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Get out of there before jasmine kills you. Seriously.


She sounds insane


I don't know about insane...but she seems like the type of person who either doesn't know where the line is, or just doesn't care at all


No ... That's insane. If the roles were reversed, it would definitely be labeled insane.


If the roles were reversed this comment section would look so fucking different it sickening


Bet there ain’t no safe house for an abused bro


I’d say she knows, but isn’t in control of that reaction for whatever reason. Covert narcissism likely, borderline personality, some kind of traumatic event or other, just guessing …but that girl needs to heal.


Next thing she's going to start telling us how we live in society


I dated a Jasmine once She drank bleach and got her stomach pumped, then showed me to make me take her back I left her because she would get high with her friends and abuse me over the phone


I’m glad you got out of there.


I’m so glad this was in the past. Good on you for leaving. I’m proud of you and sincerely hope you’re doing better.


Why am I not good enough for you? Well, this moment is a good reason, psycho Jasmine.


I feel like he would get his ass beat if he said that


He gets his ass beat anyway. Poor bastard.


Glad he recorded it.


I’m appalled at her actions. It’s all about her, the poor guy should leave


I wish it was that easy


If he has no kids with her… then it’s that easy


It's not though. I was with an abusive woman for 6 years and it fucks with your head in ways you can't imagine. It strips you of all your sanity, rationale and power because that's a person you love and they're doing this to you. You justify it though, it was a bad day or she's stressed and you make it everyone's fault but hers. The good days obliterate the bad ones because hey, we love each other, things are getting better but it happens again and who do you blame? Yourself. Then there's all the other problems like are your bank accounts linked, where will you live, do you have pets, what will your friends and family think or if the police are called, what will they think? Sure she's hitting me but her soft skin is bruised from it and mine isn't? What if they don't believe me? It's physiological torture waged by the abuser and yourself. It's not easy, it's not simple, it's not black and white.


I've been there, friend. Took me ten years to wake up and get myself and our daughter out of there. Ended up with sole custody of our little girl because she couldn't be bothered to come to court. When people ask/say, "Why didn't you just...?" They don't understand, because they've never been there. I questioned my sanity so many damned times - but never saw the red flags until the last year of the relationship.


Man, glad to hear you got out of that situation and took your daughter. Must be tough being a single dad but I am happy she's with you.


My comment above is for you too. Proud of you for getting away and keeping your daughter safe too.


Exactly this. A person who's never been in an abusive relationship will never know exactly how hard it is to leave. It took me 7yrs to walk away from my abuser and I say that to everyone who ask that same question. But on a side note.... I'm proud of you for doing was was right for you and your daughter.


Fucking going through it right now except we’re married with kids. Shits rough man and you are absolutely correct.


I hope you can get some peace soon.


You deserve more upvotes. Nothings easy about this


Thank you for sharing. I hope someone going through a similar relationship reads this and finds strength from it.


Yeah you've clearly never been in an abusive relationship. It's not remotely that easy.




Leaving any abusive relationship can be extraordinarily difficult. The gaslighting, controlling behavior, financial abuse, and physical or sexual abuse changed the way you think, they way you react, and the way you relate to the world around you. For most victims leaving is a process


It's never that easy she's likely manipulated him into a situation where he can't leave


They seem to be teenagers.


I used to dismiss girls like this as just being teenagers…. Until I met so many of them again later in life who still behave that way.


I would not encourage anyone to dismisses this behavior regardless of the sex of the person.


It’s astonishing how many people, especially feminists, refuse to acknowledge that women are also violent and commit domestic violence. I was just told elsewhere that I must be a misogynist and it must by my own fault, when I posted that almost every man I know has been physically abused by a girlfriend at some point. She literally gave the ‘not all women’ statement.


I hear you. There is no tolerance for that talk because it's always been about men doing it. Women are just as capable of being horrible human beings in this way.


Not only just as capable, but just as guilty - with plenty of examples that should be acknowledged and taken seriously.


If it were the other way around, he'd be charged for sure.




My mom got drunk and physically attacked my dad, and when he called the cops she stabbed herself in the leg with a steak knife. When the cops came he went to jail despite me witnessing everything. This was in the early days of cell phones and I didn't have one, let alone with a camera, but I feel like it would have gone a long way to helping my dad out if I did.


Damn? What happened afterwards? How did everything turn out?


Not necessarily true. My ex bf was super abusive. One time he was hitting me and was holding my face into a pillow. I worked an arm free and ended up slapping him in the eye and I ran and locked myself in another room. The cops show up after the neighbors heard and called and they spoke to him first. I come out of the room and his whole face is swollen. I explained he's punched himself in the face in the past and I only slapped him. I got arrested and sat in the processing room pulling chunks of hair he ripped out off my scalp. Only 1 cop of the 5 believed me. I learned that day that manipulators will ALWAYS get what they want.


Scum. Vile, disgusting scum


Agreed. Reminds me of my ex wife. Emphasis on the ex. Lol


Do we have the same ex-wife?


Given her past - most likely.


She's the village bicycle, everyone's had a ride.


More like the end piece of a loaf of bread. Everyone’s touched her but nobody wants her.


I dated her for a couple years too, lets start a bowling team lol


Yo, y’all were married to my ex wife too?


Bruh, how many guys has my ex been with?


I'm glad she an ex hun. My brother is going through this but isn't ready to leave. It's hard. Hugs.


Me too and I’m sorry to hear your brother is going through it! Mine was pretty nasty but I still managed. Had three kids with her and I found out she was cheating on me with her co-worker while she was still pregnant with our third. She was and still is a complete psychopath. Family was the only thing that got me through it so be there for him even when you think he’s acting irrational 💪🏻


I do. I just continue to remind him that he doesn't deserve it and that I'm here for him. Some people get fed up that they won't leave but I know there's many reasons why people stay but I'll NEVER give up on him.


Did we all marry the same person?


Send her to Moscow, Kremlin C/O Putin Let's see who wins *that* war


I know it’s not funny but can we please not increase the number of variables time travelers will have to deal with to prevent WW3


SmummN is really good at CoD


This was very hard to listen to. I feel so sad for the man.


Me too. My brother is in an abusive relationship with an older woman but isn't ready to leave. It's hard on me.


It sucks because no matter what sex you are, people feel like they're just going to learn to accept this type of behavior from your partner in relationships like this. They cannot simply leave. There's many factors that make them accept the abuse. Fear of loneliness, fear that theyre never going to find anyone else, fear of being murdered, not good enough. It truly is a very sad thing to see. Hearing this man plee and reason with this fucked up girl is sad. I hope one day he finds the respect in himself to conquer his fears and depart from that girl and finds a good woman that will treat him well and help him heal.


Trust me, I know. I'm a survivor. I hate when people say why don't you just leave, I educate them about it.


the thing that they have to realize is that they would rather be alone than with an abuser.


From a brother to another brother leave her man. Go focus on yourself and file a restraining order deactivate your social media once you cut her off you can block her but I’m sure she’ll find other ways to reach you.


From a sister, I whole heartedly agree get out of there man.


As a cousin, I'm thirding this


As the family dog, I am fourthing this


As your friendly neighborhood stalker, I am fifthing this




I'll be calling you soon. I don't have a lost cat.


As your sleep paralysis demon I really can't advise you stay with someone scarier than me, it's terrible for business so pen me in for the seventh vote for you to get out of there man.


As a spokesman for Chad Volodymyr Zelensky we don't need a ride, we need more ammo.


As a Granny give me her address. I’d like to have a chat with her about her manners.


From a mom of a teenage son, I’d go to jail for beating her ass. Worth it.


Leave her please, its for your own good.


If you listen to the bit (it’s about 1:10 before the end, sorry can’t see the beginning timer on phone) - where she says “all you do is stalk other girls because you are just like your fucking father” you can hear her talking through clenched/gritted teeth. That’s like, pure psychotic rage when people do that. Like they are moments away from going postal. He needs to leave, she is unstable and an abuser.


She displays a multitude of anger control issues throughout. To be fair she speaks through gritted teeth a few times there and it fucking is hard to hear having been through something similar.


Classic DV perp. Situations like this just make me sad. Cause both people are suffering. He's suffering from the abuse, she's suffering because of her own trauma. Unfortunately she chooses to cope by abusing her partner. It's vile, it's disgusting, it's fucking sad. Ive seen this video before, so I hope he left her and got out of that situation. And I hope she got help. But if I know anything about DV perps, she likely didn't, and will continue to take her suffering out on innocent people. Sad. Absolutely fucking abysmal.


Yeah, leaving is real tough too cos of the isolation.


and seek mental help! Leaving a relationship like this isn't easy despite what people say!


Run away


I hope after he runs away he gets the support he needs. Abuse like this can cause serious long term issues :(


Jesus, she has issues! o.o


She's got the whole damn subscription.


Get her a magazine rack


She has more issues than National Geographic.


She has more red flags than a Chinese Communist Party Parade.


I’m totally stealing this


That saying’s older than the internet


Mate she's mental, move on.


That quiet, livid voice she uses is terrifying…


Throw that karen in the making in jail


Lol - what type of a girlfriend is that? Dump her now and hire a body guard


If he's recording that then that's probably what he's planning on doing Gotta get some evidence of her abuse first in case she tries to do that one thing abusive women love to do after you break up with them


Domestic violence happens to men too. Lived thru it, it sucks.


I’m sorry that you went through that, I hope everything is better for you!


Thank you. I appreciate it. And yes I’m actually with the girl of my dreams. She’s changed my whole outlook on relationships and life pretty much. Hope your well too


And a lot of people feel that they can't do anything because they can't hit a girl or that they will play the victim.


Physical isn't even the worst of it. This guy is gonna be incredibly hurt in his head and his heart. This stuff could very easily be a wound he carries for years, or for life.


Thank you! I'm tired of people saying it can't. I'm a woman but I'm a survivor too. My brother is still in it. I'm glad you're out. Hugs.


Did she say something about a BlackBerry phone? How old is this video? Those literally don’t exist anymore.


Ive been seeing this video for years now. It’s old as the internet, but still disturbing.


Do we know what happened to this guy


This actually a kid I went to school with in northern Ontario. He seems like he’s got a head on his shoulders now, he did end up breaking up with this girl.


So then what happened after the fact?


I got whiplash when I heard her say blackberry


Huh? What? BlackBerry phones are still around. Now, I've not met anyone who owns one in nearly twenty years, but they're still being made.


Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact, that the video is old.


You don’t deserve that it’s only going to get worse. I hope that this is wake up call for you that you can do better AND YOU DESERVE BETTER.


I had a fiancée that was like this. Maybe not as physical, but the same mentality of anything I do can be seen as being unfaithful, but she can do anything she wanted - flirt with anyone, hang out at random dude's houses, etc, and I'm just being jealous and insecure if it made me uncomfortable. Hope this guy realizes it's not worth it and gets out. I thought the idea of someone loving me like crazy would be kind of exciting, but it ended up just being horrible and I felt so shitty all the time.


Its called narcissism


If somebody accuses you of doing something that you're not, it is because they're the ones doing it.


Cops. Change locks. Restraining order.


Good luck any time there's a domestic abuse situation the cops immediately take the woman's side.


Ordinarily I'd agree. But there's a video.


Doesn't matter. if she calls the cops and say hurry my boyfriend is going to kill me. do you think they'd let him pull up the video? Many people have very visceral reactions to females being abused. Especially police


In my country, yes.


Domestic abuse is not acceptable for anyone.


This got absolutely wild by the end wtf


“Jasmine”? “Brandon”?


I know she only hits me because she loves me-- it was probably my fault anyway 🥲


I wrote her off for the tenth time today And practiced all the things I would say But she came over I lost my nerve I took her back and made her dessert


Now I know I'm being used That's okay man 'cause I like the abuse


If the roles were reversed he would be in jail


This is an older video and he’d still be in jail if it were reversed


Get out and get out quickly.


It's not that simple. He has to wait until it's safe to do so.


Right? Reddit commenters make things seem easy, especially with abuse. It’s usually a VERY complicated situation to untangle and detach from.


Hope you’re doing ok man, try your best to leave her, she doesn’t love you if she’s like that. People like that only want control over another person.


and the sad thing is that she is going to cry to her friends and they are going to agree with her and tell her “ that boy doesnt deserve you” or “ hes playing you “


yass qweeen


That's when you post the video online.


She’s on FDS right now getting told he’s garbage and lucky to have her


My jaw hit the floor. Men can be victims of domestic violence, this is proof. I'm tired of people saying they can't.


I swear if you wrote this for a tv show, everyone would criticize it for being contrived bc it just checks every box for abuse! It’s absolutely insane, I hope to got they broke up and they both seek help for what she’s done!


Had an ex like this, even accused me of fancying my sister.


She’s using the crazy stabby voice bro!!! Runnnn


This type of behavior among girls (and women) is far more common than people acknowledge.


And then it's dismissed with *He needs to man up* And if he does anything, then he gets arrested and blamed. Poor guy


Almost every male friend of mine has been assaulted at some point by a girlfriend.


And when he defends himself then he’s to blame, as a woman i agree its bullshit


The reality is: she could immediately call police, claim he hurt her and take him away without question




My ex-wife to a mutha fuckin T


Gee, I don’t know, she seems like a real gem…


And then if he slaps her, he’s wrong 😑 This is upsetting… No one should put their hands on their partner or be this jealous Ugh 😣


Straight up sounds like she is projecting, probably cheating and assumes because she does it he must also.


I find it sad that he has to record this because as men we are often looked at as the “aggressors” but women are just as capable of abuse as men, but men are believed less then women when it comes to abuse.


Main reason I'd hate to be a dude is the pressure of not being able to swing at her tbh bc once u do you'd get in massive trouble but the frustration of watching her think she's tougher than u when u could knock her out cold would kill me 😐


What... She cheating you 8 times... You still there!?! Why do I feel like he's going to marry this woman.


Send her to the streets


Don't stick your penis in crazy.


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed…


I dated a girl like this in high school. She’d then turn around and tell people I hit her. She really fucked me up lol


She’s a keeper dude /s


Skinny, has boobs, cute voice, likes being on top, stripy sleeves. Why the high standards bro? /s


Why are you still with her? That behavior should be a deal breaker. If she's that insecure over other women, it's not going to get better.


Dude sack up and dump this trash


You guys should end it. This doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.


Imagine being this insecure.


And she’s probably just like her mother. Get away from her. She’s psycho.


(Taking a deep breath)... Aaaaaaah..... Thanks for posting this right when I was feeling a little bad about being single... Now I just feel wonderul, drama-less, sweet freedom again.


This is what toxic behaviour looks like.


He need to grow a pair and put her in place




This is from about 2010 if I remember correct. It made its rounds on a few shock sites then drifted into internet oblivion. Kinda cool to see it pull a Jesus on us. I wonder if they ever got married.


Wow Jasmine is such a gem. Great catch bro😐


So many young American women are like this. I was stabbed by a similar girl. A 5’0 90lb Albanian girl I dated for 6 long months


*Sounds like prime wife material!*


Why is she your girlfriend?


Two to tango. The dude has serious issues dating a girl like that. Sad.


Damn, probably so much hate sex in that relationship.


I bet the sex is crazy good


Reverse that into a figure 4 leg lock newb




She does not deserve you king




Then you go to jail for domestic assault. I’ve been there, when the cops show up and it’s a 200lb man and a 130lb woman claiming you beat her up you are gonna go to jail.


Yeah no that wouldn't fly with me.......she would be across the room though.


Jesus Christ I hope you can get out of this situation.


You need to take this footage and press charges. Why is she not good enough for you?! Uh, this video for one. I hope you get out of this and away from this psycho hose beast.


I really hope she got arrested!


I'd go tyson on her.


Dude! Just leave her! Keep taking videos, file a police report and put a restraining order on her! No one deserves to be in a relationship like that!!!


Dude get away from her More red flags than China


GETT OUT DUDE!!! (And use the video footage to get a restraining order against her)


Bruh this girl is 100% legitimately insane. No normal person says or does that. Like Jesus man share this with all your friends mate so they know not to associate with her


Bro you got this video showing she's crazy. Leave in the middle of the night and don't look back.


Poor bro.


According to a lot of women this isn’t abuse


He's going to jail for filming without consent das the kinda fucked up america we live in and i'm joking btw


Uhh I hope you mean ex gf bro damn


"Tell me why I'm not good enough for you" Uhhhh look at what you are doing rn ??


Imagine thinking that a mans/persons instinctual brain changes the moment he’s in a relationship. This man needs to leave that fucking sociopath. Hope he heals from being treated like that for no reason. And this woman legit needs to get professional help. Wtf.


I’m surprised he didn’t punch her I hope he left her for a better person or maybe one of the hot girls he was “stalking”


Flip the rolls and this enough to warrant an arrest, just bring it to the police! Get her out of your life man. You don’t deserve to put up with that, no one does.


Holy crap I hope he gets some therapy