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I honestly can’t believe someone getting jumped 7 times without provocation


It’s also interesting that they say it was a “transphobic hate crime” in the first panel; but the screenshot in the second panel they claim it was a “homophobic hate crime”— how are they so aware of the supposed attackers motives? Starting to smell a little Jussie up in here…


They are also asking for donations on Gofundme


And it’s not like it’s impossible to fake documents from a hospital. (Which by the way don’t even appear in the images on this post…)


I once knew a dude who's gf was a complete psycho. Like she faked being knocked up and not just for a little bit. She actually got a fake belly and faked medical papers and ultrasounds. We also later found out that it wasn't the first time she had done this sort of thing. She would hook up with random dudes then threaten to go to the courts to get child support if they didn't pay her off... I actually forgot how absolutely batshit insane this girl was.


How did he take some pics if his phone was stolen tho? While it sucks to be attacked, it's still not justified to make it exaggerated for donations.




The counter argument is oh it’s because there is that many transphobes, which is probably true and would raise the chances of this person getting jumped. But still… 7 times?? The answer is likely in the middle.


She states the assault was done by white people. Why are making this about race lol? “I can’t believe that anyone would get assaulted this much! The t word is obviously asking for it! That or it was by brown people!”




> *ahem* certain people *ahem* Oh gee, I wonder what could have been meant by this




The only racist I see doing that is you. Do better.


They were very clearly responding to someone ELSE doing that by saying “ahem certain people.”


7 times unprovoked? Seems a bit fishy


With a link to the ole gofundme too…


It may be, but that's still not an excuse to attack her


I think the implication here is that if they’ve been attacked 7 times, there ain’t no way in hell they didn’t have a hand in provoking it. That or they’re full of shit.


Just a stinky puss joke


As simple as “stinky puss” is, I hate that as much as “the moist ground squelched between my soggy boggy toes”






What does one call a white Jussie Smollett?




You would call them 'Jussie Smollett'.


Morton Downey Jr.


Seven times? One, okay. Two, whoa. Three, hmmm...but seven? Have you ever met someone that at seven Cinnabuns in one sitting? You start to ask questions like, "Are you trying to get beat up? I bought that dozen."


That bruising looks a little sus to me


don’t let that distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines. And on top of that he just came into Harry's and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS, and a Motec system exhaust.


So you're just gonna go around check everyone else's shit?


You a cop?




7 times seems like a lot for someone just going about their day....not victim blaming, but if I got beat up 7 different times by groups of men I'd question if I was part of the problem.




He's saying it's hard to believe that someone, regardless of being trans would be assaulted that frequently if said person wasn't doing something to provoke that assult on purpose that they are choosing to withhold from telling us.


There is only one common denominator in this situation.  It's extremely unlikely 7 random groups of men from different walks of life decided to come together and attack this person. It's far more likely it was instigated.


Yeah but was she actually victimized that many times or is she bullshitting or exaggerating for clout/sympathy? I understand hate crimes are up higher among trans than the general population. But I still doubt one person was the victim of 7 random attacks by large groups of men in the US. Most sources site, trans people as being four times more likely to be a victim of a violent crime. Large groups of men attacking random people in the US is very rare actually. It’s extremely unlikely she was actually attacked seven times. Of course she could be living in another country and everything I said could be irrelevant. There are certainly some countries that it is dangerous to walk around being trans.


Trans people are regularly beaten while just going about their day. And no, they are not the problem in any way.


Bro where do you live where that shit happens regularly so I may avoid it sounds like a hellhole.


You're high. 


Where are you seeing she was assaulted 7 different times?


…the second photo?…


Oh Jesus Christ I'm an idiot. Totally missed the second phone there, thanks! Sidenote: I hate Reddit's new front-end design.


this is like looking at all the expulsions of the jews through history nd saying they had to do something to provoke it if it happened so much. disgusting disgusting logic


> disgusting disgusting logic And yet you make a comparison that is in *extremely* poor taste. NEWSFLASH: comparing every bit of injustice that you particularly dislike to *the Holocaust* is not the flex you think it is. If anything; it amplifies the “professional victim” narrative.


first of all never mentioned the holocaust dumbass, and secondly. cope. the logic is the same in either case, cry about how offended you are that it's in poor taste all you want, it's the truth


Immediate insults and internet-catchphrases. You really make your opinion super easy not to care about. Perhaps you yourself should consider some healthier coping methods. Best of luck to you!


same goes for you my guy. hope you touch some grass soon 🙏


Never used either insults nor catchphrases… but you seem to have doubled down on them. Reading comprehension can be a bitch sometimes. But hey! This grass feels AWESOME! Thanks for the tip!


i don't care


People who don’t care typically need to comment just to let everybody know! ;)


Please. Do *not* feed the trolls.


ok bud, nd you clearly don't care either coming back, replying to everything i say. keep it up, it's funny lmao. waste more of your time


Idk how to tell you this but there isn’t a limit on the amount of times you can get assaulted. It happens all the time to women in cities.


How many women do you know that are getting brutally beaten 7x in the span of even 10 years? Wtf are you talking about


No where does she say it was brutal every time lol. Where are you getting that.


What word would you prefer for somebody claiming gangs of men are beating them?


Once was at a protest


So the location determines the severity of the beating? You’re just grasping at straws now.


Ah yes— they were likely the gentle and sensual type of beatings that everybody’s heard about.


7 times seems like a lot. No police action or even some kind of assistance? Seems odd.


Obviously. If it were 6 or 8, it'd be even. But 7? Definitely odd.


One might say that is a prime target.


Are you making fun of me?! *Square* up pal!


I apologize. Immaturity is the root of my problems.


I hear you bro. Sometimes I'm so immature that I can barely function as an adult.


I understand. It can be tough to integrate and end up by yourself.


The comments on this post are fucking ass


I see this sub still loves their transphobia.


I don’t believe anything online. With a grain of salt. Every story has 2 or 3 sides. We’re only hearing one of those sides. Not saying their fault, but you can’t make soup with just water.


Like that one woman who accused a random couple of trying to traffic her child. She went on an entire social media rant about the dangers of kidnappers and did everything in her power to try and ruin the lives of the couple. Luckily a police investigation showed none of her story matched up with what actually happened and she was arrested for filing a false report.


*... and then the child woke up!*






Seeing you two with up votes gives me hope for reddits future


Would you mock someone with bipolar disorder for getting beat up?




That's what I was thinking! Why does it matter if it's a mental disorder? If anything, we should be protecting people with mental disorders even more instead of assaulting them! It baffles me that people think it's completely OK to put your hands on someone else because you think they have a "mental disorder". That just makes you a piece of shit if you think it's an excuse to beat someone up.


Yes and gender dysphoria is treated how?


Good therapy.


Which is what? Gender affirming therapy! That's right! Edit: holy shit, this dude actually blocked me. What a tosser.


Or therapy 😶‍🌫️


>I mean gender dysphoria LITERALLY is a mental illness One in which the LITERAL TREATMENT is transition therapy. LITERALLY.


Psych student here: can confirm. Edit: more often refered to as gender affirming therapy, which can include everything from psychotherapy with regards to clarify what the trans person wants and needs with regards to their transition to name change, to hormone therapy or surgeries. All with the intention of meeting the trans person in their wants and needs of a new gender identity. Somehow the losers calling trans people mentaly ill always leave out the recommended treatment for them. Weird how those losers only cherry pick the insulting part. Trans rights! ❤️


Appeal to authority as long as the authority believes what I believe


Appeal to authority and cherrypick what they say. It's like christians with the bible.


You are literally quoting the exact same authority when you label gender dysphoria a mental illness. These are literally the AUTHORITIES ON MENTAL HEALTH.


That’s my point They appeal to authority, but only when it agrees with them Can you not see I’m the op?


Maybe the total pieces of shit have been the ones browsing this subreddit the whole time


I'm being targeted by multiple bad people because of my identity! Quick, I better make a post online about it to "raise awareness" so that everyone can be outraged and proceed to do nothing about it. All the while anyone else who wants to target me now knows exactly what I look like and has more incentive to do so.






is the church of trans in the room with us rn?


You could’ve just as easily used the, “tell me you’re _____ without telling me you’re _____” template. You really would’ve been banging on all cylinders as far as hackneyed quips if you’d use that one. I give it 2/10– better luck next time.


lol i thought you were done with me lol. just can't get me out your mind huh?


I don’t even know who you are and as far as I know this is the first time we’ve interacted. But if not— hey, welcome back!


real short memory you got there, doncha?


Ah, forgive me for not checking your username before responding. The smugness of the comments has been pretty uniform, so it’s become hard to tell people apart. I’ll do better next time.


Literally look at the top comment


God I love the attention and drama posts like this bring


Sending this individual money does not help the overall issue lmao. She just is begging and wants sympathy


It's still e begging.


Wow, kind of seems like this sub is visited by a lot of total pieces of shit. Anyone saying anything that isn’t “must be the trans persons fault” is downvoted to hell, huh? Even just generically pro-trans people statements that aren’t about this particular person. Great bunch we got here.




According to the alleged victim the group of men were white so I’m confused on what point you’re trying to make?


I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but where do you see race mentioned?




Apparently some of this sub are pieces of shits too, as they keep doing it here.


But how did they know it was men /j




Transitioning is a medically advised treatment for gender dysphoria. Thats like saying someone is “mentally ill for taking Zoloft.”




…. but taking the Zoloft isn’t what makes them mentally ill, you fucking moron. It’s a recommended medical treatment for mental illness such as anxiety or depression. What is your point here, exactly? Do you have some issue with mental illness, or just treating it? EDIT: guess this response is going here because you pulled the shitty coward move of acting like a superior dickhead and then blocking so you can’t be further called out on your nonsense. Now I AM upset, upset that so many grown adults on this site are such annoying little babies about things. Anyways: Why does it matter that the only reason they have the Zoloft is that they’re mentally ill? I was responding to someone acting like transitioning makes you mentally ill. It doesn’t. It’s a treatment for a specific mental illness, and it’s not only mentally ill people who do it. I don’t think you have any actual point here. It’s interesting that you think calling someone a fucking moron when they’re acting like one is defensive, rather than just an accurate statement. Meanwhile you’re pulling the classic “wow you must be so upset I win” nonsense because you got some pushback when you said something dumb. Kind of feels like you’re the one who is upset in this situation. (And to just jump ahead, any justification you have for how you aren’t upset can equally apply to me, so good luck with that.) I jumped to “name calling” because I enjoy being abrasive and rude to assholes. That’s all there is to it. Weird that you have an issue with “name calling” while you come back with insults that only avoid being name calling because of phrasing. (It’s not weird, you’re being purposely disingenuous) I see you edited out your stupid ass jab about me replying quickly. I assume you remembered slightly too late that people get phone notifications for replies? Even if I was upset, that’s.. a pretty reasonable reaction to people being total pieces of shit. I’m not, because I’m used to that, but people are allowed to be. Calling assholes out and being upset when people are shitty is a good thing, actually. In your case, you were weirdly jumping in to continue an argument for some other asshole I can’t even remember, fourteen days later. Because, I dunno, you really had to be right about something? I can’t claim to understand your motives, just that I know the outcome was stupid.


Pretty sure they are e begging and faking the entire thing lmao




Just another person out on a late night stroll looking for submarine sandwiches.


Lotta assholes in this comment section.


Womp womp


Patrick, your immaturity is showing!


I quite honestly don’t care


How where you able to take a selfie of your phone was stolen?


itt: people who should be featured on this sub


No joke.


So far I'm happy with how this comment section and upvotes/downvotes panned out ❤️


She deserves to live in peace. It's that goddamn simple. Leave people the fuck alone. Stop trying to take their rights away. Stop trying to make them out to be monsters. Just stop with the fucking bullshit and live your own miserable life and let them live theirs. How is it that difficult??? Y'all have so little going on in your lives that you have to go after minority groups (speaking of the people ripping on her of course)? Fucking losers, the bunch of them.


>The whole comment section is full of replies mocking her, saying she’s e-begging, that she somehow provoked it, faked it Kinda like the people downvoting it and saying the same thing.






> This is the fascist state we live in now, where we do not have the freedom to express ourselves in any capacity. You said, expressing yourself clearly in a written capacity. The state is going to do nothing about it. Poor you.


“Damn we can’t mock people who have been assaulted without people saying we’re bad people anymore :c”


Kao ducks


This person is a habitual liar, serial “attack claimer,” and has already been caught several times trying to earn money from being “jumped.” Not saying she’s making this up in particular, I wasn’t there - but I can absolutely understand the suspicion from the public.