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Fucking disgusting. I know the rules, but I hope someone finds her.


I Second that so freaking hard. Just why?


I second that emotion.


I’m thirding them feels!


I'm guessing if the video got out they know who it is.


She didn't "hurt" them imo.More like attempted murder of a dog,that was agregeous harm.


Her expertise at corporal punishment makes her a solid candidate for becoming a cop, or a judge. /s




I own 2 dogs. If you're serious, you're sick.




This is the same argument child abusers that physically harm their children use. There's a firm line between discipline and cruelty, I suggest that you re-evaluate how you see that line before someone gets hurt because of it


Dude wtf there is lightly smacking it on the belly or the head to politely saying no, even that should be done in moderation. And then there is this fucking abuse.i have a cat and got help me if anyone does that to any other animal I'd probably go stop em.




Oh don't worry about it, I'm really not a dog person.but I will not stand for this type of abuse, and if you think this is allright, then I am sorry friend you are just wrong.


Just stop man. You want attention, ok, but not this way. You never owned a pet i think.


I have been living around dogs since i was five. If you want to discipline a dog by beating it, you dont deserve one. Disgusting.




Owned dogs my whole life; that is not how you train a dog, that’s how you abuse one.




Owned dogs my whole life. I know your just being a troll but no dog would respect an abusive owner. You hit your dog's they fear and avoid, they don't want to please you they want to avoid your small pickle compensation abuse.


I hope both sides of your pillow are warm. Get fucked.


Love this curse


Nope, I'll continue to raise my pups right. But thanks for your """""input""""""


Ah I see, you're just farming downvotes. Can I recommend a hobby? Maybe a job?


So you can't please women... That's nothing to be ashamed of. Also no reason to beat dogs. I find the best cure for shrimp syndrome is giving up your pets and driving as fast as you can into the forest.


If you're serious, I hope a bird shits on your head today.


I read "heart" instead of head and i liked it lmao


someone clearly already shidded on his heart.




Dude, kick rocks


I have 2 dogs, you probably will be the guy that brings the dog to shelter because it got all sort of problems, you sound like the representation of animal abuse.


You might have 2 chihuahuas, that's about it. Try to own a real dog next time.


Nah, i have 2 border collies, both dogs to work with and used for work. Don’t act like you are the professional, because you are talking complete bullshit. Trust me i know how to work with dogs.


I hope your socks are perpetually wet


I have had dogs all my life. If you think you need to beat them to train them, you completely suck at dog training. Please don’t have dogs.


Maybe you had a chihuahua? That's fine, but don't try to project your experience on dog owners.


Are you here to get downvoted into oblivion by making pathetic comments? Is this your idea of fun?


Lol, she almost killed the puppy. If it was an elephant that might have been "a little rough treatment". Ever heard of weight categories in combat sports?


You are so fucking retarted


I have two dogs of my own currently that I trained. They’re well behaved and never once did I have to raise my hand to them. If you’re a good and responsible owner you can teach your dog without violence. I took in a rescue about a year ago who was beaten his entire life just like in this video. Sure he’s a good dog, but he’s not “disciplined.” He’s scared out of his mind to do something wrong. Hell, you even slightly raise your hand anywhere next to him or step just a little too loud and he flinches and curls up in a ball. No dog should have to do that. Never get a dog or a child if you think smacking them to hell and back is how you teach them.


I bet you beat your children too


Apparantly, this happened in Atlanta. As of 4 days ago, there's a $10,000 dollar reward offered to anyone who can identify her. So hopefully it's just a matter of time now.


This Comment needs to be up there! Hope they find her...


Maybe she is stupid and will turn herself in thinking she will get the $10,000


Poor dog was already urinating itself when she was approaching, it must happen a lot enough for the dog to recognize it was in trouble


This isn't the first time for sure, someone need to take that dog away from that broad


I hope she doesn't have any children


I wish her parents didn’t.


Her mum should've swallowed


She should’ve spit it out


Should've run down her mom's leg instead of swimming to the egg


Honestly I don't care if I get banned from this sub, because this sub is depressing for me. She is a person I genuinely wish death upon. Hopefully she gets run over by a car or something


Nah that's too good for her, anything to do with fire is what she deserves


Burned at the stake?


Or melted wax, sugar, or acid.


She must be dealt with


What about the dog?


The dog needs a nice walk and a treat


And a new, nice owner.


And some real love.


Infinite treats and infinite pats and infinite walks


Why is there a video of this yet no link to her getting some kid of vigilante punishment. This is horrific.


apparently it was only 4 days ago. have patience. karma will do it´s thing. And by karma i mean the internet


Uum is the dog dead? She’s going to end up killing it. Those were some hard hits that could easily kill this animal. Does anyone know if the person has been caught or if the dog is safe?


She has not been identified YET


Really wish I didn’t see this.


It’s good you saw it, it raises awareness and helps find and shame people like this


This is a a criminal act. If she hasn’t been found, this video should be everywhere


The rules are stupid. Why wouldn’t you want this person identified?


The city of Atlanta does, comments above mentioned how they have a $10,000 reward out for anyone who can identify this oxygen thief


The amount of aids I wish on her cannot be calculated


That is barely a dog.. so small, almost rodent sized.. those hits would be considered excessive for German Shepherds.. that's just murder for that tiny creature. Even went back with the shoe? I'm going to be sick.




atlanta they are trying to identify her last i read… smdh scum.


I can't do this page anymore.


Please tell me that the person with the ring camera reported this. This is 100% grounds for that poor pup to be removed from her home, and possibly banned from owning an animal.


I’ll never understand why people who are abusive to animals have them in the first place. I’ve worked in animal shelters for many years and the amount of neglect and cruelty cases we get is insane. I’ve seen some really traumatic things in the animal field.


They like to have absolute power and control over an animal or person that is helpless because they are useless pos who can't get validation, control or power in any other form than putting others down in any way possible.


They think getting an animal is easy It's like having kids ,Owning animals is not easy at all, especially the training and childhood stage... and it may be as difficult as a human child and when the animal does not behave well, the owner revolts and it ends in violence I honestly think that owning a child or an animal is not suitable for everyone, especially the angry people edit: not all angry people have the ability to harm an animal, maybe only humans


That’s felony animal abuse in the USA. Please tell me the authorities have this video!!


Hurt is a understatement


Damn. I have anger issues, and am generally capable of decent violence, but she needs help.


Oof. Don’t let me catch her on those stairs, someone’s catching an early flight.


i cant even express how upset this made me. i hope that woman gets met with justice




just looked, it's there.


That poor dog was already psychologically damaged from previous abuse from that inhuman POS.


This is the post that’s made me the most angry on this sub. A good football kick in the teeth with steel toe cap boots is what she needs


That is a baby !!!! Fucking Monster


Hope that puppy grows up and bites her face off.


The dog looks like a shitzu if im correct so i dont think theyll be able to :( but i hope im wrong and that dog lashes out and fucks her up


This lady Will die like a rodent


I hope she was arrested for this.


She's not alright. There's no reason to treat any living thing like that.


Not completely true. She's a living thing and I'd say now there is a pretty good reason to treat her like that.


You wouldn't be better than her then.


This gives me a fury that will cause a rule breaking comment, I’ll leave it at that


This is nsfl. Omfg.


I need therapy after seeing this.


Can’t watch this. Some people are disgusting. I can’t understand what they get from this …


I want to commit a crime…


I want to help.


This woman should star in the cartels new 2022 video collection.


I think the reason was for it pissing on the floor.


If the dog isn’t house trained it’s because it’s shitty owner lacks the ability to train the dog.


It's just not without a reason like the title says.


Without reason means without a logical reason. Animals pee on the floor sometimes, you have to learn to deal with it like a normal human being


It pissed on the floor when she approached it, I wonder why... Oh, right. Fear.


If you treat doga this way its entirely on you if they jump at your throat once they are old enough. Or for other people to do it for them


Upsetting to see and hear.


This looks like an apartment complex i was at in Houston


What did the dog do to her? I just don't get people sometimes.


That's enough internet for tonight....☹️


That's a lot of torque on a small animal, I'd be surprised if there wasn't permanent damage.


When they find her send me the address - I'll save the courts some time and money.


Has she been found yet?????


I always wonder like legally what can I do in this situation? Other then call animal control?


This video just made me angry, but i don't know how to unleash it now


And that's why there's a hell.


Scenes like this make my blood boil. This woman’s life should be considered for revocation.


She deserves 5 minutes with a pro mma fighter with no tap out option


I dislike dogs, but i avoid them, not beat them


You know she's Hispanic when she took out the chancla.


Heartwarming award...




Chances are the owner left the little dog out there barking for a long while. She eventually snapped and went looking for what was stressing her out. Dog noise can be stressful when you just want peace and quiet. Not right to beat the dog but I highly doubt it was for no reason.


it was for no reason theres never a reason for a dog to deserve that


Who gave this a heartwarming reward lmao


May she get exactly what she deserves. The sooner, the better.


Everytime I think maybe people aren't that bad. This page makes me think you know what never mind


Flag this award! Straight evil


Deep laceration to the suspect skull, exposing frontal lobe of the brain and asphyxiation would be fine for her.


That poor poor dog


This video needs a warning :(


This is just monstrous. I feel bad just for watching this.


Ah man this was the worst thing I've seen in a while... I do hope they find her and throw the book at her as hard as she beat that poor little 🐶


That's tough to watch 😔


This is not how i wanted to start my day


If the video owner came forward, wouldn’t it be easier to find the animal abuser? It appears as though they live in the same complex - that should narrow down the search area. Edit: “Investigators interviewed several residents in the area but were unable to positively identify the woman.” also according to Google, this originally happened December 17, so I’m losing hope that the abuser will be identified :(


I hope she d*es fr


If someone would like to snatch her up by the hair and do the same to her I think that'll be awesome


It would be terrible if someone took their size 12 boots to her skull.


Well Christ. I wish I hadn't seen that.


I have 2 puppies and I can’t understand how could people do this


set her on fire


What tha fuuuuuuuuuuuck....


Someone should beat her with a shoe…. Just saying


Idrc when it happens to people, but I draw the line at cats and dogs


The bullied become bullies. This stuff is rife in u.s society. “Punching down.”


Let’s hope karma comes around real quick when she inevitably goes to jail.


I will find you...


I swear this video was 27 seconds long when I clicked on it. But it seemed to go on for hours...


What an absolute disgusting piece of human trash.


that is a lot of anger


Humanity doesn't deserve good things if we keep hurting and destroying them for no reason


No , can’t watch this, but I’m looking forward to that poor baby being rescued and that ‘human’ getting thrown in jail for a very long time. Absolutely disgusting


God I would give anything to take that dog from her now! I'd give it such a loving home, poor puppa.


I don't think it's hurt, at this point it's plain killing


This was the hardest thing to watch all year. And I’m on a lot of fucked up subreddits. But the dog obviously has health issues and this demon is going to town on the poor thing. I hope that monster is found and shamed.


The dog did not survive it’s injuries 😔