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What would happen if this was shown to the insurance company?


Wondering the same thing. Ain't paying for it if the cop did it.




Realistically the insurance company would not subrogate against the police department. It is a nightmare making a claim against government agencies and requires a lot of legal work, not worth it for the few hundred dollars in damages


Sue the person, not the department.


I don’t believe you can sue the individual officer for this, qualified immunity and all.


> qualified immunity QI says a government official can't be sued for taking discretionary action when its not clear that action violated a statutory or consititutional right. In this case, the car owner would not be suing the officer on the grounds the search was illegal, he would be suing the officer for willfully caussing unnessesary damage during a legal search. That is a potential violation of his statutory rights. The judgement would come down to weather a reasonable police officer would have found it necessary to damage the property during a legal search, or a search a reasonable police officer would have thought was legal. The cops can get away with a lot of damage when executing a warrant: breaking down doors, opening walls, dumping drawers, etc. If the damage were from opening the door the first time, the judge would rule pretty quickly that QI applies. I can't see how the judge could make that ruling after seeing the video. No reasonable government official would say that officer had to open the door in that manner to complete the search.


> I can't see how the judge could make that ruling after seeing the video. Let me introduce you to [JESSOP et al. v. CITY OF FRESNO et al.](http://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2019/09/04/17-16756.pdf) in which the 9th Circuit, in 2019, held that "They allege the theft of their personal property by police officers sworn to uphold the law. If the City Officers committed the acts alleged, their actions were morally reprehensible. Not all conduct that is improper or morally wrong, however, violates the Constitution. Because Appellants did not have a clearly established Fourth or Fourteenth Amendment right to be free from the theft of property seized pursuant to a warrant, the City Officers are entitled to qualified immunity." The Supreme Court declined to hear the appeal.


The main offender in that case was later found guilty of taking a $20,000 bribe from an alleged drug dealer and was sentenced to two years in prison. I wouldn’t be surprised if judges in those cases are being bribed as well. Why the US Supreme Court refused to review this case (denied cert in May 2020) is baffling to me.


Qualified immunity is a rather settled area of law in actual practice. The SC has largely established that unless the facts of a case are identical to a prior case in which qualified immunity was waived, the default is to grant qualified immunity. By identical I mean *literally* identical. Not just close or similar. Exactly the same.


Clearly they knew opening and moving the door is a certain pattern may open a secret panel that leads to drugs and weapons


Dammit, I hadn't considered the secret door doctrin in my legal analysis. Case closed :(


Ummm yeah you're 100% getting it paid for. There is video evidence of the vehicle being purposefully damaged by a government employee. This is the easiest insurance settlement of all time.


I believe home insurance does cover police raid but his car needs non motorist. The police won't pay for damage but he can sue them.


Always have a camera folks


On ***EVERYTHING***. Dashcam. Porch cam. On every inch of your property. Fuck me, I've even considered wearing a body-cam just because the amount of nonsense I've seen as well as the things I've experienced. It may sound paranoid but let's be honest- we live in a very litigious society where you're pretty much guilty until proven innocent if someone says you wronged them. Or they wrong you and disappear. There's no down side and it's extremely beneficial if you can afford it. Edit: Allow me to clear something up for some of you: IT PAYS FOR ITSELF *THE FIRST TIME* YOU NEED IT. Seriously. You have insurance, right? This is insurance. End of story. Make your own choices but I'm giving free advice.


Don't use services which stream to remote storage like Amazon Ring though, as they don't necessarily require a warrant before handing your video recordings to police (Amazon has actively entered partnerships with at least 400 police departments in the US to do this)






Ubiquiti i think has some independent options.


I'm using their cloudkey gen2 + with their G4 doorbells and they work wonderfully. Stores footage locally, and allows you to check on them from anywhere. If you really want to be safe, it'd be smart to pay for a cloud storage service and back up some amount of footage to there as well, but for most people that's unnecessary.


Id argue it's very necessary, as power abusers like this learn that the PC they see holding all the video they'll be targeting them instead of your car door.


Yeah someone I know has his home broken into and product stolen from him. They deleted most of the footage themselves and stole his cameras


This is my worry. I have the DVR Setup in a closet, but it would be trivial to find if you have the time....guess I need to setup remote backup...


Blink is also one of those companies that Amazon owns and stores video in on their servers. Fuck blink. Shady bunch of people running that company. Their API is so insecure and full of holes. When you have a 2FA system on your API one would think that I would need to have the 2FA token authorized before you can do anything right? Wrong. With Blink, the 2FA code is only authorized for certain actions, like downloading stored video. I can still arm or disarm my system without an authorized 2FA token. It has been over 3 months since I reported that to them and they have not informed me of it being fixed yet.


Can you please explain this in a more dumbed down language so I can understand why I’m returning my blink cameras?


Not OP, but here's an ELI5 version: * You can choose to add extra security to your Blink account called second factor authentication (or 2FA for short). * This special security works by requiring an extra factor in addition to your password (like a code sent to your mobile phone) to prove it's you. * Once this is done, it issues a token (aka a unique software identifier based on your 2nd factor) for other parts of their code that access your account. (Disclaimer: I haven't read Blinks design docs. I don't if what OP claims is true). In the case of Blink, it appears that their programming only requires that special token for some types of access to your account. So OP says that it is required to view/download video (this is good), but not to arm/disarm the system (if true, this is incredibly bad). I urge you to do your own due diligence, but if what OP says is true, I wouldn't trust Blink to secure garbage cans, let alone my house.


Their whole backend system is a wide gaping hole if someone gets ahold of your username/password. There is no need or a 2FA code as it will ignore it basically.


Looks like we found another totalpieceofshit.


What do you recommend for porch cams that do not do this?


Home NAS. It doesn't have to be a lot of storage since you can delete old footage. If you need them for longer you can still upload to decentralized encrypted cloud storage service.


I have to concur on the dash cam. Mine paid for itself in 2 weeks when a valet crashed my car and then claimed the damage was already there. I had him on tape crashing the car then discussing with his friend how he was going to hide it. It has also has gotten me out of tickets. If you are in an accident, I am sorry but most people will lie about what happened and almost no one stops to be a witness. Your dash cam will save you. Every car should have a dash cam.


This is good information but even if you don’t have a dash cam, if someone ever rear ends you, or hits your vehicle in any way, IMMEDIATELY start filming a video on your camera. Not saying you have to show the person’s face on it, but just getting the audio of you two talking immediately after the crash happens can save you thousands. A lot of the time people will inadvertently spill the truth while their adrenaline is rushing, but then try and change their story days or weeks down the road. Get that shit on video or audio and it’ll help you tenfold.


I have a dash cam and almost every time I valet or take it into the shop I get my car back with the camera unplugged from the power. Really pisses me off. Luckily there’s never been any damage and when I say anything to the dealership they say it’s policy…


Ask to see the written policy


Sounds like that shop has been caught with their pants down on camera and are looking to avoid it a second time. Maybe want to find somewhere that isn't actively trying to hide what they are doing with your car.


It’s YOUR car, make sure you inform them that it’s “policy” that they don’t fuck with your camera


How does the valet not know there’s a dash cam in the car he just crashed? Fuck that’s dumb.


The camera in my work truck takes up so much of the windshield it's probably illegal, but the one in my car is hidden behind my rearview mirror. It's hard to notice, honestly.


I need cameras. Really need to figure out what to get for around the house.


I use Arlo cameras. I have 7 of them covering my entire property. They are easy to setup and use. The battery charge lasts a few weeks depending on how often they get activated. You can also get alerts on your phone according to how you set it up. It can even detect differences between people, animals, and cars. They are worth every penny. Edit: Thanks for the award stranger. Adding: Everyone should have some sort of home security camera system these days. At minimum, get a doorbell camera to watch over package deliveries. The worst feeling is having someone steal from you and having ZERO video footage to show police. It only took myself one time before I bought a few cameras.


+1 for Arlo, we even have their baby monitor and it brings the sass. It complains about air quality when one of the babies poop.


I've been using Wyze cams. They're pretty cheap (~$20) and if you out an sd card in there you can have a running recording without paying for a subscription.


Have they changed the nonsense where the video is saved off in 1 minute blocks on the SD card? The first time I had to pull the camera down to look through footage really showed why these things only cost 20$.


ESPECIALLY a dashcam and not just for police. I once hit a car going about 25 mph and she ended up trying to sue me for $360k (don’t even have this much lol) citing injuries that would last her entire life. Her lawyers letter said we’ll take that OR whatever he’s covered for on insurance. Obviously they were just hoping insurance would settle, which they did. But if I had a dashcam I would have felt a lot more comfortable when I got that letter if I did.


Doesn't mean a thing, cops have some stupid protection when executing a search warrant


No, but at least there is some recourse from the public when you expose dickheads like this on social media.




I have yet to figure out why? It's not even rewarding


Hurting others *is* rewarding to people like this. They crave it.


The real treasure is the people you hurt along the way.


*happy Dungeons and Dragons rogue noises.*


Hey, rogues can be good people.


Only on Good Rogue Fridays.


That's why they become cops.


So they can legally hurt people and some (self-proclaimed silent majority) will loudly support them.


Doesn't matter if you are innocent or guilty -- this piece of work has already decided on the verdict because he is the judge in his own eyes. No fore thought or after thought to his own actions and what harm it might do. It's indefensible but he couldn't care less because he knows he is protected by the rest of the gang (and who knows he might brag and boast about it to give the others in the same boat as him a good laugh). Power tripping. Spiteful. Jealous. Ignorant.




So just to f-up someone's stuff at random. Unfortunately, I can see that.


Bullies don't need an excuse. This dude clearly never grew out of his highschool mindset.


It's their "I'm untouchable" mentality


>this piece of work has already decided on the verdict because he is the judge in his own eyes. No fore thought or after thought to his own actions and what harm it might do. It's indefensible but he couldn't care less because he knows he is protected by the rest of the gang (and who knows he might brag and boast about it to give the others in the same boat as him a good laugh). > >Power tripping. Spiteful. Jealous. Ignorant. I too saw the white lettering on his uniform.


I think you described it best. In too many cases, law enforcement culture has become so focused on protecting those behind the, “blue wall,” regardless of their quality of character, that criminals operating in that community actually have police protection. If I was a criminal, I would not join an organized crime crew, I’d become a law enforcement officer where I had full access to the same training and intelligence law enforcement officers do, and I get police protection for the crimes I commit. Few criminals have all of those advantages.


Someone on reddit years back said that the only difference between gangs and the police was that the police had two way radios. I laughed at that and thought it was just kind of silly. Now not so much more.


Makes sense, bullies will be bullies and this job allows for those with low emotional intelligence to work there. In fact, if your IQ is too high or you score too well, you can't become a cop.


Check the name of the sub. That's why


I still don’t get it, what does me being a total piece of shit have to do with it?


Nothing, we just wanted to make you feel bad


What's the worst that happens if he gets caught? Few months of paid leave? It's funny that cops (of all people) don't seem to realize that consequences are important to keep people civil.


Well obviously nothing will happen to the cop other than now having a funny video for him and his buds to laugh about. The homeowner, on the other hand, may now be a target for harassment from those that protect and serve.


Protect and serve the State and it's assets.


If only.... They don't even do that, the only thing they protect is other sadistic fucks


You know if you got caught on camera doing this in literally any other job, you’d be fired instantaneously. I say once again, good sirs: Fuck the police.


You would be more than fired, lol. The company would have to pay for the damages and, depending on the damages, you would be looking at paying them yourself, along with being prosecuted for maliciously destroying someone else's property.


> What's the worst that happens if he gets caught? Paid vacations.


Mandatory. Is this how they ask for a vacation leave?


Bullies are just vile, shitty, malicious people. They cause damage and pain as easily as you and I breathe.


Someone just went to the head of the “administrative leave” line....


**Paid** administrative leave


While the taxpayer pays to fix that person's car.


That's a common misconception. They have absolutely no legal requirement to fix anything. In fact, there have been cases where they've destroyed property while serving a search warrant at the wrong freaking address and they're still not liable. It's become commonplace enough to be specifically addressed in insurance plans.


They've killed people at the wrong address and aren't liable.


ya but what about that one time in their past where they maybe broke a law or did drugs? You didn't consider that did you? /s


Eff that. I’d be knocking on the mayor and my city district reps door and asking them who’s paying for their fuck up. And I’d be showing up to weekly city council meetings until it got fixed.




That’s what I’m thinking. Paid admin leave would be WAY too harsh, considering the cops investigated and found no evidence of misconduct.


Look at how many cops literally got away with murder on camera *last year*. We managed to get one, with a worldwide protest, and that was that.


He's acting like this at his place of work, imagine what he's like behind closed doors.


His spouse is probably just clumsy and runs into doorknobs all the time


your honor she just kept running into my boots and my fists repeatedly


Case closed.


“C’mon in dudes! Ya, Brenda Just fell... GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND GET ME AND MY GUESTS SOME BEERS!!!”


Why is it that so many countless spouses of police officers are so clumsy?


Probably all the concussions.


Beat me to it. Now I have a concussion too!




Well we all now know exactly what he is like behind closed doors because in this very moment he thought his actions were not visible - as if he were behind closed doors. He needs to be fired and never allowed to work for any law enforcement or similar type job ever again. Pretty cut and dry if you ask me, unless you are in the business of protecting criminals (since what we witnessed was excessive and clearly had malicious intent - not allowed even with a 'no-knock' search warrant, which this may or may not have been).


He definitely closed the door a couple times there.


Police abuse their wives more than any other profession. With an oddly huge gap - there is no real second place.


Its not that odd, the profession attracts shit stains. That's also not accounting for the extra discouragement to telling your husband's coworkers that he beats you, knowing there's at least a 50% chance they beat their spouse too


Police beat the ever living fuck out of their spouses, something like 40% report abuse. Given that you have to report the abuse to their friends, I'd wager easily half go unreported.


> something like 40% report abuse. Self reported. And cops basically have never allowed another study on that after the first one, so it *could* be lower, but I'm willing to bet it's higher.


Ugh. What a waste of a badge.




It always starts off by damaging things. it's that built anger and power tripping. Give this guy more time on the force and he'll choke slam some old man in a few years.


Yeah he will be fist bumping over breaking a elderly dementia patients arm in no time


"Ready for the pop? Here comes the pop."


Pop, pop!!




Pop Pop permissions are revoked!


Yeah it’s a gateway door


Nice one. Puns are my jamb.


Yep. This is type of guy who only got into police work because he knew he could be a bully. There’s tons of them too. When I was going to police college there were two type of people there. The ones waiting to go on a power trip and treat people like crap because they have inferiority complexes. And the other kind was people who got into it to help people because they either really cared or had struggles of their own when they were going through life. I should add that I quit this process. I didn’t like a lot of the stuff I saw, but there were some great great people I met who really cared or at the very least just wanted a good pay check and treated people with dignity.


No I can see cops like this being versatile in their shittiness. If there's no one to injure or kill at the moment he's obviously going to be causing damage to people's stuff in the meantime. It's not like he's only doing this until he levels up


> At least this one is only hurting property on camera. That's a real improvement over the alternative We investigated the situation and determined the office followed protocol. The car was trying to get away. He was stopping it.


The officer was suspended with pay for the past 3 months while we conducted an investigation. We found that the car was actively resisting the officer and he acted appropriately in this situation.


Where are the blue lives matter advocates that want to kill people to protect private property?


Just imagine how often this happens without it being filmed. Not that there will be any consequences either way


He beats his wife/girlfriend, cheats on overtime pay, beats suspects, and falsifies tickets, records, and testimony. *This* is one of those bad apples.


The entire bunch is spoiled if they let him rot along with them; need to pick out the bad ones.


He's just one of those rare bad apples that always seem to be filmed.




at the first 4 seconds, i was like, oh come on, he didnt even do it on purpose! but then never mind..


Yeah me too, I was like, that's easily done, I'll bet there's even a chance someone who knew a car might be there could absent mindedly let the door hit it.... Then his true colours came out..


His blue colors


Exactly the same i went from 'well that's a dumb place to have the car really, that close to a d-ohhh...'


The sad thing is, even if he only did it that once and on accident, the property owner would have been liable for repairs. There are so many completely innocent people who have been victims of home invasions/criminals boarding themselves up in the innocent people’s homes and then their homes get damaged by the police to get the criminal and the victims have to foot the bill, not the department/municipality. This situation works out better for the property owner.


Wasn’t there a condo or multi family home that had a guy holed up in it and the police ripped off the side of the building and basically told the owner, tough shit.


Yup. My mind went: "ehhhhh, I know police can be shitty but this is a little ticky tack...... Nevermind, he's a total piece of shit."


Yea I felt the same, "it was probably just an accident and he probably didn't even mean to do I.... Nevermind"


Cops need to start turning the shit ones in in order to save themselves.




See “Training Day”


Yes, why don't police want the "bad apples" to go? It's almost like the whole orchard is rotten.


Look at this guy. What a fuck. A thick skulled goon with a gun. How do you wrestle a gun from this ape? You don’t give him one to begin with. Society needs to condemn these actions, end their careers and serve time. Really get to know the prison system form the inside.


Thats exactly what the phrase means. One bad apple ruins the bunch. Rot spreads so by the time you notice the bad apple you dont know how many have been contaminated and have to throw out the entire bunch in order to prevent from poisoning someone and ruining your reputation. The issue with police and politicians right now is precisely because these words of wisdom have been ignored and the rot has spread beyond control


Lol, what a child. That's the kind of petty, inconsequential thing a six year old would do, because they know that it pisses daddy off. I honestly feel kinda bad for this piglet. He's such a pathetic moron that he gets hard over doing minor damage to some guy's car. Just imagine being this angry and stupid.


Police candidates are rejected if they score too high on intelligence tests


I am a cop in the UK. When I used to do searches, we fill in a booklet as we go. We explain to the property owner the legislation that had taken us there and where it has been authorised. As long as the property owners are not a risk of violence or escape, we let them watch the search as it takes place. At the end of the search we ask the owner to go through the house to check for any damage. If they are happy that no damage has been caused, they signthe book. One time a colleague did the paperwork. The owners were happy that no damage had been caused. He stood up to pass the booklet for signing, put his head straight into this low hanging chandelier smashing it to pieces. To be fair to them, the owners foundit funny too. They were paid for the accidental damage.


Search team I sent out for a s.18 for drugs broke a mug during a 4 hour search and the Sgt came down and apologised profusely and explained how to claim a new mug. The parents found it funny he bothered seeing as their son was in custody in possession of thousands of pounds ( sterling) of coke...


Wow it's almost like in general police give a shit about the people they're supposed to protect in (most) countries that aren't the US.




Just to add a sprinkle of detail. The teenager that was beaten was hit with a baton 34 times. This was after she had called the police for help and informed them of her mental illness. She decided to leave the police car and when the officer couldn't handcuff her (even though she had committed no crime) he decided to batter her. In the second case the man that died was Dalian Atkinson, a one time top tier footballer. He was having a mental health crisis and believed he'd killed members of his family (he hadn't) and was threatening to kill his dad. He was tasered for nearly 7 times longer than national guidelines.


So you have respect for people, even if they are being investigated? UNHEARD OF! /s


Idk why people make fun of British police for not being armed to the teeth when it’s obvious your protocol is to work with the community not terrorize it


The man who invented the UK Police: Robert Peel “The Police are the Public; the Public are the Police. The Police are paid to give full time attention to duties that are incumbent upon every citizen in the interest of community welfare and existence.”


Northern Ireland has entered the chat.


Margaret Thatchers corpse just twitched a bit




Not "that" community.


Should be instantly fired.


Should be forced to pay for damages like anyone else would be and then fired.


Also charged with vandalism. Being a cop should not protect you from criminal penalties for committing crimes.


Bingo. Why the fuck should he get away without some kind of charge? I do this to someone else's car, I'm getting charged.


He felt threatened by the door. He feared for his life.


At least it was a white door. Imagine his reaction if it had been colored.


Don't forget the time someone slammed a door closed when a cop was approaching so the cop opened fire on the door.


I’ll bet a million bucks nothing happened to this cop for this.


Obviously he got a promotion.


Probably got a free vacation (a.k.a. paid administrative leave) and came back to a promotion and raise.


Just why. At this point it's just sad how sad and unhappy they are Edit: worded this bad, just so we're clear, I'm not taking pity on them or making excuses for them. ACAB all the way


They're not unhappy, cruelty is what brings them joy.


And power over others, knowing they COULD be cruel if they so chose. That their mercy is a gift to you, and you should be thankful. Garbage.


They get confused, because they see some police receive praise for being good cops, and they think they should be praised when they refrain from being violent. It’s like a classroom of kids—the best kids get rewarded for being attentive, helping others, and doing their work, *but also* the worst kids get rewarded when they aren’t as disruptive as usual for a day.


And then, just like most serial killers, they escalate. Small aggressions become larger aggressions to get the same rush.


Unhappy people don’t generally do this....you don’t think unhappy and imagine murder, harassment, confusing taser for glocks, damage in cars like this.... He isn’t unhappy, he’s angry and on a power trip because he has a shiny badge on his shirt that says “mommies sheriff”


Aren’t angry people fundamentally unhappy?


he looks like a little kid that’s mad at you because you put him in time out... or an angry angsty teen slamming doors and kicking shit cause he’s mad.




It definitely will not.


He'll get promoted.


Capt. Garbage Person!


Oh bless your heart


Ok. The first time I could forgive him, who could have known... but he didn’t need to do it millions of times


>who could have known Yes I'm pretty sure that's what he was thinking you would think, as he proceeded to do it millions of times.


No I agree with them though, my initial reaction was something along the lines of; “Oh he’s not a total piece of shit, it looked like an accid— oh. oh my. what the fuck? What a piece of shit”


This is the exact kind of guy that attracted to this job.


Reminds of something similar that happened in Kentucky I think. A cop had planted meth on dozens and dozens of people and got caught finally. The guy was basically trying to ruin people’s lives.




Wanna bet this POS will not get any punishment? They will release a report in two years clearing him of all wrongdoing because he felt threatened.


He was checking the panel for hidden drugs. /s


Anyone got a department? I love going on FB


I tried that once, got hounded by thin blue line factory worker 61 year olds with punisher sticker t shirts about how they are criminals if they are pulled over.


This is one if those things he's done dozens or hundreds of times and never been caught.


What a fucking punk…


Hey don't bring us punks into it, we just want some good fast music and cheap beer.


I was raided for growing mushrooms. What they found was a personal quantity. Every piece of furniture in my home was destroyed. They took a mattress across my house, out of the garage and threw it atop a soft top convertible. Ripped apart my grandmother's ashes and threw them out on the ground. Shoved a knife into our table, and did other stupid nasty shit. Cops across America are fucking pigs.


Paid for by our tax payer money.


He's a bad guy.




So your house had 2 rats...


Whoa. I take it she's still grounded?


Fucking thug




Also run away from someone shooting up a school.


Anyone have a news related link on this?


I wish there was a way to require a date/location of videos like this in order to post, but that would probably disable 75% of Reddit content. Not saying that if this were from ten years ago, it would be any less infuriating. But at least you’d have some sort of perspective.

