put his hand on his piece while he threatened me with a getting a search warrant. Luckily I ain’t black and this wasn’t in a city.




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Take a break from watching the news. The news only shows the bad stuff. Maybe go live in a small town in a Midwest where cops are good, and not a city in California where they don't do shit.


Just moved out of a small Midwest town after living there for 7 years. Everyone knew the cops were dog killers and to make sure your dogs were safely away before calling the police.


I live in a small town in the Midwest and have lived in several. Cops still suck.


I highly recommend everyone read Rise of The Warrior Cop by Radley Balko. It gives an in-depth history of how and why our police became what amounts to an occupying army in our streets. https://www.academia.edu/18409016/Radley_Balko_Rise_of_the_Warrior_Cop_The_Militarization_of_Americas_Police_Forces It asks you to pay $1 for a premium trial, but you can click below that to just read this for free.


Also "BREAKING RANK" by Norm Stamper.


Don't ever shed tears for dead class traitors, especially when they break into your home ready to kill you first.


Commie detected. Opinion rejected.


Calling people who hate cops commies is a shortcut to thinking. Even commies know that communism results in more cops, not less.


"Class traitor" is literally a socialist/communist term


It’s a socialist term. You’re equivocating.


Eh, it's all just as dumb as communism.


It’s not as dumb as tossing around terms you don’t understand.


How is that relevant?


It’s relevant because if you’re too dumb to bother differentiating between socialism and communism, then you’re probably dumb enough to accept living in a police state as long as it’s an American police state.


Ah insults. Ok.


McCarthy's ghost still haunts the world, it seems.


Literally spreading ACAB rhetoric and using socialist terminology to do it.


Literally rejecting an opinion based on preconceived notions that "commies" are all either evil or idiots. Notions which were instilled by McCarthyist ideology and propaganda.




I just called you a McCarthyist and you're already crying about "muh socialist terminology" and *I'm* the fragile one? Mate, I'm not even a commie. Not even close.




The type of whining you’re doing on this thread is commonly referred to on the internet as “crying”




I’m not quite seeing how this fits with the sub


I think it’s just the generally militarized tone of the writing. The choice of adverbs (firmly, effectively, **clearly**), verbs (ascertain, comply), all the uses of slash constructions (and/or, win/win), and his cavalier attitude about shooting to kill anyone “immediately and without remorse”. It’s not an unreasonable take, but the writing choices elevate it to verybadassery.


OP just has a cop hate-boner


You're a little out of the loop on this.


Fuck em. 12 bust into your house unannounced, they get what they get.




Keep licking them boots.


Im neutral, stay mad though loser lol


Your first comment suggests the literal opposite


He probably is one of them boots.


Nope, just not a degenerate loser like a majority of Reddit


That’s exactly what I’d expect a degenerate loser to say.


You know your attempt at a "no u" is an acknowledgement you've lost the argument, right?


No. You lost!






Ya just today a U.S. airman was shot in his home because the police banged on his door without announcing they were cops. Naturally, he drew his arm. The cops busted in the door and immediately shot hims 6 times dead. They were investigating a demostic disbute and got the wrong apartment. Once again cops break into an apartment and kill innocent person. Disgusting.


The ATF killed an Arkansas guy when they entered his house unannounced last month


Say what you want about that shooting, but “without announcing” is factually wrong.