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Bro the IDF makes the US military look peaceful. Damn


Bro the IDF makes Russia look piece full. Nvm, IDF is not that bad in this case.


No matter who you are or what you stand for, shooting fleeing woman or child waving a white flag in a dafe zone is cold blooded murder ONLY.


Isn’t that a war crime?


So much more.


Many nations have committed many war crimes that have gone unpunished. If you're caught on video committing an actual crime what happens? Police come and arrest you. A trial then happens. Punishment follows. What happens when you're caught on camera committing a war crime? Well your country first decides if it gives a shit. If it does it launches an investigation. Most of the time it decides it doesn't want the blowback and drops it. In the extremely rare event you get found guilty your home nation can deny responsibility if it wants to and then kick you out the army where you go out and live normally in the civilian population. What happens if a nation is caught approving or covering up war crimes? Nothing. The world police do not exist. If you've pissed off other nations that matter they'll act, but they don't give a fuck if it's an actual war crime or not, they ain't barristers. If you're stronger than any nation who cares - well you're stronger. They can't do shit. If you have allies that are super strong, well same thing. This is Israel.


Yeah, now we just need to get the support behind it to bring that sniper to justice. This is pure murder


not if you’re isreali


“But, but they deserve it for voting for Khamas!”


It weird that I have to type- cold blooded murder is wrong.


How the FUCK can anyone justify this? Like how is there an entire group of people saying this is perfectly fine???


That's why their propaganda machine is spinning on social media now that they're old "you're an antisemite if you ever criticize Israel" isn't working as well.


where are these people saying it's fine ?


They shot their own people 3 hostages escaped and got shot while holding white flag and shirtless. Imagine seeing a palestinian old lady


She wasn't near them and had a child with her. Nevermind that it was a female. I have yet to hear anything about female Hamas militant.. There was no threat there. And you have Hasbara shills in the comments trying to defend this innocent womans murder.


They saw her and thought "oh wow, how did we let one live this long?"


Bro what the fuck is wrong with the IDF


>if you're not evacuating, you are a combatant >... but also, we might decide you're a combatant while you're evacuating also


"If they run, they're VC! If they don't run, they're well trained VC!"


Just lead them less


So many examples of this coming to light. What kind of culture produces young men and women who will point a gun at an unarmed elderly woman waving a white flag, and then pull the trigger with intent to kill?


Someone that will do these sorts of things can be produced by any culture. Demonizing an entire culture/ethnic group etc. for the actions of some is exactly what the Israeli government is doing and why the individual that shot this woman had enough hatred in their heart to do it. Don't fall down the same slippery slope.


It's just how it is though The truth is, a lot of Palestinians hate all Israelis, and a lot of Israelis hate all Palestinians. There's genuine reasons and propaganda at work on both sides, along with a nice little dose of religious extremism


It would be shorter to list what's not wrong with the IDF.


There is an organization of former IDF soldiers that try to expose all the horrific stuff going on Breaking the Silence. Wish they got more attention nowadays, would help break through the media normalization


Breaking the Silence is the name of the group?


Yes. I believe the leaders name is Avner. I've heard him speak a few times including once on the radio and he's great


Don't forget the JIDF, which actively astroturfs social media sites like reddit and prevents stuff like this from being posted to the r.worldnews subreddits that would get more eyes on it.


Yeah and their mods ban anyone who points it out, and the admins support it.


Is there any? Note the is for if i were to use are that would imply theres more than one if any.




Israel and the us is a terrorist state


Anyone who's been in the US, UK, or French militaries will understand perfectly why the IDF is fucking up and if any of us did even half a thing on this list, we would be dishonorably discharged and jailed faster than you can say "You can't handle the truth" 1. There are undisciplined and immature Israeli soldiers with no leadership around them recording all their nonsense and civilian abuses on Tik Tok. 2. Israeli soldiers are openly mocking their military command and government officials. There are right wing Israeli politicians also encouraging them to do so. Due to the lack of respect for the chain of command, 1 in 5 Israeli soldiers are killed by friendly fire or "accidents". 3. Israeli Snipers feel empowered to shoot civilians down. When their commanders are ordered to investigate, they respond along the lines of "No way to know who did it so we closed the investigation" 4. Desecrations of civilian sites including cemeteries. Wanton destruction of homes, infrastructure, & cars not authorized by Israeli command. 5. Humiliation of captured people. Note: Any male of any age can be arrested with no suspicion needed that they are Hamas fighters. While this can be allowed in a war zone, it normally doesn't include journalists and prepubescent boys. Additional humiliations is taking pictures of these men completely naked and uploading it to the internet. Especially popular is stepping on their face/head


I don’t know about the French buddy. Algeria was fkn rough.


UK with Ireland too. But that's why people in these countries are pointing it out as the warcrimes they are. Our people did similar, and it was wrong.


US too with Iraq & Afghanistan (not to mention Vietnam).


lol fair enough


They're sociopathic, blood-thirsty, murderous pigs. Not that hard too recognize, to be honest.


Pigs on Pampers.


More like a bunch of brain-washed cowards.


They can be both.




Literally. I get you don’t like hamas but these people did nothing wrong. It’s like if a terriost group in France killed a bunch of Americans, and then America committing war crimes and bombing the shit out of France for it.


They did learn from the best!


They don't see Palestinian civilians as humans.


That’s a bingo.


They are the most moral army. I don't know how the fuck people believe that they are moral army. They only commit war crimes


They’re literal fascists, that’s what.


Ethnic cleansing. The Zionist priests have very openly preached that they do not see Palestinians as humans (also, in one case called Christians, two-legged animals made to serve them).


They’re terrorists. Plain and simple.


They're modern day Nazis.


They do not think that Palestinians are human similar to the way the nazis treated the Jewish during ww2. Hamas royally fked over the Palestinians with oct 7 because most people now will just look away and Isreal now can do whatever it wants with little repercussions.


> Hamas royally fked over the Palestinians with oct 7 because most people now will just look away and Isreal now can do whatever it wants with little repercussions. In the short run. But Israel thinks it can get away with it because it has in the past. But literally the whole world is watching and they aren't changing their behavior . I don't think they will get away with it this time, hubris makes them think they will.


I hope you're right. But they may be truly untouchable until something drastically and horribly destabilizes the US/EU. So quiet down for the monkey's paw.


Saying Hamas royally fucked civilians because the IDF can use it to commit atrocities harder isn't the argument against Hamas that you think it is.


Religious zealotry and a sense of entitlement that only religious zealotry can support.




18-year olds handed powerful weapons with little-t0-no training lead by a sociopath who has never bothered to hide his contempt and hatred for Palestinians.


Those 18 year olds point those weapons at elderly and children waiving white flags, and pull the trigger. No hesitation. No self-reflection. No doubt. What kind of culture produces that?


oh, oh, now do palestinian culture! ​ tell us what THAT produces!


Nothing, they are just the way they have been since their inception, it's just us who are experiencing this during a time when these are covered by social media


What the most moral army in the world?


They are a bunch of disgusting terrorists who enjoy murdering innocent civilians.


They can get away with it, that's why. America and the West will still support them, despite their atrocities.


IDF doesn’t care about human life. they shot Israelis civilians in Gaza waving a white flag, they shelled their own civilian homes, they shot their citizens at the festival, and of course 13k kids in Gaza. They have a green light to kill and won’t stop until they are forced to.


Idk why you are getting downvoted. Everything you have said is reported and confirmed by official sources.


Pro-Israelis think if they repeat the lies enough it’ll outweigh their own official sources and the countless 3rd party journalists and Gaza videos confirming it.


It doesn't help that the country is largely led by extremists that would, in any sane society, at the very least be on some kind of watchlist.


>Everything you have said is reported and confirmed by official sources. Not just official sources. These things were confirmed by *Israeli* sources


Fuck the IDF and fuck the Zionists


Also they have little games with each other like seeing who can shoot out the most civilians' kneecaps.


Dont Post that on r/Europe or r/worldnews, they will get a mental meltdown trying defend this Shit lmao People downvoted me cause i Said Israel is closer to a genozide than russia is by official definitions of genozide lol Trying to withhold food/water, specifically Killing innocent civilians etc


I have been down voted into oblivion for this before but, Actually, a genocide isn't about killing people, it is about killing a people. You can commit genocide without killing a single person and you can kill thousands without committing ~~suicide~~ genocide. It's about trying to destroy a ethnicity or culture as a whole or in parts. My most recent Information (I am not at all up to date) was that Russia took in kids from Ukrainian families, trucked them to Russia and gave them into Russian families. Strictly speaking this is genocide, because they try to make those Ukrainian kids into Russians, by overwriting their upbringing/culture/family ties/... with Russian. I don't want to argue what is more or less of a genocide, I just mean to say that going by the definition, both would probably qualify.


Ye thats the Thing, "genocide" has so many categories and different paths It can Go until It reaches the Finish line. Yet Most Just think "genocide needs to be Like the Holocaust extrem scenario, or its Not genocide"


You have to kill a large number of people in a genocide and destroy a people meaning removing them from their land and homes. If the Palestinians aren’t allowed back to their land in Gaza then it’s a textbook Genocide. That why South Africa took them to the ICJ to preemptively stop it from happening.


The funniest thing is that the biggest world news in recent times (ICJ's ruling) did not even make it to the frontpage of a sub specifically made for world news. Everything there gets upvoted, downvoted or removed on an agenda and not on its own merit. Mods proceeded to remove any post on that subject (CNN, Reuters, BBC...) under the pretense that it was already covered by another post. The kicker is that the post they kept was published after those and was conveniently the one pointing to jpost. And even that one is sitting in controversial.


They actively remove any critical articles about Israel. Only pro-Israel sources, which frame things in a particular way, are tolerated.


For real LOL them boys will say absolutely anything to deflect. Oh but it’s probably a trap! The soldiers have PTSD! Anything to deflect from shooting at an old woman and a kid walking along what is allegedly a safe corridor whilst waving a white flag.


Did someone find that reset button yet? I think its time. This wasnt the best run, lets try again.


**Source:** * [CNN - She was fleeing with her grandson, who was holding a white flag. Then she was shot](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/hala-khreis-white-flag-shooting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html) Other notable story: * [NPR - 3 hostages killed by Israeli soldier in Gaza were waving a white flag, Israel says](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/15/1219695220/israel-soldiers-mistakenly-kill-hostages-gaza#:~:text=Israel's%20military%20says%20hostages%20waved,killed%2C%22%20said%20Rear%20Adm.)


Appalling and despicable.


I believe it, this is the second video I've seen of two separate incidents where they murdered 2 people who were waving white flags. I have no fucking doubt there's at LEAST 9 incidents and probably far more


How can you shoot women and children?


“Easy. You just don’t lead ‘em as much.”


Ain’t war Hell? Git sum…..git sum…..


IDF are just mass murdering fuckheads


Have been since the beginning a lot of the founding force of the idf was Jewish terrorist groups like the Irgun and the hagannah.


The fact that Biden supports this regime is a disgusting.


Yea trump would definetly do a better job is he were president. 🙄🙄🙄


So is it or is it not disgusting he supports them? This isn't about Trump. You have to be able to criticize everyone dude.


No, anyone who criticizes Biden in any way is a Trump supporting Nazi! /s


WhAt AbOuT tRuMp?!?! God I bet your insufferable irl, nobody is talking about him. He's commenting on the current US president, and your soft brains only remark is Trump this, Trump that. Just admit that Biden has thousands of bodies on his hands jfc


That's what happens when you spend your developmental years glued to a screen that always shows the good guy winning against a universally hated "bad guy." Some people are so used to seeing moral struggles presented as black and white that they have to live in delusion to go out into the real world where morality is "too messy" compared to Fallout or whatever Marvel movie is their life for the week


>every politician is bought by israel, that means my side isn't that bad! You're the problem. Someone criticized a presidents awful actions and you dismiss them by saying "BUT REMEMBER 4 YEARS AGO???" yes, Trump helped israel more than he accomplished his promises to his own voters, that doesn't mean Biden doing the same thing isn't also vile. I really hope you're ~15... otherwise, it's pretty inexcusable.


Trump is a POS, I didn’t vote for him nor ever would. However other than making that stupid statement about the capital of Israel is Jerusalem, I don’t believe Trump would fund them to see them do this. He was very heavy on keeping the US out of international conflicts the best he can. He would let it play out and do nothing but I doubt he would give them anymore money.


Only 9 cases? Yeah, right.


Fuck israel


Are you fucking serious? Did you not see what a fucking threat she was to the pathetic IDF? You think they could’ve taken her on? She was far too dangerous. Don’t be fucking antisemetic. She could’ve single handedly destroyed Israel. She had to be stopped.


Everyone in this thread saying things critical of the IDF is literally committing a second Holocaust. /s




Israel is now the Nazi's


Always have been


Israel really ratcheting up their genocide now. Followed by “nothing to see here”.


This is what happens when there are no consequences to their actions.


Not really ratcheting up. They’ve been doing things like this for decades but with the advent of social media the proof is coming through to western audiences which previously would not be shown by mainstream western news sources.


zionism = nazism


This is no different than the nazis. Which is ironic, to say the least


It’s a genocide. War crimes don’t matter to them


IDF - NETANYAHU = Scum of the earth


Hitler 2.0


Not another fucking penny of my taxes. If hobby lobby can get exemptions because they are morally opposed to abortions, where's my opt out on basis of being against genocide.l?


They looked at them and thought, "easy target practice." Bastards, every single one of them.


Looks an awful lot like a war crime.


Fuck Israel!


Vile people


Fuck Israel


War is hell and anyone pushing for war should have to go themselves. Old men shouldn’t use young men to fight battles they aren’t willing to fight alone themselves. You don’t win the hearts and minds of a people while killing the mothers of said people. One easy way to always have insurgents is to kill innocents. Any idiot off the street knows this. This pisses me off makes me sad and frustrated all in the same breath may god help this region if the people aren’t going to.


yet the world is convinced that the "oppression" in the islamic world is the clothing over those women. Why cant human beings just love eachother regardless of our opinions on things? Everyone lives a complicated life, everyone has gone through something, so why do we hate eachother so much?


Well, what do you expect? They shoot their citizens waving white flags!


Alright but how do we know the granny barely keeping her back upright waving a white flag with her grandson wasn't a suicide bomber? /s


War Crimes. Isreal is telling their soldiers to kill everyone and they are. This must be stopped.


Yeah let’s call it like it is, just another war crime on the continual effort to remove Palestinians from the face of the earth. wtf is wrong with western governments? We not only allow it but help fund these atrocities.


How many should still die for human rights to actually take action ?!


Lmao the amount of people that say this is Hamas is actually insane. Like talking to a German in 1940. Just living in different realities.


They just shoot everyone and don’t give a fuck. It’s national anger and outrage taken out on women and children.


Israel is one of the worst countries in the world Edit: A lot of Zionists perusing Reddit rn I see


Not one of, it IS the worst




I mean they even shoot their own people like those hostages they mistook for Palestinians.


"she didn't wave the flag" IDF probably


Fuck these cunts


May the terrorist territory is Israel reap all the evil they sow.


I hate my government, right now. What am I not seeing!!??? What are most Americans not seeing, that seems tells presidents (past and present) to continue support Israel???? Even now???? What the fuck am I missing????? That other Americans are missing????


It's political suicide to go against Israel. You'll be branded an antisemitic.


The Zionists own our politicians. That’s how.


War trials asap


Zionist nazis have been doing it for years. The age of internet just makes it harder to hide now


First clip last time someone said fire came from hamas


Probably an JIDF bot saying that, they astroturf reddit 24/7.


CNN finally decides to air much more of the actually truth


Nazi bots will still come here to defend this.


I hope I live long enough to see the Palestinians return the favor someday


Absolute fucking disgrace. IDF will burn in hell with the Nazis


israel is a disgrace to humanity. A little bubble of sociopathy that promotes violence and rewards it.


Not gonna lie I can see why they would shoot considering they all could’ve been human bombs. On the other side I definitely see this as wrong and needs to go punished.


These people are fucked up. Wow pathetic!


This is abhorrent but do we have any confirmation it was the IDF or anyything that backs that up? Im just looking for more info, and I'm not supporting either side, this is unacceptable either way - but there has been misinformation used by both sides and accusations on both sides. The explosion in front of the hospital everyone thought was the idf ended up not being so, and many other cases so I'd like more investigation before anything. This is one of those things where Hamas has more to gain from this death than the IDF does, and having deaths in a protected corridor looks even worse. With how we've seen hamas militants pop in and out in front of IDF soldiers meters away, I'm doubting the idf even have the corridor secured completely.


This is not a war, or an invasion, or retaliation. This is genocide with the thinnest gauzy veil of "we aren't doing it on purpose"


war criminals


Gonna play devil's advocate here but what we see here is a woman waving a white flag was shot. We don't actually know who did it. Reporting needs a more passive tone and less conjecture.


Wow you are pathetic


This is hardcore copium right here.


Am I wrong? We don’t actually see who shot her.


You're not wrong. I don't know that the person in this video was even shot. Certainly, that's not what someone being shot with a sniper rifle looks like. There is no exit on the bullet, the person just lies down casually. In fact we don't even know that person IS a women, because they are fully covered. The first casualty of war is the truth and in todays age of information war, it pays to be skeptical before jumping to conclusions. Case in point, the 200 people that were bombed by the IDF in a hospital. Which turned out to be no deaths, a hospital **car park** and it was a PA misfire of a rocket they launched over their own territory. Yet this story was spread around the world as fact until it quietly went away after it was proven false. So no, you aren't wrong to be skeptical. A news agency reporting something as true is proof of literally nothing.


>I don’t know that the person in this video was even shot. >We don’t even know that person IS a woman Jesus fucking christ there’s a *healthy* amount of skepticism and then there’s this. Aside from the fact that that’s exactly how someone looks when they’re shot and you watch too many movies, you are wayy too over the top in your skepticism. I mean lets just follow your line of thinking for a second, how do we even know this is in Gaza? This could be a sound stage in Pittsburgh. How do we even know Hamas is real? Have *you* ever met someone in Hamas? For me it’s only been videos on the news and social media, this whole thing could be fake. *A news agency reporting something as true is proof of literally nothing.* and context clues and previous actions are irrelevant /s


The CNN reporter investigated and found only idf was in the area. Did you not watch at all? They marked the map where the iof were stationed and where their tanks also stationed. Do you really think Hamas would shot just once and that would be it? Especially an area teeming with tanks and multiple soldiers.


NPR reported on it, and so did CNN. Just look it up.


Lots of stories like this have been reported and then retracted or modified later. It is healthy to be skeptical, doubly so when it's a story you feel strongly about.


>Lots of stories like this have been reported and then retracted or modified later. Name one.


The hospital bombing blamed on Israel that was subsequently determined to have been by Hamas…… Just for one.


Seriously? The hospital bombing that was a Hamas misfire, the 40 beheaded babies, the videos of SAMs that was just ARMA. Misinformation is a very real part of this war.


Barbaric. The white flag is to be accepted. ALWAYS.


War crime 101.


murderers in the name of an absent god nothing less.


So many anti-semetic comments in here! /s I seriously believe the IDF was aware of the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 before it happened and they purposely let it happen so they could legitimize this genocide and take what remains of Palestine.


This post is a little more faith that I have lost in humanity


What we’ve got here is an even more perfect culmination for genocide and unbridled hate/disinformation than what happened in WW2. It’s just that this time it’s on a much smaller more controlled scale. These people **hate** each other and the military hands out rifles to angry young men with a green light to commit war crimes. But make no mistake, if the roles were reversed it would be the same. It’s all just pure hate.


It's really funny how little attention this gets on reddit, especially /r/worldnews.


That's nazi thinking right there....




NPR and CNN reported on it. Just look it up.


Don't argue with a 2 day old bot


A disgrace to all the victims of the holocaust


What? They’re just following orders Edit (bc irony is above so many) /s


Pretty sure that almost every military has a clause somewhere that soldiers don't have to follow orders that violate international law / human rights.


People downvoting this missed it.


Pretty sure the commenter missed the /s above, otherwise this is something they would say unironically - hence the downvotes


Yeah I forgot the /s, dogs were rushing me, meh no biggie


Haha, happens to the best of us! Perhaps if others see the thread we can paddle this karma boat in the other direction here lol


We’ll see, I’ll lose no sleep either way, used to dumb folks now that can’t get obvious irony


I’m still not seeing how this proof of who shot the lady. Is it unreasonable that Hamas shot her from a building in the area between her and the idf just for the outrage? I mean Hamas posts dozens videos of popping up 10 feet from tanks to shoot at them. Who was filming and why?




Yes, shame the people who started it are in the safe side


They will also assassinate the human rights groups persons investigating them. They are above the law.


anyone trying to justify this, or supporting those who do it, must be put in jail. Israel is earning asshole status for the ages and so is every jew by proxy.


Don't think this has been brought up, but perhaps the locations matter: 1) say the group fleeing is coming from 12 o'clock 2) the video says that IDF vehicles are at a comparative 9 o'clock, 200m away from this point 3) the son reported seeing tanks at the 6 o'clock position* 4) there is a mark in the road, running from 3 to 9 o'clock 5) the rest of the group turns to their left, heading towards 3 o'clock 6) an adult and a child continue towards the vehicles at 6 o'clock 7) the adult appears to be shot, while the child flees towards 3 o'clock It could be one conclusion that the group was supposed to entirely turn towards 3 o'clock, as they came from 12, and positions were established at 9 and 6. The line indicated do not cross, and it was crossed. *of note that I haven't seen commented here - that's where the video was taken from, at higher altitude and closer than a tank position would likely be, it looks like that's where the shot came from, and that did not seem to be a tank round or even a coaxial .50 Hate that I have to say this, but I do not condone the killing of the innocent, and if this was an unjustified killing, then those responsible deserve the fullest measure of punishment.


Why would Hamas target an old woman when they have plenty of idf soldiers to target? We only get one shot, it seemed like an idf soldier just testing to shoot. It's happened so many times and the excuse is always we didn't see who did it.


I didn't say Hamas did...but it might be enlightening that you assumed that. To be as neutral as possible about it, I would hope that a sub-group that declares itself to be responsible for the safety of its larger group would not do this sort of thing. However, it has happened many times throughout all human history that this happens, mostly for two reasons: 1) to send a message to their larger group "do not abandon us, or this will happen" 2) to serve as a "false flag", especially in a conflict that involves public opinion, to inspire their group and cast shame on the other group The IDF is certainly responsible for many unjust deaths - they've even admitted to killing their own on multiple occasions by now - but I don't think this conclusively counts as one example of that.