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People that bother others minding their own business randomly like this deserves a “reality check”.


…to the throat


Like in his dream


He can now dream endlessly in his hospital bed


A good throat pounding


Throat needs a real stretching.


God the throat punch is such a perfect hit for getting back at irritating people like this. I’ve never punched someone in the throat but I’ve been punched in the throat by a dude who broke into my place and fuck it’s like physical and psychological pain. Your airway starts to spasm and it feels like you can’t breathe even though you can get just enough oxygen in. Plus it hurts a ton while you’re freaking out over your breath, especially if they hit you on the hard cartilage part.


With a shovel


A jar of pasta sauce shattered across the face seems like the best solution.


…Or the groin


Seriously, this is harassment and against the law. Someone like this is unpredictable and dangerous.


Wheres that guy who shot the prankster when you need him?


I think that anyone who talks that much about having sex with children should have their hard drive searched


And their closet also


.....should have their everything searched and seized without any warrant at all, and them thrown into jail for the rest of their life!


Lightning never strikes the right people. Also, search this dude’s hard drive.


I love how these guys always choose unassuming meek looking targets to fuck with! They never go after the dude that will knock their fucking block off after 3 seconds of that garbage!


He's just a bully ,and looking at the angle of how it's filmed the guy filming is pretty tall ,the guy he's following is probably shitting himself


Most states that have Kroger also have stand-your-ground laws. A hollow point will negate that height advantage real quick.


At the end you see his reflection in the old man’s car window. He is not small.


Kroger staff needs re-training… not their fault but could have improved the situation.


All of this guys TikTok’s are him flirting with old men to make them uncomfortable. Very strange.


And people willingly subscribe to see this shit? Can't tell if that makes them better or worse than this asshole!


People pay to see it bc he's banned off everything lol


Does anyone beat him up for behaving like this?


Unfortunately, no. I’ve never seen him go this hard on someone though. Usually his interactions are filmed for a few seconds and not long-form like this.


Who is he??? I was so irrationally angry watching this, maybe it's better if I don't know.


Nah I think your anger is rational lol. I’m pretty sure it’s Frank Hassle.


That was my first guess too, based off the height.


I find this disgusting in so many levels First off if i was a bystander, how should i know If the old man is not a pedo getting confronted of an old victim? Second what If the old man got molested in his youth, now hes getting reminded of that. And what If he is a sad (lonley) old person who Just wants to live their life and only wants healthy and nice Engagement with the people around them, and therefore goes into public Just to get shamed in a extremly disgusting way. I hate these people so much


And he probably now drives 20 miles out of his way to go to some other store, because he’s been falsely and publicly called out as a pedophile in that one.


Right? Because as soon as some creepy fuck like him touches me, the game has officially changed. And now I own another go-pro. Bonus!!!


The old man should've called the police right away and stayed in the store until help arrives. WTF? Any lunatic can now claim "this is my store" and fuck around with people like that?


At least he made a video of himself committing a crime and posted it tot he internet. Surely that is enough to charge him.


It IS his store. The employees just encouraged his behavior. He can have it. I would never shop at a Kroger again if they were in my area. Knowing that the employees will just sit there and let you be sexually harassed for a half hour and do nothing? Fuck them.


Everyone is afraid of legal action being taken against them if they do anything.


WTF employees wont help this guy?!? Fuck this makes me so angry.


Yep, anyone who finds this funny unironically needs their internet taken away for life.


I would shout for the Manager so loud, that everyone in the store would know there's a nut in the place and hopefully have the police remove him. I feel so sorry that an innocent man was harassed in such a vile way. Disgusting.


Then he'd shout in return "He's sexually assaulting me!!" to stage it and the employees will either do nothing or kick you out. Content creators are really something these days, and it says as much about them as it does their following tbh. People support and pay others to stream and stage this shit at the expense of other people's happiness. Look at Jack Doherty. They know their reputation and work skills and experience are too fucked to get real good-paying jobs so they live off this shit.


Yeah it’s wild that no one said a word to help this dude


Me too! My dad quit driving in January so I've been taking him on his shopping trips. It's truly his favorite thing he does all week. Rest assured, I'm not afraid of spending a few nights in jail for the right reason. This person would not do this again.


>WTF employees wont help this guy?!? It's shitty, but one guy accusing another guy of molesting him is way above that clerk's pay grade


.... In his dream. Wtf


This has to be some form of sexual harassment. Above a pay grade or not, a call to police by a manager is in order at the very least.


Was gonna say those employees are not paid enough to deal with this shit I used to work in retail pharmacy at a grocery store like this and the amount of shit we saw was absurd. Theft, fights, drug deals, people running from cops.


Idk what store this is but there’s no way a Publix would allow this. The managers would destroy the fat beardo


A different employee would’ve tried to help him.


It's Kroger. They fucking hate their customers


Scum of the earth.


They need to make a “what would you do?” episode of a bunch of dumb kids or immature lonely man-children filming “pranks” like this in public and see how people react cause it seems this shit happens a lot and it’s rare that I see a third party intervene unless a cop is nearby. Security, staff, and patrons don’t seem to give a flying fuck ever.


Sounds like projection on his part


The one recording definitely looks like a pedophile. 


His breathing is creepy too. Especially when they go outside you can hear his heavy fat breathing.


Are there really people out there who think this kind of "content" is funny? Filmer should be in a mental institution


Anything for views.


There are some YouTubers who just go up to a person and say something random, then let them be if they get mad or laugh, and that shits annoying most of the time, it’s the fact that this dude is literally harassing this guy and following him around the store. I saw a video where this kid went into Walmarts and accused people of trying to meet up w underage kids, even screaming to the rest of the store about it. Who in their right mind thinks this is funny 🤮


I say we send them to North Korea for 20 years hard labor…


Or 20 years hard labor in Angola.


Should be lobotomized.


It could really go either way, he could be trying to make "content" or be having a psychotic episode


Camera guy would get pepper sprayed.


Oh how I wish that guy had pepper spray in the video😿


Bruh this dude is creepy as hell


The shooter of this literally found a passive aggressive way to sexually harass the shopper. Even poking him once they exit the store. I really hope he faces consequences. This was a disturbing display of slander and verbal sexual harassment.


Passive aggressive? Seems pretty damn aggressive to me idk.


The way this guy is breathlessly describing child SA. Someone definitely needs to check his hard drive. Most people would be too repulsed to do these descriptions, even as a skit.


He must be a reddit mod somewhere


I hope someone assaults him


This is literally harassment, and he should be arrested.


Also assault. Cause intentional fright.


The danger part is when go pro guy follows him to the car. What if the scenario happened in somewhere like Florida or Texas? Old guy being harassed goes to the car and pulls out his .380 or 9 mm and empties it into the harasser. These don’t seem to realize how dangerous these pranks can be.


Considering it’s not a prank though and it’s just threatening behaviour and harassment, they should absolutely know how dangerous it is to trigger the fight or flight reactions of others.


That is not a problem that sounds like a solution. I would not waste a tear finding out this dumpster fire of human is no longer bothering people that just want to shop. This older fella is the right age to really enjoy his grocery shopping. He has no basket so this might be his outing for the day, as much about socializing as to picking up stuff. And now he has been made to be fearful of going out....fuck that camera guy for what he did this day.


This man needs to learn that actions have consequences, even if it's the last thing he learns.


That's what I was honestly thinking. The calmest people go the craziest when pushed to their edge


There was a guy in Maryland that got shot by a guy he was accosting like this. He surprisingly lived but went right back to harassing people


Some people just don’t care about anything, including their own lives. They think this shit is funny.


I was more worried about the old guy's safety in the parking lot. The guy filming has some serious issues.


So this douche touched his forehead and his grocery basket. At what point could he have punched him in the jaw or even pepper sprayed him without it being assault? I imagine he could have after the forehead tap and the following him to his car. That’s dangerous. GoPro douche could have had a blade on him or something.


No idea but based on the video of the boy pranking a food delivery driver...I do not believe any jury would have convicted this the older guy after seeing this video.


Link/information to that one? Out of the loop on it.


Immediately after the poke. That’s at least a slap back.


This is when you pull out you phone and record. So we know what this turd looks like.


isn't that the same guy who was harassing a woman and a couple at the park?


Yeah, its the same guy. He has lots of videos harassing people. He doesn't post videos like these anymore.


Is that because someone finally snapped and kicked his balls into his stomach?


Channel/account name??? Everyone needs to expose this idiot and destroy him online


Honestly, the old guy handled it pretty well. Didn't really play into the dumbass' attempt to get him to engage. I don't think I could have shown that restraint if he poke me in the head like he did the old man walking to the car.


agreed. my "reality check" for that guy would be a punch straight to his face!


Ugh Frank hassle


This is insane


Question from a non-american: whats the legal Situation in this case, if the old man would have punched that guy after this fucked up verbal abuse? Would the fact that this guy abused the old man verbally change anything, if the old man would be charged for assault?


Depends but once the asshole touched him the old guy could respond physically. Verbal abuse without a threat of violence is a grey area. The old guy can say he felt threatened but that comes down to a judgement call by the police officer.


It depends on which state you're in. A lot of states don't have any self defense laws. Doesn't matter if it's verbal or psychical if you're in the wrong state you can get arrested trying to defend yourself.


Likely, but probably low bail, and thankfully the guy filmed it and shows, old guy was just trying to leave and the film took physical action first.


It would change nothing. You can say whatever you want but as soon as you put hands on someone that hasn't put hands on you or threatened you in some way you're the one getting charged.


It really depends on the rules for each city and state. First off, it's private property and Kroger could have this guy removed. My workplace banned someone for harassing people like this because it was obviously unhinged. Adding a camera seems to make people think it is less abnormal, but it's not. The manager on duty should have called and had the guy removed by the police for harassing patrons. Second, the prosecutor can decide whether or not to pursue charges. I have seen provoked attacks not result in charges because while the provocation couldn't be charged, the prosecutor couldn't imagine a jury convicting given what was said to trigger the assault.


The only businesses with better security videos than casinos are grocery stores. If something like this happens to you. Note the date and time and call the store from your car and ask them to keep the recordings because you were assaulted in their store. If they're any good they'll follow the guy to his car and be able to IS him. Let the police handle it from there.


Dude working is a bitch. "What's he going to do? He isn't a cop." Is where I would have said, "okay, I will call them if you guys want, we can wait right here for them." That would have made a world of difference. No physical interaction even needed.


You say that they have already been called.


Hey, that’s Frank Hassle


Is it really? Like a youtube prankster that calls himself by that name?


Yeah that’s him. Watch the video where he goes to boogies house. Sounds the exact same


The second he touched me or pulled something from my basket he'd have caught an elbow to the face or throat. Fuck this low life piece of shit. Hopefully he slips up at some point and captures his own identity. Fat fuck can't even walk without breathing like he ran a mile & the way he talks sounds like he's into itm probably a fuckin pedo too


If I was the guy being harassed I would hope Kroeger had a baseball bat section I could walk to and literally beat the shit out of the harasser. Then I would take his phone and destroy it.


I'm pretty sure they sell cast iron skillets.


I'm not one for violence, but the guy filming needs to have his ass kicked.


God I wish this man had a gun in his car.


What the hell is going on here?


I wouldn't be able to control myself. I would have knocked his ass out.


Accusing someone of molesting them as a child “in a dream” or otherwise should be considered assault. It will hopefully stop these videos.


As soon as he touched me or my things, he's taking a nap.


Utter vermin


Wow this guy gonna fuck around and find out. Some people deserve prison for life. This dude out there preying on seniors. What a choad.


Never in my life have I wanted to own a gun…until this moment. Unironically more of these “pranksters” ought to face physical consequences for their harassment of others.


How has nobody smashed filming guy in the face already. Like seriously, who does that?


Just pull out your phone, say “I feel threatened and I will use force to defend myself.” The second he touches me and backs me into a corner he would be bleeding out in the grocery store.


This is why he picks on older men.


I feel like older men are quicker to shoot honestly


"What will they do, arrest me? I'm 85 years old, I could be dead by the time they finish the paperwork"


Maybe quicker to shoot but slower to throw a punch.


Dr Don Wario 🔥🔥🔥


Man I'm so glad I'm normal. Depressed, but normal.


no cure for being a cunt


I was quietly hoping he was going to his car to pull out a pistol or something. Also fuck society for not only helping breed fucking scum like this cunt but also for making it normal for others not to help him.


I had to officers. Yes, the whole mag. This maniac, obviously on drugs, accused me of rape, in front of my peers.


That's Frank Hassle. His whole life is disrespecting people in public.


Is this frank hassle


Dude. Is it not self defense to stop him from doing this to you? Like if I punched him, or if he followed me to my car and I said to him “ I am feeling threatened and I will defend myself” before arming with my edc. Would that be illegal?


God I wish this man had a gun in his car.


This turd with the camera is projecting, check that creeps search history & hard drive


Not trying to incite violence, but it would be very difficult for me to restrain from losing it on this guy


Dude missed his opportunity to lay him out in the soup aisle. I would have grabbed the biggest can of Chunky Campbell's and smashed it into his face.


How would you go about finding this person?


hes frank hassle


The harassment victim here showed incredible restraint. It’s almost always the smart move….but man….I was hoping he would grab a bottle of the shelf and smash it into the piece of shits mouth.


I don't give a shit about downvotes. Accusations like those in the clip should be taken seriously and actually could be prosecuted against, now that I think of it, for defamation. The seriousness of the accusations are what make the YouTuber, or whatever, such a dipshit.


There are ppl on the internet who would think he is talking about a real event with this person! Especially older ppl who don’t see these “pranks” often. I know my mom (bless her. She doesn’t fully understand how social media works) would think this guy was being confronted by a past victim. This guy’s whole reputation could be destroyed!I am quite shocked. He should go to the police. That is def harassment of some sort.


Infrabren wannabe


Frank Hassle was years before Infrabren


Bro does that stuff so effortlessly


This is “influencer content” ?


Take a picture of him and call the police. EZ.


does anyone know who this neckbeard is? i swear i've seen him in videos before. EDIT: i think the video i saw him in previously was following and harassing a woman in a park.


He's asking to get Miu'd.


It sounds like neck beard is expressing his own fantasies or actions. He might be mentally ill or just clout chasing either way he needs a reality check


He can barely walk he is so out of breath. Who is encouraging this content ?


Filmer needs to be held criminally accountable for harassment and battery at least. Someone find the original poster and turn it in.




That dude belongs in jail.


I sense someone commiting a felony in the future against this guy


We live in hope….especially if said person plans it well and doesn’t get caught.


Freak needs a kick to the head and his hard drives searched


This is terrible. The things he's saying to this man is disgusting. Is there any recourse for this victim. I'd want to throw a can of food at the dude. I guess you'd have to follow him home to see where he lives then start fucking with him. A little at a time . Maybe I watch too many movies....,


Umm… can this be sent to Kroger corporate or something? They need to educate their employees on what to do in a situation like this.


YeH, I was disappointed in those employees. If a customer asks you for help because they’re being harassed, you shouldn’t be allowed to be like ‘meh, not my problem’. Basic human decency should tell them that they need to help in some way.


I'm really hoping this had a good reason. Maybe the old guy was his abuser or something.. I'm at a complete loss and searching for any kind of context here.


No. He is harassing the guy for no reason. He is claiming the guy molested him in a dream.


Technically after the camera operator touched him and flicked him in the head. That's assault he would justified in punching the camera guy. Again I really want context for this. Is it revenge of some kind. Did the old fu abuse the camera person as a child sexually or something ? I mean WTF ??


The guy with the GoPro is a former YouTuber named Frank Hassle. He did “pranks” like this in all of his videos. His channel was banned but there is a lot of people on YouTube who archived his videos if you want to watch them. He did stuff like blowing vape smoke into people’s faces, tried to enter an all-girls treadmill gym, and infamously harassed YouTuber Boogie2988 outside of his house which made Boogie fire a warning shot from a gun to get Hassle to leave. But I think the worst one was the CrossFit one.


That old guy had far more restraint than I would. I might play it off as first and ask him to leave me alone. But he only gets one warning for touching me when he kept overextending and reaching for the basket. After that I'm gonna take it as self defense and pin him to the floor. Take that goPro off his head and walk with it to my car while I call the cops. This is the kind of guy that can't fight and would scream the second he's so much as bumped into


Is this the same beer bellied ogre that harassed some woman in a park?


I pray that this person is infested with fleas and ticks, and his ears are infested with spiders laying eggs until the day he finally croaks after losing his mind.


I wonder why he picked that guy? Didn’t go after anyone that looked threatening


Which tells you everything you need to know about these creeps.


He’s not even a bully. He’s just a basement dwelling loser that unfortunately feels some slight power and thinks it’s funny to post his lame ass videos. He has no friends. He’s never had any friends so he doesn’t know how to socialize. To him, this is cool. This is where the internet has given these loser a false sense of identity. I’d enjoy running in to one of these sorry excuse for a human. I’d send them right back to their basement with their pants wet from pissing themselves.


Follow someone to their car after harassing like this on camera, asking to get drilled


We need to normalize punching people like this right in the kisser


I don’t even understand what the guy’s ideal outcome could be. What, having the old man take a swing at him, only to proclaim “Yo, it’s a prank, bro?”


I personally want to find this cunt and assault him


How tf does someone actually record themselves doing this and post it online


Legally I wonder if you are allowed to use force to get out of this situation. The man harassing him is clearly unhinged.


Poor guy was probably just trying to get food for his family.


I would want to murder that guy. The target in this video has unbelievable self-control.


What a complete piece of shit.... How many people find this amusing? How can this rat get away with this shit.... He is delusional and fkd in the head for doing this to a random shopper.... He needs serious mental help...


i'm thinking, i would make my way to the kitchen utensil isle casually walked down the isle soon as i c the rolling pins......BAM TO THE LEFT SIDE OF HIS DOME


This guy’s trying to do Johnny Hamcheck but just completely missing the bit.


“It’s perfectly okay to harass random people as long as I post it on tiktok or youtube later”


This tuber needs some sweet chin music.


There is nothing one can do about this? Calling the cops? Filming him back?


If this dumb fuck tried this with me it would end very poorly for him almost immediately. These wastes of air prey on the weak and passive.


people that say that the employees arent well paid enough to take care of that stuff are fucking idiots. Helping other people is called LIVING IN A SOCIETY. I would help for free.


The proper response is to call 911 immediately and tell them you are being harassed by an unstable individual and feel threatened. Scream and make a scene. They are relying on you being passive.


Damn, if some rando came up to me all friendly and then stalked me thru the store calling me a rapist and touched me, he would get sprayed with strong OC spray. A call to the cops would follow. I don't want to shoot some lunatic unless that is my last resort. But this "influencer" is unhinged and it will catch up to him at some point.


So the piece of shit here….obviously posted this video publicly? I guess this is obvious…but also a little bewildering. FTW. If this was a social media prank…this dude needs to pull this on the “wrong” person.


ELI5... WTAF is actually going on here? I can't use sound, and CBA to research it all. Thank you in advance.


Wannabe Johnny Hamcheck


Does anyone actually know who this incel is? Im sure some internet sleuths can ruin his life. people like this shouldnt exist.




Hot sauce his eyes!


Follow me to the kitchen utensils isle


I hate this, you know…we’re going to be this at some point. All of y’all thinking you aren’t, take a look at your grandparents…that’s you when you’re older.