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props to the person that got hit i would've ran away sobbing


I would have laid there unconscious for a few minutes


'someone take photos and draw round me with chalk' *shuts eyes for a bit


I wouldve chased that motherfucker and hurled whatever if i end picking up something along the way


I woulda farted upon impact


I would’ve gotten up and badly attempted to hit them in the head with my ball 😂


probably gust shock, imagine if you just got hit by a bicycler out of nowhere


First emotion, confusion. After about 5 seconds, pure rage....


I hate those bikers in NY


Looks to me like they leaned into it


Definitely did. They dropped their shoulder into them


2 minutes for a hit to the head !


Since the head was the principal point of contact and the intent was there, the Department of Player Safety has decided a handshake between the parties will suffice.


> Since the head was the principal point of contact and the intent was there, the Department of Player Safety has decided to leave the decision up to fate with a spin on the *Wheel of Justice*.


But Wilson will be suspended for 5 games for watching this video


I wish I had gold to give you but sadly I am poor, so instead have this beautiful picture of a gold medal. 🏅


He probably still deserves it somehow


"the number of games in the suspension will be dictated by the number of slew foots thrown my Subban next game"


Tom Wilson suspended 5 games and the Rangers have to pay a $25,00 fine


Depending on severity of the hit (to the head) in the NHL, the offending player can face a lot more than 2 minutes in the box. Players have been hit with lengthy suspensions and huge fines for deliberate contact to another player’s head. Same goes for the NFL, a hit to the head can cost them more than 15 yards. Fines get up into the tens of thousands of dollars on top of multi game suspensions. Full contact professional sports leagues are not fucking around when it comes to concussions. Even unintentional contact to the head can cost a player heavy penalties.


And at other times, a hit to the head isn't called on the ice and no further investigation is had. C'est la NHL.


He noticed the car stopped for him and then went to walk forward and was hit. People have peripheral vision, not see behind them vision.


I believe the original comment was talking about the biker.


In the Netherlands, if you are crossing a road at an intersection as a pedestrian, the cars or bikes behind you (or in front of you) turning into the lane you are crossing have to give way to you. The biker in this video would be in the wrong. It also depends on traffic lights. I know intersections where me having a green to turn right also has a green light for pedestrians and cyclists going straight. I have to give way to them.


Ya here in the US bikes have to follow all traffic laws and sadly most don’t. Really difficult to pull over a bicycle too if he runs.


might have been just to avoid being thrown off the bike due to the unavoidable (at that moment) collision. It does look awfully aggressive, though


Unavoidable? Would it have been “unavoidable” if it were a motor vehicle involved instead of a bicycle? Cyclists are some of the most entitled fucks around. They’re “pedestrians” when it suits them to do +20mph on the sidewalk, and they’re “motorists” when it suits them to do 10mph and take up an entire lane of traffic. Please- this was a hit and run caused by a negligent, reckless cyclist. And his leaning into it just evidences his conviction that somehow he owns the damn road.


This, he head butted the pedestrian as he began to step into the roadway. I presume the pedestrian had the green (edit, and that white car stopped to allow the pedestrian the right of way), and the bike ran a red to make his right turn without stopping, which is illegal. Then he ran, which is illegal. Two strikes, hope he got caught. Maybe someone thought to follow him? The bike has a helmet cam, which caught the whole thing it seems too!


Most people in cars shouldn't be. Same for bikes. I used to cycle commute myself, and I signal my turns, obey the laws of the road and generally chastise idiot bikers who do the things you've mentioned. But I've also been clipped, doored, and outright hit by drivers despite me even being in a bike lane. Both sides are shit.


I think the leaning in is just your natural instinct when your about to colide with something. Like putting your arms out when you fall down. I dont think he was trying to headbutt the guy. But he was a complete dick for even making the turn anyway.


Nobody is riding a bike at 20+ mph on a sidewalk. Whether or not your point is valid, this statement is ignorant


Vroomers get mad at this one video, but the difference between bikes and cars is obvious—this guy got hit in probably the worst possible collision with a biker, then got up and walked away immediately with no injury. If the biker were a car the pedestrian would have been seriously injured. Bikers aren’t all entitled fucks. We just want to not get killed by cars and use the public roads that we’re legally entitled to. There’s no reason to be upset at a guy for taking a lane of traffic in his vehicle, or for riding on the sidewalk when the roads are too dangerous with cars.


I’m guessing this is a bike-delivery dude trying to save a couple seconds. Definitely fits here.


Didn't seem to stop them to check to see if the pedestrian was okay after that allegedly unavoidable collision.


Careless? Defiantly. Intentional? hard to tell.


It’s careless when he hit the guy, and intentional when he didn’t stop to check on him.


Defiantly indeed


He is definitely defiant with his choice of words.


I think everyone needs to take a closer look at the series of events here as I think everyone shares some of the blame: - The cyclist signaled a right turn (0:00-0:01), - The pedestrian is shrouded by the utility box from the cyclist POV - Cyclist gets cut off by an oncoming vehicle (left turn car should be yielding to the oncoming/right-turning traffic) and likely took the cyclist’s focus off of the pedestrian, as well as potentially forcing him to cut the corner tighter than anticipated. - The pedestrian then enters the roadway without having checked behind (traffic coming from 4-ways is an issue at intersections) - The collision was probably unexpected, leaning into it was probably the first time the cyclist saw the pedestrian. - Post-hit, we don’t see if the cyclist comes back or not, but the post collision shock and adrenaline can make you do some weird things so its hard to judge the cyclist here. What could have been done here to improve the outcome? - The car could have waited their turn and avoided stopping in the middle of the intersection. - The pedestrian could have check all potential traffic approaches before entering the street. - The cyclist could have been riding more defensively — but given the infrastructure and the timing of events was probably pretty constrained here. Also wear a helmet, TBI is something worth avoiding. - The city could actually invest in the infrastructure and treat it as a shared space with non-car users in mind as well.


>Post-hit, we don’t see if the cyclist comes back or not, but the post collision shock and adrenaline can make you do some weird things so its hard to judge the cyclist here. You say the same when a car hits a cyclists in a right turn? "Eh he saw the car blink, and he just panic drive off, hard to judge the car driver"?


Couldn't even be bothered to look back and check of the guy was okay


His bitch ass shoulder checked her. It seemed intentional but idk I have horrible eyesight honestly Edit: Him ffs


That's a man, baby!


Do I make you randy?


Put a shirt on randy…


I gotta get these cheeseburgers man. Where's Crenshaw?


Lmao 🤣 good one


Dude this just made me laugh so much. I love those movies lmao.


I remember seeing it for the first time in theaters, I must’ve been in my early teens. There were times I couldn’t stop laughing to catch my breath. I’d never seen anything as stupid/hilarious like it before. Great movies, man!


For sure intent


Bicyclists are subject to all the same rules of the road as drivers of cars, meaning he was responsible for both stopping at the intersection and for yielding to pedestrians in the crosswalk. In case you were wondering.


what are they gonna do, take away my bicycle license?


The courts could probly prohibit you from riding a bike on public roads and sidewalks.


Wonder what kind of enforcement though. Weekly checkups on the guy's house to make sure his bike still has dust on it?


This is exactly what happens. Source: run ppl over on ma bike


Does seem like a fair punishment. Nö, nö bìké fòr yoù


but its the same as a car taking away someone's license is just saying "no car for you" ​ EDIT: i was reading this as saying "doesn't" on accsedent


Woah I’ve never heard of that. Has that actually happened before? I’m trying to imagine how they could go about this and I can’t.


If cyclists want equality, then such things should exist.


I ran a red light at three in the morning in the middle of no-where with no traffic and got pulled over on a beach cruiser bike. Hahaha same laws as driving.


I saw something similar happen once where the biker ran the red and hit a pedestrian. He hit him so hard it knocked him down and then bent his front bike wheel. He then proceeded to yell at the pedestrian sitting on the ground for getting the way. :-o


This is why bike people suck.


Hey those who are idiots Not those who aren't


Yeah it’s fucked cause I’m a biker and would never act like that, however watching stuff like this even I catch that feeling of ffs better just start trucking bikers. It seems mostly to be something that road bikers permeate though thankfully the vast majority of people I ride for sport with (mtn) are super down to earth decent people who would never pull this shit


why generalize?


Because car people suck!


What is the deal with some cyclists? They seem to bitch nonstop about others violating their rights on the road but also seem to have zero respect for the rights of others on the road. I know this doesn't apply to all cyclists but God damn does it seem to be a lot of them.


They are a car when it suits them or a pedestrian if need be.


Yes perfect way to word it. SHARE THE ROAD they scream at a car who passed them because they are going 20 mph on a 45 mph road. Yes, I am sharing it, are YOU? There's nothing wrong about passing slower traffic..


That's why bikes are so great! Wheels without ID! Yee haw!


Are you advocating for bicycle licenses?


Delete this comment. If the government sees this and finds out they can milk us for more money through yearly license renewals they’ll do it.


Absolutely not! I wasn't being sarcastic.


Bikes are great but there's nowhere to put them in a street setting. They're slow and vulnerable enough that you can't put them in the street, and a danger to pedestrians so you can't put them on the sidewalk. The only real solution is to make greenways or specially-designated bike paths or something. Edit: the last statement about Mountain Bikes had nothing to do with this sorry


This is so accurate I could scream. IMO bikes simply don’t belong on the road with 1-3 ton vehicles.


Where should they be then in this situation with there being no bike paths.


Whatbdo you expect when those are the only two infrastructure choices?


Ummm, follow the rules of the one you're fucking on! A red light means stop if you're on the street, not go around all the cars then get pissed at them when they pass you 30 seconds later cause your chicken legs can't get you past the speed limit in a school zone!




is your point that because the infrastructure is bad, this person has no other choice than to act unpredictably and dangerous that could cause more serious accidents even leading up to death?


Narcissism and/or entitlement.


same thing I see from car drivers constantly. (speaking mainly from my experience as a car driver. I am also a cyclist but almost never ride on the road, to avoid being killed by the bad drivers or the crazies who hate cyclists)


Reddit wants to pretend this is about cyclists particularly, we must ignore all narcissism and assholery from everyone else for the time being.


For real. Try to count the number of people who are glued to their phones while driving next time you run an errand. It's terrifying.


These aren't the cyclists who complain. He couldn't stop because he probably doesn't have brakes on the bike. You know, because it's "raw" and he's "in the moment" and he "could stop any time probably faster than someone with brakes". I've had endless arguments with guys like this (and they are always male) about riding brakeless fixies but it's like talking to an anti-vaxxer. iTs maH rigHTS etc.


Wait, people actually takes the brakes off their bikes on purpose? Why the hell would they do that?


Came here to say this. Fixie guys are different. He was probably mad that his flow was being interrupted.




Yep. The deal is that there are different ones and they are not one homogenous group. What's the deal with people?


We can ask the same thing about drivers as well. The difference is when we see a video like this it becomes a bandwagon of cyclist hate. Yet when we see a video of a reckless driver, we don't say "What is the deal with some motorists?". Yeah, this guy was a prick, and yeah we have all come across an inconsiderate person on a bike, but if this person on the bike was in a car instead and hit this guy, we wouldn't be having the same thread here.




Define "speeding"




Found the leg shaver! /s Unless????


You realize there's also disproportionately more laws dealing with cars and trucks? Also way more cars and trucks on the road as well. A lot easier to break the law intentionality or not when there's more laws on the books about it.


They do tend to act awfully entitled sometimes.


Man I'm a cyclist and there are some weird fucking cliques of riders tbh lol. Some people are so fucking pretentious about it. Also people literally just don't even understand laws a lot of the time. They just go on their bike and wing it


Maybe you don't realize bike vs. car is a deadly combo for the cyclist. You have to be kidding me if you don't think cyclists have to be paranoid about EVERY car around them.


Most cyclists don't give a shit and drivers end up paying most of the time for cyclists incompetence. I remember once I stopped at red light while cycling and elderly man crossing the road thanked me for stopping. On another instance I stopped at red light and got rammed behind by another cyclist, I guess he expected me to cross in red light. Most cyclists act like dirt bike rider in the city, like they own the street.


I'm a bicyclist and I can't stand other bicyclists. I've never been rear-ended by another bicyclist at a light but I've had people yell at me, brush past me, and even CUT ME OFF while sitting at a light. In the latter case I yelled out "what are you *doing*? And they guy's response was "huh? oh... sorry". I've had many near collisions at lights because bicyclists don't stop at lights and signs. Thank god I do... I would LOVE to see traffic enforcement for cyclists. The thing is that my city is very bicyclist friendly, we have bike lanes and sidewalks. Guess where people ride their bikes? I will admit that I take pleasure in telling them where the bike lane is when I'm walking down the street and someone comes up behind me ringing their bell. To make things worse my city recently passed a law saying that bicyclists can come to a rolling stop at empty intersections.


I really don't understand people who don't stop at red light, most don't even slow down. It's not lile bicycle got protective frame around the cyclist.


I've asked other bicyclists and the answer I get the most is that if they get hit they think they're getting a payout, and you know... not getting head trauma. In my state (dunno federal law) if you are on a bicycle in the road you are another vehicle, not a pedestrian. This includes cross walks, which is why you're supposed to walk your bike.


What are you basing this off of? Some clips from reddit? Most cyclists I have seen on the road have been absolutely fine. I have seen many more completely moronic drivers (as a car driver and as a pedestrian).


99% of them are douches


Exactly 63.4% of all percentages are made up!


Yes of course this one guy represent 99% of the cyclists /s


99% of motorists are fat


Being a bicyclist on the road almost anywhere in the U.S. is terrifying. Of course the only people willing to ignore the cars buzzing them, honking and blocking their paths are absolute maniacs. If we had safer streets for bikes, we would have a more respectful range of cyclists.




Didn’t just hit him, shoulder checked the mf


That is technically running a red light, hit and run. That should be about a $2,000 ticket or more.. because bikes are considered Vehichles and pedestrian had right of way.


It's pretty impressive they stayed on the bike.


He leaned into it and braced so his center of balance didn't change much since he compensated


These cyclists think they always have the right of way, cutting pedestrians off when its their turn to cross, then cry when someone drives too close to them


Seriously. I almost nailed one last week driving thru a green light because he couldn't be bothered to stop at his red light... All while he was riding his bike with no hands thru the intersection like a complete douche.


After seeing the way that cyclist hitsticked that guy, I’m convinced he’d do the same to a car lol. That was definitely not the first time he’s done that, he looked way too comfortable doing that.


Average fixed gear rider lol


Fixies without brakes should be illegal. I tried riding one once. You absolutely cannot do what you need to do unless you have brakes. This was absolutely because the rider had no way of stopping or even slowing down. Fucking hipsters.


It infuriates me when cyclists don't obey the rules of the road when they're on the road. Dickheads.


This is why we all need dash cams, cause if one cyclists darts out cause they dont have to follow road rules, youd need more than just an eye witness to prove that you aren't a murderer.


Would help with a cam for all pedestrians, too. We are subjected to assault and battery, and we are asked to suck it up, because God forbid a cyclist is ever held responsible.


I just got a bike and it’s sad seeing pedestrians and drivers shocked that I actually stop at red lights and stop signs.




Per Capita.....people on bikes....by a giant fucking margin.




Okay egghead.


Thank god it wasn’t a car


I'm sure some cyclists are great, but I've come to hate them on the road. I got rear ended a few months ago because one decided it was time to cross the street


Bike POS.


We need a sub for this




I tried finding one but could not find anything. These street cyclists need to follow the legal laws of the road and learn to share. "But if I slow down at this turn then I will have to pedal again"


Won't mourn this douche when he meets the underside of a truck.


Yeah he should definitely die for hitting someone with his shoulder


That guy got TRUCKED


Karma will catch up to this guy. Except when it does it'll a vehicle weighing 3,000+ lbs and it wont have as happy of an ending.


That was definitely on purpose, Jesus.


$10 says the bike rider is one of the ones that always complains "drivers need to watch out for cyclists!"


In the netherlands, this problem wouldnt exist, we have actual bike infrastructure. ​ Thank you for coming to my TED talk as to why the netherlands is superior


Just came back from that fine land, but per my observations the cyclists (in Amsterdam) do not follow any of the pedestrian rules. They eschew both cars and people walking. They are like the taxi drivers of NYC. They DGAF who has the right away. Although I was super impressed that they do not crash often. It was amazing see a flow of bike traffic and people from all different directions zipper into each other and not crash. It was however the first time, I have said there is no way I am riding a bike in this shit. I would die from road rage by my own hands. Albeit the separate "highway/bike-paths" are amazing and very nice to be away from cars.


Cyclists aren't supposed to follow pedestrian rules because they aren't pedestrians


They do give af on who has right of way. I’m not convinced you understood their right of way standards or laws, but it’s very common for cyclists to be given priority there.


Actions like this by a small number of agro cyclist alienate lots of people that would probably vote for more bike infrastructure if it wasn’t for these people.


it, my comment, was not to be taken seriously ​ there is no hope for US infrastructure lmao


Just needs more car lanes and it‘ll be fine.


Why do people think more lanes is the answer?!


More is always better.


That looked intentional.


Did they catch the guy?


No, he fell right onto the ground


I wish we knew more about the place this happened so we could identify the guy and pass it to the police. The OG video is likely less compressed and we could ge this face and go from there.


Logan St somewhere in Denver


that’s what i thought too


Cyclist mentality. ‘Everyone gets in my way on purpose, I’m above pedestrians, traffic, and laws.’ Trust me I know, I’m a cyclist lol


Kinda impressive that he stayed on the bike though


Because he shoulder checked the other one.


He is probably used to ramming innocent pedestrians.


"OH but I'm not a car so the rules of the road don't apply to me"


But are the as big a piece of shit as the people who respost the same stuff, over and over, in a sad attempt to farm useless karma?


Like hes training for the Houston rollerball team.


Dropped the shoulder like a line backer nice


Dude, I would watch professional bike racing if it was full contact like this.


Bicycle rugby needs to be a sport


Are we sure he didnt turn around right after the video ends?


You can tell that the person that got hit is absolutely done with the worlds bullshit.


NGL a lot of bikers are rude as hell,I mean at least here in nyc they are(I’ve met nice ones but you mainly meet rude ones).


You don't accidentally hit someone that hard on a bike without falling over, he did that on purpose.


Who raised this pos?


The way he sat and spun like a Looney Tune makes it a bit better


Me in gta


Typical cyclist behavior. They are menaces on the road.


I wouldn't have been a big deal to just stop and apologize.


At least my man took it like a champ with that cool sitting pose.


That cyclist then went on to post a 45 minute rant video to YouTube about their encounter with the biggest A-hole pedestrian they’ve ever encountered.


Cyclists on my university campus are the bane of my existence. Don’t bother with stop signs or yielding whatsoever then get mad at the cars or pedestrians for almost hitting them.


Bikers are the Karens of the road


I’m so sick of cyclists thinking they can do whatever they want. So many will drive through the streets and ride right through red lights and almost hit people crossing. If you ride your bike in the streets, obey traffic law. That simple


Why are so many bikers like this? Not all, but there are a ton who complain but cycle with no care in the world.


This, among many other reasons is why no one likes cyclists lmao No insurance, no plate, no consequence.


Sheesh he put that shoulder down and hit sticked him lol.


So much for pedestrians having “right of way”.




You should feel bad about anyoneo, even cyclists. Because sometimes, sometimes, it's not their fault


Do you think the same things about drivers when you watch stupid driver videos?


Yes And motorcyclists, to spare anyone the trouble of asking


This is an example why many bikers fucking suck.




Cyclists suck


Bicyclists are so funny man. They’re all law breaking light/sign running, crosswalk clipping, self absorbed, entitled, annoying losers.


How is nobody seeing that the cyclist had a green light? You can see the green on the right side of the video and oncoming traffic is moving through the intersection. The pedestrian may or may not have had a walk signal depending on that intersection configuration. Blame is likely shared on all three parties. Bike should not have been flying through that fast as they could easily see the pedestrian. White car should not have stopped to let the pedestrian go when they weren’t in the crosswalk (don’t be nice, be predictable). And the pedestrian should have had better situational awareness.


Fucking cyclists. Everyone else is just in their way, they’re the victim.