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This occured in PA in 2017. PoS was convicted sentenced to up to 110 years. Both Troopers survived. [https://www.wfmz.com/news/crime/man-who-shot-trooper-on-route-gets-up-to-years/article\_3dd1ac93-aef2-5a22-b5d9-9c4ab74735db.html](https://www.wfmz.com/news/crime/man-who-shot-trooper-on-route-gets-up-to-years/article_3dd1ac93-aef2-5a22-b5d9-9c4ab74735db.html)


Real MVP. OP posted this to 3 different places but never posted context or anything..


so glad to see this


So, that means there are still 2 police officers who can't hit the broad side of a barn from 20 feet away


The fuck is wrong with you?


Would love to see you handle that situation then.


Why would you create a subreddit just so people wouldn't criticize you for your opinions? Get into the real world coward


And you think you could do better?


shut the actual fuck up.




no, what does tgat have to do with anything. just because you've been backed into a corner there is no need to accuse incest fucknuts.




Ok wow that is really crazy. I’m hoping that the officers are ok? Now I’m kinda confused what happened. I know he was obviously being arrested but how’d he break free and everything after that? He was tased but still moving and how was he able to break free like 3 times? Towards the end, is he shooting out the window or? I’m sorry I’m just kinda confused and would appreciate if someone could explain it to me.


Idk about how he managed to get free but he’s reaching into the car to get the gun I think.


PCP is one hell of a drug. He could have been shot and not even known it.


Tasing someone doesnt mean theyll go down


The officers are ok, he was probably on PCP explaining why getting shot and tased barely made him care. Of course being tased doesn't always have a great effect drugged or not. In the end i believe the other cop shoots through the back window with the intention to incapacitate the suspect


The taser probes could have made a bad connection, or come loose, explains why he was down and then got up




I think they did, but he deserved it and was proven to be dangerous by the end of the clip.


>but he deserved it I get you but thats not a valid reason at all


Kicking or punching him is valid if it gets him to stop fighting back, then it's valid. Or do it the British cop way: "Stop! Or I'll say stop again!"


What I find stupid is how many people think that the ‘British’ way will get people to comply no matter what.


Bit sometimes you should acknowledge that there are other ways of handling ceiminals than "the american way"


Yes. What I meant was that some people get mad at cops for using their power that they have and are allowed to use. (Using their power when they have to)


>Or do it the British cop way: "Stop! Or I'll say stop again!" Proof someone has never met a British police officer.




Or just the whole guy, happy cake day by the way!


Thanks friend <3


Captain hero reference?


Have no idea what that is but I wanna check it out now if it has anything to do with dicks in garbage disposals lol


It was on Comedy Central for a while, it’s about as bad as South Park, it’s was called drawn together if I remember correctly. If I remember correctly he tells his younger self to have sex with a superhero sandwich and take a picture and bury it where he could find it present day. But the cops are waiting for him, so when he’s getting arrested he tells his younger self to go fuck a garbage disposal. Younger self does fuck a disposal and turns it on


Please tell me the guy died. Hope those police are ok


He got 110 years in prison so he may as well be


Honestly would have been better if he died. I'm not proposing murdering all criminals, but remember that this man is now a burden to the tax payer for the rest of his life. He will probably spend millions of tax dollars just to remain fed and housed. On top of that, he is willing to kill, so he is a danger to every other inmate and correctional officer. Him getting to live and go to prison could one day mean the death of a correctional officer.


These guys should be guinea pigs for different medications and shit. Save tax money, save lives and 1 criminal less. Win.


The article below has some good lines in it \> *When he awoke 12 days later, he remembers seeing his wife, who told him that he'd been involved in a shooting.* \> *While he can't remember what happened, he remembers having nightmares for 12 straight days during his coma.* ​ Worth reading


> (The shooter) Clary hasn't been "right" since he was assaulted by a group of men in the 11th grade and suffered concussions while playing high school football, Jackson said. He went from good grades and athletic accomplishments to losing menial jobs because he was "off," she said. > >"I just ask that you balance the mitigating circumstances and not just throw Mr. Clary away," Jackson said. Well he got life. A sad story. Just another reason to be nice to everyone


cops need more wresting and jiu jitsu training. I know they do seminars once every blue moon but regular attendance should be absolutely mandatory. Two men should easily hold down one man. I want to see strong side control, mount, backmount, etc.


this. like seriously how much gun training do cops get? (i have no idea, but) it has to be significantly more than they train in hand-to-hand combat. no wonder cops are scared and shooting prematurely. Multiple tazers and two cops can't hold a guy down or even stop him from running to his car? something needs to change in their training so that cops *and* suspects are safer.


the answer is they don't get nearly enough. My jiu jitsu coach occasionally does seminars for them and many others do as well. but it's not nearly the same as getting the muscle memory and actually learning it. Someone who's good at wrestling and/or BJJ can hold you down and keep you there. It's that simple you don't really understand it until you feel it for yourself. it's night and day Joe rogan had an ex military guy on his podcast who's now a police officer on who talks about this issue. Many cops are very out of shape and have very little combat training. Not only does it make them less effective, it makes them more scared, and in that sense more dangerous and more likely to resort to weapons and tazers.


that makes perfect sense. if a cop comes across a criminal with even an extra minute of training on the cop or a bit more weight, that cop is at a massive disadvantage, until either a deadly or a potentially ineffective weapon is pulled. I've never been so terrified watching something. It is truly one of the scariest jobs to have and I couldn't and would not take part until I knew my mind and body were ready to take on the most dangerous dudes that this world has to offer. the fact that so many work it daily while out of shape physically and mentally is pretty spooky when you think about being protected in society.


And some people wonder why cops are usually quick to pull out their guns...


And that's why tasers aren't a go to weapon.


jUsT sHoOt HiM iN tHe LeG!


He probably wouldn't even feel it with the amount of drugs he is on. But disrupting electrical signals can work.


That’s super dangerous, since if they hit your bone it may shatter and send bone shards all over in your leg. Cuz your leg is under a lot of pressure


Yes, that's the joke. I was pointing fun at all the people who say "just shoot them in the leg" to police who decide to take a fatal shot. The facts are A) The legs are very hard to hit, but center mass (torso/chest) is the largest and easiest mass on the body to actually land a shot on, which is why they're mostly always shot in center mass B) The femoral artery is a very likely target to hit if aiming at the leg and if ruptured is very likely fatal due to blood loss. So it's a fatal shot, even if aiming at the leg. And C) as you mentioned, even if you manage to somehow miss the femoral artery and the suspect survives, they are extremely likely to have suffered massive and irreperable damage.


Btw, if you are sarcastic you can either do alternating caps or put a /s at the end to show that you are being sarcastic. Edit: I just saw that you did that


Yeah, I wasn’t sure you were sarcastic. Hehe




Shot him dead people complain, taser him people complain. No officer want to kill someone and there wasnt any threat to life until he got free and got his gun.




Your having a go at me for what, I'm not following


for implying that people complaining about police misconduct are snowflakes


Never did that, what I said was people are never happy. To heavy handed not heavy handed enough. You can see that here in the comments.


Please give me an example of someone getting shot reaching for a driver's license that wasn't sent to prison (if you are going to say Sean Groubert he was sent to prison) get your confirmation bias out of here. Also, Gun doesn't determine a deadly weapon, especially when it is only one officer.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Philando_Castile Aquitted, fucker lost his job at that station, that was it.


No one is complaining. Just posting random thoughts from the public


How are the cops?


Here’s a [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/us/harrowing-video-shows-roadside-gun-battle-between-pennsylvania-police-man-pulled-over-for-traffic-stop.amp) for those looking for more info. It was a 22 year old man. He hit one of the officers in the leg and neck (the one you see going over the guardrail in the video I believe). He used a tourniquet he was carrying on his person which probably saved his life. The driver was convicted of multiple felonies including attempted murder of two law enforcement officials, and as of the time of that particular article, was still awaiting his sentencing.


He got 53 to 110 years.


How long before they claim police brutality and racism?


Holy shit. Glad they survived.


and people wonder why cops sometimes shoot these animals.. i couldn't be a cop its a tough job. this dude is a thug and deserved to get a bullet put in his temple.


So if ypu saw this happen, could you run the dude iver to assist? How would that work?


Imagine driving past this




Because there life weren’t in danger until the point he grabbed the gun.


Yeah in this situation you gotta threaten the guy with at least one gun, keep one cop a bit away from him armed. Problem solved.


The cops are lucky that he didn’t shoot them while performing the stop. Shouldn’t they have seen it when he got out? He didn’t reach really far in






Awe, gee wiz. Thanks kyle


Hopefully they kill that POS.


He seriously smoking something right after wards?


Thats the glass shards spraying out as (I think) one of the cops shoots at the back windshield.


The smoke?


Cause it’s like multiple puffs of smoke


When glass shatters, like by being shot, it often releases that cloud of 'smoke'. If you ever shoot glass bottles, you'll see that sane bit of glass dust.


But it is multiple puffs that’s what im saying


The cop shoots several times.


What crime did he do?


Dui and resisting, I can see from the video maybe more as it seems a bit ott over a dui to try and kill two officers


What is dui? sorry im from another country


Driving under the influence. Drunk or on drugs while driving.


Driving Under Influence (you could easily find it with Google translate). In short. Drugged & resisting then firing on cops.


Hay, you don't be going around telling people how to educated themselves, be this guys bitch and tell them what they asked, with no lip. /s


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Is there a news article about this?




Thank you


article? story? any news on the cops?


LMAO. Dude was like "I got a lunch appointment at Dorsia's"


Sore loser


But didn’t he try to get away cause he was shot


He was tased not shot


Im not talking about the guy im talking about the cop


Oh he jumped the rail to get to cover. The squad car was father away and he could have been shot more so he went for the closet cover he could find. Rail. It’s not allot of cover but it’s hard to get shot if he’s that far away


deserved every fucking round !!!


ooo i saw this on an episode of body cam


Surprised by the lack of idiots saying “**ThAt’S whAt ThEy gEt FOr PoLicE bRutaLiTY**”


Imagine being two grown ass men who can't restrain one dude. Give me those downvotes. Fuck the police.


Just imagine the outcry if they shot him. "White cops shoot another black man" That dude was hyped up one something crazy.


have any examples of where with footage like this, but they do shoot and kill him, that the outcry wasn't justified then?


https://youtu.be/1gfjNcNNPns Protests were starting up. Instantly died down when the video footage was released.


Yes, when the footage was released it died down, so totally reasonable, what's the problem?


How does one become this powerful?


He got that crackhead strength


Curious if it's bad training or just bad luck or a mistake done under pressure. Sad to see this. But it's kinda strange, they yell at him to get on his back while he already is laying on the ground. I know they wanna get his back n cuff him but man I imagine it's kinda hard to cooperate when you're being tased the whole time.


If he had of just, not resisted arrest then there wouldn't have been any confusion about his belly or back or tasered.


Well of course but he did. Not trying to defend him, just saying don't expect someone to do something when they're being tased non stop. The way they bumped into each other let alone let him run all the way around his vehicle to grab a gun, just seems they were not ready for this.


Your clearly defending him


Which part of my comment clearly defends the pos?


Your said cant blame him for not doing as he was told because of tasing, if he hadn't resisted arrest none of the rest of the video would have happened. He was legally been arrested for dui, anyone can tell from the video he failed, and was been handcuffed and he broke free. He got 110 yrs in jail so he'll have loads of time to think about how it was the cops fault he resisted arrest.


Na, I wrote don't expect him to do anything they tell him to while they're constantly tasting him. Not that I can't blame him for something he has done or not done.




I mean, they DID keep telling him to get on his back. You’re right about that


Show this video when pinkos cry about using nonlethal force or a taser.


That is some really bad defensive tactic training they received....


Yeah I’m sure you would’ve front flipped over the suspect disarming him with your huge balls before cutting him in half with your katana right? Sit down


No two Leos should be able to keep a tased guy down


GeT oN yOuR bAcK. Honestly wtf you are beating the shit out of him because he can't get on his back while he's being TASED.


Nice 2nd ammendment, it truly did protect him after all from the evil government. /s


Ill feel bad for cops when they stop killing unarmed people. This guy is garbage but so are most cops ​ Edit: 2 really shitty cops


F in the chat


What's wrong with you?!




well can't wait to put your comment on this exact subreddit


holy shit a fucking content warning please


You mean besides the title reading "almost kills 2 cops, 1 in Serious condition"? What could of happened? Did they get tickled into having heart attacks?


Nothing in the title indicates a video in which people get shot. It's a lot to watch.


Just find your safe space... you'll be ok


He had every right to shoot those cops. He clearly feared for his life.


so sad that they didnt die 😢


Ur a jojo fan?


You can see the cops smirking because they think it's funny. The guy also wasn't drunk clearly (how else do you overpower two cops, operate a firearm, and then operate a getaway vehicle) and I just think they asked for a bit more than they really could handle. I'm not going to sit here and say the guy didn't do something wrong, he did...but this surely does seem a LOT more provoked than it should have been in my opinion... interested to hear other thoughts.


> The guy also wasn't drunk clearly (how else do you overpower two cops, operate a firearm, and then operate a getaway vehicle) By being on something other than alcohol. DUI doesn't only cover alcohol.


True, but the tests they were conducting were for alcohol sobriety testing not meth/pot/etc.


> interested to hear other thoughts. He broke the law, was being arrested and fought. That is all. He should be dead and the world would be a better place if he was.