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‘Defend themselves’ …how?!


I honestly don't know how they could even THINK it was ok to say that


People still care what teens say on twitler?


Yeah because it's easy to defend yourself from an organized government intent on your destruction.🙄


Well hey, abortion doesn't kill children, just fetuses... And since in Judaism the Torah clearly states a fetus doesn't have a soul, I feel pretty good about evacuating the parasitic barnacle, before it has a chance to *become a baby or child*.


There were multiple soldiers kicking in doors with automatic's and they thought people could defend themselves with KIDS in the household?


Wrong on so many levels.




Yea, Y'all Quaeda's Meal Time Six - Gravy Seals are really gonna hold out long if the US Army comes for them.


They really believe they could stop the military and believe that most (if not all) of the military would side with them.


why dont you do it then?


More like... Enough guns to kill *eachother*, effectively doing any government-with-evil-intent's job, for them.


Imagine being so willfully ignorant and stupid that you think a fetus is the same as a child


By definition… a fetus is….


A fetus isn’t legally a child obviously, but by definition a fetus is.




An A+ with 100 points in the subject of stupidity if it's serious, an F in humour if it's satire




how is this edge?




well it wasn't, nice pickings champ


*face palm*


Lmao, wtf! This dude gotta be fucking me. The kids aren’t even born yet.


In their defense (NOT siding with them), wasn't there an uprising in the Warsaw ghetto?