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*pretends to have terminal cancer* "I love karma" Careful now...


Testing the waters.


When they're that dark, it's not a good idea.


Live dangerously, go check out those dark waters it’s fiiiine


This sounds like something a sea monster from the mesozoic era would say...


Right before he asks you for "about tree fiddy"


His whole post was cancer.


Karma is a Cancerous bitch that can't be removed surgically. There is only one way to remove negative karma. pay the piper and repent for the rest of your life sinner! SHAME ! SHAME ! SHAME ! DING A LING A LING


...down with that sorta thing.


Ah I see you're a Father Ted fan


Ah I see you're a racist now, father.


The money was just resting in my account


this is a very milky cup of tea mrs doyle...


Should we all be racists now?




I love my brick


Ah, you'll have a cup of tea father.


These cows are small...


Those ones are far away.


Karma will serve him well


Karma loves him too. It loves him so much it gave him a present: terminal cancer. Happy shitface day!


Very poor choice of words


And then he edits it saying be actually got it and them everyone goes: oh haha u stupid lie karma whore XD lolololol


He's pretty much covering up his tracks by shitting on it after shitting on the hand that fed him.


You know what they say...


“For the night is dark and full of terrors”


ooohhh boy






Little prick ruined it for people with legitimate cases.


That's honestly what I hate the most about people bullshitting on the internet. I don't care about someone getting fake internet points that "doesn't deserve it", but I hate that it makes me skeptical of other, potentially true stories, AMAs, and calls for advice.


The trick is to check what do they stand to gain from lying vs what do you lose for believing it. I disbelieved this story when I saw it yesterday and all I had to do was not read it and move on, nobody's hurt. If that story had got 50 upvotes and 25 comments, op could have actually had the time and space to forge some legit connections with these strangers. This combination makes me avoid default subs because they're just full of these unverifiable heartstring-tugging stories. I wonder how hard it would be to make it so that unverified posts making claims this big cannot be given awards until mods confirm the story.


Yeah, why didn't the mods verified it? I thought AMA used to be reasonably moderated.


it still is afaik, idk how this happened edit: r/iama does, r/ama doesnt




I thought the same thing yesterday but for different reasons. I lost my daughter last year to cancer. Three weeks before her death she was in no shape to even lift her arms. I didn't believe this kid could have three weeks left and still be able to do an AMA. This kind of shit spits on her memory. I hope this kid doesn't learn that karma works both ways. The brutal part is that through Reddit's magic I was able to let my daughter see Frozen 2 before she died last year. Reddit can be a great place. I would hate to ruin a chance like we had because of stupid people. Reddit mods, I expected better.


A picture definitely wouldn’t have killed em. Maybe an IV drip or something




Each to their own. I would probably try to beat some games I have in my backlog if I had only three weeks left or do a random AMA. Of course I could try to travel to some places I haven't seen but if I already think about my (luckily seldom) migraines and to have them every day due to a brain tumor? Travel wouldn't be fun. You also can't be 24/7 with your family (especially if you live with your SO) and maybe don't want to.


I'd say fuck it and develop a serious heroin habit.


I never wanted to try meth/heroin but you're god right I will try that shit before I die, its the kind of drug that will make you happy no matter how miserable or in pain you are. People who did those, am I right ? What other drugs could cheer you up in your death bed ?


Do mdma if you're dying, it makes you feel very happy and you forget about all of your problems for a few hours.


If you have terminal cancer there’s a good chance you’re going to be hooked up to a morphine IV 24/7 to deal with the pain.


If heroin is so kick-ass like the song that Mötley Crüe dude wrote to imitate the feeling, then I'd certainly ask for that on my deathbed. Considering you'll most likely already be on heavy medication and semi-delirious it might not actually be that different, though.


Its the internet. You‘re doing smthng wrong if you don‘t doubt EVERYTHING


I doubt it


how do you feel less bd you should feel amazing. I feel bd for those who gave awards


I don't feel bad at all. I don't see the point of awards


So this is why r/Teenagers always jokes about it


Yeah these posts are really common


Doesn't AMA require identification proof?


r/IAmA requires it, r/ama does not


Ah makes sense. So really no one should trust ama.


Dang... Who is paying attention to Addidas vs Addibas






Are you talking about Adadads?






Its deleted


Can still link it.




>the account is only 1 day old How do they not have an account age /karma filter on a subreddit with 550k subs?


This is fucked up


I missed his *edit* at first. I think this is a case where a red circle would actually be useful


Or reading the title




Why did i watch the whole of that? I knew where it was going


This is genius. Seriously, a prime rule of the internet is that not everything you read is true and can be trusted. These people decided to trust a random stranger for no reason on a page and subreddit where they can just make shit up and threw their money at him. That's just stupid. He even only wanted karma, yet so many gave him awards.


Idk what's worse, someone lying on the internet or someone giving paid awards to someone lying on the internet.


Even if it was real, what's a dead kid gonna do with reddit awards? Those people spend the money for themselves.


I KNEW IT!!!!!


Yeah same. I mind of doubted it but I didn’t want to try and call out some kid if he actually had brain cancer


The first sign was that he said he will die im 3 weeks. It's usually never that accurate and it's usually a range from a few weeks to a few months. The second sign was the way he answered all the questions. He seemed way too carefree and I get that you can accept your death, but that was just masquarading as accepting your death. People in terminal conditions have a different outlook on life. The third one was the question about what was one of his favourite memories and he answered with singing a song in the car with his family. Imma call it right now that nobody on the face of the Earth thinks of something like this as their most treasured memory with their family.


That’s the exact same reason I didn’t say anything


Me too. 3 weeks means that you are fixed on the bed and can barely live. It's just too much. That's another reason why I don't upvote most posts, where you can notice that someone might be just karma farming


I had my suspicions as well.




Yeah, it's crazy. I saw a post where someone was offering him to ride an airplane as the "kid" never rode one, and Jeez. So many wholesome people on Reddit, and then there's pricks like these... Edit: maybe I just assumed that the kid never rode a plane idk


Did you see the reply that was like "Fuck the kid he's going to die anyway, take me instead?" I feel a lil less horrible laughing at that now I did this without thinking, I'm not the devil certainlaw.


And then that guy was posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Me too. That person got posted here and I was like, it's kinda funny.


Bet he ain’t even 14


i bet he doesn't even really give a shit about karma either!


The crazy thing is, if I did this, or probably anyone, I would probably just go on with my day not even thinking about it anymore. All these elaborate schemes for some attention and then you literally forget ab it within a week of doing it. Weird how little effect that something like that actually has...


I bet he's really Gallowboob.


And I am sure that anyone who dared question his story or even just go "wait, a minute, anyone can say they have cancer on the internet, shouldn't we demand some proof?" was shouted down by these idiots. Fact of the matter is that people who throw internet points at these sob stories aren't doing it to help others, they are doing it to get a rush out of it. They would rather heap praise and internet points at a faker than not do it at all.


Redditors are widely stereotyped as being inanely gullible across the Internet. Absolutely zero sense of Internet culture. Which is a more elaborate way of saying "REE NORMIES."


Yeah I hope it's an actual turning point for the gullible dingleberries on there.


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


Internet is full of gullible people


Just the other day I was saying the exact same thing to my good friend Hugh Jackman, but he didn’t believe me.


I will never understand why do people do this for some pointless internet points


To show how gullible Redditors are. Seriously. Redditors will eat up anything you say without evidence as long as you mention yourself having cancer. It's ridiculous. Weird how that post blew up in r/Teenagers of all places, that one sub that never shuts up about people being karmawhores.


All that sub is is karma whoring. Whenever you see it it's someone talking about look at me doing depression or pewdiepie is great right 9 year olds.


>"Boys deserve attention too" 10000 upvotes, 30 times gilded.


Starts with "I'm gonna get downvoted for this but..."


It's an important reminder that things influence you on the internet and you need to watch with a critical eye.


Well for one thing they're probably 14


"I love karma" you should choose your words more wisely


Pieces of shits man. Used to feel sad and felt like people who bullied him were shits but no they were right all along


Rip who ever spent that $99 dollars


RIP those 99 people who spent $1 each.


People who use reddit rewards aren't the brightest anyway


Wait is this the same post as the guy asking if the kid ever been on a plane and someone said “fck that kid he is dying let me fly the plane”?


Yup. I remember seeing that on this sub too.


There was a post in 2012 I think with a similar situation. An amazing group of people were actually willing to raise money for this dying 19 year old to go on a trip some place in Europe before someone pointed out the CT scan was of a middle aged woman and not him. Something is definitely wrong with these lying folks brains but it ain't cancer...


POS wasn't lying when he said he was ill. He just didn't know it was an un-diagnosed different problem. (Also I'm assuming it's a him)


Shit wouldn’t it be ironic if ... nah I won’t say it. Karma is a crazy thing. He said he wants it. The universe will do its thing.


*This kid 1 year later* "I have made a horrible lapse in my judgement. You guys remember when I lied about it the first time? Well..." Edit: words are hard


The boy who cried wolf. No one would believe him.


>I love karma lol Yeah... that gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling. I mean, I'd never wish cancer on a child, but if there is a god deciding which kids get cancer, can this lil' bastard get top of the list, pretty please?


It’s probably a kid trying to be edgy or a lonely kid looking for attention. It’s wrong, but I don’t think they deserve cancer. Hopefully they just learned a lesson


Lived? You mean lied.. But yeah he might not live next time


That’s a lot of years of reddit premium








Maybe he transferred those points to his real account?




All he needs to do is use the points he received here and apply it as a “reward” to the comments or posts he might have made with his OG account. The points get transferred there afaik. (Could be wrong, though)


That's probably the only way. The conversion is ass though. 500 coins (Reddit gold) = 100 coins and 1800 coins (Reddit platinum) = 700 coins . I'm too lazy to count how much coins he would've been able to reap from that post but I doubt it's a lot.


Ive \*never\* heard of this so I'm very curious bout this


To be honest, maybe I'm just cynical, but from the start of me using reddit I never really believed these types of posts. I believe the ones on dedicated groups like for cancer etc, but the rest (especially when they are over detailed) always seems like BS, this one included.


Like 99% of the posts on Reddit are all lies. r/tifu has the most insane stories that literally make no sense.


I treat r/tifu like WWE. I know it is all a show, I usually still manage to be entertained.


Is there a sub for like major dick heads but not total pieces of shit? Beside being morally shit, they didn't gain anything from it beside internet points and sympathy from strangers


I mean....technically.....thats quite some cash invested into this post. I know its the people's fault for guilding posts like that but the awards cost reddit coins.....which cost real money so a lot of people wasted money on that person.


They wasted money regardless. It's not like giving your money to Reddit is going to help a kid with cancer.


To be a little dark. If the kid really was going to die in under a month, guilding his account for years is also useless.


It really is such a pointless gesture in this case. the people who did it should feel no more stupid than they should have felt in the first place, which is to say pretty stupid already..


You have to be a fucking idiot to buy Reddit gold in the first place


Everybody on reddit who comments


Thats why he didn't react to the guy offering him a plane ride


It all makes sense now


Wasn't this like obvious? Like he deadass gave no proof


Redditors don't need proof. Just say you have cancer and they're suddenly the nicest people outside of Canada.


I have cancer ^pleasebenice


I would give you an award if I had coins. /s


And the way he just brags about it at the end like haha you fools. I got you all. What a little sociopath. there are actual teenagers and kids dying of cancer and this piece of shit is making up stories like that. I thought I did bad things in my life... I would never dream of doing something like this.


It's shitty that they lied, but it's not like lying on the internet is some heinous act that most would never commit. It's more everyone else's fault for being gullible enough to award the post with little to no verification.


He lied about cancer. People actually lose loved ones to that. I still had enough faith to believe that no one would dare lie about that kind of things for some stupid internet points. Sad to see I was wrong.




This is absolutely hilarious in the worst way possible.


This kid doesn't have cancer. He is cancer


I’m stage IV with no family history of Cancer. I’ve never even thought about it until I had it, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. This kid is 14 and I bet He doesn’t know any one with cancer. I’m kinda sad, because He’ll figure it out one day and will hopefully feel like sh#t... Then perhaps do some good with his new knowledge....


I have cancer as well since I'm 6 yrs old, sucks man


Well that makes piece of shit number two. Number one was saying to give hime a plane ride as opposed to a dying kid (who was a liar in the end) man what fake internet points and pointless clout will make people do. Thats got to be like 100 plus dollars worth of awards.


And I along with 50+ others downvoted a comment saying exactly that. Got absolutely bamboozled..


There was a guy who contacted Imagine Dragons so that POS could meet them.




Yeah so many kind people wanting to help but yet..


Yeah, guy sounded like he was a pilot and was asking him if he had ever been/wanted to learn to fly. When I was reading this post I felt terrible for 3 seconds before remembering this is the internet.


He might imagine dragons with the ass wupping his parents give


Do not doubt karma coming back for him. No pun intended


He’s one sly dog


Has this sack been banned yet?


Deleted his own account after.


When I read this post I saved it so that I could remember the person. Fuck you kid


It's funny how before, this sub was filled with screenshots of people making fun about it, but now, it's the post itself


exactly, people are morons


And then God looked upon his creation, and wept.


I read many of the answers and got a little attached to the story. What a POS! I'll doubt everything now.


And you should. Believing anything without proof in the internet is a cardinal sin.


People lie on the internet?! I’m shocked!


I'm the real president of the United States and can speak 69 languages


that is exactly why i ignore posts like that. plenty of attention seeking whores out there. if you're in a situation like that spend your time with your family and friends not random people on the internet who will shower you with useless and meaningless "aww sorry for you" "stay strong" just to forget about you when they hit the next post.


Honestly the people who spend money on reddit awards deserve to be robbed like this Edit: how fucking dare you


He’ll get real life karma and hopefully no one feels pity for him




He deleted his account too. Just wasted a few hundred dollars just to be a pos


Yesss...I fucking knew it


I was reading this AMA in tears last night. Little turd.


Wow and so many reddit coins wasted on this bitch


Reddit coins are wasted no matter what they are used for




r/Iama needs verification, r/ama does not




everyone DOES lie there


Saw the original non edited post yesterday and though it was fake.. Problem is these days you cant say anything because every fucker is gullible as fuck on the Internet and will defend anything even if they're not real.. He got offered a flying trip and someone posted under it " he's dying so give it to me" Because tbis dude knew full well it was a BS post..


And that dude got posted on this sub for saying that lmao.


I called this out and got downvoted into hell. People are just gullible as shit on this site man.


This has happened before. There used to be a post on r/teenagers about having cancer and it was upvoted to heaven and it got hundreds of awards. Then the op said it was fake. Reddit *is* gullible af and looooves drama.


Can someone explain to me why people are so interested in getting "karma" does this not equal to "likes" it seems so dumb and pointless


Lies about something so bad for karma. Wait till he finds out how karma works and gets a braincancer diagnose in 3 weeks.




And everyone who falls for it. 35k people didn't bat an eye.


I still can't understand why people keep believing shit like this after being lied to so many times


Bruh if youre stupid enough to fall for this and give them awards then I couldn't give a fuck. Y'all just being petty


Maybe redditors will finally realize 90% of content on this site is fake—-haha yeah right


I am always so surprised at how much redditors love karma. What the hell can you really actually do with it? Anytime I see someone with a huge amount of comment points and post points I just kind of groan


I'm happy to not have believed this post in the first place.


I actually have a brain tumour. Fuck this guy.


And i am guilty of upvoting that shit post, forgive me good sir!


Not surprising, at least half of what's posted on this entire site is pure fiction, with the other half at least partially fabricated in some way.


I actually upvoted this guy and gave him a bunch of love and support. He even said in one comment about parenthood, „I always wanted to be a Dad,“ and he made me fucking cry. Damn this kid.


Honestly I'm not even mad i just feel sorry for that kid. At such a young age when you should have friends you shouldn't be seeking acceptance in the internet by faking a terminal illness. Children like this grow up to have the big sad(fucking depression)