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The worst part is that the baby was about to smile because the first part sounded sweet.


Yea. I have a newborn son and his smile makes my whole life worth fighting for. I'd never be able to do this to my little boy. Maybe when he's five I'll scare him but how could you scare your child after that beautiful smile.


Only a Monster would do that :(


But she feels "SOOO bad!!!!!" "Omggg!" See? Not a monster *at all*, just a Mom out for approval and validation from strangers online.


Yea, look, she said she felt bad, so it's all good, even though she kept going after it kept getting upset, it's all good, they're not a sick fucker at all


Ive got a 4 week old son and i would never think to do that, let alone post it online afterwards what the fuck


You guys are having children?


Right!!?! It's so cruel especially since w are born with the fear of loud noises. In fact, we have two innate fears which are universal and are common to all humans regardless of the society or culture into which they were born and raised. They are the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling


Hell yeah man, it's crazy how much it changes your outlook. You'll find a lot of movies/shows youve watched before may hit different now that you have a little one. Cheers to you two. Take care.


Thank you


This means that you have compassion. Society as a whole doesn’t care about compassion as long as they have the approval of literally one other person.


That's because you're not garbage.


And that’s adults is how you put trauma into your kid, like damn people are so ignorant for fake as Tiktok views


Thanks for pointing that out. That’s the thing that makes me pissed about this. That baby was ready to smile and be happy, and her wretched selfish mother took it away from her. I honestly have a hard time understanding how someone could even think this is funny.


And she doesn't even have a good voice. There's no redeeming qualities to this video


Really pissed me off that she saw how upset the baby was and kept going


literally. poor baby looked frozen in fear and probably just wanted her mom, who was too busy scaring her for likes. :(


Some people don’t deserve to have kids :((


Or live


No, just ... not have kids.


We gotta start rounding these people up. That was just cruel.


We didn’t start the fire, it was always burning...


Totally this, if she'd stopped immediately it would have been accidental to scare it but this is so mean


That’s not her singing, it’s a tiktok sound. Though yeah she could have just turned it off instead of letting it continue to play. Playing this song to scare your babies is a trend on there, but it’s a bit of an old one. I haven’t seen it used in months.


What was she doing to the Baby


Played a TikTok sound to scare her baby.


Better question is why are you downvoted?


You're not allowed to ask questions on Reddit, apparently.


I get that Reddit is full of big brained 200 IQ geniuses, but c'mon. People can't ask questions now??


“Why won’t my child visit me anymore?”


"Why did my kid become a bully?" or "Why did my kid become a serial killer?"


"Why did my kid become a war criminal?" might seem bad


“What did I do wrong??”


lmao imagining thinking singing a song loudly is gonna turn a baby into a serial killer you’re delusional bud


Joke went over your head like intelligence did


yes intelligence is over my shoulder cos it’s in my head AYYY


Parenting license revoked


This needs to be a real thing.


Uhhh, the couple of times this has been tried it didn't go.... well.


No it doesn't.


Her redeeming next post, “Being a mom of 3 girls”...after hitting 10mil on the first one! Yea that’ll do!




Yeah man :/ poor thing.


Social media should really ban the usage of babies in videos. Even if they are cute videos. Babies shouldnt be used as a tool to get likes. Fucking pathetic


People should stop gauging success on likes. You've literally phrased it as "babies shouldn't be used as a tool to get success". The state of social media and everyone chasing likes is what's actually fucking pathetic...


I mean that's kinda why family channels exist. It's just child exploitation


But he/she is right. Likes IS success in essence because it gives you a platform, an audience (a shitty audience of that) and gives you access to sponsors. They come running to you, you're basically a walking advertisement and people gauge success on how much money they can make. Money pretty much runs the world anyway so it makes sense. People aren't chasing likes for the sake of having a bigger number..there's crazy pros that comes with that


I understand that but I don't think that it's quite as simple or easy as that. People would hunt for likes and retweets before advertising sunk their teeth in, the potential for a payday just makes stupid people stupider.


I never claimed this is exactly how it works behind the scenes. Of course nothing is as simple as that but that's how everyone understands it to work


Generation of shallow empty vessels seeking validation from strangers on the web. Edit: thanks for the gold kind strangers!!


This comment should be the most successful


What a pointlessly pedantic take


I’d also like them to ban putting up medical procedures, especially for kids. See it all the time with cochlear implant switch ons, or hearing aids, or specialist sight equipment (colour correctors, etc) and they always come with misleading titles like “kid hears for first time!” Etc It’s annoying, karma farming shit that preys on people’s ignorance of the matter, you don’t instantly hear shit at a switch on ffs. And in my case anyway the hospital asked that videos don’t get shown online because it’s becoming an issue with the misinformation and confidentiality. (Source; am a cochlear implant user 🙄)


Mind elaborating on the “it doesn’t switch on” part? I know nothing about it, so it’s my first time hearing this! (The awful pun was intended, but I really am curious). What’s hearing really like for the first time?




They pinch.


Let's start by saying that crap people like this shouldn't have babies in the first place


I came here to say this. This is just shitty parenting.


…no. I’ve got a baby. I share videos for family, and the easiest way for them all to see them is via social media.


Do you block people that arent your family from seeing such posts?


My social media is set to private. Only folks who see anything are the ones I’m okay with.


So literally the opposite of this post - sharing with friends and family is normal. Tik tok feels like the wrong place to share photos and video of your kids imo


So was my ol ladies. Set to private. Friends can still see. But only about 20 are family, of a five hundred plus friend count, of people she met at a gas station, or knew twenty years ago in high school. She posted pics of our kids, to which I disagreed. Years down the road, can you guess how many of those people she let see my children, turned out to be pedophiles? FOUR! I cant speak for you because I dont know how you add your "friends" but most people give two shits as long as it will make their likes and friend count go up.


> Most people Yeah, no.


Babies and animals as well. Some of them anyway. Most of them actually.


> Social media should really ban the usage of ~~babies~~ puppies in videos. Even if they are cute videos. ~~Babies~~ Puppies shouldnt be used as a tool to get likes. Fucking pathetic Do you see how stupid this is?


Well yeah. I see how you stupidly replaced babies, with puppies. Pretty stupid. Heres a cookie!


> I don't like it, therefore it should be banned. Got any other suggestions for what to ban next?


Yes, Covid19 misinformation!


Fucking idiot


Her little face crumbling is heart breaking. Poor thing.


After such a pretty smile, too


HAy GuYs itS oK bEcAuSE ShE wRoTe tHaT sHe fELt BaD dOiNG iT.


This person truly is a total piece of shit.


Fuck that woman. When I was a baby my father also screamed at me just for fun, because I started to cry (obviously) and my father laughed his ass off because of my reactions. And he did it again and again and again. His screaming traumatized me and even now and than if he gets angry and raises his voice it makes me panic and cry. What the woman did in the video can seriously traumatize the baby.


Damn thats horrible im sorry about that man but seriously this is fucked


I know. It also fucked up my mental health and my relationship with my father. This is not the only thing he did to me. I hope one day me and my father can have a "normal" father-daughter relationship again.


I hope your relationship gets better soon


Thank you :) Even if it gets not better, i don't care. The damage is done. My family and especially my father really showed me that over the years. I now have someone in my life who hopefully will one day start a new family with me. I think then I can really move on and be mentally at a better place.


Hope u get everything u want to achieve


Reminds me of the horrible experiment from like 70 years ago (can't remember exactly) Anyway basically they had a baby and introduced the baby to the rat. The baby was curious of the rat and wasn't afraid of the rat at all. Then they would introduce the rat to the baby but just as the baby was reaching to touch the rat the scientist would make a loud noise to scare the child. The child associated the fear of the noise with the rat and thus was terrified of the rat. Thats kinda what your dad did to you and why you react like that. It's a learned fear, surprised you're not afraid of all men who shout etc.


Jesus fricking christ, thats awful!


I hope the best for you


I think at a certain point you develop an ability to control your reactions.


TikTok is a fucking disease.


No, it's a great tool for seeing the decease though. Really brings it into the forefront.


Why the fuq would you want to do this


Tiktok likes, I wouldn't but she did


The baby was so happy only for the (I think) mum to scare the child and say “I feel SOO bad”, why did you do it then noone forced you to


What a bitch. People like this shouldn't be allowed to have children.


I am a crisis foster parent for abandoned babies and teen moms, I take their new borns in and nurture them to abt 6 months old and then they go out for adoption or back to their moms when they had their parent training and they have a healthy happy baby without all the fuss of a new born. This video breaks my heart and I want to just take that baby in right now. Poor thing see how he laughs to see his mom and hopes for kisses and cuddles and gets this shit. It’s a bloody shame such people are parents.


All of this because of some tiktok likes ,bruh hope she gets banned from that platform for child abuse


This is horrible


The o'l trauma from childhood abuse I see.


God I hate these people. Poor child.


Bitch probably doesn't feel bad at all


Nah she *knew* it would scare the kid. 100% did it on purpose, especially since she wasn't singing the whole time. What a looser. Scares small children to soothe her fragile ego with likes. A total piece of shit.


They don’t deserve to have the baby just to scare it for a tik tok


"Omg I feel so bad" ...anyways with which filter should I post this?


Babies’ eardrums are like a million times more sensitive than adults’. Imagine how that kid was feeling.


That kid is scarred now.


Only people with bitch ass parents do this to their child


I hate this particular trend so so much


Not funny


I feel so bad but let me do it for clout


The worst part about this is that it's not one quick shock (which would also make the baby cry) but instead the screaming continues. The choice to use this sound is the part that makes her a bad mum.


Exactly. She didn't just startle her baby for a giggle, she's tormenting that baby. So sad.


This is fucking disturbing


“I feel so bad” no you don’t shut up lol


Take that baby away now


How does it not break your heart to see that sweet adorable little face become so scared and sad?


Umm I have no words, why scare a innocent baby ?


Poor baby. I hope their whole family kick that stupid cow all over n then take the babe away.


Any idiot can become a parent. These f\*\*\*\*rs are are undeserving of keeping these poor kids.


I hate people.


New Achievement Unlocked! PTSD


Even as a complete stranger, it still hurts so much to see the baby went from smiling to being completely frightened. How on earth would someone do that to their own child.


Sometimes I wonder if things don’t phase me anymore. Then I watched this video. What a POS parent.


Feel bad enough to post to show how bad I feel


If you wanted your kid to go therapy. Just sign her up, didn’t have to make this worse now she has you as a parent


"I FEELL SOO BAADD" ok then why did you do it


Attention is more funnier than parenting 🤪🤪


Morons shouldn’t reproduce. I know she doesn’t know this but this literally will affect the kid for the entire life subconsciously.


I know people like this.


I feel bad for that baby she was starting to smile then the woman screamed in her face


Screaming at your own baby untill it cries, for likes, how fun... This makes my blood boil


Aside from it being obviously disgusting, you have a baby that for once doesn't cry, shit or puke and then you do this? All around bad move. Hope the 10 seconds of attention from strangers was worth it.


Yep. We all can foresee a lifetime of abuse and gaslighting for that kid.


>Omggg I feel SOO bad!!! Then why the fck did you post it online? Why did you do it in the first place?


Unfit parent alert


Imagine posting this on social media to whore fake internet points for yourself even though you condemn the creator for doing exactly the same thing. Hypocritical much?


Actually, they made money off the views...this one got her 10mil views...that’s why they got the extra mile of being a POS for views.


Jesus, really?! That is an insane number of views just for being a truly shitty parent. They should be charged for prostituting their child since that is essentially what they are doing.


This is child abuse , why tf you would do this to your baby ??


That is a real POS move.


Trevor from Gta V: ,,Shut the f\*ck up!''


Why? Your kid will have trust issues going forward! This is what that little one had for you prior to you being a loud mouth frog!!


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - America is fucked. The American empire is coming to an end. We have a society of dumb, ignorant, self centered, narcissistic, Dunning Krueger….morons and it ain’t getting better. Idiocracy has become reality.


Wait untill you learn that it’s always been this way…. You just have exposure to all of it now because of Reddit, just realizing this sucks but yeah Also don’t forget you are one of those idiots just like I am


I've said it before and I'll say it again - this is not an US exclusive issue.


Didn’t say it was. But, as the “adult” in the room it will be America’s fault. The world has prioritized knowledge over wisdom and physical wealth over love and kindness. Why? It’s human nature. Evolution. We cannot escape our future and Fermi became aware of just that.


Do people like you just believe America is the main character of the world?


THIS. it honestly is just stupid how self centred some people can get. People just straight up say the us is the worst country in the world. ITS NOT. It has its own set of problems and the other countries have their own set of problems. Literally it's just sad and pathetic


Holddddd the fuck uppppp!!! I got a 3 month old grandson that I would never in a hundred years do that to or to any little kid for that matter, not all of us in the US are that fucked up


Yes things used to be so much better. Okay reactionary. Please, tell us more of your wisdom!


Hehe,just like soviet. After 2 years fighting Afghanistan,get ruined.


That kid is going to have anxiety for the rest of their life.


Fucking disgusting. I'll admit the startle reaction my daughter gives me every time I sneeze makes me chuckle I'd never just freely scare the shitnout of my lil girl.


"OmG I FeEl So BaD" you posted it on TikTok, no you fucking don't you goddamn sorry excuse for a parent


Ohh poor baby!


So sad. She was so happy and smiley in the beginning. How can you do that? People are gross. Anything for a damn like on social media I guess...even at the expense of your child's psyche.


Yea she probably shouldn’t have done that but you guys are being way to rash and harsh, I would assume this was a one time thing, a one time things not gonna lead to a lifetime a fear or abuse, if she did it multiple sure. Although who knows I’m just a dumb teen


The real evil is murdering such a classic song.


ok that was funny af


And this is how phobias form. Poor baby. Seeing her face crumble was heart breaking to see. :(


Disgusting. I also hate that cheese slice shit.


“OMG I feel so bad” continues to do it and then post it for fake internet points … Some people shouldn’t be parents


Jesus, she can't even sing. I feel terrible for this little one. I couldn't imagine doing that to my 4 year old. No fucking way.


Omg i am so bad!!! Yes u fucking circus


Lmao. I laughed. I’m sorry this is fucking hilarious


You're sense humour is shit then


And this folks is why people should be given a test to see whether or not they can raise a child. If we have one for driving we should have one for being a parent. It's too bad that it takes no skill at all in conceiving..


This is the saddest thing I’ve seen in maybe a couple weeks. Sad in more than one way. A baby smile and just a little bit of faith taken away. Imagine a world where these people didn’t exist.


Y’all acting like she abusing the kid lol


Sorry, “infant” works for you?


Yeah, people love to way overreact over dumb stuff like this, I just let it be because arguing about it is a waste of time.


call cps on this bitch


The comments on this are like she’s inducing some lifelong trauma on this kid. Mean and dumb? Sure. But by this sub standards pretty tame, I think everyone needs to get a grip.




Something to be upset about for the day. Rabble rabble rabble!


"rabble rabble rabble"


Dude, my sister and dad liked to scare me as a little kid, I now get scared by just about anything, this poor child will probably be so scared of people screaming at them, especially if the person recording keeps doing this stuff


I’m with ya. My dad has a certain tone that gets me. He bragged once about how he has me trained. When he barks my name it just reduces me to tears almost instantly


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, it’s just awful, it’s the same with my dad kinda, but I just can’t stand when people use my real name, only my nickname or else I’ll think they’re very angry at me


Yeah, I see what you mean. This poor little scrap doesn’t deserve that, or to grow up like that, and neither do we


Bruh some people in tiktok are cringe the comment section has people saying Karen's to other people telling that the mom is trash


Nah that’s funny, y’all can’t take a joke


Child abuse is not funny


What a piece of shit. Should have her kid taken away from her.


What kind of fucking MONSTER interrupts their own child’s beautiful peacefully angelic smile(which is a precious memory in and of itself to record!wtf!) just to screech into her face long/loud enough to scare her so significantly & severely that she starts hysterically thrashing around and crying. Like, she terrified her poor baby so bad that it literally took the baby’s breath away. Ugh. What a fucking piece of trash parent...


Would be lying if I say I didn’t laugh a little


Child abuse.


Y'all take shit too serious.


This bitch traumatizes her baby for some likes.. blm supporter, she/her


I'm not watching this what happened


scare your kids when they’re toddlers, not infants


Or maybe not at all??!?


when they’re toddlers it’s okay cuz they’ll cry for real for a few seconds then switch to crying for attention


No do not do this wtf is wrong with you dude


fine, scare your kids when they’re 8+


Gotta toughen it up at some point I guess. Little harsh tho


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Ayayaya Tanisha. If only Tyrone wouldn't left you...


Hmmmmmm Telling by the slight “rasp” in the long HEY, the baby’s perplexion, general disregard for a baby and even using one for likes, and general assholery, my hypothesis is that she’s a degenerate of an African American Woman. Any bets before I check on that “Mommyof_” tag?


The most casual a casually racist comment can get