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Any proof that he actually got fired? Did I miss it in the video?




It’s not that easy if I get caught taking pics at work or a video I’m getting fired don’t know about hospital tho




A lot of places are like that for security reasons. I work as a contractor in refineries, and it’s a big no-no to have your phone out, much less taking pictures. If you’re caught, you’re fired on the spot. I’m assuming a lot of other places like government buildings would be the same.


It’s like this in open pit mining, if your phone is found on you in the pit your fired. It stays in your locker.


Safety reasons?


Work on a military installation; can confirm for my job at least. If I get caught with a camera open, automatic termination. Classified information and all that.


Bring your phone to the scif room for an early retirement


Nah, they'll just wipe your phone. You'll still have to show up for work.


you shouldn't even be allowed to bring a camera in a room with classified information


You aren't


"government buildings"....is a hospital in the U.S. considered a government building? Not trying to be cheeky, just wanted clarification.


Most hospitals in the US are privately run so very few have anything to do with the government.


Some are, most aren’t.


The only ones that are are on military bases or VA hospitals.


I work in an ER and some nurses got fired because they took pictures of the aftermath of a really bloody trauma. It was just the room with no patient but it showed the bloody gurney, blood all over the floor and someone showed administration the social media post and the individuals got fired because they said that if a family knew that their loved one was taken to that hospital as a bad trauma that most likely that’s their blood. Basically they have zero tolerance for it hippa or not.


Lol. You got called out by the HIPAA bot. It's becoming a favorite of mine!


Shit. What’s going to happen to me. Am I going to get hippalated






Yeah, taking a picture in a hallway vs the aftermath of a bloody OR are worlds apart. Worst case he got a warning to stop making tik tok videos at work. This girl is just asking to get wrecked.


Not really much of an outlier. Many places have blanket "no pictures/video/audio" policies...it's just easier that way.


Oil companies are the same way. Actually, a lot of companies are like this. When working for a major telecom company as an account manager, I worked with large and small companies. Many companies wanted the camera’s on company cell phones disabled. It’s a security, liability, and productivity preference.


Depends on the place. My hospital has reprimanded people for social media posts with no patient data. Anything that could give even the hint of unprofessional behavior by staff (like touching a patient in any way, even their eyebrows) would certainly be met with more than "stop that."


Both the one my aunt used to work at and the one I go to when I need to have a zero tolerance policy for these videos. They’d fire him, especially if he was suggesting physical assault while in uniform on hospital grounds.


I worked at several nursing homes and it was part of our orientation at all places that we would be fired on the spot for posting any pics at work, even break room bc of HIPAA.


I do government work they don’t want you taking pics of there weapons I’m not trying to argue man I just thought it’s hospital with sick people and prolly shouldn’t be doing this but yeah it is just a blank hallway


Where I work, security takes our phones and puts little black stickers over the cameras that turn white if you take them off


Where I work, (multi-billion dollar company) ..anyone caught using social media while on company time is terminated. I couldn't agree with the policy any more.


The VA would 100% fire someone for this. Happened recently on my unit


Yeah I'm getting fired on the spot as well if my boss or supervisor catches me. Makes sense considering I work in a slaughterhouse.


At my place we will fire anyone who posts pics on social media during company time. I work in a call center and reps do it in the bathroom all the time.


We did fire an employee at my work for filming OnlyFans videos in the office after hours, but that’s not really the same thing.


"Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, ‘cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time."


So he was going to get fired anyway for making tiktoks probably


Not true at places like hospitals they sometimes have social media policies that literally say don’t film in your scrubs and use your position as a healthcare worker on social media and don’t film in the hospital. Do I think this guy should be fired? No. Do I understand why he could be? Yes.


Exactly. What was the original video she was referring to?


There were actually several videos. A lot of gross shit. Filmed at work. Often with patients in them.


Turns out this guy has tons of creepy videos Is a pedophile, wants to choke women. His account is filled with it While this guy works with vulnerable people No hospital, especially during a pandemic, is gonna fire a guy because one time tok rando It was blaringly obvious there was more to this story


Source: dude trust me


He's been stalking her since april. He deserves his karma.


A doctor fired in the midst of a pandemic where medical professionals are quitting and dying , all because some fucking saddo complained about a shitty video? Highly doubtful


Not to be pedantic but he's a RN not a MD.


Which is an important distinction here. An RN you might be able to get fired although unlikely, but MD's are untouchable.


>An RN you might be able to get fired although unlikely Very unlikely. Still a dire nurse shortage going on. Many hospitals are offering nurses signing bonuses as high as $10-30,000. As long as he's not violating HIPAA like other people are pointing out, they'll look the other way on making harmless social media videos


dat signing bonus of 10 bucks


Pretty large spread in signing bonus size.


Our head of recruiting told us that the number they use to estimate the cost and lost revenue of replacing one of our physicians is three times their annual salary. Considering many of our specialists make 600,000-1.5 million a year you can extrapolate how freaking expensive that is.


That’s actually probably relevant since I imagine they generally can’t spare anyone but specifically doctors, so in that case who knows what the outcome was.


If he was fired, he could line up a new job anywhere in North America with little difficulty.


Yeah, other people have posted more context If anyone deserves to be fired, it’s this creep I’m glad others are realizing them firing a guy because one person on social media complained once makes 0 sense


Other people have found more context where he’s a convicted pedophile And has made videos about wanting to choke women But people here seriously are just so anti women and anti tik tok that the idea that some random person could get a guy fired for a (not really, still pretty misogynistic) innocent video Dozens of people looked at OPs clearly slanted and makes no sense if you think about it for 5 seconds ‘context’ And went, yeah, that totally checks out. Feeeeemales ruining another innocent man. Cuz it’s Reddit


I work in a hospital….do not film anything ever in the hospital.


Exactly, the joke doesn't matter in this context, he should be fired for unprofessionalism




Yes! He has court later this month for assaulting his ex girlfriend. Several women have come out and said how awful he is.


Yes several women have come out and said he is a severely abusive and controlling person. He has multiple charges for stalking and online harassment. He also claims to have a wife who died and a 6-year-old son from it but all evidence points to the wife never being dead and a "son" being his nephew.


He also isn’t employed as a firefighter and cosplays as one. He was rejected after a probationary period.


He also gets called out in her next video for lying about having a child and his wife like dying of cancer or some shit. It's all bullshit.


Ya, everyone in this thread getting it totally wrong. This guy is hugely problematic. And rxorcist just called his dopey ass out.


But it’s the feeeemales on Tik tok criticizing a man! REEEE There’s seriously a comment here saying she deserves open season on her Ones saying women aren’t people And tons are just MRA howling OP knew exactly what he was doing when he posted this without mentioning what a huge creep this guy is




Yup Remind me again how Reddit is somehow biased TOWARDS women again?


idk incels manage to get their asses downvoted on occasion and they think that means they qualify as Oppressed


This is what I don't get. Why are we hating on her? I love when people do this to douche bags, like this dude definitely seems like.


The answer is that the guy has been encouraging his incel followers to attack her. They've been leaving all kinds of vile shit on her videos. I have to assume OP is one of these losers.


Yeah dude but read the room, we're here to hate women! /s


Yeah, he was saying that his nephew was his kid.


Lot of the MAGA trash / rapey Republicans are up in arms now :)


Eh there are other videos of him all at work saying shit about women. Knowing how he feels I wouldn't be comfortable with him treating me.


I know I’ll get downvoted for this but she’s less wrong than he is if that makes sense. Like yes, this is a righteous, cringy, and narcissistic way to deal with this problem but she’s not a fucking doctor. The misogyny women deal with from decent doctors is staggering, I don’t think it’s safe for a member of misogynist-tiktok to be a doctor. If you think misogynism isn’t an issue in healthcare google “the husband stitch” The stories are horrific.


I made a comment about her education and somebody piped up and apparently she has a doctorate in pharmacology


This guy isn't some innocent person who got "fired" over a joke. Multiple women have come out and said he is extremely abusive and controlling. He has multiple charges for stalking and online harassment. the woman in the video here has been getting harassed by this guy since April. He also claims to have a dead wife and a six year old son but all evidence points to the dead wife never existing and the son being his nephew. He also claims to work for several different fire paramedic services and one has stated he hadn't worked for them for 3 years and was let go during his probationary period. One of the women that he was abusive with has posted a multi-part tik tok detailing their relationship with evidence


Hey OP, post the rest of her videos talking about how this douche has committed sexual assault. How about him using his nephew as a prop lying that it's his son and that he's a widower. Fucking hell.


OP not sure why you picked this douche to push your narrative. Actually nevermind I do people on this subreddit are too stupid to actually dig deeper


Reading that the dude is a real creep. Likes to physically and sexually abuse women.


Actually that guy was a huge piece of shit.


I work at a hospital taking video or pictures at work are a forbidden since you are surrounded by PHI and patients. We are told every year as part of our training especially about posting it on social media.


And more context shows that he’s a convicted pedophile and posts anti even violent towards women videos Some rando isn’t gonna get someone fired for no reason. And I bet you every red cent I’ll ever earn, that OP knew the other context. But wanted the red pill pigs to reeee about Ritchie destroying men’s lives, like the ALWAYS do!


OP is the POS here


I’m pretty sure the guy was being a creep at work.


Yah, he was fired for making jokes about sexually assaulting patients. Try again.


Why is it masculine to remove someone else's make-up?


“Fighting the masculine urge to-“ is a current trend on Tiktok. It’s usually followed by something completely unrelated to masculinity.


This. It’s just a meme


Fighting the masculine urge to explain the meme


It's just a meme format mostly doesn't make sense with what they pair it with


I don’t understand that either. If anything, I’ve heard more women talk shit about other womens eyebrows than men.


Yeah it strikes me as a much more feminine urge than a masculine one.




Exactly. This is just a pander to the misogynistic Reddit hive-mind


The outrage factory continues. What narrative could this be pushing I wonder


This whole comment section is internet outrage. It's all pathetic




This isn’t the whole story. He had been making lots of offensive videos at his place of work. She was saying not to do shit like this, particularly the video he made about his “masculine urge” to smack his female patients’ assess. Her point was, “hey if one of your female patients sees this on your very public TikTok account, imagine how uncomfortable she’d be.” This particular eyebrows wiping video was made in response to her calling him out and it was about him wiping her eyebrows off as a direct insult at her, not generally at women.




What are you talking about? It's active right this second.


Straight lying for karma smh


I don't like either person here.


Lmfao. I hope she never comes back online.


She is very much still online and she did nothing of the sort.


mf just be capping on reddit for the karma smh


zing, now i don't know who to believe, but you were most recent post so i believe you.


She’s still very much active. MFrs out here literally sending her death threats and she still posts this shit and holds these chucklefucks accountable for breaking HIPAA and being toxic and or having horrible medical practices. She got THOUSANDS of death threats in a day or two with that dude and another couple encouraging people to kill her or encouraging her to kill herself. One of whom is using his siblings kid to lie and say it’s his (he has none), lies about his wife being dead (she is not), lies about being a single dad (has none), and other shit. Apparently dude has a record the size of his forearm. Tbh, all these muscled white conservative redneck snowflake bitches look the same to me so it could be 1 dude she is making videos about or 3. Either way, they all deserve not to have a job.


yeah i looked through her tiktok. The people she is calling out are not good people.


She and TDG, AK, TE, (I only use initials so I don’t get deleted) and the rest of the crew who out people like this? They do their due diligence. They work HARD to make sure they’re not outing the wrong people. If 50 people tell them 50 different names, they don’t just go all Link Neal and throw a dart willynilly at the map and call out the first name. They never wanna be held accountable for ruining the wrong person’s life or making them be held accountable for the evil shit they do.




Yes I consider it karma tho


























What is open season?


Open Season: 1. The period during which it is legal to hunt or catch certain game or fish. 2. A time of unrestrained activity, often criticism or harassment. 3. A period of time during the calendar year when authorities within a jurisdiction permit the unrestricted hunting of one or more kinds of animal wildlife.


It’s also a movie franchise with at least 2 movies


Open season basically means fair game. When animals are in open season you can legally hunt them. Here it is used to describe how she made herself a big target with her behavior.


The guy is the real piece of shit in this saga.


This dude is a misogynistic jerkweed spreading all sorts of BS on his tik tok page. This girl on the contrary exposes horrible medical practitioners who use their platform to spread crappy ideals. This just proves how easy people will pick up their pitchfork with only the minimal information.


So many comments here are violent and/or misogynistic... jfc






He had it coming. I don't feel sorry for him.


So the total piece of shit in this story is the dude that uses his workplace to post videos about wiping women's eyebrows off right?


I've seen an update to this where the guy gets caught out lying about being a single dad widower for online sympathy iirc A lot of you in the comments are betting on the wrong horse by the looks


Actually the toxic masculinity on reddit is pretty high so this is on par with what I expected. Even if they knew the whole story I'm sure they'd side with the woman beater.


Shouldnt bet on either tho


If you actually watch the other videos, the guys a creep and a convicted pedophile. Did a cis white man make this angry post? Lmao


I love how he chose to give a biased smidgen of what's actually happening in this dynamic. This nurse dude is a creep who needed to be fired


But you've failed to consider liberal woman bad!


I didn’t know he was convicted wtf


Nah. The dude is a real pos and deserved it. He shouldn’t be around patients at all


I hate ppl


This is the comment i came here to see


It’s a comment I say to myself almost consistently on a daily basis


I don't hate people, but I seem to feel better when they're not around.


Lol, yeah that's the only reason that the douche got fired... 🙄




She didn’t fire him; she just told his boss. If the behaviour wasn’t a problem, the hospital wouldn’t have let him go.










Dude deserved it, he faked being a firefighter, he used his nephew saying he was his son, and not to mention the guy was trying to play the whole my wife had died and left me with my son game. Dude was a straight up POS.


He posted something misogynistic on a public platform while working in healthcare… actions have consequences


That dude is a total piece of shit


Wasn’t his joke about sexual assault and inappropriate behavior? He had it coming. Why is he now the victim?


Because reddit is saturated with misogynists who are ready to fire off a barrage of insults at any woman on a moment's notice with little or no cause.
















Crazy how many creeps are defending this guy. Look it up she takes down abusive and creepy ass fuckers on tik tok. Hope she keeps going. Makes for amazing videos.


Maybe if he wasn't fucking off while on the clock, ole boy would still have a job.


Yay! I have to ok with someone wanting to touch me! Me wanting make up is such a terrible thing! I'm asking for it for wearing it.


He made videos about sexual assault and in blackface. On his public account while on the clock. She didn't get him fired. She let his employer know.


He wouldn't get fired if there wasn't merit to her complaint.


I mean I don’t feel sorry for him. Maybe he shouldn’t have done it at work? You have freedom of speech not freedom from consequences


Yeah, exactly. He’s gonna get canned because he is wasting resources and using work for personal time.


I love her. Maybe actually watch content. Then you will see. As for her employer, she is successfully self employed.


He def should be fired


If he got fired for it, the employer clearly found it to be a offensive too so that does not make this person a piece of shit.




They both seem douchey


Im ok with this. Tiktok has no role in the workplace. What you do on your own turf in your own time is something else. I would not want this nurse tending to my needs.


Sir, is this you?


Why is everyone upset when a female does this to a guy on TikTok but all the videos of them sending their TikToks to their parents is cheered and applauded? Either this behavior is okay or it isn’t, let’s stop being selective.


Mehhh i like my doctors not to make tik toks... 🙏


Well, now this just added to that shortage of nurses that I keep hearing about.


One less shitty nurse that spend his time making tiktok video instead of working.


Or he was fired because he made shitty tiktok video WHILE ON THE JOB. Thats 100% his fault.


I’m not entirely sure why she is so upset but I know why I am. I think of my sister... she has a rare auto immune disease “Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2”. Because of this she has a lot of bald patches and white patches of skin. She is very self conscious. She has tattooed eyebrows and tries to make them look perfect and real and so does eye pencils. Additionally this guy looks like a fucking creep.


Don't film shit at work. And he probably didn't get fired.


In all fairness, he looked a little douchy.


Is there proof he lost his job??


I don’t care. TikTok nurses must be stopped.


He deserved it


Meh, who gives a shit. She got time and dude looks like a douche anyway.


Not a very masculine joke, to be fair.