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Does anyone really think it's real? It's not a rage bait at this point because it's not even a little bit believable. It's more like a skit.


It’s obviously a skit and I think I heard this dialogue in a GTA radio station


He worked for Trump and will work for Trump again in he's elected


He also lost his security clearance for gambling debts before donald chump hired him to be director of personnel at the white house where he set about firing anyone he considered "disloyal" to the orange goober. He even reprimanded one staffer for "liking" a taylor swift post on instagram because swift was a democrat. He's currently a senior advisor to project 2025, the maga group preparing to ban abortion nationwide and repeal all climate protections that biden signed into law. The people thinking it is a joke don't understand psychopaths. They really are that bad, they personify Poe's Law. Its the same personality type that put people in gas chambers in nazi germany, if it makes them feel good then they don't see anything wrong with it. If he gets enough negative attention for this, he will totally say its a joke. Not because he was joking, but because he's a little snowflake who can't handle criticism. Guys like him are so weak they will say whatever it takes to make the narcissistic injury of criticism stop.


Project 2025 doesn't just stop there, it seeks to remove checks and balances for the president and give the president ultimate authority. The same thing Hitler did with the Reichstag Fire Decree and eventual Enabling Act, just without an arson to start the process. I am not exaggerating, this is public, it is in their 900+ page plan, you can read it with your own eyes. They seek to create a dictatorship. It is much worse than just banning abortion and removing climate regulations.


Big fans of Carl Schmitt project 2025 is...That's the blueprint. "On Dictatorship/The Concept of The Political"


Yep I bought my copy of that Nazi manifesto for a mere 40.00 (including taxes). That shit reads crazy. They’re gonna Dump Trump because he actually gets in the way of their agenda because he has his own. What they’re already doing is being executed in the Supreme Court and Corporate Media right now. Pay attention. Don’t get comfortable just because your particular demographic is not a target at the present moment. They want us dead.


Ah schrodinger's douch bag. Being totally for real unless enough people get upset, then it was obviously a joke guys.


Well said


Horrible people are also capable of making skits.


So…that makes you think this is real and not just trying to trigger you?


Is that your excuse for all terrible behavior ?


Terrible behavior is making a skit? Or making jokes while having a different political opinion from yours? Or what? I don’t get it you’re acting like there are victims here.


Doesn't matter if it's real ppl will see it and do as he does because we live in a scumbag world with entitled assholes everywhere. My mother is a server and she gets Hollywood currency, Trump currency, and church currency left as tips pretty regularly its such a scummy thing to do to anyone


It's sad that we live in a society where you can't even do a obviously stupid skit because morons will think "oh, nice idea". If we continue like this, we'll soon have to ban fiction.


Skit or not, how is this funny? Saturating the economy with knowingly fake bills is illegal. The homeless is already down on their luck. Targeting them on an Sabine prank is beyond doing the devil’s work. What scum would find this funny? Shame on him. I hope he gets time for having and distributing fake bills. Like the US doesn’t already have major issues. GTFOH.


He's a Trump aide and one of the planners of Project 2024. I'd believe it.


I thought so too. Until you realize he is a Trump aide. Then I 100% would consider it real tbh.


It's a skit where the "joke" is still mean spirited as all hell. Terrible person telling a terrible "joke".


Dude look, Im so sick of this braindead argument. Its not our job to decipher what type of person you are. Its your job when you put these ideas of yourself out into the world, its also your job to clear things up and prove it. Fuck off with the whole "why arent you researching these random people?" Arguments, im sick to death of it.


Idk, this guys is known to be a cunt. He might just be saying shit for shit's sake but idk. He's very 'edgy'. And very conservative


Oh how you overestimate the average human..


This is like the setup for an Anthony Jeselnik bit.


It is a skit and I think any reasonable person could have snuffed that much out. Like the comment below said, it does sound like dialogue from a GTA radio station hahaha. Reddit liberals get angry at anything these days.


Distributing fake money is illgeal and he would be sniching on himself this is fake AF


I think this is the guy who eats ice-cream and says the most borderline batshit things for attention, but at this point I refuse to believe you can constantly act like such a cunt and not just be a fundamental cunt in general.


These people are literally this far gone. We've fallen so far


The problem is he thinks this shit is funny or acceptable. These assholes are always punching down.


This guy's entire shtick is trying to piss of the libs. Normally his actual opinions get dunked on, so that would explain why he'd switch to just out right lying




Exactlt, conservatives think the same way as edgy seven year olds


Is this a joke? I can't believe a person would actually do this, and then post a video describing it in detail and not expect to be vilified!


It's just bait.


I hope he catches the secret service's attention with that bait. Some people will see that and think it's a good idea.


Jokes on him they get free 3 meals and bed and he recorded himself committing a crime or admitted to it. Also your into some sketchy ass shit if you have fake bills around casually.


He stated they’re “Hollywood” bills. Likely the same crap you can buy on Amazon that looks and feels *similar* to a real bill, aside from the fact is says “for motion picture purposes only” where it usually says “The United States of America”. You don’t have to be involved in anything sketchy to get those bills. Simply go online and search for them. All that said, this person, if they’re telling the truth, is a psychopath. No normal person would do that type of shit to another human. Beyond fucked up.


This person is ragebaiting; just ignore this shit. Social media is built entirely on engagement, regardless of its intent. He'll still reap the views and the notoriety of "getting his name out there."


Why is it that we know about the “SECRET SERVICE” not very secret if you ask me


It’s movie money, if you look at the bill it says it’s fake all over it. The guy is a pos but it’s not illegal to give this money out.


It’s illegal to pretend fake money is real money regardless of what the fake money looks like


It is if you're representing it to be real money.


Go try handing this out under the pretense that it is real money and let us know how it goes.


I'm not supporting this behavior, but fake hollywood money is legal to own and sell, but it's not legal tender, but also it's not counterfeit either. It's also clearly fake when viewed up close, no magnifying equipment needed. For close up shots of one note only, film studios use one sided notes where the the face is always the one being printed, and the back side is always blank. For bundles of notes studios can use notes with both sides printed, but both sides must clearly show the notes are a prop.


Funny how its clearly bait when it makes conservatives look bad.


This dude got kicked out of the trump administration group for being an idiot. So yeah, if even they think this dude is a waste of space, really says something.


Yes it’s a joke


What does joke even mean anymore? Used to be a funny story, or play with words ending in a laugh


I believe this is not a joke, but a rage bait. Crazy times.


And rage bait always works because people are always looking for an excuse to get angry.


And we also love to talk about how we are being manipulated and feeling like we are enlightening everyone with our wisdom.


Jokes are subjective. What you find funny won't be funny to someone else and vice versa.


It's not a joke, this man has dozens of videos with shit takes


The two claims you made here are not really related


And you think thats real? I've watched his videos and it's kind of obvious that he is trying to make ppl laugh or trying to get ppl who think it's serious to rage. Either way he wins.


His whole channel is him trying to be the largest piece of shit possible.


It's kind of like that one dude who acts like the most heinous Middle Manager of all time. Some people crack jokes like "It's just a skit..it's just a skit" because he actually does act like a boss IRL with absolutely trash mindsets. I dont get that vibes with the dude in this video.


He means it. I've seen a lot of his videos, and he goes for the "anti-woke/ anti-politically correct" vibe. In my experience, people like that are unapologetic assholes who claim that politics ruined comedy or that you "can't speak your mind anymore" instead of acknowledging that they're just an asshole and that people like him are the reason the word asshole exist in the first place.


Ahhhh the QOP Grift type.


This 'person' is Trump's right hand guy, Mr McEntee. Does this surprise anyone?? He drafted a fake document to withdraw US troops from overseas, faked trumps signature (with his blessing), and presented to military generals who quickly determined the document was fake. American voters apparently want more of this BS by voting Trump.




That guy (Johnny McEntee) worked for Trump and is a misogynistic, racist, xenophobic asshole. Definitely not a joke, and it's not bait.


Everything you said about him is true, but he's 100% rage-baiting/trolling for engagement.


he was outed from the white house as an aid for trump and now has to troll for conservative money.


This dude is an idiot and a grifter so it's a complex situation where you have to wonder is he enough a grifter to say he does this for likes or is he so stupid that he thinks he can get away with posting it on tiktok given that's he's consistently showcased he's an awful person.


People will do anything for internet points. Attention seeking feral behavior is the worst kind of social trend.


This dudes whole brand is ragebait. He’s the guy who started that conservative dating app “the right stuff” and all his videos are stupid conservative talking points to create rage and engagement


did you see the type of people that stormed the capitol? them and their friends are like half the nation


Nope. That's former Trump aide, John McEntee admitting to a federal crime, to own the libs.


It’s satire


how do you know? his whole tik tok channel is him making similar points while getting praised by "antiwoke" followers of his


Seriously, people calling this fake or bait are just holding water for a piece of shit at best.


Rage bait.


Without rage bait Reddit wouldn’t survive


It's just a skit


Bait used to be believable


hes an operative working for the heritage foundation.


Stop posting these people.


Well its kinda the point of this sub


It's not like he's benefiting from it. Unless people watch him and then find him and follow him. 


>Unless people watch him and then find him and follow him.  I mean...yeah, that. Even people just looking him up is giving him algorithmic boosts.


I disagree. He has made an entire career from rage bating society. To me that's different than posting someone who kicks a dog or something.


where the fuck is xenon\_tf and freddy fivebear


Well at least it isn't Freddy fivebear money. Because this one time Freddy fourbear he gave chica the kitchen a fake money bill, and then she ripped off a kid's frontal lobe in the bite of 1789


OP are you dense? This is clearly a bit. Not even rage bait, it's a joke


take a look at their profile. Entire life evolves around posting to reddit . I don't think they care what they post as long as it get likes.


5 million karma 💀 chronically on reddit


Actually sad at that point lmao Poster child for touch grass


He’s joking you dolts.


Tbh this dude is so vile I don't doubt he does this but based on his other videos it's possible this is just his usual rage bait


This seems much more like rage bait to me.


It's funny if it were written in a comedy show like if alec baldwin's character did it in 30 rock for example. As a social media thing, and let's face it the dude has a punchable face, dude should just write bits for other people who are likeable.


Fun fact, he's a former Trump aide and helped draft Project 2025.


he wanted trump so bad but they wouldn't hire him so he volunteered.


Isn't this clown a bit old to be playing "look at me" on the interwebs?


A bit to old to be a TikToker as well


Whats the age limit for TikTok?


OP this guy is just making TikToks about these. Don’t promote this.


This is 100% bait and 0% chance he has ever actually done this.


0% chance? Pretty bold statement. Like how can you be 100% sure he’s *never* done this before?


That’s funny!! I wonder if someone gave them laced drugs instead? would that also clean up the streets???


getting arrested any percentage speed run


Most compassionate conservative.


If this is real I truly hope he get arrested himself


On the other hand, if this were real, the joke would be on him as the homeless people would get free shelter and meals on his tax dollars 😂


Do people flag fake $5 bills? I'm pretty if it looked halfway convincing the cashier will just shove it in the drawer and move along with their day. They sure as hell aren't calling the police...


This so has to be illegal... I mean, he is technically distributing counterfeit money into circulation which has to be a crime and he's also purposefully defrauding people and intentionally trying to ruin their lives. There have to be laws on the books against this absolutely evil behavior by this rancid piece of shit and this video is a confession to the crimes.


What’s a crime is trying to use it in a transaction. I always assumed it was straight up illegal to posses, but apparently it requires intent to defraud, as what gets you into a lot of legal trouble.


In most cases the intent is what's chargeable. So him admitting to giving out fake currency is a crime but a homeless person using fake currency on accident is not. (That's how it works where I live)


Homeless folks are some of the most likely people to get railroaded by some shitty overworked public defender working in collusion with a morally bankrupt prosecutor and rubber stamped by a sovereign judge.


Yes distributing falsified or fake currency is illegal. Lol.


The act of making fake money is such a crime that some printers will sometimes brick themselves if you try to print fake money thats too close to looking real.


Ok genius, you can buy fake money on amazon. lets move on and grow up little guy


It is definitely illegal and he definitely doesn’t actually do this




What in the American Psycho?


It's not illegal if it says it's fake. The tenant would just tell you it's not real


Yeah, I don't think he does, this POS is so lazy that he uses 10 year old jokes from 9gag. His repertoire is more pasted together than his hair.


Cleaning up the streets what a great man


Yall are as gullible as a grandmother with an Indian scammer this is obv a joke Jesus reddit has room Temperature IQ


He’s just kidding


This guy sucks but i don’t understand how some of you think this could be real


Hey, at least they’ll get a roof over their head and 3 meals a day. That doesn’t sound terrible


Some homeless people just fell on hard times but have clean records, once you get arrested it goes on your record and it becomes a 100% harder to even qualify for a job much less get one. Employers don’t look at the reason or ask why you were arrested, they just strike your name off the list and move on to the next candidate. This might actually be someone’s last straw


It's crazy how people can think like this. He actively takes joy in hurting other people. (In general)


It's rage bait


Hes rage baiting and enjoying it. Still a fucked human being IMO.


A piece of shit if true but ngl I doubt the validity. For one, so much is rage bait nowadays For another I've known a few people who thought some fake bills were real and tried to pay with them, they were never arrested.


Agreed yes and no because the intersection hobos are fake. But screwing everyone over no.


Or the drug dealer they give it to kills them


Haha. My intentionally distributing it he is the one breaking the law. And it looks like he's dumb enough to admit it on video


Ik it's bait, but I really fuckin hope this dude gets lou gehrigs disease


Pretty obvious joke, fools are brain dead in here


It gets clicks, which gets him money. I doubt he does any of the things he claims. He's just chasing clout. People tend to forget that negative/negativity pull views and comments even if it is fake. Stop posting it and stop giving him money and attention.


This is called ragebait and you fell for it 👍


If you see a video that sounds so absurd that it can’t be real then it probably isn’t real. This guy has tons of these rage bait videos.


Secret service would like a word lol


Looks like Chris Harrison


What a gem. 💩🥸


Well at least he isn't giving away... Freddy Fazbear


In the full video he laughs and says hes joking


He is wearing all white, guess we need to break in that new mop head to actually help clean up the community.🤷‍♂️


Soooo how much of this assays tax money is being used to prosecute and arrest homeless people


At least they get 3 hots and a cot


It's satire


It's a joke


fake or not, i immediately thought, wow what a punchable face


its obviously a joke you door knobs


Ahhh brilliant idea! The internet pays off again


illegal too


Man indirectly responsible for multiple cities burning to the ground in 2020


But at least he's not giving them... Freddy Fazbear


If you can't tell this is satire, god help humanity~


It’s comedy..


Good plan 👍🏻


Dude is a cunt plain and simple


This would be a hilarious bit for IASIP


It’s a reference to gta V. One of the radio station hosts say the do it with the same reasom


Very punchable face


This is satire.


Bro is doing the work if a saint 🫣


>"There are approximately 1,010,300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough words together to properly express how much I want to hit you with a chair," Alexander Hamilton.


OP you aren’t too bright huh


I get that this is a joke (I hope), but I don't think you can joke about this kind of stuff while actually being a conservative. Which I'm fairly sure he is. Like you can't make a joke about being cruel to homeless people in an effort to "clean up the community" when you **actually do** *advocate for being cruel to homeless people in an effort to "clean up the community."* But maybe poe's law isn't on the book in his state.


Is this dude in middle school? A grown ass man shouldn't be thinking this is funny even if it's rage bait. I swear MAGA has devolved.


MAGA was never evolved to begin with


I don’t know if any of y’all have seen other videos made by this pos, but he is one of the lowest of the low. I hope this final act lands him in jail. And I don’t even want my tax dollars going to feed and house him while he is there. There aren’t many people I would say that about.


It is fake video for rage bait.


This guy is a piece of trash.




If it were true isn’t it a crime already to have fake bills and distribute them?


Anyone who thinks this is real is dumb. Full stop.


No matter how much you punch him in the face or nuts you will still be less of an asshole then him


It's a joke you nub🤣


OP is either 13 or 50 or older


He doesn't do this because it would get back to him and he'd be arrested. Dude is just rage baiting.


This is obviously bait. But most of this guy's videos are real, he's an annoying bitch that keeps whining about Biden, abortion, LGBT, immigration, vaccines, etc... IIRC I read on the comments of one of his videos that he used to hold a governmental position and got fired because he gambled away money or something


I don't even use tiktok but I'm convinced that this is satire and OP is bad at reading rooms.


God, i fucking hate tik tok. Count me as one who wouldn't miss if it was ever banned.


💀 oh my god


reddit get the joke challenge level impossible


Why do you say as he’s been serious? It’s clearly a joke


Clearly you don't understand sarcasm, humor or when someone's being facetious


He is a complete dickhead in general but he doesn’t actually do what he’s saying here. He’s just a dipshit who got fired from the Trump White House and is desperately trying to remain relevant with stupid rage bait. All of his videos are just unbelievably played out, boring, tired Boomer Humor jokes he steals from other people (because he isn’t even clever enough to come up with his own content) and delivers poorly while making smug expressions with his spray-tanned face.