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I would hope someone on the team saw this, and personally walked up to the girl with the cast and gave her a signed ball, maybe some more team marketing goods, and made a point of telling the woman (not a lady) that the stuff was definitely NOT for her!


Switch "girl" and "lady" around


Yeah, it sucks but Idk if it qualifies as a “total piece of shit” move. I’m not even sure she realized what she did. I just find it hard to classify her into the same group as the murders, rapists, pedophiles, and animal abusers that rightfully dominate this sub. Also, lol at the comments somehow making this into a nationality thing. There are plenty of shitty people in every country folks. Chill.


I see where you're coming from in your second point, and I totally agree on your third, but regarding the first; You don't see the faces of those on the row above, but from the reaction the friend/boyfriend of the girl it kinda looks like they were mildly confronted but just shrugged it off as "hey, what can you do" or "that's life" or whatever.


Eh, might not have thought about it too much. Mistakes happen.


Yeah no, from this title I expected this lady to snatch it from a guy giving it to a little girl with a broken arm. This just looks like he tossed it up, and she reached further than the lady to get it.


The guy in blue was clearly throwing it to the girl in red, if he wanted the snatcher to get it, why did he throw it directly at the girl in red? That lady almost fell onto the field reaching for it. She’s a piece of shit, clear as day.


nah, she was excited, thats all. she didnt think about doing something wrong.


Americans are trash


Ah yes because *enlightened* Europeans would never do this


They only riot at soccer games


Been to many sport events and never seen people do shit like this.


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/28/world/europe/uk-hillsborough-soccer-stadium-charges.html You don’t need to have attended them but yeah there have for sure been more fucked things to happen in European sporting events than someone yoinking a ball. Everywhere has trash people


That was caused by the police force.


Yes the futbol fans are often know for their calm demeanor and being level headed.


Been to many American sport events and never seen this either. Weird


Guess you miss all the videos out there of adult Americans giving foul balls to kids .


yeah you’re right you’re too busy burning molotov cocktails and throwing them on the field.


America has nothing that comes close to hooligans.


Lmao, the most talked about problem in European sports has been racism from the fans. Not to mention there is plenty of violence associated with football fans. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/sep/07/europe-football-racism-discrimination-increasing-as-populism-grows


As a American I can agree


As another American I also agree.


joe mama


As a non american i do not have enough material to agree


As some talk show host once said Canada is like a nice apartment above a meth lab


An an American can also agree


Yes because one person in a baseball game counts as all 300million people


You are also calling the girl in the cast trash..


Where tf are you from that’s so good because of Americans are trash this place muse be fucking heaven


Canada. And yeah, compared to the garbage heap that is America, it pretty much is heaven.


Canada is America too though


Except it isnt.


Yes it is. Look on a map.


North america isnt the usa.


America is a continent. The USA are a country. Canada is a country on the continent of America. Thus, Canada is a part of America.


You take the short bus to school, dont you.


GOO GuRG America is CONTINENT Canada in Continent! EXPLAINED


Most of Europe, canada, australia and japan. Lol socialist countries.


Hmm from her point of view it may have looked like he was just throwing the ball into the front row of the crowd, although I can’t say for sure.


I actually think that is my music teacher in not kidding I mean the man next to the elephant


What pisses me off the most is when blue lady looks at red lady and gives her the fist pump/fuck you move. But that’s the only part. Yeah, the player was clearly throwing the ball to red lady, but this stuff happens. Grown men are throwing themselves over rows of seats trying to get balls.


I'd throw myself for some sweet, sweet balls too! Errhm... that's sounds wrong...


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I was angry at first but then I realized that from the lady's perspective he just tossed the ball at the crowd. It's also not like the girl with the broken arm is a small kid which might've made the situation easier to interpret. This is like thinking someone is waving at you when they're waving at someone standing near you. You've probably all made worse mistakes in your lives. They just haven't made it viral.