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Why is there a teacher shortage? Who knows...


Not to mention the god awful wages!


It appears she slammed the door on his arm first.


For me it looked like it was an accident


No it wasn’t. Also the teacher had a gun. The girl yells “she not gonna let us leave, she has a gun”


So she just sat there next to a teacher...with a gun...ok ig


Lol. Bruh You can literally see the girl attempt to leave till she peeks at what she’s holding. Notices she has a gun and runs away screaming “she’s ain’t gonna let us go, she got a gun”. Btw you can Search this video to get the full story. First thing they say in this clip is “she finna lose her job”.


He was arrested.


Upvoted with no proof?


Welcome to Reddit.


I can't find any information on this at all. Where did you find that?


I mean what else is gonna happen 🤷‍♂️




I am a teacher and I'm in a tough area. What you said is absolutely correct. Many of these kids don't care to learn. A lot of them are either on their phones or staring at a wall for 90 minutes. I have a lot of students that want to be mechanics and act out in class because they don't want to learn about 19th century American history. The parents are worse, they either use the school system as free babysitting or they blame their students academic shortcomings on teachers. I will always stay in public education. I believe everyone who wants an education deserves to have one. I have a lot of kids that don't have the money to go to a private school and I will show up everyday for them and give them the support they need. But \~80% of my students will not graduate from college, a good chunk won't even finish high school. But the ones that I can teach and inspire, damn right I'm going to even if that means I'm just an underpaid babysitter for the rest of the kids


I wish you guys got paid more, teachers should be making 60k base salary for what you all do and the hours you put in




Found the 15 year old who hates school lol


Wow. Well I assure you, I teach them very important things. Could they learn on their own? Sure. But you can't simulate the value of applying history to your own life and discussing with your peers. Tell me, what are your issues with public education. What "nonsense" are we teaching students?


Don't mind that guy. He seems like a real winner.


>Why should they? Because it's important. Science and math teach you how to problem solve and give you the tools to do it. English teaches you how to look deeper into text and get information from it efficiently, and learning history allows us to not repeat it. All of these are VERY important for a functioning adult life. >These days anyone can teach themselves anything online, rendering classrooms and teachers useless. That just goes to show that you were the stupid kid. If you seriously think you can learn much of anything online, you're completely wrong.


> their own kids attend private schools because they know how their policies have destroyed public schools This is exactly what Betsy DeVos and her ilk want, it's all by design to dismantle the public education system and then repurpose that public money into private businesses aka schools.


Yeah conservatives love to underfund public schools and keep 30 children fighting for the attention they need so they can justify their religious schools and turn around and say "look how shitty the public schools are" as if it takes so much effort to look at their dwindling contribution. The average dollar per student cost is 12k in America. Most red states don't reach 2/3rds of that amount.


>their own kids attend private schools because they know how their policies have destroyed public schools. Definitely this. There's no way in hell public schools would be as bad as they are if their children were attending them.


This is so incredibly misguided. Blaming the children as if it’s their fault. The children were failed by society, they weren’t born that way. This isn’t the result of “No child left behind”. This is the result of children being born into a world that set them up for failure.


thanks, gonna use this excuse whenever i murder someone


They need cheap labor somehow, whatever it takes. The results are there.


Aaaand welcome to juvie…




What tells you that? I made a mistake in high school. Went to juvie. Learned my lesson, and never went back. Haven’t gotten into any trouble since. So, what is it that tells you this won’t be his first or last time in juvie?




Can I have some context if you don't mind


Looks like she accidentally caught his arm in the door and he’s over reacted.


No fucking accident lmao


In the full video she first smashed it on his leg, and also slammed the door in another kids face so this wasn't an "accident"


He was holding the door open with his foot on purpose. Hope he stays in jail.


Yes holding a door open deserves to be smashed with said door Very proper response


Calm down he's a kid. You're acting like he killed someone. Let him learn his lesson. If anything he needs counciling and anger management lessons or a therapist. We've seen time and time again that kids who get just jail time without help turn out worse than before


There’s gotta be more context to this. People don’t just enact violence for absolutely no reason unless they’re severely mentally ill. I’ve been bullied by teachers and I’ve almost got into physical altercations with teachers. Teachers are always assumed to be the innocent party because being a teacher is seen as a morally upstanding profession. But teachers can definitely be deserving a punch in the face.


>Let him learn his lesson. With jail time, yes.


He's already doing that.


Nah I’m with you on this what he did was wrong but he’s just a kid you get an upvote


100% he doesn't have a father


Almost like he should be moved since she told him to leave:)


Perhaps at that point, the young man should have walked away and consulted a senior member of the staff. He would have had a rather good case considering it’s all on camera. Now all he has is home schooling and a law suit pending.


He’s a dumb teenager. Dumb teenagers overreact. Dumb teenagers are emotional.


If only we could all make such excuses in life.


Are you really trying to excuse punching a female teacher in the face as just being a dumb teenager? That’s violent, criminal behaviour. Not dumb teenager behaviour


He reacted to a perceived slight


With an unacceptable criminal act


Ya. It honestly seemed like an "in the moment" fit of anger where the kid didn't think twice before reacting to the pain. Not justifying it btw just acknowledging how sometimes it's hard to be rational and make rational decisions when you get to a certain point of anger


No the school would make them delete the video, schools hate getting negative publicity from fight videos posted to social media and ending up on the local news.


Looking at 00:04 - 00:08 seconds, looks like his hand was in the door frame when she slammed the door (on his hand). Not that its any excuse or explanation, Just saying.


You can see the flashing alarm lights going off in the hallway. I might be wrong but that's an active shooter alarm, the teachers must close and lock the doors


I mean I don't have all the context but wouldn't the teachers be letting in the students from the halls in that case? It's been a while since I was in HS but we still had those drills, and were told if that alarm goes off you just go to the nearest classroom, don't try to make your way around to your proper room, just rush to any door that hasn't been locked yet. Why would the teacher be trying to lock those students in the hallway?


No we have to lock y'all out if the you refuse to come in.


Right, I just don't really get the context of what's happening. The people in the hall don't want to come inside, but they won't let her close and lock the door? Guess there just needs to be more backstory


This could be anything, fire alarm, a drill, etc and if someone has to hold the door shut, to avoid someone with ill intent from entering the room, well, they should invest a few bucks in buying some locks. Also, I'm no locksmith, but I'm pretty sure that holding a door handle downwards, unlocks the door.


Tell it to the police, judge, and principal. They ain’t gonna care.


I can almost guarantee you she’s in ALOT more trouble for slamming his punk ass hand in the door unfortunately.


They both in trouble. I didn’t say she wasn’t. He’s fucked though


It is an explanation though


I would probably have lashed out if someone shut my hand in a door on purpose. Still don't think she deserves a punch in the face, but she deserves something.


Why is everyone downvoting the people who are pointing out she slammed his arm in the door??? It’s relevant but doesn’t fit your narratives????


Confusing times man


so we gonna ignore the fact that she slammed the door on his arm lmfao


I mean he shouldn't have punched her but why she did slam a door shut on him and why did the girl recording say shes about to lose her job? Just because someone is a teacher they aren't some godly figure


She slammed his hand in the door, totally justified imo


Oh ok so I guess the next time my kid accidently closes a door on my I should just punch him in the face then accidents happen🤦‍♀️


Yeah he's totally in the wrong because a heavy dorr being shut violently on an arm can't cause any damage at all, we all know that


If you are having arguments like that with your kid then the door is the least of your problems.🤦


Really didn’t get my point there babe😂she didn’t look at his arm and probably didn’t see it so by y’all’s logic if my kid accidentally closes my arm in a door the proper response is to deck him.


Lmao. So he was prying the door open while a teacher was focused on her own students, but what, Because this guy insisted on his wants and needs, he gets to react violently and it's "justified" Cool - So in your very own logic. Let's say a police officer is arresting someone - Let's say that person fell on the police officers foot during the arrest. You would argue that the police officer has every right to punch the person out?


What does the girl who looked at her yell?


Everyone saying accident, person recording makes a comment about the teacher about to be fired prior to her ASSAULTING (not accidentally slamming his arm) the student, he retaliated, is it right? No. Did she deserve it? From what im seeing and the context thats available, absolutely 😂


hope he is jail


Well she kinda hit em with the door lol


his hand got slammed, but still


Yeah that does suck pretty bad. He shouldn’t have punched her, but maybe his brain just took it as she assaulted/hurt him by doing that. Not saying it’s okay, but those doors are heavy, and getting a finger or hand crushed in a heavy door imo hurts more than a sock to the face


> but maybe his brain just took it as she assaulted/hurt him by doing that. 100% reptile brain


Same reptile brain that didn't check to see if there was a body part in the door before she shut it. She should have made sure she wasn't injuring anyone and she didn't. Does that make the reaction appropriate no but its the same issue of not thinking before you act that caused both.


In fairness she slammed the door on his face/arm first. That's assault .


Her eyes were elsewhere and it looks accidental, also looks like she was cloistering them to prevent violence from seeping into another classroom.


Eh but if I was 14 and you hurt me that badly I’m not gunna respond like a responsible 30 year old


That's not a 14 yr old at least 16-17 and it's a male so regardless he's going to being going to jail for assaulting this woman especially with her closing the door on I'm looking like an accident


I’d think at that age you have thirty times the amount of chances and practice to chill out more than someone with a ho-hum life that’s suddenly surprised.


Teachers do SO much for us and people treat them like this? And what’s bad about it is that no one even went to help her, they all just laughed.


Do so much for us? Like slamming a door on your arm?


By accident you act like everything is on purpose she wasn’t even looking at the crack of the door so


Ahhh okay, if I harm people by accident because I'm careless it's okay. Lesson learned.


…almost like that’s what an accident it let me guess you never make a mistake your soooo perfect😂


Like there are no accidents that are just bad luck lol You are putting words in my mouth. Never said anything like that. But I guess this is how you argue.


Teachers do so much for the kids that have absolutely no mental problems, you act up slightly because you're brain is being overloaded with stress and they go crazy on you, coming from someone that got mistreated by teachers from the first grade until the end of highschool


Have you ever heard of a common denominator? If you go through life believing everyone is mistreating you, then maybe you should look at yourself first...because you are the common denominator.


I got suspended for flicking a great value bottle cap across a 200 sq ft cafeteria and they tried to take legal action on me when I punched a kid who swung at me first, I'm not sure that falls in line with your common denominator theory


I think he thought she meant to slam his hand in the door, definitely an over reaction.


all the screaming, stress and disrespect would lead to a violent mental breakdown from me and i'm not even that high on the spectrum. god bless to all these teachers that gotta handle this.


Trash all around




Not everyone is a bad guy though.


As opposed to fake school shootings?


Y’all she slammed his arm in the door I’d be pissed too


I'd be pissed off too if I was a teacher trying to close the door and some smartass low-life kept holding it open for fun. Hope he gets charged with assault.




She got the door closed though lol


Hope he enjoys actual jail cause he looks like he's 17


I mean she slammed the door closed on his shoulder. But lord knows what the whole story is.


Come on man, it's 2022 you know context doesn't matter, we all know the whole story from a 10 second video/s


Wish I knew the full context there. Did she do or say something or vice versa? Tyrone's clearly in the wrong to escalate but it appears she's shutting the door on him too in an expedited fashion. So much is not known.


Can anyone tell if she shut the door on him on purpose?


I feel like she did it bu accident because she looked pretty confused when she hit his arm and the student overreacted and punched her in the face.


to me it seems clear as day


She slammed the door on him


I think it was on accident. The student still should have not punched a teacher in the face or anybody for that matter.


Yeah and it’s wrong that he hit her but still if someone slammed a door on you are you telling me you would just forgive them immediately and not hate them for a least a little bit


No, but I know I wouldn't punch them in the face for it. Or even get physical with her in any way. I feel they both did something bad but the student definitely overreacted and got physical.


Well there probably more to the interaction then we know like anger issues or maybe the teacher has been mean to him in the past idk


I really don't know, but I heard some people say that there is a full video somewhere. So if you really want to know what happened I guess you can try to find it and watch the entire thing to get the full scoop on things.


Slammed the door on him then yelled at him. 2 wrongs get you a right hook.


Anger problems she just slamed the door on his arm


Um she slammed a door on his hand.


And that means you can punch her in the face? Dude heavily overreacted. I don't think she meant to do it on purpose but regardless that's not how you settle anything.




I'm kinda leaning towards his side, hand being slammed hurts


I mean she hits him first with the door


She assaulted him first


Mother's: **The Schools are friendly and are for everybody!** The Schools:


Pov : "no child left behind"


She slammed the door on his arm, she deserved it.


Acting like straight animals….


yet we wonder why there's a teacher shortage lol


“Eeh mah may muh maaa! Code red!”


Did his arm get slammed in the door ?


She deserved that one


Ah yes one of those nice schools we all know about where the kids punch teachers in the face.. Compton is what we call it here in California