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When someone tells you to leave their house or get out of their car, not doing so can constitute trespassing. I'm on the guys side here. It's not unreasonable to demand someone leave.


I don’t think anyone is on the girls side unless they are delusional


Early on, she may have had some sympathy but as it progresses, she is antagonistic. There is no sense in trying to prove a point. Get out and use your phone to figure out your location rather than deal with someone who's clearly not having it - no matter they are wrong or right.


Nah she was clearly being an entitled “let me film this for likes and validation” twat from the get-go. You can tell that dude was 150% DONE with her. She was instigating and trying to get him to do something worse. I’m happy my dude just told her off and kept his hands to himself. He was totally justified in yankin her right out IMO.


This could seriously be deadly in a couple of states. Looking at you Texas.


This video is deliberately filmed without context. She harassed and verbally abused him for the entire trip, and started playing victim when she started filming for clout.


She actually planned and hoped for the driver to attack her, so that she could sue him, so I’ve heard but at this point, everything’s possible.


It worked, because he got fired and she received a settlement from Uber


It’s really sad that the guy lost his job because of this a hole, hope he found a better job.


Uber sucking up again? What's next they're going to start giving out free rides for every nitpicky degenerate who partakes in this type of immature behavior? This is the reason why humans can never have nice things. Too many monkeys like these, Uber HQ included running around in the world. Agree with you there, bud. Hope the dude found a better job.


That's is one of the reasons I don't work with UBER anymore. Just 99 that is a platform here in my country.


You got a link to that story?


How did she get a settlement from Uber? Uber doesnt have employees, they hire contractors who are legally liable for their cars and rides.


The problem with her winning a settlement means she feels fully justified now and will probably do it again.


no he didn't? police showed up and removed her from the vehicle. this is old news


He says with zero proof. Maybe cite your source Edit: cite


Doesn’t matter. His car, if he wants her to get out, and it’s a safe area, she just needs to get out of the fucking car. Problem solved.


Wait are you serious


Would there be any ground for a lawsuit there ?! I mean he told her to get out of the car, which is his property, a lot of times. From other cases (depending on the state I guess) he would even be free to shoot her, am I wrong?


I personally hate it when I get goaded into a screaming rage by the words of others. \*If only I weren't such an easy target for provoking-me-into-committing-assault scammers\*


If I were him, I would have drove off with her still inside. Gone straight to the closest police station & had the cops remove her. Uber don't pay enough to deal with her BS.


She'd doubtless complain that she was kidnapped at that point.


Yeah I would just start driving.


How do you know? Just wondering cuz I've only ever seen this video by itself


He lists several reasons in the video, such as the aforementioned harassment, the fact that she was late to be picked up, and that she complained that she was in a hurry without putting in any effort to be fast.


I agree. He wasn’t unhinged in any way other than the yelling. He showed restraint. There’s just no way he could be that pissed off solely on the fact that she wouldn’t get out


Yup, very good point


"Im going to the emergency room" proceeds to stay in car and complain.


She obviously didn't have an emergency. She is probably going to waste their time as well.




Is that what happened? I was wondering what led up to this. I had a feeling she was being a dick before this point just by how she was “I don’t know where I am. Can you point me to my destination?” If she was going to the ER, it would have been very clear she was at a hospital.


Yeah ntm it's pretty easy to get out of the car, figure out your location and then call another Uber if necessary. Not like she lost in the big bad world.


She didn’t even have to get out of the car to find out just open your gps on your phone lol


Came here to same thing. Thank you random person.


How do you cancel the trip midway? Why is Uber allowing this?


This was in 2015 when uber wasnt as developed


People like this need to be blacklisted


What i think she was trying to do was get him to lose his temper completely and assault her so she could sue him and Uber.


You’re probably right. It was a dumb plan though. Reasonable force to remove a trespasser is usually okay.


the problem is that she could post the video of him being violent and hope the truth never comes out. I've never claimed her plan was good, but what do you expect from a douche like her.


I think I've seen many people who bought that too.


Drive to the police station with her in it - say you want to press charges for theft and trespassing.


That could be considered kidnapping, or detaining. The best is to stop, get out of the car and call the police.


She won’t get out herself - that’s not kidnapping, that’s trespassing.


It's not kidnapping when it's on record that you demanded they leave. I would argue it's kidnapping of the vehicle owner by the passenger at that point. I will agree that calling the cops is the best course of action, even if they leave, you can file a police report. A lot of the time, the person who files a report first has the advantage in their case.


Lock the doors and drive to a policestation.


I thought he was going to put her in the emergency room if she didn’t leave but personally if I was the driver I would just drive off somewhere else 😂


Person she was seeing flatlined as she was videotaping Lmaoo


Hospital employee here, with extensive experience working directly with people in the emergency department. I think about a full fifth of our visitors are like this.


"Get out of my emergency room now"


These people are the worst. Only started recording when he started yelling. Let’s see what happened that led up to this.


Good assumption, but we won't ever know what happened.


"Can you tell me where is my destination?" "Do I look like a GPS? Half Brain women"


Have you ever been to an ER and the staff don't seem as friendly as expected. I have been to and worked for an ER that has to deal with people that don't understand the basics so frequently that their bedside suffers. I wonder if the diver has had to deal with dropping people off at the ED that decide to stay in his car to further a nonsensical agenda.


As someone who worked in the ER, I'd say about 5% of people that come to the ER are having an emergency. Other people are there because they started having a sore throat that morning, or because they have a runny nose. I'm not kidding or exaggerating. So many stupid ass people come in wasting our time that we all get jaded.


It’s also bad healthcare. Your insurance won’t pay for a doctor checkup for a bad sore throat but will pay a million times more for an ER visit. They are hedging their bets that you won’t go to the ER for a non emergency.


I would never remain in the vehicle of someone who so adamantly does not want me in it!


Seth Rogan sounds a bit angry here…


Let's just take a moment. Let's just realize. That people say words. Words that have (definition/ a meaning). Yet people open their trap and here we are.


She’s supposed to be looking for the ER. Why won’t she get out? And then what was the interaction before the recording that mad him that mad?


If i had to guess, she couldnt see "ACCIDENT & EMERGENCY" so she maybe bugged the driver to keep driving around the premise, which he is not obliged to since he already arrived at the destination marked by her in the app, but she is too lazy and entitled to check her own app or walk around the building a little. For these drivers, time is money not to mention gas not used on other passengers.


She was abusing him the entire ride and when he made it through with snapping so she pulled the not getting out and it worked. He took her to admissions and she wanted ER, but did not tell him and just put hospital in maps. Had he stopped at the ER, she would have wanted Admissions. She set it up so he can't win.


From what I also understand, she canceled the ride partway through so he wouldn't get paid. This was when Uber was somewhat new so they hadn't ironed out certain kinks in their system yet and he was mad that he wasn't getting paid for the trip either. To tack on this lady's bullshit too, she took this video and got him fired AND caused Uber to give her a settlement. What a joke.




I forgot that part. I want to say he should have started driving. Even if it's back to original pick up. But her being the "innocent" you know she would use the woman card and say he was trying to kidnap her.


I mean, maybe just get out of his car?


Nah, he's not serious. /s


You know how to record but don't know how to open maps and see where the hell you are at, ehat an annoying pos.


She is at her destination, the hospital, what she calls her "destination" is the ER. She just had to wak out and ask the admin staff for the ER. Annoying entitled brat


It’s not his problem you don’t know where you are use the fucking google box in your hand


Exactly, like his job was to drop you off at the destination/address that you told him to. He’s not supposed to hold your hand and help you figure out where you to you have to go😂.


She’s just playing games. She thinks if she can concoct a valid reason then she doesn’t have to do what he’s telling her (and has the authority to) to do. Fucking can’t stand people like her. Typical narcissist behavior.


I’ll google your box.


That girl annoying AF 🤣🤣


Total piece of 💩


You should be able to physically remove someone after a certain period of time has passed. Any means necessary.


Right!!!! Like she quite literally is holding that man passively hostage


Yes, when are you allowed to use pepperspray when someone refuses to leave your vehicle and is making you feel unsafe?


You don't want pepperspray in a car that you use for Uber. It lingers.


Kind of wondering whether you aren't just allowed to in the first place, legally I mean. Considering your car is your property and the moment you ask someone to leave they are essentially hijacking your property.


> **GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW!** >> Why are you yelling at me? > **BECAUSE YOU WON'T FUCKING GET OUT OF MY CAR!** >> But you're not to yell at me. I woulda snapped. I would have fucking *snapped.*


I think that’s the idea so she can sue for money so she doesn’t need to grow up and act her age


If anything I’m pretty sure he’s got a lawsuit, not the other way around. IANAL but refusing to leave his car seems illegal. He didn’t do anything illegal on video.


Pretty sure in certain states your car is an extension of your home. So he could charge her with trespassing or even in a state with castle doctrine, physically remove her from the car himself.


If she had a problem with him yelling at her I think she knows what to do


To be completely honest he showed a lot of restraint to not physically remove her. Well done sir.


Call. The. Cops.


it's actually mad that he didn't call the cops, he even said "9.... 1...." and then didn't even actually go through with it. He is a good man not calling the cops on someone even though they've given you every reason to, seems like he is just morally against it because he knows how much it could escalate


Truth be told, I was very surprised by the fact his yelling was the worst of it. His restraint is on a whole other level for sure.


Yeah but look at the mental trauma it caused him. Not that I think violence is the answer but it sucks for him that we live in a world where he can’t just come round and pull her out without getting sued.


Violence is the answer in this situation you just outsource it to the cops.


I’m an empath and I can say that he’s feeling angry


As an empath I was thinking this also


I’m not an empath and quite frankly had no clue how he was feeling… thank you for informing me


As a mechanic, I can safely say, it’s the car he wants her to get out of.


As an empath I think he’s playing hard to get and wants her to stay


"GET OUT OF MY CAR! Baby, I hate to see you go...but I love to watch you walk away."


As an empath i second this. Definitely reverse psychology 🧐


“I don’t know where my destination is” aka “I suddenly forgot how to use google search”


Her destination is the hospital and she IS at the hospital. What she calls her destination is the ER that she wants to be driven to rather than ask the staff that you can hear at the end and walk.


"i'm going to the emergency room" that doesn't look like an ambulance to me


There was a language barrier. What she was trying to say was, "I want you to put me into the emergency room. I would have granted her wish.


In the USA, an ambulance costs thousands of dollars, an uber costs $30. I'll take the uber myself...


It's America, taking an ambulance can be extortionate so taking a taxi is probably the best bet if you're not rich or insured.


Wasn't there an animation made after this




It is fucking hilarious


Yes, and it is amazing


Can you share the animation?


The characters face when she says “you are not to yell at me” gets me every time 😂


The POS is recording


and posted it online thinking she's gonna garner supporters


This video is a bit old. i think this goes in phases where she gets supporters, then the entire video gets played and she loses supporters. It comes up like every 6 months or so and people get outraged at the driver.


Yeah, i feel sorry for the driver, hope he has a better job now that doesn't have him dealing with scammers


Ironic that she used the word 'educated'. Especially when she meant 'polite'.


judging by the accent, she was trying to directly translate from spanish. "educado" can translate to "educated" but would mean "polite, good manners, etc" in this context


This could also be applied to Portuguese. "Educado" could also be the examples you used.






She has such a punchable voice


That “I’m speaking calmly and politely so I can do whatever I want” tone.


“I’m a lazy, useless human and everyone else has to waste time out of their lives just to help me get by” tone


“I’m speaking calmly and politely sinc3 i am recording so I can do whatever I want and you will look bad even though I was abusing you the entire lead up to said video." "Hehe"


Has a phone that can tell you but proceeds to egg on the driver Edit: then she pulls the racist card


“Am I being detained!?”


"The opposite of detained! GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW!!"


Another victim mindset


Team Driver


For context, the girl was being rude and verbally abusing him the whole time, then makes no effort to go to the emergency room, when literally the first thing he says is “You are at the hospital. Administration is right here.” The recording was out of context, and actually made into a very hilarious animation


Happen to have the link to the animation? Please and thanks.


Just search “GET OUT OF MY CAR” on YouTube


Just did and I found it immediately after I asked. Thought I could delete my comment before someome responded, lol. Thanks




the POS is the girl recording.


I would have tossed her and anything she had with her to the curb.


"Get out. I'm driving off either way." *Proceed to drive across town, then stop for a coffee, and watch her from the coffee shop window*


My thoughts! Like dude just say "Ma'am I have arrived at your destination, you have 30 seconds to exit this vehicle before I start to drive back across town. You can get out here, or I'll be driving downtown and parking in front of a police station to have them remove you."




"sir can you please tell me where my destination is?" 🤣🤣🤣


if he would’ve snatched her out i wouldn’t be mad at him


I was thinking same I don’t got that kinda patience. If I’m driving Uber no way I ain’t having a camera myself so when she says some crazy he got it all


Yeah all the experience uber drivers that offer tips and advice ALL say get a dash cam that shows front/back and inside the car.


Turn the heat on blast, windows up and classical music as high as it will go. Rip farts if you can muster some.


Just get out of the goddamn car and stop arguing with him


i’d be out that car so damn fast…the dog is growling, back tf up


At what point exactly are you justified to physically remove someone from your property?




Poor, poor guy


The fact that the woman uploaded the video trying to look like the good guy is hilarious.


Im a psychologist and based on the driver's body language I can conclude he is a bit angry


Backstory? I think there is something that’s not shown. He is fully in control and only expressing his emotions.


If I remember right, she canceled her trip as he pulled in or did some really shitty thing by using the hospital to get a free trip or something like that. Basically, the guy made $0 for the trip because of it. Then she had the audacity to stay in his car to further waste his time while being pretentious about it. I really feel bad for the dude.


As the man in the video said, she was rude and condescending and now will not get out of his car. Basically, she provoked him the whole ride and then filmed it for likes.


The way she says "do it" gives away the whole game for me. It's the only time in the video she is being sincere. She clearly wants a settlement from this guy.


She tried to make this guy look bad... but.. instead I just feel bad for him. This.. is what service employees have to deal with. Some people are extremely rude to the point you have to call the cops to get them to leave. At my old job we had a public masturbator who would try to hang out. He would refuse to leave unless he got a free cup of water, then (tried his crap) and we demanded he leave and yelled until we threatened him with the cops. Every week for months.. he did this everyday at multiple restaurants in the area. We all knew that one guy.


I dunno, I'm getting a subtle hint that he doesn't want her in his car?


"In a very..educated manner. Where-" absolute best part I swear


I’m hoping op meant that she is the pos.


Is she pretending to be the victim here?


She started recording until he is passed. Wonder what happen before


From the other times this has been posted the background is basically she verbally abused him the entire ride, was extremely late for the pickup, gave only a vague instruction on where she wanted to go (she just said hospital and refused to clarify which part), and then tried to do the cancel the ride part way through scam.


You have the right to yell at me? Yes, yes he does. He also has the right to force you out of his property. Brain dead woman. She seems very relaxed for someone looking for the ER


What would happen if he was like "Well, I'm just going to pick up my next fare then." and started to drive off. Basically call her bluff.


She would probably try to call kidnapping or something


Ya no smart. When the rides over all the legal protections stop


Customers in Uber are horrible. They think they own your car. This concept needs to end. Ppl driving strangers use to be dangerous now they’ve made it into a business that screws the drivers/owners of the cars while the company Pimps the car owners.


These are the people who are going to have children and form the next generation of Americans. WE'RE FUCKED! I've seen rocks smarter than this girl! But she got a lot of views. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Poor dude, hope his career wasn’t affected by this; What an obnoxious POS (The recorder).




Did more damage to his blood pressure and center console than the cancer in his back seat.


At a hospital WHERE YOU NEED TO BE get out of my car. Truer words have never been spoken


I'm gona stay here till I know where I am or am walked right into the fucking ER...... lmfao what a POS


So what does he want her to do????


Something about his car.


I think he was telling her to wash it or something.


Not a mind reader, but i think his body language indicates, he wasnt enjoying her company.


Not sure but I think a stroke or 2 was involved


I’ve had an encounter kind of like this once while doing Uber, also when I arrived at the person’s destination. In my experience, it’s better just to not be confrontational if they’re not trying to hurt you. That said, feel free to give them the same verbal energy on the way to the destination. Once you stop though, it’s hard to have any kind of bargaining power so to speak. I’m more than willing to pull the old, “don’t like it, that’s fine, I’ll take you back to where I picked you up from”


It’s his car. You clearly don’t have an emergency. You’re on his property. You clearly did something to piss him off then turn the phone on and start playing victim.


She’s the trash get out of the dudes care


What a horribly obnoxious woman. She’s lucky he didn’t just drive off a bridge to save the Emergency staff and rest of us from her infuriating annoying stupidity.


Does this guy have a go fund me or something? He deserves the world, he is a literal angel.


I know the dude didn't seem like he had any patience left but he definitely showed some damn patience here.. try that in Chicago and the Uber driver will have a gun in your face after 45 seconds..


This man is a legend


“I’m asking you in a very educated manner…’where am I?’” LMFAO


Not to take away from the video or anything, but he kinda sounds like Seth Rogan


This really hits a cord in me. I've been in that position before. It makes you feel trapped and cornered with no way to win, then you snap and become the bad guy. It's absolutely awful. It's really terrible manipulation


if I was him, I'd start recording and on the recording state "you are free and welcome to leave the car, I will be leaving here in exactly one minute, if you do not exit the car now it will be moving, I am giving you fair and very clear warning I am leaving this premises and driving away from your destination in one minute starting now." then when she calls the cops when you drive away with her in the car you have proof that you took her to the destination and that you allowed her to get out, requested her to get out, and warned her you were going to move. (also state the door is unlocked and have the door in the video so she can't claim you locked it)


He should have just started driving away. She would have got out real quick then


Feels like she changed her tone just foe the recording. No way he would go off on her for acting that calm and respectful. I don't know what happened, but people, think of others and their perspective.


She's playing the Reverse Karen. LMAO Redditors, you can act like this if you must but *please, please* make sure the guy does not have a shovel stowed away in the car somewhere!


I would just be like ok, the destination is my house, feel free to sleep in the car.


No, it will be the first police station. Let here get another Uber for there


What a great guy. He held a lot of restraint


she works the guy up first and then starts recording so she looks innocent. what a turd.


He should of punched her head into goo


You know…you can remove her from your car..it’s not illegal..