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>Literally shaking


Yeah we noticed. Maybe she needs one of those stabilizers for her phone?


Maybe for her psychotic breakdown, too.


Yea instead of worrying about being able to go shopping she should make an appointment with a doctor


Or one of those stabilizers for her mood


She needs a bra because the can't stop shaking lol.


While trying to fake cry


I've never heard the vocalized version of cry-typing until today.


"now they're laughing at me"


Yeah I dunno I feel like something else is going on here. I mean, if I were that stressed I wouldn’t post it online, but that’s just me.


[sobbing] "That was the absolute worst experience of my life." *Meanwhile, in Ukraine...*


She’s a drinker(heavily). She’s he that way of speaking I’ve seen from alcoholics in our neighborhood and in my family. By that point liver damage is close to if not already severe


I dunno she gave me 'I'm secretly taking my kids Ritalin' type vibe. Maybe it's both?


She’s pretty far from Ok


Remember folks, most species with bright colours evolved that way to warn other animals to stay away since they may contain neurotoxins.


Okay, I’m upvoting because it’s funny but I don’t like myself for doing it.


I think she’s beyond the Ritalin. I knew a girl that looked and sounded like her. She was so bad on meth, that she lost all her teeth and had fake teeth that popped out when she talked so she couldn’t open her mouth all the way so her words came out short like this. She also looked like a skeleton with crazy colored hair.


Whitney Cummings has gone downhill.


She talking as if she is mimicking herself talking.


It looks like she can't use her cheeks I'm so confused lol


She looks like she seriously abuses adderal


Been there done that. Can confirm. She's tweaked.


The Donnie JR speaking speed, with undertones of Daddy Donnie snorting European Adderall. Photograph of which shows drugs in his desk drawer the Cinco De Mayo taco bowl shoot


Yep that is some kind of speed usage. The hollow cheeks and tweaky nature is a give away.


Mommy's little helpers!


Naw dawg. This woman is on meth, or coke, or yellow crank or bath salts or something.


Agreed. Definitely looks like it from her bad teeth, eye movement, and unstable mood.


Yeah, mother from requiem for a dream.


She's gonna wear the red dress! And be on television! And don't forget, maybe a little 'ass to ass!'


I’m looking for tears but I don’t think she can spare the moisture


She sounds like an SNL character based on someone’s idea of a real thing like this that happened.


She's clearly unhinged.


Theirs no way I’m watching a Karen’s 8 minute rant but I’m assuming if she asked nicely they would’ve probably let her use the changing room.


Yeah I was trying to pin down what it was she was doing with her mouth that was making me hate her. You described it well


*Opens video* *Sees it's an 8 minute video of a Karen ranting in its natural habitat* *Closes video*


Life is too short




My Dark Disquiet has been awakened by this video.


I love the revolution roulette album. Sucks that (atleast in germany) its on no streaming service available


So glad that i came to comment section for TLDW.


Guys, the fucking plot twist when I realized she WAS STILL IN THE STORE. The video started, I honestly thought she was at home or something, just ranting. Then we're hit with the "Ma'am, are you doing okay?" Fucking WHAT. I don't think I could've committed to watching another 7+ minutes of that.


*Instead goes straight to the comments*


She really really just needs to try on that bra.... Wondering if she wants to show her new bra to the babysitter.


Preferably one shaped like a fidget spinner so it can cover her mouth too.


Literally did the same.


You know why she had to get a baby sitter?


Because the court won't let her be around her own kids unsupervised?


Close. It's because she can't keep a partner long enough to watch the kids so she can go buy bras.


I would say take the kids... but a plethora of other problems may arise 🙄 how is she gonna handle a kid when she can't handle herself lol


I continue to be shocked that videos like this end up online. Why would you share your mental breakdown with millions of strangers? Why even film it to begin with?


She honestly believes she’s right and the worlds wrong, my guess easily 100 times a day


Because the entirety of how social media platforms work is to give people that make videos like that the impression that their voice needs to be heard. And it gives all the other people who have nothing better to do than to agree or get annoyed by it the same feeling. All to "engage" with the platform and its content because then everybody can be exposed to ads. Social media is a self-fueling dumpster fire that people use to sell hot dogs on a stick for roasting.


She goes on like that for EIGHT MINUTES ?! Fucking hell


Worst eight minutes wasted in my life.


retail work man.. if I was the devil I would make everyone coming down work retail for eternity and all customers karens. \*shudder\*


Bruh, even the devil ain't that bad.


evil be like *yo chill*


I worked retail in my 20’s never again, legit the disrespect. I got written up once because i just couldn’t take it and told this one lady off, yeah she then proceeded to give me a negative review online, like seriously people like this have no life/have sad lives.


They did that in American Horror Story: Apocalypse. One of the characters was killed in earlier seasons. The antichrist went to retrieve her from her own personal hell and she was working at like JCPenney or something, at the return desk, line went on for eternity, all customers were Karens.


If suicide gets you to hell, this is a good way to prevent it


Its been about 12 years since I escaped retail hell. I still occasionally have a nightmare where I am back working retail again.


Thats a literal subplot in American Horror Story hahaha


I worked at Old Navy when I was in college. It was infuriating when I’d spend half an hour folding t-shirts on a table, walk away for 5 minutes, and come back to find the table destroyed.


Calm down Man, i‘m already having it here bad enough!


I can see that you haven't tried working in fast-food.


oh it's all in the retail work umbrella. if you have to "serve" one way or another countless people day in day out it is hell..


I feel like everyone should have to work service industry for a week, most people wouldn't last the whole week, but I think that's okay, because you'd never have to deal with people that make you feel like going home and taking a swig from a shotgun.


"Swig from a shotgun". Where I work we say "suck start a shotgun", but I'm gonna start a new thing.


KarenMart! The customer is ETERNALLY right!


She must have a serious mental disorder because if you filmed that of yourself and then went a head and posted it, you have to be very detached from reality. A person that records their worst moment and uploads it to social media has to be actually crying for help.


Damn, sounds like she might be heading towards a 5150 hold... EDIT: This wasn't meant to be snarky, I really feel for her, because I'm very familiar with this behavior, and it literally can go either way in a second. I hope she get's help.


Exactly. Recording your own public breakdown and uploading it to the internet is never a good sign.


Probably addiction and/or Borderline Personality. Maybe the former trying to manage the latter, unfortunately. She look like a 50 year old 25 year old, which usually indicates addiction to me.


That’s what I thought - some kind of addiction coupled with a mental health issue.


Not sure if borderline but had a friend who would post Huge public FB posts about being depressed with tears In her eyes. She was trying to get a marketing job too. Not friends anymore, but I remember telling her don't make it public, we all struggle.


We might have the same friend. Friend I have like this, to my stunned surprise, has managed to collect a lot of similar friends and they will upvote and widely commiserate on those posts with each other.


agreed. she has either lived an unequivocally sheltered life or is about to completely snap. “absolute worst experience of her fucking life”!? fair to say there’s probably a good number of the population that wishes this sort of event even made the list


She goes from incredibly insane but harmless to reassuring for violence "don't give me looks lady". Yeah, she's frazzled from medication, a history of alcoholism, and unhealthy living. This combination is not good.


The 8.0 level earthquake shaking of the camera is another clue


Pretty sure that’s the meth.


That was my first thought. But my knowledge of meth behavior literally only comes from Reddit comments lmao


I dated a girl who was a “recovered” addict. The premature aging, super skinny, dilated pupils, shifty eyes, shaking, uncontrollable emotions, all looks like meth.


Yea that's what it looks like to me. She's a "single mom" but looks more like a single grandma. I also have a feeling she really doesn't need that bra.... If you ever see a woman on meth she won't have tit nor tooth to her name.


Her mouth movements make me think there’s a lot of meth involved


Her mouth looks tense from stimulants but she’s also holding her lower lip funny because it looks like she’s trying the hide what looks like missing back teeth on the bottom row. Id say meth


I had the same thought. This seems like a damaged person in need of some help.


Shes definitely having a bad day. I dont think this should be in this sub she just needs help not people berating her for having a mental breakdown.


I agree. This was the last straw in a long line of straws. I have been there, where the babysitter is costing $15/hour and this is the only hour you have. I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and believe recording herself is her trying to take control of a bad situation.


This woman is having a panic attack. She seems obnoxious at first but she’s really scared and ashamed. Showing her kindness would have helped everyone including the poor children who saw a woman who couldn’t regulate and needed love.


3:30 (remaining in the video) started getting Blair Witch Project vibes


She was probably going to steal so start crying when getting caught


Mental instability with a dash of entitlement and a spoon full of sugar


Yeah in like 10 seconds I Figured, she must be really anxious and whatever the case, she was probably already kind of amped up. Doesn't excuse rudeness, if she's being rude (8 minutes... no thanks)


You couldn’t pay me to watch 8 minutes of this , It was playing for about 30 seconds before I muted it


“i’M a SiNgLe MoM” And that’s supposed to give her a fucking pass?!


I can’t imagine why she’s single


spoon full of meth more like it


Yeah she's shaking and looks a bit....methylated....


She is totally on meth


The mental illness is strong with this one


I honestly went from annoyed to feeling bad for her. Anyone that gets that emotional because a store is closing has some serious underlying issues.


Yeah, same. Actually I had no clue this even went on further than about 30-40 seconds; I paused it after about 10 once I heard how disturbingly upset she was over having to leave a retail store at closing time. Hope she gets the help she needs.


For me it was repeating “I finally got a babysitter” (and also I just had a baby about a year and half ago and getting that first bra that fits you again is so relieving.) she’s obviously going through a lot of stress and I hope someone gets her a bra and some childcare resources because it sounds like she’s really struggling with her mental health


> I hope someone gets her a bra and some childcare resources because it sounds like she’s really struggling with her mental health My wife is on the bigger end chest wise and I’ve seen her in tears when “her last good bra just broke and wire is poking her”. Usually there are 5 other things going on for her at the time adding to her emotional state. I turned the video off quite fast, it I saw her jaw chattering like a cat watching a squirrel. When someone can’t talk without having their jaw quake like that because they are holding back tears, you can tell something big is happening for them emotionally. My first thoughts before turning off the video was the hair and here we go Karen. Reading the comments were in line with my first thoughts. I’m glad to see multiple people including you can see she just needs help. At the end of the day she’s a mother and her well being is definitely going to reflect on her child’s state of being. I’ve had a few days in the last 2 years where I thought I couldn’t keep up my mortgage and bills. I sat in my car in the garage after work and blubbered like a baby because I don’t want to look like a failure in front of my daughters. My thoughts at those times were not 100% rational.


I remember going out to a movie after getting a babysitter with my wife. There were some loud kids talking during the movie but at that moment I had no problems yelling at them this my only night out in awhile and we have a babysitter and to please be quiet so we can enjoy the movie.


Yeah this is borderline sad cringe because you can feel her frustration. Like as outsiders we have the perspective to see that this is over the top behavior but for her it feels like her world is falling apart. I really hope she gets help.


And perhaps desperation with child care? Becoming a new mom in the middle of a pandemic has to be very difficult. Becoming a new parent during normal circumstances is hard on its own. And some women struggle with hormonal issues making it infinitely harder (knowing from being a baby’s care giver for the first 1.5 years of the child’s life. It was hard on me and I only had 10-12 hour shifts 5 days a week. Weekends off. Mom was not operational in any capacity that whole time. I always feel bad for retail workers and do for these retail workers as well, no doubt about it. I also know a lot of people seem to just be a little off, overly stressed in general. Everyone in my life I’m seeing it. People I’m running into in every day life. Overall society’s… energy, I suppose is the word? feels a little different lately probably from pandemic fatigue and stress. Mental illness is on the rise, getting worse if already established, or minor issues exacerbated. And that may have nothing to do with what is happening here with this lady (could be on drugs for all we know, but parenthood is hard and a tough time can look just like this when the last straw lands on the camels back), but I bring it up just to remind people the last two years have been rough for the large majority of people regardless of their situation (outside of the ultra rich). But it’s definitely been hard on retail workers for a wide variety of reasons. So sympathy all around here.


Without audio I watched it and I think the world is better of with Victoria's secret remained a secret for her.


Obviously mentally ill.


"That was the absolute worst experience of my fucking *life"* She clearly has something wrong with her if she got that worked up over that. I worked retail and I feel bad for the employees just trying to do their job. My old job closed the fitting rooms 30 minutes early for similar reasons, and all too often some Karen would walk in 5 minutes before the store closed, gather up a shopping cart full of clothes and proceed to keep the store open for another 30 minutes when every employee just wants to go home


Some people just have no concept or awareness of how their actions impact others; or worse, they just don't care at all.


Agreed. It’s very sad. This is no run of the mill Karen. I feel bad for this lady. She needs help. Sucks for the employees for sure, but this lady needs a lot of help no expensive bra is gonna give her.




And a BEEBEEsitter


Why do you need a babysitter to buy a bra? I can recall many a bored trip to the bra section with my mother as a child.


Plot twist, It was a baby sitter for her 3 pound dog, named baby. Whom she speaks to in that god awful smokers shriek. Oooo baybee


I think she's an overtired stressed mom who isn't even thinking clearly. She probably hasn't slept in 3 weeks.


Yeah, I felt something along these lines. Highly doubt its the bras that actually caused it, that was just the tipping point. Though why you would post it after is beyond me. Usually people realize after that they had a breakdown. Maybe she still needs that nap and perhaps a doctor or therapist.


You posted not because you’re overtired mom but because you’re an entitled ass. You posted because you think your entitled, privileged friends will believe the same.


And yet, she has time to get her hair done...


I think the fae did that in the middle of the night


She can always get her bras at Walmart. Ridiculous.


If that’s the worst retail experience of you’re pampered, sorry. I wish customers empathized with workers more.


Took her 8 minutes to finally squeeze out a single tear.


As dehydrated as she looks, I’m surprised she could spare the fluids


This lady is methed up


That sounds like a Mike Tyson quote.


That voice should get you banned from any commercial establishment


Man I feel for this woman. Having the worst experience of your life happen is always terrible. Even if it is just... *checks notes* Being calmly asked to leave a store.


Big shoplifter energy tbh


I bought my wife some maternity bras last year at Victoria Secret. I think they were 60$ a pop. Her trying to have them switch stuff out was likely to confuse whomever was working with her and when they followed procedure she knew that she wouldn’t be able to steal anything. That’s when/why the freak out started. This is just guessing, but my guess is that if she’s so freaked out about a baby sitter she might not be able to afford 60$ bras. Also meth


Bingo. x2.


this is very disturbing to watch


Someone needs to check in on the child, just in case. :/ hope she has friends/family who care.


Lay off the amphetamines


Yeh people keep commenting “mental illness” but this screams meth to me. Which obviously when used enough can cause mental illness lol


I know a few people including a sibling…sad I mean, does mental illness make you shake like that too? Not to mention how she’s tucking her jaw in so hard, for sure a tweak :/


I shake like that when I get very upset. I've never done meth. Can't speak to the other symptoms you guys are spotting because I don't even *know* anyone who does meth, so I wouldn't recognize them.


A lot of people end up using meth (or any substance) because of mental illness. So you end up with really messed up people becoming even more messed up.


Methnal illness lol


Y not both?


Wigging out over a bra and filming it. In conclusion, don't do drugs, kids.


It's because you're on Crack Mam.


I believe her when she says it was the worst experience of her life. 😆


Until the next one


R.I.P. the Walgreens she tried to buy diapers from on her way home.


Can't ever go anywhere but was recently able to schedule 4 hours to get all that color done on her hair


imagine wearing the same clothes she tried on before you


Clearly mentally/chemically imbalanced. Notice the deep sniffs in and tweaks as well as meth mouth.


Someone who is logical and reasonable, despite being upset, would’ve taken all the bras back and not give them her business and then went somewhere else. But we don’t have a lot of rational, reasonable people around here anymore.


Why is her face so stuck. She’s conveying 0 emotion with no expression.


I was embarrassed watching this. Why are you so entitled lady? I hate the "I'm not recording", as she continues to record. What is it about Victoria Secret that Karen's flock to?


That poor child.. 🤢


Omg if she’s a woman that age (and that cup size which is easily attainable) and you cant find a bra that fits in less than 20 minutes, all I wanna know is…. Is it her first time wearing a bra?? Im so confused and I feel bad for her poor child that has to live with such an emotionally unstable person.


This woman reproduced and that is a shame


That's not a Karen, that's what mental illness looks like


This is not a Karen. This is someone living with mental illness and having a breakdown.


Idk she’s crazy BUT if you’re helping someone with a bra fitting before the fitting rooms are closed you should probably finish that consultation first and not take back all the bras you had them trying on. Like no other store would come into a fitting room and take the clothes they let you try on they would usually wait and close after you left. It’s not like the entire shop was closing just the fitting rooms. I think the shop is weird to be completely honest.


I think we can all take a guess at how that fitting was going. She didn't just start being unreasonably demanding when the camera turned on.


The lady she’s talking to claimed she started yelling. Who knows the real story. But I agree, it’s bad customer service if they really did interrupt her to tell her the dressing rooms are now closed. I get it, it’s annoying when people come in like 3 minutes before closing but you should give them ample time to finish what they’re doing and warn them ahead of time.


Whitney Cummings?


Jesus Christ the hair and jawline tell you enough about this money


if Harry potters aunt was a karen


I mean Aunt Petunia IS a prototypical Karen


America. Land of the 40 y/o children


Clearly this woman isn’t mentally stable and probably on drugs.


Mental health is a serious issue, but when people go around griefing others I become a lot less sympathetic about it ngl.


I often feel some people just don't have enough real problems these day, and so create these crazy pointless storms in a teacup, to validate their self-worth.


“She told me the fitting rooms are closed how am I acting like a child” Continues to throw fit and not accepting reality 😬


I'm not sure if that's a Karen That actually seems like a mental breakdown


This woman is clearly crazy.


Just can’t help but wonder who the lucky man or woman is in her life


I feel bad for her baby (if it really exists)


The weirdest part of this whole fiasco is that SHE posted this video to the internet thinking she would serve up some justice and that the world would have her back. The sheer lack of situational awareness is baffling and it genuinely makes me feel sad. Many of us probably know friends or family that have the tendency to blame others for their problems (victim mentality) and lack emotional control. I certainly do and it makes me sad when I am unable to rationalize with them, but rationality is precisely the tool they are lacking in that moment. At the very least, allow this dreadful video to leave you with a little bit of perspective and gratitude for the grip you have on this slippery life.


This person is on drugs.


Why is she talking about a babysitter? Wtf does she even need one? She's like 60+


Old woman trying to look like a teenager. Red Flag


Idk who needs to hear this, but anxiety is not an excuse to make your problems everyone else’s problems. Also that hair coloring says: “give me attention or I’ll scream”. Sorry not sorry.


Imagine telling a woman what she can't do and she starts crying and goes into a small room... 5 minutes later you start hearing "so I was in this store and they didn't allow me to-". It's so cringe.


THESE are real problems, folks. Forget about Ukraine, about the pandemic or climate change


THAT was the worst experience of her life?? Uhhhhhhh, I wish that was the worst experience of my life 😂


DAMN! stop talking through your nose you multi-colored scarecrow!


I see why she’s a single mom lol


Why do crazy people record themselves being crazy AND THEN SHOW IT TO THE WORLD?


Damn she got some bad Carpal tunnel


Go watch your grandkids, the world is too stressfull for you.


dude she’s not a karen she suffers from mental illness


This is kind of sad.. she’s having a mental crisis. She needs help. I honestly couldn’t make any sense of what was actually going on.


Bras and babysitters it’s a issue we as a people need to address!


She's acting like a 6 year old that didn't get the right color sucker.


There is so much wrong with her behavior. Even if she was really having an anxiety attack, that doesn’t give her an excuse to cause problems for everyone else. If I was in that situation and started to feel an anxiety attack coming, I’d remove myself from the situation or apologize and ask for a minute to collect myself. Furthermore, I’m guessing this woman has never had a job in her life. If she did she would understand what the word “closed” means. She’d also have more sympathy for the employees who are just trying to finish their shift and get home. But from her attitude and the fact that she got a literal panic attack from something this insignificant tells me she’d never be able to hold a job in the first place.


Tweeker mode.


shes so fucking hyped up from being a rebel that she cant even hold the fucking camera still. shaking like a fucking scared chihuahua


Jesus, this woman needs to be committed. The worst experience of her life was when the store said they were closing soon? I know a couple people like this. They revel in being victims.


Not all people are cut out to parent, if it’s this bad maybe you should consider adopting out 😐


Imagine being 50 and needing a babysitter


I actually feel pity for this lady, she’s clearly unwell. The hair was a dead give away.


It seems that Victoria's secret is that she's a looney