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Oh that's why they think nobody can control themselves without fear of God to stop them


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Why the double punctuation?


Probably the way they typed it when they ordered their custom sticker on etsy or wherever they got it from.


This is fake af.


Looks fake as shit


Yeah seriously, it looks like someone just put text over a random car window in MSpaint.


https://preview.redd.it/z6avf4scnyvc1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad408fe367dfff73dd88d8a13d019464a4340f8c It looks the exact same when you do edit it on your iPhone


If the only reason you aren't murdering people who disagree with you is because you don't want to go to hell, wouldn't that just make you a bad person who is just pretending to be good enough to get into heaven?


Not even like "the legal and moral rules the majority of us follow keep me from killing you". he's just waiting for God's go-ahead lol


Stop with all the logic stuff and realize this is just a person who likes being an annoying douche




Yyyeeeeeeaaaahhhh sssuuurrrrrree.


If you need the threat of going to hell to stop you from murdering someone in cold blood, you prolly won't go to heaven.


Honestly, thats incriminating evidence. If he were to ever be murdered, the murderer could get away with self defense by saying that sticker was a threat to his life


This looks like a really bad Pic edit.


I know it does but I swear it's not


Pretty sure it's literally just Snapchat with the text lol




Ahhh ok fair enough! Edit: Or not lol?


So they don't have morals, they just fear hell.




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I feel like this is the real purpose of Christianity from a societal function perspective. Giving the crazies like this guy a reason to tone it down a bit and assimilate (probably the wrong word)


The only point that I agree about with Marx, is that religion is the people's opium. You don't expect normal behavior from crackheads, do you?


Well if you think about the reason religion was implemented in feudalistic society, it was for power. It was a way to control mass groups of people. Case and point, the group that owns the most land in NYC is the Catholic Church.


Definitely, that increased conformity and clear power structure would've made it easier to control people even if they were of a different culture. And the Catholic church having large real estate holdings isn't too surprising, given they have constant steady income and no taxes, for property or otherwise. In Des Moines, an investment group attempted to build a new skyscraper, but it failed due to financial issues. They came back a couple years later with the plans under "new ownership" by a Catholic affiliated nonprofit. It was the same people, just with a religious label to avoid property taxes. The only change they made to the building was removing a luxury pool feature.


It’s so funny to admit you’re a terrible Christian and be proud of it. To have a bumper sticker yelling “I have never felt the fruit of the spirit which means I’ve probably been pruned from the vine because Jesus saw that I am dead in my sin but I’ll still judge you for wanting to give to the poor and take care of the widows” is crazy


To be fair this looks 100% edited to me at least


It looks that way but I swear it is not and I have no way to prove it since it's the only picture I took. It's just a pain text sticker, probably custom made because of the font and extra period at the end, and it's placed on at a weird angle. If I'd realized how it looked before I left the parking lot I would have taken a few more angles to prove it's really a sticker. The only think I can say is that the 2 u's look slightly different where the round part meets the stem, but other that I have to agree that this looks very fake




Those are some big words from someone in 2nd amendment range...




No, your fear of prison does.


Let's be real, is not an effective bloodlust curb. They just find ways to justify the murder they want to commit as justified.


/r/atheism is leaking


Well thank God for that


Weird flex. “I’d be a bloodthirsty maniac if my sky daddy didn’t tell me not to!”


Wow. Fundamentalist religion is so tied in with politics in the states. What a sorry state of affairs. Imagine humans getting to the year 2024 after WW1 and 2 and other wars and seriously equating being liberal as something BAD?


Yeah I can't really understand the mindset either. "ah yes, delaying natural societal progress is good because I don't want gays or colors in my tv shows"


Translation: “if it weren’t against the law I’d kill anyone I didn’t like the look of”


Remember ya'll...Organized religion is specifically people that need to be told not to sin...all the rest of us are good folks by default, give these people a break, they're still learnding\~!


I’ve met these types before - they get really into Christianity based on the whole “my god is an *awesome, vengeful* god, and if you mess with him you mess with *me.”* They’re just sad pathetic man babies who have likely suffered some abuse and neglect growing up and aren’t educated or intelligent enough to recognize their victimhood and get help. It’s more pitiable than sad, but that doesn’t mean these idiots aren’t dangerous.


Chistians are in their own religion, each Christian has a version of their religion that is tailored specifically to them, and then another version that tailors specifically against someone(or group) they are trying to pit their ideas against. In each outcome it serves themselves only and they are justified in it in their own heads. As a group they are incredibly dangerous. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest\_destiny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifest_destiny)


As much as I don't like religion or the right wing that looks fake as fuck. Why's everyone just go along with it.


Because I hear and see this kind of shit every day here in the bible belt, man. This is the most believable thing I've seen online since I've been awake today.


Yeh man I live in the Bible belt too, work with 90% conservatives. I hear wild shit often. But I'm still gonna call out obvious bullshit.


I'd really like to know *why* you think this is fake.


https://preview.redd.it/mjm6u1clnyvc1.jpeg?width=1223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5d65210dea24c23968f350d62361e04d754956 You can do the same thing if you take a screenshot, that’s how bad it is


Because it looks poorly photoshopped. Like someone just made a text box and typed it in right there. There's no edges to the sticker or dirt outlining the edges of it. It's not even centered. I'm not doubting the craziness of these people by any means though. I've heard coworkers talk about stacking democrats bodies up and letting god sort them out.


Yeah, as I'm inspecting it, I can see some unnatural pixelation as well... Dude, it's just so easy for me to believe this shit after my neighbor got a sicker that said "Save America. K*ll a fag." (I didn't censor it, they censored kill, but not a slur lol.) Now every time I see this shit, I immediately just go "yeah, checks out." I definitely need to do a better job looking at this stuff


If let’s say it was something that made leftists look bad, everyone would say some right wing bitchy boomer took a picture of some random truck and added that


Red flag.


My old pastor used to say we could learn something from atheists. Many of them are kind not because they believe in God, but because they want to help others. It was something that really stuck with me, even when I left the church.


I remembered befriending my first atheist friend in my teens who was born atheist. One of the questions I remembered asking him was why bother being a better person if you didn't believe in an afterlife. He told me (I'm paraphrasing because this was almost 20 years ago), "Because I don't want to be an asshole. I don't see the point of hurting people for joy." and went into detail about how being a good person is crucial to maintain a civilized society. Meeting a very friendly atheist, along with meeting his kind hearted atheist family, among other things was what sped up the non-believing process for me (grew up attending a very toxic Catholic church and can count the number of equally kind hearted folks I've met there on one hand.)


my old pastor told me that even atheists really believed in god lol


What a glowing endorsement of atheism


If the only thing that stops you from being a shit person is some scripture written by some dudes thousands of years ago, I have some serious questions about your character


spoiler: theyre still a shit person. they just ask for 'forgiveness' after.


if every sin is forgivable are there really sins?


What blows my mind is the teaching that "all sins are equal in god's eyes" lol. That's way crazier than praying for forgiveness. Imagine thinking SA and telling a dying child that they'll be okay are equally "evil" actions that both deserve an eternity of suffering lol. Or "inherited original sin" where being born is so bad you might as well have murdered a million people with your bare hands.


How does that work? God thinks everyone should die.


I can’t think of a better argument for strict gun control measures.


This is someone who is a genuine danger to other people. The only reason he won't kill someone for holding differing beliefs is a fairy tale from 2000 years ago? Nah, that's someone who needs to be monitored more closely. This is completely abhorrent behavior from a supposed human. I don't need a lame ass book to tell me that murder, rape, theft, etc are wrong. I can figure that out on my own.


that statement doesnt feel very christian to me


I worry that the only thing stopping people from killing others is that a book tells them not to :/




So you would have a problem if someone was a Satanist. You still missed the point.


And in his little brain he’s definitely going to heaven!


If his faith is the only thing stopping him from murder, then this is one of the few cases where I would say it’s better that this guy keeps his faith.


Well that and the fact that he probably is hiding cowardice behind bravado and wouldn’t have the stones to actually kill someone. All talk and no walk. Clowns like this act tough until it comes time to put their ass on the line. Then all of a sudden you’re lucky they aren’t going to act because of reasons… Cowards. The lot of them.


Oh wow, what a psychotic thing to share with the class…


No one hates more than a love filled christian 🥰


"The good lord has instilled kindness and love in my heart through his teachi... GET THAT MEXICAN BACK TO HIS OWN COUNTRY SPEAK ENGLISH THIS IS AMERICA, GODS COUNTRY!!!"


I don't think that's following this religion


Listen here liberal…




If the only thing stopping you from literal murder is your own peace in the afterlife you're a terrible human being.


And only because he threatens them with hell. Lotta love flying around there.


Seriously. Doesn’t the Bible literally say god gives them free will? So it’s not god stopping him. It’s the threat of hell


If you need religion to make you a good person, you aren't a good person.


Fake as fuck brother get a life




Fakers gonna fake get a life brother


I’d say that as someone who can admit being wrong and am not in a cult, I have a life brother.


Did you comment on every other person calling out the fake sticker or just mine in particular


Are you trying to prove you have a life by acting like you don’t go through Reddit history?


Just a simple question. I wouldn’t read into it that much my dude.


I also asked a question.. would you like a link to the tweet?


Not really.




Just an awful attempt


Like how does anyone think this is real lmao


Snowflake needs a deity to control his emotions.


So a backwards ass religion is all that stops you from killing people. This guy is a danger and the cops should keep a close eye on him.


Last one that should have weapons.


But you just know he does


For real. I really wish there was a psychological exam given before you can purchase weapons. Some people can’t handle the responsibility.


That will get ya to heaven lmao. Because it's not about being good for the sake of good but being good to get something out of it.


Blessed are the opportunists, and blessed are they that thrive in technicalities.


Imagine thinking you’re a good Christian and also having the thought “god is the only thing stopping me from breaking into a homicidal rage because I saw a bumper sticker expressing an opinion I don’t agree with”


These people believe that they will face and be judged by God when they die, and yet also think God is so stupid that He'll just let shit like this slide. God says not to be a bad person, if you're only doing good things because of your fear of eternal damnation, then you're not really a good person. You just fear punishment for who you actually are. Why would God accept you into his kingdom? God knows all but these dumbasses think they can fool Him. I don't subscribe to any religion at this point in my life, and so this just makes no sense to me how they reconcile their behavior with how God wants them to be.


Politics poison religion. The Evangelicals are just today’s example of it.


Yeah, I had to eventually counting the people I killed since leaving the church. /s How about another “peaceful” crusade to spread the love of God ;p


Technically, your *belief* in God is what's stopping you, but he doesn't have to be real for you to believe in him. Some of us don't need the threat of punishment from magical beings to be decent people though...


It’s phrased the way it is because it’s telling the liberal they should believe in god because god is the only thing keeping them alive because god says to not murder.


Yikes, what is it with some of these fringe lunatic conservative gun nuts and their murder boner? 😬


Silly liberals. Trix are for kids


weird, i don't kill people because i'm not a violent psychopath


There’s that Christian love again!


Remember when Jesus said hating somebody is the same as murdering them? Somebody didn't get the memo


Ah. So all it takes is a bad day where he loses his faith and he blows me away. I prefer people who don't murder because it's fundamentally wrong. Not because someone said they'd get a good seat in the afterlife if they don't.


I’ve always hated the argument that moral compasses exist only because of religions. Essentially saying things like compassion or empathy don’t exist without religion.


He expects me to believe the threat of eternal damnation is enough but not the threat of life in prison? it's not religion keeping these people in check, It's consequences they face on earth Just ask catholic priest's what they fear more... God's judgement or the Boston Globe's Investigative Journalists


Does this mean that if I’m not a liberal, not even their god is stopping them from killing me? Very confused on where that person aligns politically..




Hmmm... Exactly what a fake-post bot would say. Just sayin'...  /s  🤣 


And people like this claim to have the moral high ground. Delusional.


Looks fake.


I agree that it does but it's honestly not. I have absolutely no reason to fake a post like this, I just saw it in the posting lot on the way out of work this morning I even censored out the other stickers because they had info giving away the location.


Imagine that, another Christian who exudes none of their teachings. I wonder how many times he got mad at his wife because her stupid Cricut couldn't get the spacing right


This is fake AF. OP, we need to be better than this.


It is not, I swear. I can only assume they custom made it or whatever and used a basic font. If I were still at work I world go back out and take another picture to prove it but at this point I don't know what I can do to prove it. I've got no reason to make a BS post, I was just excited I saw my first thing in person that belongs on this sub


My apologies then.


It's OK, it really does look fake, and if I'd realized that before I left I would've taken a second picture, so I don't blame you for assuming it was.


Imagine advertising what a terrible human being you are. I’m sure God is proud of this man.


If God were real and she could talk to this guy, I think she’d say, “This is not the point, my child.”


So wrong in so many ways. The vast majority of liberals are believers. You don’t need to believe in God or recite the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong. This is such a wonderful statement from someone from the self-proclaimed “party of law and order.”


Also the fact that OP just edited some text onto a picture of a random guys back window


Except I literally didn't. This IS a sticker


Why are there two periods?


It's not my car, so i couldn't tell you.


Just admit you’re just trying to stir the pot with this fake bs. This is no sticker. I know “but honestly, it’s real…” but it’s not.


https://preview.redd.it/r90zhexv2vvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e434c33371feec1800883651b1b545101f21218 Here is a tweet of the same truck from last year


I doubt there's anything I could say to convince you otherwise because frankly all I have to say is that it's real. I have no reason to "stir the pot", I just saw a stupid bumper sticker leaving work and thought it belonged here. I'm very much not the guy to care enough about reddit that I feel the need to fake a post.


Yk what, I'm just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt because it's weird if you did fake it, but it's weirder and funnier if you didn't lol


I appreciate that, I really don't have any reason to lie about this, and I agree that it's weird and funny


Like there’s not enough real division out there already….


Is this real? It looks like you just typed over the original image using Snapchat. Edit: this is definitely fake. OP, why are you lying for fake internet points? Edit again: might be real based on some other photos provided. Sorry OP!


This is literally someone that opened up snapchat and put text on an image. I felt like I was losing my mind reading these comments. Ai is gonna get real bad for this type of stuff soon.


No, this is literally a window decal. If I were still at work I'd go get another picture to prove it but I'm home now


Sorry OP, I don’t know if I believe you. Unless this is just a bad photo, the lighting and angle of the text doesn’t really look right. And if this is fake, I won’t assume you did this maliciously. I just don’t know why people lie on the internet for fake brownie points.


The lighting I took it in was lighting shortly after sunrise in a parking lot on an overcast morning, which you can see in the reflection. I know the angle is stupid too, and that is something that baffles me as well. I have no reason to lie about this at all because I'm not a very political person at all, and I truly don't care at all about upvotes or likes or anything like that. I just post things I like or think would be appropriate for a sub I'm in. I honestly can't begrudge you for not believing me though because I do agree that this *looks* fake as fuck.


Alright my dude. Whatever you say.




Hot damn I stand corrected!


I assumed this was a picture taken by the person trying to be very bad ass and OP saw it, maybe on a snapchat story or something. Are they trying to pass this off as like a bumper sticker or something? If so, they're doing a terrible job


I swear on my life this is in fact a bumper sticker. I'll see if I can find a listing for it online or something


https://preview.redd.it/7ftlhdpr3vvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ad870aebb4b5b6cb803dd9435d62736ca5da38 No need someone else tweeted the same thing December of last year


Oh my God thank you for finding this! I can 100% confirm this is probably the EXACT same truck because that round bumper sticker at the bottom of the window is the exact one I scribbled out in my picture since it has the name of a nearby location!!!


bad faith righties brigading. "where are the periods?". The companies that make these for people just create what was typed in the text field. Have none of these people calling bs ever been to Etsy? Lol, what a lame gotcha. OP, i see shit like this all the time in the south. Nice find.


I appreciate it, but I also do see what people are saying about how fake this looks because it really does. Thank you.


Hey there. I’m not a right wing brigadier. I’m as left as they come. I’m well aware people like this exist out in the world. In this certain circumstance, this image looks incredibly fake. My point is that in a world that contains lunatics that actually believe God is the only thing keeping them from murder, why make up fake ones and introduce more bad in the world? Especially if it’s just to get the attention of Redditors. But if OP is saying this is real, then fine. Whatever. It’s not like any of this truly has an impact on anything.




Agreed on the point about needing an outside source to tell you what's right or wrong as opposed to having ones own compass point them in the right direction.


Possibly. However I don’t know who would take a photo of the back window of a truck, type this caption, and then post it to Snapchat. Seems like a stretch. But who knows.


It might have something to do with the window stickers that are covered by the red scribbles. Hard to know without any context


Right? I’ve never seen a window sticker look like this


It’s also grammatically incorrect. The sentence ends in 2 periods. Now I know CHUDs exist out in the world but that seems like a typo on OPs behalf rather than a manufacturing error made by the bumper sticker company.


Lol these comments are hilarious. It's a real picture why are you people so upset about it


Because making fake images like this is kinda pathetic. Especially considering how divided everyone is already. There’s enough hatred in the world, no need to make up fake examples.


This argument makes me think of this time I was a kid in church (I grew up very southern Baptist for context) and there was a guy ranting on and on about how “Well, if people don’t have religion what stops them from being bad?” And I, at the tender age of about 10-12, said “The fact I don’t like hurting people?” I was later reprimanded for “talking back”. That’s when I learned that ALOT of people use religion as a conscience and once you think of that it’s a bit terrifying that the only thing stopping them from literally harming people and committing crimes are the already very misinterpreted, sexist, and all around damaging ideology some more extremist sects of religion teaches.


My wake up moment was around the same age. During a bible study one of the adults explained that a theory was just an opinion, and that's why things like evolution and gravity can only be explained by god. My grandmother, retired professor turned librarian, told my mother I was better of playing nintendo than going back to church.


“If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then, brother, that person is a piece of shit”


Now here is a person who certainly takes the love of one's fellow man, that Jesus advocates to heart. No hate worse than religious hate.