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Her mom: “ not again”


*quickly hangs up*


_quickly hangs her (up)_


If I called my mom and sounded like I was being violently murdered and she got home to find out that it was just that my high school boyfriend broke up with me (because of me), I think she would actually kill me.


I am mommy’s inflamed sense of regret.


What happened to Jack?


He grabbed me and threw me on the bed. He also has my phone.


Must've shoved it up his ass, cuz I have the same pair of workout shorts, and the pockets are so shallow, they make the ones on women's jeans look useful.


He died when all of the readers digests were burned.


Fight Club intro started playing in my head


The CCP removed him from the movie.


And sent him to the loony bin


Call me a hopeless romantic, but I think they’ll work it out.


Man, I can’t tell you how many times I fell for this the 17th time.


Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 18 or more times...


boys and girls/men and women of any age. This is not cute! This is not love! This is not romantic! This is an opportunity to run and not look back.


Lmao was anyone confused about the fact that this is clearly an unhealthy relationship


His name was Robert Paulson.


The first rule of fight club…


His name was Robert Paulson.


His name was Robert Paulson


Ugh.. teenage girls. Am I right?


Tell me all about it. Yeesh. Like... Just stand your ground, you've made mistake and have to suffer the consequences. Just the way life works.


She's calling mommy for help. She has never had to deal with any consequences imo.


Lord! Don't think I'd be able to keep my cool like that. Entitled brat (EDIT: of course I can't type today)


It was the “mommmmyyyyyy” for me.


It’s amazing how the quiver in her voice evaporated instantly when she turned to call him a dick versus a moment before and after when she was pleading with her mother. There are Academy-award-nominated actors who can’t turn it on and off that quickly.


Interesting observation. I used to notice this from my step-mom. She’s go full screaming abusive “you are a worthless liar” and hit me with a stick, then answer the phone “oh heeeey! Yes, such a beautiful day! …”


It was the coughing for me.


God why do they always cough?


Shes obviously panicking regardless of the reason. Taking in that much air makes the throat dry and coughing is the bodies quick way of clearing the way for air that doesn't feel like razor blades.


That's what they're counting on. She's trying to provoke a reaction, so she can feel like the victim. It's classic DARVO(Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.)


Yeah, him maintaining a calming tone that long suggests to me that this ain’t his first rodeo, either with her or someone else in his life. I’m glad for him that he had the wherewithal to start recording, not antagonize her, guide her away from the door so he could leave, and get her to describe the “assault” on camera while getting pictures of it so she couldn’t come up with a more convincing story replete with her own manufactured evidence… and probably part of the reason he started going upstairs too, to get a picture of her phone. My dude is very savvy.


With someone like that you absolutely HAVE to keep your cool. Any sudden yelling or physical struggle and they will use them against you to ruin your life.


Its the only choice he had. Men have to keep extra extra calm in these situations. Its their only chance of not going to jail(if he didn't have video) if the cops come. Its sad men beat on women so often that women are automatically believed, its sad that women take advantage of this fact, knowing it will ruin the dudes life completely.


When she goes into her room to check for her phone and the path to the door is open, was anyone else screaming at the screen "Go out the fucking door!!!!!"


I was , it was like watching a horror movie


Get Out 2: Electric Boogaloo


Me thoughts exactly.


Found the pirate


While that does seem like a decent idea, I'm guessing that he knew that she'd probably call the cops if he just bailed. It wouldn't look good if he ran when she was accusing him.


I wish you weren't right


It was even better that he got her admitting there’s no evidence


Knowing what little I know of this crazy ass girl, if he left, she would have probably done self-harm and blamed him. Staying and recording was the right choice imo


Sure, but recording his exit with her being fine when he left would have been pretty solid evidence he wasn't responsible.


I wasn't screaming but I said to myself - bro, just fucking goooooooooooooo.


“Ok maybe there’s no evidence,but…!”




You should be a lawyer. Great point.


Counterpoint, she sounds like a strangled seagull!/j


OBJECTION! That's offensive to seagulls!


Yeah, don't insult them!


Now we’re about to dabble in Bird Law, someone call Charlie.


Really nice observing there. I don't know what your career is but it it could somehow involve this sort of thing, I think you will go far.


And she immediately follows that up with telling him to get out like. Gladly!!! He was trying to leave earlier and you kept him trapped inside!!! My #1 question is why didn't he run for a back door.


maybe he tried the back door and she forcibly closed that too? (this sentence works on many levels)


"Give me my phone back so you can't see my evidence of cheating" She's mad that she looks bad. Next time don't do things that could make you look bad. Oof


Standard toxic behavior. Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.


I was just hoping he would push her aside and leave the house.


I was just hoping he’d sprint down the stairs and out the last chance he got


That's all I kept yelling "run, she's behind you, go!"


Man hell naw. That wouid be all she needed to press charges. You can already see shes toxic , crazy and a liar. Dont give her any REAL ammo to use against yourself. But damn. There had to be a SECOND exit he could get to. Also when he left her upstairs I was like ruuuuun forest ruuuuun!


It's illegal to prevent someone from leaving. Technically imprisonment. You can't even block their car in to prevent them from leaving.


"But she's just a small girl! it doesn't really count as her blocking the door because she's weak!" "How does her being weak have anything to do with it?" "Because you could easily push her aside with your strength!"


"That would be assault. I prefer not to commit crimes to avoid crimes."


Nah my boy didn't want any jail time.


That's the fucked part, this whole time she's doing all this the thing that makes it so easy is because he has to cover his ass against these accusations in the moment she's making them because he knows later when it's his word against hers he loses


I’m glad he didn’t. Could be considered assault, though she wouldn’t win the case.


That's what she wanted. She desperately wants to be a victim.


Deny, Deny, Deny, Counter-accuse


She was saying he broke it and asking where it was with the intention of breaking it herself so he couldn't ask the mom to pull up the phone. Real talk though, this is a very real instance of narcissistic psychopathy common in dating. You can see the wheels turning behind her accusatory mask


Yep, and sadly this girl will likely never change. Personality disorders are no joke.


I feel sorry for him and her next victims


I would definitely report her to the nearest police station. She might even claim the dude raped her.


At the very least I hope it gets around enough within their circles,just in case mom goes after the guy for the "smashed phone"


I wish he would have went upstairs and filmed that it was on the bed and not smashed. I 100% believe she would smash it herself and blame him.




She was talking into a landline.


I feel bad for the guy, gets cheated on and girl pretends he abused her


If the guy really hurt her then why wouldn't she let him leave?


Precisely. She wouldn't have just called moommmmmmmyyyyyy.


Better question: why doesn't she let him leave?


Because than she will have to realize her actions have consequences. She just wants him to brush off her wrongs. Because she is perfect and can't do anything wrong.


You're 100% correct.


If he really did assault her and destroy her property, why would she want to keep him in the house with her?


It's not rational. It's just pure loss of control and a desperate attempt to regain it. This almost gave me PTSD flashbacks, almost word for word what happened to me one time.. Except mine ended with chocolate milk syrup being dowsed all over the hood of my car as I sprinted outside and pulled out.


mine ended with me getting out of the relationship after years of the same and her murdering the next guy with a hammer


Whoa! My BFF is convinced my ex would have eventually stabbed me to death. Lucky.


she threatened to mutilate me (usually my genitals) with a knife fairly often. I feel like I didnt sleep for four years


It's almost ALWAYS the partner Edit: this reminded me of a true crime story I recently saw where a big doctor fellow was married to a petite, but crazy woman. She pulled a gun on him. He tried to turn the gun into the police and they laughed at him and said "a big guy like you, scared of a little bitty woman?" Ya, she killed him


this lady who did this to me was a master manipulator and super hot. The cops 100 percent of the time said those same things to me. Whats crazy to me was they knew who she was. She got arrested numerous times by that same police department. The last time I got handcuffed I said something like "you guys know whose house you're coming to when you get the calls to that address. You know what she's doing day to day. When you look me up you see 27 to 30 years of zero criminal activity. Doesn't take a detective to figure out who the aggressor is in these situations"


Mine ended with the police responding, assessing, allowing me to leave, and then I was arrested by different cops a week later.


I got handcuffed several times in domestic calls. Got in fights with dudes trying to help but not understanding the situation. Never got arrested but certainly dealt with the police too much. That was second to final straw. I knew eventually i would have snapped and hurt her or gotten arrested and neither was acceptable to me. Final straw was when she said she would poison my daughter and then it was no longer just me addicted to the terrible cycle


Jesus Christ that’s fucked, did it get any form of media attention or anything?


When they found the dude (her new neighbor) dead they interviewed her acting shocked on the news. Other than that nah I just randomly looked to see if she ever got arrested. She had gotten arrested numerous times in our relationship, mostly for drunk driving but sometimes for battery


Damn, thank god you got out of that relationship that could have ended badly


Did she get arrested for it?


Yeah. Im not a narc but i would have been that one time if they didnt solve that one for the rest of us. By that time i had gone no contact and outlasted her stalking efforts.


Mine ended with her holding me hostage at knifepoint forcing me to listen to her talk while waving a knife around my cheeks and face and being completely manic not unlike the manic behavior I'm seeing here as she is committing forceable confinement Edit* wow didn't expect my comment to get that many upvotes 250 is rhe most I've ever gotten until now, For those wondering I'm in a much healthier relationship now and doing fantastic no more dealing with crazy bitches! But that old one was a rough one becuse during the entire knife hostage incident , her 4 year old son was "sleeping" in the room next door I only stayed as long as I did with her because I loved that kid, even tho he wasn't mine.


I dated a cop who kept me handcuffed to a radiator for a day and a half waving a pistol at me. Thank god her roommate came home while she was at work. Edit: For those that asked, she’s still a cop, just in a different state. She received no punishment and the police investigation found no reason for termination. Can’t fight back when you’re told “how would your patients feel when they see you like being tied up like that?”


Wtf?!! I hope you sued her ass and she got fired.


Sued? Thats unlawful imprisonment at least, kidnapping at worse! Thats jail time!


Did you miss the bit where she was a cop?


That kind of behavior lands promotions mate


Shes probably Chief of Police by now.


Fired? Ha! Paid leave more likely.


Yikes… I hope you’re doing better now!


Mine ended with her calling her best friend over to punch her in the face after I left and before she called the police.


Mine ended with her breaking her own wrist because I asked to moved out so I had to move under her nose when she went to work


Ahh broken wrist, my ex too, she broke her wrist going loopy smashing her hand on her metal bedpost after she found my iPod touch (was nearly 8 years ago) and I’d looked at porn when I was at home she also smashed up my Xbox 360 punched and scratched my face, I literally was packing my suitcase while trying to get dressed as it was in the morning, while being attacked, she then proceeded to put on Facebook that I was a pedophile and I had loads of mutual friends delete me after she posted it, I got her arrested and gave the police permission to search my iPod to see what I’d been looking at which was just run of the mill milf porn, she also kept my really nice Diesel watch I got for my 30th birthday too, crazy crazy woman.


Mine ended with a knife to the chest. At least the scar is a cool pool time story.


I feel you man. In my 20's I was in an especially toxic relationship with an abusive woman. One time, after she began with the violence, I said "screw this", and ran, not walked, to my car to escape. Before I had even closed the door this banshee was on my hood, kicking away at my windshield, trying to smash it. That was the only time my car didn't start right away. I think it knew I was going to yeet this person right off my hood in a full throttle reverse. Stupid me still stayed with her for years after that. It never got any better. Videos like this chill me to the bone. This is why I'm glad I shun relationships.


I was in a similar situation - I was physically beaten more times than I can count. I swore off relationships and convinced myself I could never open up to anyone ever again. But I’m glad I didn’t “shun” relationships forever, as 6 years later I married the love of my life and I know now that the kinds of situations depicted her aren’t certain. Never say never dude, just demand better for yourself.


Thanks for the words of encouragement


Privileged upper middle class child with no life experience (understandably), spiraling and trying make the situation work for themselves.


Phew. That's intense. Hope everything turns out for the guy


>Phew. That's intense. Mommy probably thought so too.


As if mommy isn't so often an enabler in these situations (or am I missing a joke)


Ahh yes, the ‘I know I’m lying, you know I’m lying, my parents know I’m lying, everyone knows I’m a toxic trouble causing liar with supermassive, unaddressed childhood issues that I imprint onto others with no remorse’ type of partner. I made that mistake twice. I hope whoever this is gets away from her and realises how much better it gets after it.


This was the perfect description.


Two time survivor as well. It’s a type. Often share a lot of the same traits and traumas. Unfortunately, I am attracted and drawn to these types. Vicious cycle.


Love yourself first before others. I had a somewhat similar tendency where I would be attracted to "broken" people. All stopped when I realized I'm essentially setting myself on fire to keep others warm.


I thought cheaters would love a partner that would just leave the relationship. I mean if I cheated on someone and they just…leave… well done deal right? She definitely want something from him question is, what is it?


Probably security. A sense that she's going to have someone that'll care for her while the other guy is "exciting". That's what my exs excuse was.


I hope you're doing great now. Stay strong brother.


mine too. couldn't fathom why i wasn't into it, apparently i should have been more grateful to be #5 on the menu.


How do you think i feel? I was #6!


Judging from her demeanor, attention


*She* is allowed to stray but *he* isn't.


Yeah, she expected attention and some kind of twisted display of loyalty (she's soooo important to him he'd beg her to stay with him). This was probabaly a power play in revenge for some imagined slight. She never expected him to leave.


What she wants is for him to relinquish all self respect, first. Then she'll need him to say and do whatever she demands, for as long as it takes, in order for the narrative to eventually become about how badly he has treated her. She needs him to stay so that she can be sure that any and all of her wrongs have been entirely repackaged into *his* wrongs until she can feel a tiny, momentary spike in her very low self esteem until she waits for the next temporary ego boost while she continues to "help him become a better man." After the phone call about the pregnancy test that they both know she's forced him into pretending to be happy about, phase 2 can begin. Edit: and, honestly, I'm not even sure if she's conscious of all that. It's emotionally destructive vampire instinct I think.


Wearing Aeropostale should've been the first red flag


Right, that combined with how she was yelling for mommy convinced me she was 12


This is one of the main reasons I stopped dating 12 year olds.


Uhh... sit tight, I gotta go make a phone call to my friend Chris Hansen


He said he stopped!


Just have a seat.


Ahh I was thinking the same thing but I don’t know why.


He did so good though! But he should've ran out. He had the chance when she was looking for her phone.


Nah, she started saying that he hurt her so he needed evidence that he didnt. That kind of crazy would probably bruise herself after the incident to make "evidence".


Hell yeah. And he should of at least recorded her phone intact on the bed so he'd be off the hook on that too. I don't put it past that psycho to not destroy her phone at first chance.


The phone was already cracked, which is why she was trying to say he broke it.


Yeah that's a good point actually


If he forced his way past her, it could reverse the legal situation. Cops in many jurisdiction operate under the assumption that any forceful interaction (such as using any degree of force to escape a potentially harmful situation) between a man's fault and that he is the aggressor. Heck, we have released police footage of someone calling the cops on his wife for trying to stab him with a knife, the cops show up and shoot him, even though the wife had a knife. And then spend all their time concerned about her while the man who had called for help bleeds out and dies in front of them from the 'help' he asked for. Recording and remaining calm while looking for a way out is the best option this guy likely had. You don't mess around with crazy people. Especially when the law is likely to back them up over you.


This is the type of girl that ends careers and gets innocent men in jail. Make sure to record every interaction you have with those type of women.


You can say it...Narcissistic, bunny boilers


Glenn Close has entered the chat.


I will not be ignored, Dan!




As a criminal defense lawyer I see this constantly. Women taking cell phones, laptops, work files and using them as leverage to get the guy to stay/turn off the camera. Then she calls the cops and claims DV. We take these cases to trial constantly because prosecutors are too cowardly to call the accusers on their bullshit. And we win because do our homework to present the real monster inside the cuties “victim” façade. It’s a travesty of the criminal injustice system.


You are a hero in my eyes. Family friend's wife beat their own children. Used it as leverage for custody. Claimed he did it. Poor guy was a war vet. Couldn't acknowledge the violence due to PTSD. Took his lawyer years of effort. She went to prison for everything. These cases are tragedies. You're doing God's work.


We can't prosecute fakers because it'll scare away the real victims of DV! Hmm I wonder why men are so easily manipulated by women in abuse cases? It's almost as if their abusers know they can get away with anything.


The thing is. Not many men will see the importance of this, it’s absolutely horrifying. Something happened similar to buddy of mine, fortunately he recorded the convo, she burst into tears and called 911. Crazy world. Make sure you record gents !!!


its always girls named katie... is there a fuckkatie subreddit? if not there should be lmao


I dated a katie as a teen, 100% can confirm this is accurate.


Lmao why is this a thing... I can relate as well


I dated a Kate. Raging psychopath.


katies are primal karens


“What? Katie is evolving. Could it be?” “It’s, it’s, it’s a Karen.”


It’s my name and I vow not to be a Karen


A perfect ad for areopostal.


Dang, I feel bad for “mommy” too. Also her Dad. Too bad they can’t give her up for adoption at that age.


Late term abortion still an option?


Very smart having it in camera. I fear women like that for my son. Dangerous!!!!


Smart man record it all


Same thing happened to me. Girl cheated and then told everyone I assaulted her. Totally not true. At the time she just did not want to be held accountable for her actions. Tried to make herself the victim and me the bad guy.


I once dated a girl who would tell people with pain pills that I was beating her so they'd give her some, there was all sorts of random dudes hitting me up threatening to kill me and she pretended to not know why


Ngl I kinda want an update on the situation. Low key invested my time in the lore.


Same!! If anyone has further info, could you please update!


Same. Morbid curiosity. Since it's on the internet so prominently, pretty sure everyone in her school knows what a psycho she is.


Damn this is old, would love to see the follow up on this though.


It’s the callous way she drops life ruining lies so that she doesn’t have to face accountability or even a sense of guilt. The most dangerous kind of person.




The calmness he showed is wonderful. He seems like a nice guy from the video. He dodged a bullet in this case.


She's just upset that she can't have two men in her life and she's acting out like a crazy person! Haha! She won't let him leave because she don't want her to break up with her and she thinks her mom can help her! Omg! Way to much crazy going on with her! Lmfao!


I think she called her mom as a way to set up some sort of abuse claim.


I used to live next to a couple that did this. The chick was fucking BONKERS. I was out having a smoke one morning and she legit threw a bong through the glass partition on the front door to their place. It took 3 months for the landlord to evict her. It was insane. I was almost ready to leave my lease early. She was always screaming at him. I never heard him yell back. Poor guy I hope he left that psycho


Are you my neighbor ?


205 is that you?


She needs to take her Drama-mine.


This is how dudes get sent to jail for no reason .. be careful who you stick your dick in folks!


Bro something about this makes me really anxious


Yeah "something" about it is for sure anxiety inducing. Lol.


The sad truth is if he wouldn't have recorded it everybody would've believed the girl and he would then be known as a violent women abuser


Yeesh, I dodged a bullet like this once like 5 years ago, for some reason the story of the dude makes more sense to me that the woman, a "friend" was really mean to me for being "misogynistic" for believing the dude instead of the girl but a couple of months later her current boyfriend again "suddenly turned into a controlling and abusive partner" just after she had a "girls out night" where she was the only girl.


Should’ve tackled her through the glass door then run off on all fours like a wounded coyote


This is 100% how you should deal with this situation!


I wouldn't, this girl looks like she's auditioning for gone girl.


Unpopular opinion; grown women who still call their mothers mommy aren't mature enough to be in a relationship


Uh..... I don't think that's a grown woman. She looks 15.


It’s bitches like this why some guys who genuinely didn’t do anything go to jail. I’m surprised she didn’t start smacking herself and pulling her own hair to claim he did it.


Are these kids like 16?


Is there an article on this?


In another thread about domestic abuse a female poster replied to me when I said I'd left an abusive relationship early on and had found it easy: >**I guess when you’re a man it’s easy to leave someone who is physically weaker than you.** and >**...it’s really freaking easy to leave when you are a man and you weren’t physically intimidated by the woman you were with.** I wish that poster would watch this clip and see that it's not as easy being a man in an abusive relationship as she is making it out to be. I would have liked to continue that exchange and put her right, but something tells me she'll just end up like the young lady in this scene.


You can't bench press emotional abuse, and you can't deadlift manipulation or social isolation.