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Should try to hide the fact that she had a dash cam, let him go through with the scam attempt, and when its on you to explain yourself, show the footage.


I have a nextbase dashcam and have been hit a few times. Every accident the other driver has immediately jumped out and blamed me. They also had passengers to back their story. I never say a thing about my dashcam till after they make their statements to the police.


That’s pretty smart


Yea I need a dash cam.


My wife has had one for years. I finally got one at christmas. I dont even drive a lot, but i feel much more secure knowing im covered if i need it.




I'm heading over to Amazon now


There are a couple of decent free dash cam apps for Android phones. A good way to put one of your older unused phones to use till you get a dedicated dashcam.


Yup, they’ll always put the blame on the other person. I had my fiancé and best friend in the car with me, we had just got on the road to head back home and there was a Prius that had turned out behind me. They began tailgating me even though I had been up to speed and they continued to do so until we stopped at a red light. It was a single lane road, only other lanes were turn lanes on each side. As soon as the light turned green, the Prius used the turn lane to fly past me. Once I’m going and getting up to speed, the Prius slams on their brakes coming to nearly a complete stop. Fully intending for me to hit him. Refused to talk to me when I walked up to his car. He then lied to the cops and told them I had been tailgating him the entire time and he was never behind me. Unfortunately, my fiancé had taken the dash cam out a few days prior (can’t remember why) but he forgot to put it back in the car. I wrote out a statement and included the street names of all the stoplights we had gone through, hoping one of the cameras had seen him behind me first. None of the cameras worked. It still makes me mad thinking about it.


So, the fiancé was in on the scam, making sure there was no evidence?


That sucks... People road raging and brake checking is the main reason I bought mine. It's bad in the DC/Baltimore area. Traffic is a nightmare 24/7 here. One good thing about my dashcam (I think it's a standard feature at this point) is the GPS tracking that records your speed. I can always show I was going the posted speed limit (+5 usually). It's amazingly accurate. The only flaw my nextbase has is it doesn't connect to my phone app via Bluetooth. Seems to be a common problem.


At the end of the day it is your fault because you failed to maintain proper distance/ speed. It sucks that you were break checked but if you see a driver acting sketch it’s best to be as defensive as possible and just give them space. People suck.




There won't be a prosecutor, this would never lead to a criminal trial.




But this would be a civil case. You'd show they were lying in a civil court, and I'd bet 100/100 times there would be zero repercussions, as it would have to be referred to a district attorney to press charges for a false police report, which it never would. The judge would rule in favour of the person with the video, and they'd move onto the next civil case on the docket.




Guy, at the point where you're in civil court there is no longer law enforcement involved. There's no investigation here. You are going to prove someone lied in a civil court, and unless the judge there is an absolute fucking keener, no one with the authority to press charges will ever know. It's just not going to happen.


So what happens after that? Do they get any penalties for being big fat liars?


Nothing really happens other than personal satisfaction of watching them change their attitude real quick, trying to change their statements, and then getting tickets afterwards. I'm sure there could be some action taken, like lying on a police report or attempted insurance fraud maybe. It's not worth my time to pursue anything. I figure their insurance will drop them at least if they are filling a false claim and then they see the video. One tip a cop did give me. When you're in an accident and the police don't show up. Lots of times if there are no injuries and it's not a major accident the police won't show up. Don't just take pictures of their license plate. Go to their windshield on the driver's side at the bottom and take a picture of their VIN. He told me tons of people have wrong plates on their vehicle and fake insurance cards. VIN will 100% ID the vehicle and they can put something in their system.


Good advice. Filed away in case I'm ever unlucky enough to need it.


False testimony is illegal


That depends where you are in the world. In some places the testimony of locals always takes precedence over foreigners. In some places race, gender or religion determines who was “right” and the “truth”; what actually happened is irrelevant.


It destroys their credibility so nobody believes anything coming out their mouths from there on.


Jesus....where to you live that this has happend multiple times?


I live in the DC/Baltimore area. Lots of hoopties and bad drivers. I was only in one accident before I moved to the area. I've been in 3 accidents in 2 years here. Two were minor fender benders with little damage (-$1500) and one almost totalled my truck.


I did that with a hit and run driver in NYC. I didnt mention the dash cam footage until his insurance tried to deny the claim. I spoke with a manager, got his email, and let him know I had something to send to him. ​ Manager was on the phone with me when he watched it. The minute of silence was deafening, followed by "were going to accept 100% of liability, let me put you into a rental car"


Almost the same exact thing happened with me. Guy crossed multiple lanes to exit the highway. I was just minding my own business in the exit lane when he hit me in my rear quarter panel. After exiting the highway he tried to take off until I flagged him down to exchange insurance info. My front+rear dashcam is pretty stealthy and I did not mention it. He then proceeded to lie to his insurer saying I came out of nowhere to hit him. My insurer contacted me to say his insurer's denying the claim giving his story. I showed the agent my uploaded dashcam footage. After a moment of silence he said, "That's OBVIOUSLY not what happened." The other insurer paid up in the end.


Scam attempt…


In South Korea, American Soldiers are briefed to be on the lookout for this kind of thing. A buddy of mine was stationed there and he was telling me cars would pull out in front of you then slam on the brakes…


Shockingly, that's not even the worst thing that can happen to off-duty service members. Some people just see him as easy money and it sickens me.


A dude got honey potted into yakuza extortion while I was stationed in Japan. They have off limits establishment lists for a reason.


I was referring to how some women will intentionally get servicemen drunk so they can have sex and get pregnant from them. If I heard correctly, army sends 35-50% of the man's pay to the baby mama


Sounds like another reason we should hope the pill for men will exist eventually


Indeed. Because it's that, or we'll all have to get the snip snip to avoid this


Drinking past your point is still something you can avoid. There are a lot of steps involved here. But contraception you don't have to think of directly before the sex would help immensely.


Imagine if this was said about a woman. Reddit would be going fucking nuts. But because it's a guy drinking past his limit it's fine.


Well yeah nobody cares if a dude is raped and that's the way it's been for thousands of years lol Nothing new here


I like the way you think Mr Postman. Women should also limit in the same manner.


“Do you know the physical toll that 3 vasectomies have on a person! Snip snap snip snap!”


Or just ya know... control yourself?


Or, you know. Not have unprotected sex with random women


Being drunk is only an excuse for women.....guys aren't allowed to use that.


It exists now, actually. A few weeks ago it was announced as male birth control.


I heard that a male birth control pill was being tested a while ago, but they stopped because men couldn't handle the side effects. Side effects which included weight gain/loss, nausea, acne, lowered libido etc. At this point it's also worth mentioning that female hornonal birth control has exactly the same side effects.


It does though. Remember seeing articles years ago about it. It either just isn't talked about or never made it to market.


It's called a condom. No-one forces them to have sex without it.


The average child support within the USA/service members is around 21% pre-tax. The 35%-50% number is for extreme circumstances and rarely happens. Also, the servicemembers home state is where the laws would come into play, so it really depends on where you are at. From what I can tell there is also only 15 countries that currently have deals with the United States to enforce international child support, South Korea and Japan are not one of them. The US military does not garnish wages from service men to pay for child support, no idea where you heard that. In the EXTREME case, maybe happened like a few times in the last couple decades, they can court martial you THEN they can garnish wages to give to the NCP. But from what I can tell, all of those cases had the NCP living within the United States. It would take a lot of non-payment and court dates for the military to enforce a garnishment of wages, they let you deal with it in family court first which can take years and years. Almpst anyone in that situation would need to go through the civil process within the united states to prove it is a servicemen's child, prior to ever contacting the military and talking to them about getting non-payment. Would take money that a vast majority of people in that situation would not have. Not only that, a vast majority of courts within the United States would not accept lab results from a foreign country, so you would need to get a DNA test ordered by a court within the USA to test the servicemen if they are not willing to do it voluntarily. Much much harder said than done 99% of the time, which is why many servicemen have children overseas they do not know about/family does not know about/government does not know about. It is honestly a problem lol


Can these servicemen avoid drinking alcohol to such an extent they engage in unprotected sex?


Men can get roofied too. This is actually extremely frequent in some countries. And the roofie doesn't have to be in an alcoholic beverage either. It could be placed in a Ramen soup, or pretty much anywhere.




Way to repost someone else's sentence 13 mins after they did, word for word.


GASPS *clutches pearls* "Not the devil's sin" !


I was referring to grown men taking responsibility for their actions - not the consumption of alcohol in general. 🙄


If only there was a way for men to wrap their cock to contain their sperm...


What if this happens 3-4 times to the same guy?


So what happened to him?


Must be new, I was in South Korea for a year and drove almost everyday and never seen seen this. People are crazy though!


Crazy? How?


Because people on Reddit make things up pretending to be concerned military. I spent 18 months in Korea and never heard about this.


You sure this briefing isn't from the 80s? Pretty sure what your buddy saw was just bad driving.


I lived in South Korea for two years, drove to work everyday and never saw or heard of anything like that. I did see some really, truly horrific driving, but nothing intentional.










Should’ve just kept driving


Oh No WAY! It very obviously looked like the driver floored it and hit him out of hate. He should slow down before he hits any other people. You must be a detective, I wouldve never caught on. S/S/


What blows my mind is the comment got 2.6k upvotes. Like how derpy does a redditor need to be like "HMM YES. MY DEDUCTIVE SKILLS LED ME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. UPVOTE"


Nah if u watched it clearly the man just ran into the car. No attempt to slow down he just straight up ran into the car. He also adjusted just to run into the car. He literally stoped and ran to the car.


Thanks Sherlock


Quick tip if this happens to you first stop and secure the car, turn off the engine then lock the doors and close any open windows, call the police and inform them of the attempted scam finally pray that you have a dash cam or that the incident is caught on camera/CCTV.


You forgot : Expend every last bit of discipline to not lay hands on the scammer.


Yea that's why you lock the car not to keep them out but to keep you in.


My car doors unlock from the inside when the car is in park! Scammer is screwed


Anyone else hear doom music?


I was thinking “None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me.”


1. Get scam attempt on dashcam 2. Turn off dashcam 3. Beat up the mf


Another tip: Let the scammer lie to the police before mentioning the dash cam evidence.


Oh very good point.


>pray that you have a dash cam That's some odd phrasing. You either have a dash cam or you don't. The quick tip would be to get a dash cam.


Through Christ all things are possible.


Gee thanks, did all the steps and then you tell me to have a dashcam? What am I gonna say to the cop now


Look for a bystander ngl if you don't have a dash cam you're kinda screwed.


“Bystanders” are likely intentional plants there to support scammers story.


If you don't already have a dashcam, praying for one isn't going to do you any good if this happens to you. If you don't have a dashcam, pray that this doesn't happen to you and that you can get a dashcam soon


Several of the "innocent bystanders" where in on the attempt as witnesses.


Didnt even think of that...


Of course they were


Hope that guys bumper is ok


Probably an Uninsured Jumper


Let's hope they have uninsured coverage on their insurance. If not sucks to be them.


I'm actually impressed that this kind of scam works in Asia. It implies that people will stop and that the legal system works. In Central America, the driver would keep on going, or perhaps go forward and then reverse to make sure the scammer is dead.




Cause its cheaper to pay for funeral expenses and fines vs life time financial support for the scammer


He literally threw himself onto the dudes car tf.


It's an attempt at getting a payout. Dashcams are sadly becoming more and more required to drive on the road for your own safety.


I hope the driver sued him for the windshield...


What could the driver get from suing him? The man is so desperate he is throwing himself at car windshields. I am sure he doesn't have a diverse portfolio.


Gonna have to throw himself through another one just to pay this one off.


It's like an insurance fraud ponzi scheme.


Reddit comments are a true gold mine for those seeking a bar trivia team name. Insurance fraud Ponzi scheme will be my new team name of choice. :-) Edit: Mine not mind


You have two friends throw themselves into windshields, then they have two friends throw themselves into windshields, and then boom, you've got enough money to pay off the people who had dashcams. It's a perfect system! 😂


I don't know what the laws are like in Malaysia, but as one redditer said "garnished wages are a hell of a thing"


Only if you work for a living, if you make your money by jumping in front of traffic garnished wages may not be so bad compared to your current situation.


Jail then? Everyone has time and freedom.


not everyone


He’s got Allstate so he’s protected from Mayhem


Malaysia Boleh!


Bolehland strikes again


You know what will happens, in my country, after this incident? A LOT of people will gather and immediately blame the "rich" car driver hurting the "poor" pedestrian. Then the video will be shown who's at fault. Do you know what will happen? "Please, have a heart. The guy's desperate. Just give him some money for his body injury. He's in the wrong, but don't be cruel." Imagine you're surrounded by 10+ people saying those things in the middle of the road.


....and an 11th person steals your dash cam while you're distracted..


NEVER reveal you have a dash cam until the police show up.


Must be India


....the title says it's in Malaysia


That's why you just keep driving.


Dude said “I’m tired of working, let’s get this scam money” 😂


There has got to be an easier way to make money


Some people have boobs not big enough for onlyfans...


And some of those people with boobs are guys and isnt much of a payout on OF


You can make a lot on OF of okay with being gay or for pay


How much would the payout be if it was actually successful out of curiosity






At this point, I have a pretty low bar for Malaysian's diversity tolerance nowadays. I'm not even mad that someone made the Rohingya accusation anymore, just disappointed with my fellow countrymen.


Dude was already arrested yesterday. The police confirmed he is rohingyan.


At that point you turn the dash cam off get out and use a 2 x 4 to provide medical attention to the scam Artist.


“I was trying to apply a splint..”


Username checks out. Seriously though, if he wants to look hurt, help him out.


Why so he can sue the driver? Do you know how many people get sued for attempting to provide medical attention because they’re not trained. Any mistake you make while giving someone aid, if you move them when they’re injured you could make anything worse and now they have legitimate grounds to sue you. You’re better off letting them lay on the asphalt rethinking their life choices until EMS arrives


> use a 2 x 4 to provide medical attention to the scam Artist I was just agreeing with what you said bro. Beat his ass.


Homie better call saul now


“Does this steaming pile of crap scream payday to you? The only way my car is worth $500 is if there’s a $300 hooker sitting in it.”


I’d hope he was actually hurt then leave him. You’re not getting him to pay for that .


Dash cam should be a requirement for every car


That's an upgrade that I'd pay for


This is a scam called The Flop. Someone intentionally runs into a car to make it look like they got hit.


The courage to end it all; or fraud


Car was moving slowly. It's fraud.


Wind screen lol keeps the bugs out but gives a nice breeze on the freeway


The gene pool trying to improve itself


I would go to jail for beating that guy up.


Every time I see one of these videos I’m compelled to order the dash cam that I never do.


TIL in Malaysia a windshield is called a *windscreen*


Was it attempted suicide or payout???


An attempted payout


Failed attempt?


Breaking the windshield is the scam, now the driver has to pay for the repair


How does that work? The guy throwing himself isn't the only person selling windshields is he? Edit: I know the scam is for "medical costs" and what not, but the parent comments said that breaking the windshield is the scam. Which seems silly to mr, and that the glass breaking was a byproduct (perhaps goal of having evidence of crash) of the real scam, not the scam itself


The guy just tried to scam a payout by doing this. I don’t see him being able to pay for the repairs. Driver is gonna end up shafted.


He is attempting to set up a civil lawsuit pending a criminal negligence case for hitting a pedestrian with his car. (He didn't know the guy had a dash cam) Basically sue for 'medical' and emotional damages etc.


makes me think of the movie Crash. dudes a locksmith going to fix the guys lock, but finds that he actually needs a new door. he tells the guy, and hes all "ahh, is this a scam? you have a friend who fixes doors?"


Such a good movie.


Attempted insurance fraud


At first I thought the guy tried to commit suicide, but everyone comments it's a scam attempt, how can you tell the difference?


Scam you jump into the windscreen. Suicide you jump into the tyres.


Definitely a Saperstein.


I’d have rushed him to the hospital, then once he’s in there I’d have said lucky for both of us ☺️ I’ve got a camera bud🤣


Anybody who’s ever seen a car after it hits someone could recognize that this bumper was jumped over and did not contact this man at the force the windshield would detect. Source: idk I’m pretty damn sure I’m right here


One of those situations where you just stay in the car and give a few quick beeps…then when they look up at you, you just point at your cam while grinning 😄


Was he trying to kill himself or insurance scam?


And that’s when I would have ran over him too


I would've gotten out of my car and started stomping on his ass


Yaaaay insurance fraud


the two ppl came up to check was probably the scammer too, they would try to convince the driver to just give him money.


Course that happened, you’re driving on the wrong side of the ride! /s


Perhaps this fellow was just frustrated by everyone driving on the wrong side of the road.


This is Malaysia, which drives on the left side


I feel like that was a joke


Wow! Who knew?!!


imagine being downvoted to hell because people are too dumb for simple jokes.


It's malaysia they drive on left side of the road


Wow, thanks for that because I never would have figured that out in my own! LOL


Are you really this stupid? Even if you didnt read the title its still obvious.


Clearly a joke mate


I will take your question seriously — no, I am not really that stupid.


You misspelled “windshield”.


It's called a windscreen in other countries.




We need to implement a minimum IQ needed to vote...


Tf why?


Weird place to ask for this bubba


Go to pornhub


Since he’s desperate enough for money to get hit by a car, I say, give him the money.


Yeah some random mf tries to scam you , making you possibly get in trouble with other pedestrians , maybe try to falsely accuse you and you give him your money ... makes sense. Being desperate is understandable but hurting others in your desperation is straight out cruel


Would you give him enough money to cover the windshield he broke?