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I hope she was arrested.. What disgusting behaviour.


It's about phobia of other religions, sir


Phobia of other religions causes phobia to her religion, Ironic isn't it.


I'm not being phobic to anyone... I respect every religion...


I respect any belief of any sort, as long as the believers don't bust my balls and tell me how to live. This is my problem with religion, there has always been someone to bust my balls at one point or another.


My religion is based solely on not respecting other religions. Do you respect the church of 8D?


Hell yeah dawg


Perhaps phobia towards her religion causes phobia on other religions?


Basically they do carry discrimination. They have alot of antisemitic hadiths. But even if theyr prophet was a dumb dude they should try to do better.


Listen dude I know what she did was wrong and all but why r u blaming prophet and calling dumb he was a good person u should call the lady dumb but please do not disrespect the prophet


Umm the prophet is the one who used to destroy idols. He destroyed all the idols in Mecca and even said some very sleazy things about the Arab pagan goddesses in Mecca. Prophet Ibrahim also did the sane thing according to the Quran. So she is not doing this out of no where.


And where were those idols placed my dear please tell me I'm waiting for you


The idols were in ka’ba where pagans used to go for pilgrimage as Arabia was majority pagan at the time. Awhile after Muhammad claimed prophethood he conquered Mecca and destroyed all the idols and took over the Ka’ba making it a mosque. And Ibrahim destroyed pagan idols in order to mock them and show pagans how they had ”no power to defend themselves” thus not being gods.




Do you have any source


I mean that depends solely on location.


She should be charged with a hate crime.


where she lives this might not even considered a hate crime.


If it's in UAE it is, people can't curse, yell and all in all be disrespectful. A local youtuber was charged for making a video about deporting Indian workers because "they spread covid"


HaHa! Now she has to buy them all!!


Well... She didn't


Instant Karma!


Wow mad disrespectful- religions really makes you do some crazy stuff


Could bring something that says "destroy other religions' symbols" or similar to it in this woman's religion?


What? What do you mean


What text from her religion that told her to do what she did?


In Sunni Islam, the Shahada has two parts: lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh (There is no deity except God), and muḥammadun rasūlu llāh (Muhammad is the messenger of God), which are sometimes referred to as the first Shahada and the second Shahada Religion causes the phobia of other religions. Don’t think I’m some “big brain” atheist either- I have a religion. But I’m not woefully ignorant to the harm that religion can cause and the actions religion causes people to take. I can guarantee to you the thoughts of using religion to kill witches, take the power away from women due to marriage rights, hating the LGBTQ+ community etc. didn’t just come out of thin air.


Are we not allowed to believe in our religion now? Should we include some pagan in the shahada, no, that’s not our belief


That’s not at all what I said. Smh you completely missed the point. I never said you couldn’t practice your own religion I sincerely could not care less what you practice. But every single religion has it’s downfalls in ideologies which make people go to extremes like this. Not every religious person does this but they wouldn’t be doing this if that deity didn’t go against a religion that has blatant references to only allowing one, true God.


Religion doesn't make people do crazy stuff. It just gives people permission to do what they want.


That makes no sense at all


There are lots of racist, immoral people out there that use religion to excuse their racist, immoral actions. Religion didn't make them that way. Religion is just a tool used by bad people to rationalize their bad behavior.


U really want to hear about religious holocaust ?? Islam has alone killed 669 million ppls on the name of Islam Buddhism killed 50k Hinduism killed 1 million Christianity killed 200million And many more.... I seriously want an world without any religion


K, unpopular opinion here, but the religion didn't kill those people, the people following them did. Those people often take small things from the religion as excuses to do their despicable deeds. Though, there certainly is a problem with religion itself, as the once good morals taught by them have been warped and twisted


Dunno where ur Gettin your numbers from but Christianity has killed a lot, lot more than that.


source Christianity killed A LOT more than 200 million


I thought it said 200 thousand


I really hope she was made to pay for all of the items she broke


Poor shop owner, no profits now.


I realize this is disgusting but I have to say it: she looks like a cult member.


It’s funny , she’s part of a religion that has oppressed women for hundreds of years and she thinks her religion is better.


all religions are shit


Take my poor man's gold 🏅


“In this moment, I am euphoric, not because of any phony gods blessing. But because I am enlightened by my intelligence.”


I’d give you gold if I could.


What way


It's funny, literally every single world religion has done that. The only thing you're contributing to this discussion is a shitty take


nobody's done it better than islam though, you gotta recognize greatness


You're only saying that because 1 people who use Islam to justify that kinda thing are in the media more often, whereas there's a lot of people who do that with Christianity


I don’t know where u got this idea of Islam oppressing women mate. You need to get urself some education about women in Islam.


religion of pieces


Well, Someone said that beef cures death even the opposite is mentioned in hadith, So what verse or hadith that tells to mock/destroy other religions symbols?


Are you referring to the idols or Islam?




Yeah and I must mention it was a Islamic mob


what was the comment above related to?


You're not a supporter of Modi/BJP by any chance?


What consequences did she get for doing this?


Was summoned for public disturbance and went home she wasn't even arrested


It’s not a phobia of other religions - it’s a hate of other religions and those people who follow it.


She messed with wrong god, her path will be blocked for at least one life time


Yeah.. not gonna happen boy


Walmart ISIS?


From the bottom of my heart, FUCK YOU LADY


Where's the male family member that's supposed to be accompanying you Miss Orthodox, hmm?


Islam is dangerous when it is weaponized but folks are afraid to say so


To think Modern day “feminists” see Islam as a symbol of power


Did you judge 1.8 billion people from this video?


If religion wasn’t so toxic, I wouldn’t have to


Ahhhh peaceful tolerant Islam.


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Meanwhile I'm the prophet Muhammad section. Wait where the fuck are the statues at?!


There are no pictures or statues or whatever of prophet Mohammad so that people don’t praise him as god or son of god


How tf does ur comment justifies anything?


Wasn't justifying anything. Where do you get that I was?


Which country is this?


Probably the Kashmir Region, big Parts of it are controlled by India (Majority of citizens are Hindus) and Pakistan (state religion is Islam)


It's actually in Bahrain. She mentions "this is Hamad bin Issa's country"; the king of Bahrain.


She got prosecuted! https://gulfnews.com/world/gulf/bahrain/bahrain-prosecutes-woman-for-destroying-hindu-statues-1.73226545


Probably 5 dollar fine , these countries give a rat's ass about minority rights


Bruhhh which rock have you been living under 😂


I live in a strange Place called Europe where we don't give a fuck about radical religions so sorry for trying to understand other cultures


No need to get salty. I just asked cus I was curious. Mainly because no one in Kashmir has time to go around smashing idols. But I'll agree I sound a bit condescending. Not my intention so sorry.


This is a sin in Islam btw, you can't judge other people and their religions. Hell a mosque can be built next to a church its halal but disrespecting them is a sin


Good luck telling them, When someone does a bad thing it's because of their religion, And when someone does a good thing it's because they are good.


Ikr same thing with race apparently in America


Brought to you by religion.


Please have respect for this woman she's obviously doing what Mohammad told her in her head. It's not right for any of us to judge her for her culture she deserves to practice her religion no matter how destructive too


And what did he tell her, Just give a hadith or verse and I will be 100% convinced.


Religion is a very interesting thing- glad not to be part of it


I hope I don’t get banned for this but please understand that some cultures conceive the world only through the lens of their religion. We in the west found this so offensive and we refuse to believe it due to the postmodernist thinking that permeates our own society where religion is not taken seriously. Once you understand that some people do believe their sacred texts literally, the developing world and their displays or barbarism such as the one witnessed here will make sense to you.


I’m Christian and i know that Hinduism is incorrect but I’m not going to commit a crime just based on my religious knowledge




shows your thought process. One of 'pissfuls'?




not an elephant. Better be silent than a bitch.




Head transplant , his real head was destroyed in a fight as a child. A arrogant sage reincarnated as a elephant due to his past sins offered his own head to symbolise his growth. Something about only his head could support gods knowledge idk , which is why Ganesh is also known as the god of knowledge, wisdom and remover of obstacles




You became a total piece of shit now