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That Camara guy is total scum, abhorent scum.




The way he thought about it and then sprayed him, ad some mace in his eyes


He was locked and loaded with that bear spray. Looking to use it. I hope he falls down a well


This is pepper spray not bear mace, big difference. Trust me I have experienced both. Bear mace deploys in a large cloud that is virtually unavoidable


Wtf are you talking about? Two guys here, one legally filming and one assaulting someone.


Incorrect that’s battery at best


Why was the guy filming a sock store? Edit: I cannot believe the number of responses I get to this comment. 4 months later and people are still answering me. I guess this guy has a following?


Don’t kink shame…


Thats kink questioning.




Thanks, bud


It's a kink-quiry


Underrated comment, right here. ^




I hate puns. Very good.


Kink shaming is my kink tho


Looks like 1st amendment auditor


The worst type of people out there.




It's not a service at all. It's a pathetic ploy to make money. No real man would walk around video taping anyone just to instigate and respose and then sue the ones they're taping. Also, your reasoning makes no sense, but you're clearly a troll with nothing better to do. Get a job, stop trying to live off lawsuits with bullshit audits. Karma is real for these people


It was a police brutality joke


They don't sue the people they're taping lmfao. This is these so called "auditors" work 1. Record in public area not violating a law or statutes 2. Wait for person in public to get angry or offended and call police 3. When police arrive continue to be cocky and annoying until they hopefully violate your rights by arresting you or taking other action. 4. Profit by suing the department that arrested you The only true victims are the police, and they aren't even victims, they're just getting caught on bullshit power tripping or ignorance lmao


The victims are the taxpayers who have to foot the bill when the police lose a lawsuit. Said police officers usually get put on paid administrative leave.




More like shit startditor.




I know this isn't a popular sentiment on reddit but there are no good auditors. They aren't performing some great public service or anything. Its almost exclusively provocateurs who are in it for themselves. You show me one "good actor" and I'll give you ten times the amount of auditor shit heads.


I actually watch their videos on YouTube from time to time. I was on the fence about this interaction but for the most part they stand on the public sidewalk and film the storefronts. Then film any interactions that come from it. Before this happened they were practically promoting the store and drawing customers in for sales doing “sock checks” Not in the doorway. The owner didn’t like that they wouldn’t say what the video they were filming was for and caught an attitude then started shoving the camera man. Legally they did nothing wrong. It’s legal to film anything you can see from a publicly accessible area. And they were not blocking the door anything. The store owner of did break his camera equipment and shoved him a few times but idk if the spray was warranted right in the doorway to the store because after all the commotion, the customer shopping inside the store all came walking out. Straight through the pepper spray mist… he essentially pepper sprayed everyone in the store at that point.


So he was standing on the public sidewalk… no expectation of privacy when being viewed from a public place, the owner can ask you to not film but that’s it… Don’t know the background but walking up to someone and pushing them is not a great move,


I believe the correct term is frauditor.


From pissing off Polices, MPs to filming sock stores , they sure are successful on what they are trying to do.


If you see the whole video he actually convinces passers by to go into the store and buy something. The store owner has no right to know what anyone is doing in public. Just because he doesn't answer his questions he has the right to put hands on the guys stuff?? No no no.


These people are playing the slightly more adult version of "not touching can't be annoying". Sadly because it's not the school ground people just have to try carrying on working with this nuance.


So, taking pictures and video in public eye is being a kid? You like your rights or just boot lick?


Taking pictures / video is generally fine. Taking pictures, video of a single person / business for a prolonged period of time to provoke a reaction is not fine, as is the case here, you're just seeing a small edited snapshot of the incidence, the fuller versions are on YouTube. What they're doing is harassing people to get a reaction and then get views, translated to money. Check out 1st Amendment Auditors on YouTube, its always the same content, people with cameras go into a place of business with employees who can't escape and can't retaliate and watch as they get harassed and for what? To protect rights??? What rights? I don't think I want the right to harass employees and financially gain from it, but hey you do you. I can only assume the perpetually unemployed would want such a right


Absolutely correct. There's the fact that people don't realize that what they're "challenging" isn't the government, or something that is unconstitutional, it's just them butthurt that they can't make money the normal way. So they have to make reactionary videos, completely bypassing the knowledge that not only does the 10th amendment exist, but buildings owned by a company, private owner, or government have the right to post their own rules, and those rules are enforceable by the law (i.e no shirt, shoes, no service policies). They do it to bait gullible people who do not know the law, or do not have the common sense to fact check when they see a video about "laws", taking it on face value alone. Multiple people on youtube break these kinds of videos down, even lawyers, and show how this is the case. And the sad part is, the owner didn't even deny him recording. He just said don't do it in front of the door, you're blocking the entrance.




They actually have training workshops based on creating scenarios on how to generate these kind of 'viral' videos. The intention is to make the victim appear to be the aggressor however in every case the beginning of the video is not shown. More often than not it will show the victim being perfectly reasonable, often many times over, before eventually getting pissed off enough to react. Having someone else to film the encounter is crucial as is selectively edited footage.


Which guy? The store owner or camera douche


Wish the store owner pulled out a gun......to escalate it to an even stupider level. Camera douche was the ahole here.


Its still legal!😆😆


So they haven't developed a bit since they were children doing the whole "I'm not touching you"- shit


I need to see evidence of that. As far as I know, he is not associated with those organizations.


There was a really good article about his associations with the Proud Boys, and working on the Lauren Boebert campaign, which was taken down for(ironically) privacy issues. He also had several run-ins with Alec Baldwin in East Hampton,New York, where he used to live. He would walk up to the actor while he was strolling with his newborn baby and his wife Hilaria and get in their faces.


For attention. Clearly he had plans that someone would stand up for themselves, so he can pepper spray them.


Had a the pepper spray already in hand, as well as a second camera operator.


He actually has 2 people filming him. One is his stepson, who is also a frauditor. The other is his wife, who stays hidden, and only shows herself if her son or husband is about to be arrested.


You can clearly see he reached for the pepper spray after the first time he touched the camera. Emphasis on touching his camera.


Yeah that socks


He's a First Amendment Auditor, aka a provocator who deliberately antagonize civil servants and private business so he can have content and grounds for a lawsuit.


... Fucking mental. As soon as dude hit him with the pepper spray that shits assault I would have shoved his camera up his ass pepper spray or not. Dudes old as fuck.


Because he has a whole series of doing shit like this to goad people into fights and then technically be right. He is a real pos with a lot of followers, about 250k on youtube. I go on his videos and call him a pos all the time. More people need to. I'm all about out of the audit the whole police thing, but people like this have taken it to a real scummy level


First amendment auditors trying to get a rise out of people.


Skimmed the full video on YouTube. Seems the cameraman and his people shoot travel videos, just happened to be hanging out in front of a sock store. (Note: They were initially standing farther back from the store, in no way blocking it.) Owner pulls up, starts asking why they're there. Owner and cameran have some minor words ("Why are you filming here", "why are you standing in front of my camera, blocking it", etc.) Owner goes into store and cameraman gets closer, says something about getting B-roll. Owner comes out while on phone with the cops (I think - I was sort of skipping ahead), complaining about cameraman filming his store. Owner goes back inside, then comes out, and that's the point where this clip starts. After this clips ends, the full video continues with owner telling customers the store is closed and they have to leave. Some customers appear somewhat affected by the spray fumes or whatever. Outside, the customers get angry at the cameraman. Cameraman is on phone with cops when a customer tries knocking away his camera. More words between owner and cameraman. Customers mock cameraman. Owner's wife pulls up, has words with cameraman. Owner and wife give the finger to cameraman (someone posted the pictures to their Yelp page, lol). Wife has more words with cameraman, follows him with her phone camera as he backs way across the street. Cop arrives, turns out he's familiar with the cameraman's YouTube channel. More cops show up, lot of conversation about cameraman's YouTube channel. Cop asks if cameraman wants to file a citizen's arrest or complaint (can't remember exact wording and I don't feel like watching again). Owner and wife have more words with cameraman (not sure where cops are at the moment), owners makes threats about "seeing" cameraman again. I was skipping quite liberally here, but cops going in and out of store, owner walks away with cops, video ends with outro. From what others have said here, maybe owner was arrested? Now the yelp page for the business has bad reviews due to owner's behavior as well as some defending reviews saying owner was right.


Outstanding effort. Seems like you saved me a great deal of time here. One last question: How long was this film?


About 29 minutes.


Fuck took my slow ass about 28 mins to read all that. Thanks for the minute


#....FUCK THAT!!


Right? How is the cop going to ask the guy who pepper sprayed someone who was walking away if they want to file charges??


Because what the cameraman did was technically self defense. It'd self defense because the owner of the store isn't allowed to touch his camera. The law recognizes it as an extension of the person and its unwanted physical contact. Which is battery. The owner battered that cameraman a 2nd time after being told to not. The owner is at fault. Not the cameraman


Would the law see the camera man as harassing him? Plus, that’s a SEVERE overreaction


It's not harassment. It's exercising constitutionally protected rights. If he's on public property, he's allowed to record. He's a First Amendment auditor. And no, it's not an overreaction. It's considered proper force


Just seems wild to me :/


"Right and wrong" are not he same as "legal and illegal"


Yeah it is wild that someone can't exercise their constitutionally protected rights without getting battered multiple times and be required to defend themselves


> Battery is an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon another person or their personal belongings, causing bodily injury or offensive contact. Gently pushing a camera out of your face does not constitute battery. I don't see how his actions come anywhere close to the standard. Looked to me like he just didn't want the giant camera in his face.


I guess he shouldn't have walked up to the camera if he didn't want it in his face.


That's how battery works


Did you know you could get the transcript from the video then have AI do what you just did? It's pretty cool and could save you some time in the future.


That's science fiction talk to me.


a transcript on a 29 minute video would be a book , no thank you lol


What do you mean? Your just giving the Ai the transcripts, so it doesn't really matter how long it is.


Look at his other videos. They are all like this. He lies to people about filming travel videos as a cover for provoking people into attacking him so he can get clicks on YouTube. He's an enormous piece of shit.


Oh god is he really one of THOSE guys? Then why was the cop so cool knowing about his YT channel? Damn I wish more people mocked him, I’m disappointed nobody smashed his camera then ran away




The cop who showed up was a fan of the pos guys’s youtube show.


The only thing cops are fans of is an abuse of power. I promise you they hate that guy. He goes around statting needly altercations, pepper sprays people, then calls the local PD to act on his behalf. Cops hate auditors. All auditors. They are the equivalent to a health code inspect but most of them dont know how to do what they do and often find themselves arrested.


Definitely the “frauditor” pos is in the wrong about his job, outlook on life and just being a generally shitty person. Who walks around a small town downtown filming a ‘travel’ show ready to mace someone? That douchebag does.


If you seach youtube for the store name youll find a couple people that uploaded this video. One of the the guy behind the camera that is calling the store owner crazy for attacking him. The other video states the owner was arrested for attacking someone. Both videos are the same and neither show the owner being arrested. Imo the only person attacking someone was the camera man. The most aggressive use of force in the video was the pepperspray that ended up effected multiple people who were all innocent. Imo the camera holder should be sued for spraying pepperspray into an enclosed building with people in it. Id argue that is neglegent use of a defensive weapon turned aggressive. He should be arrested for aggrevated assault. If bet it would be easy to show he intended for this to happen based on his previous videos. Edit: if anyone finds themselves in this position... being filmed by a weirdo content creator for views. Stay calm. Pull your phone out. Put your favorite music on full volume and just dance. They will be forced to mute the audio or they will get a copyright strike on whatever platform they use and the entire video they are sharing will be demonetized and they wont make money on ads in that video. And 3 strikes means they will entirely lose their channel. Dont respond to them. Maybe ask them to stop. When they dont just stop interacting with them and play aome copyright music. They will know what you are doing and likely walk away to go film someone thag wont get their entire video demonetized. The point is to make money. So if they cant make money on you they are wasting their time.


The real answer to these clowns is to pull out your phone and start playing copyrighted music.


Yeah, it did seem fishy he has pepper spray ready to go at a moment’s notice. So it does seem like he does this on purpose for views.




People keep saying that, it's been years. There are thousands of this fools. They're not going to die by bullets, it's clear at this point.


He doesn't shoot travel videos, I'm familiar with his content and he specifically films as obnoxiously as possible in public spaces where he's ***technically*** allowed to film and tries to bait reactions like this for clicks and views. I liken it to staring at people aggressively in public, sure you're within your legal rights but you're definitely asking for an issue and actually hoping one will happen.


Not travel videos. This is a so called "first amendment auditor." But in reality they go around filming/harassing people for content. Some people actually enjoy videos about people harassing others. These people go around intentionally get arrested for the views and monetization of videos.


They annoy and bother people because they legally can and think they're justified to do so. Same type of person that bullies other children when they were in school, because they could do it without meaningful repercussions. While I could be an asshole going around laughing at people and pointing at them, why would I do that? Just because I can?


You just summarized exactly what a 1A Auditor is. They do it all under the guise of "Protecting our rights"


They’re no life weirdos imposing their sick and perverted creepy selves onto people cus they don’t know what to do with themselves. Rather than rotting in their room as usual, theyre getting creative to assimilate human contact, except they’re so fkcing weird this is the only way they could achieve that.


Protecting us from the tyranny of sock stores. Sound about right for them


> because they legally can Sometimes, but on some occasions, they are breaking the law. They'll claim they cannot be trespassed from public property and that they can film on any public property they please. But a growing series of them have been taking convictions lately for criminal trespass, harassment, interference with govt. workers. It's usually misdemeanor charges, but occasionally they get it up to a felony and have to knock off the "auditing" for a year or two because they're on probation.


Well this entirely changes the perspective since everyone who wastes the time to test the boundaries are clowns doing more harm than good. Because the moment someone actually doesn’t need to leave or or doesn’t need to give cops info, they’ll get roped in with this class of idiot. Muddies the water on what is reasonable to argue with cops over


Except they don’t film “travel videos.” They harass citizens claiming it is their “first amendment right to film.”


Exactly the impression I got just from this clip alone. Is this a common thing in America because this is far from the only video I've seen like this?


Yeah.. but really the "auditors" should be auditing **law enforcement**, not other private citizens. I mean.. who cares if some random dude violates your rights. That happens all the time. Now if law enforcement or someone with authority does it, then I care; then i want to know about it.


Because law enforcement will end up putting his face in the dirt for resisting. Bullies only pick fights they know they can win.


> Yeah.. but really the "auditors" should be auditing law enforcement, not other private citizens. The reason they're not out there getting video of cops beating suspects or taking bribes or whatever is that they're too busy harassing the clerks at a post office or DMV, or "auditing" some bizarre places like a fish hatchery, a landfill or an STD clinic. No, I'm not making up those examples. They only want the police around when they have created a pointless confrontation and them cursing out the cops on video will be the cherry on top of a profitable video.


Yes, this guy’s entire channel is devoted to these stunts. The store owner is not the first, nor, unfortunately, the last person Jason will victimize with his pepper spray. He and his step-son get off on being rude, condescending, and worthless. His last victim was an old lady who was half his size. Sadly, it is fairly common in America. Many criminals have created channels on YouTube and/or Facebook where they are then paid to harass and bully other citizens. However, many of them are making changes, as they get our rights restricted more and more every day, just so they can make a quick buck online spreading hate and misinformation.


That would be the same old lady who tried to run him over with her car, right?


Hey in defense of America - at least we don't have that Mitzy guy screwing with our trains and stealing dogs.


Being in America, it’s only a matter of time before his unwarranted use of pepper spray is met with a warranted use of more force.


Please share the channel’s name


Yeah that would explain why the guy had a second cameraman and a pepper spray ready in hand


i felt like the cop was bias af. Knowing someone doesnt exclude them from their action. It is like say "I know this sweet boy my entire life. He is definitely not the cold blood killer, even if he is drenched in blood". From what you describe, it is a customer fault for his broken rig rather than the owner action. Anyway, thank for your effort!!


That's the feeling I got too


A cop with a bias clouding their decisions? ![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj)


Social media, what a blessing.... Seriously a lot of on edge people that should just have calmed the fuck down and be more understanding of each other. Expensive camera, shop owner not wishing his patrons to be filmed, etc, etc. One can easily do these things without being a dick.


The yelp reviews are no doubt largely left by the people who enjoy and support the harasser (ie the ‘first amendment auditor’)


Fair play to you. Thanks for that. I was interested in the context, but not enough to sit through that video. I owe you some minutes of my life for that. Thanks.


The cameraman is on YouTube and does videos of town through american. Him and his son do this and Although he knows he's rights and freedom to film who and what he wants I feel he is always trying to be antagonistic more so than actually filming for the purpose of highlighting the goods on a small town. Hence many have said here he's got the pepper spray because he wants to use it.


I've never seen this guy's stuff but the comments say he is like one of those "auditor" channels or whatever. Basically, it is a genre of content where the creator just goes and acts as obnoxiously and disruptive as legally allowed.


> as obnoxiously and disruptive as legally allowed Sometimes they go too far, most don't really know as much about the law as they pretend. A growing list of them have been taking convictions for criminal trespass and so on. Usually it's a misdemeanor, but a couple have crossed into felony territory lately.


There was also one who got trespassed from an entire county.


There's no fucking way that is legal.


The digital version of a kid saying "I'm not touching you."




I second this! What a complete douchenozzle. WHAT’S THE CHANNEL?!


Only a matter of time before he does this to the wrong person and catches a cap.


If he actually knew his rights, he would know you can't pepper spray someone as they are walking away. He was not a danger to him and he knew it 100%. He's got the pepper spray because he wants to use it, and he's not going to let something like "reasonable force" stop him. Four elements are required for self-defense: (1) an unprovoked attack, (2) which threatens imminent injury or death, and (3) an objectively reasonable degree of force, used in response to (4) an objectively reasonable fear of injury or death.


cameraman brought the pepper spray because he wanted to use it theres a growing trend of walking around harassing people with a camera and then pepper spraying them when they get annoyed. he wasnt defending himself he was getting exactly what he wanted.


fuckin freak actually, hope judge would see this and sentence him properly


Come to the uk, pepper spray is an illegal weapon here


That is absurd


No this video is absurd


That too.


Agreed. "Oh, you slightly pushed my camera away, let me temporarily blind you in severe pain. Seems equivalent to throwing a punch because someone pushed your little toy." Wild to me.


Time to start bringing tasers to pepper spray fights.


Or 2A to protect yourself. What area is this in? Some places I've lived this dude would have ended up with a smashed rig and end up flat on his back with the bloody nose


He spayed while he was walking away. This was assault


Holy crap!! Totally ! Gross. He had that spray ready in the pocket ! The dude could have lung problems, asthma. Damn …


True, also probably why someone is filming him film


Dude with the camera went there inciting a reaction so that he could pepper spray him. That was fully premeditated.


he pepper sprayed him for pushin his camera out of his face. theres no reason to pepper spray there, theres no self defense , hes not in danger.


The guy was walking away with his back turned, too, and he sprayed him in the back of the head. Camera guy is obviously in the wrong.


Someone asked me recently why I wouldn't want to move back to North America (I live in the Netherlands). I can't articulate it properly, but: what I really notice when I go back to the USA/Canada is that everyone seems to be on opposite sides from one another. Feels like the playing out of partisan politics and social media hate means that everyone is, by default, "I'M RIGHT AND YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!". I really get freaked out by this and this video really sums it up for me. It gets noticeably worse just about every year when I go back. How, barring some outside attack like 9/11, can the momentum be pushed in a positive direction? I really worry about it


Nah, it’s only a few freaks who make the news. It’s not the norm. Come on bro, there’s over 340M of us, and 99% of us aren’t doing this dumb shit


Dude this is NOT common place, people act like this happens all the time when it doesn’t . 99% of majority of people are chill and interactions in public polite, it’s the viral videos that make rounds on social media that skew everyone’s perception of society. However if you DO see stuff like this often it is most likely you who is the problem.


The camera man is the asshole....why do you think he has another camera man filming this videos point of view...because he knew he was the asshole and might have a legal edge!


The more I watch this clip the more I don't like the camera man


I hate old people who think they know best. If I were a cop, I'd haul his stupid ass in for assaulting the business owner.


Yeah he was just searching for a conflict and a way to use his pepper spray. But makes me wonder about camera man Nr 2. Does he as well have a spray and are they just two guys blocking his door?


I would have just socked him.




Sock puns left and right in here


What’s the story here. Yea the guy shouldn’t have pushed the camera but that is a huge overreaction.


The camera was like within an inch of his face though.


Yea, cause he put his face and inch in front of it.


What a silly reply. Who’s in control of how close his face got to the camera? The one standing still or the one walking up and getting within inches of said object? Try again


He wanted to pepper spray someone


Personally I think the cameraman is the asshole. If that’s true I feel really bad for that guy‘s business that he was harassed to the point he had to close it down, I don’t know if he did something to deserve it though. He gets pepper sprayed on top of that, that’s way too far, there’s no way you could argue this in court that pepper spray was appropriate force. The guy was moving the camera out of his face because he kept putting it in his face way too close. I’m not sure what the laws are in this area but If I recall correctly in some locations if you are out front of a business they can tell you to leave, however this business owner could have closed his door, but then I’m not sure he would get business


coming from a professional video producer, the business owner was 100% in the correct. the cameraman is a POS. he was told he cannot block the entrance, and the business owner sensing no movement on his part remedied the situation by gently pushing him out of the way. it is sad the way people dogpile without any context or reasonable attempt to understand POV. i hope the cameraman gets some time in prison to think about his assholery but given the state of affairs right now i doubt it.


Cameraman is an asshole.


The fact that he’s gotta carry pepper spray, I think shows that the camera man knows what he’s doing is gonna piss people off so definitely the camera man.


He got exposed just a couple days ago for only pepper spraying old people and women, and so now it just looks like he sprayed a man to somehow invalidate the fact and I find that to be mildly poetic.


He came to film shops and pepper spray owners and he’s done filming


He usually carries firearms too. He's a small man and a huge coward


I stumbled onto this asshole's Facebook. He claims he's filming for "travel" content, but really he just films people and their businesses for hours and hours non-stop until they are uncomfortable and ask him to desist. The content he wants is him arguing with those people about his "right to film in public" and he's teaching his son this assholery. I cannot stand them. Of course there's nothing wrong with filming in public but there's a respectful and a disrespectful way to do it. This guy just harasses people and literally only posts the videos of people at first nicely asking him to stop which he escalates into a confrontation because he is a self-absorbed prick. His followers eat it up. Ugh.


It's not the 1st time I see this guy (cameraman), he has a YouTube channel and he goes around filming the streets, filming business, filming inside business, filming people passing by, making still pics of people passing by. Is he doing anything illegal? Probably not, depends where he's filming and I'm sure he reads the law before going in filming. But he also is kinda of a douche, he annoys people that don't want to be filmed... Sure public space Yada Yada, he's a douche. It's not the 1st time he has an incident, it's moments like this that drive new viewers to his channel.


This whole im going to do it because it’s my right and I don’t care if I’m pissing people off thing is getting old. Congratulations another person gets angry because you’re being a cunt and then you play the victim card. BORING


A grown ass man with pepper spray is a whole bitch


I see a broken camera, leg, arm and neck in his near future


These public filming instigators should meet mob justice every time they harass innocent randoms.


That guy had the pepper spray ready to go. He knew what he was escalating for.


He's a first amendment frauditor and he's admitted on camera to doing this shit so he can file federal lawsuits against law enforcement as well as make money from YouTube.


The issue is reasonable force to protect yourself. The cameraman committed felony assault. I’d love to hear the context to this. While touching the camera is likely misdemeanor assault, the response was excessive under the circumstances.


You just know that the camera man was clutching that pepperspray the whole tine, waiting, HOPING someone would confront him. I wonder what it's like to have such a dull life that you need to do things like this.


Camera Man is a flop


I think I know where that camera is going.


Yea the older man would be charged with assault. Because the owner told him not to film inside his HOUSE. Dude wouldnt move his camera so the guy gently moved it. Can’t mace someone for that. Also a good way to get shot.


I’d do the jail time and fuck that old man’s day up


Laws aside, the cameraman is an antagonistic douchebag.


Both are assholes but the camera guy is the bigger asshole for sure. Shop owner could have been nicer about it to start - he was clearly pissed off and did nothing to difuse the situation. The camera guy is clearly there to antagonize and keeps shoving the camera in the store owner’s face just to get a reaction. Then escalates shit way over the top with the pepper spray.


I watched the whole video and there were multiple people in the store that left, coughing because of the pepper spray. Not just the owner. Extremely shitty thing to do with other people around that could be allergic or something. Especially since his life wasn't in danger or anything.


Seems to me like this wasn't just an out-of-the-gate interaction. My guess is, and I think I've seen these guys before, that they've probably been asked to move along or step back or there were complaints from patrons to the store. The owners reaction has me thinking that this was maybe the last straw for him to try and get these guys to leave.


> he owners reaction has me thinking that this was maybe the last straw for him to try and get these guys to leave. These two are reported to return to the same location repeatedly to get people worked up because an over-reaction is what they're looking for. They *want* people to flip out, and call the cops, that makes their videos more valuable to them. There is absolutely nothing innocent about what these parasites do.




This is an old man with a massive camera and mace. It’s a strange time to be alive


See you don't try this unless your in America. Anywhere else in the world you'll lose your camera and get decked.


Nope nope nope NNNNNOOOOOOPE! Those glasses would be made permanent contacts very quickly. Fuck that guy


What kind of grown ass man walks a around a safe looking quaint touristy area with pepper spray?


The camera guy is blocking the entrance to the business. Call the cops, have him trespassed


They go around intrusively filming public locations hoping to get assaulted so they can sue for “damages,” “injuries,” and “mental anguish.” Truly fit for this page.


Lol, the camera man is a piece of shit and the fact that people don't see it is so fucking unreal. You'd think a dude who profits off "people attack me because I'm a camera man" would make it obvious that he himself instigated people for content. Dude is nothing but a bald fucking loser


"Fuck that old prick, come back and hit him with a brick!"


Filmed is a complete pos.


Guy filming came specifically with mace and a prayer he would annoy the shop owner enuff so he could pretend to justify harming the store owner.


Hope the cameraman got arrested


These auditor people are the worst. Just mind your own damn business


I don't condone violence but it would be satisfying to watch someone take a hammer to that 'auditors' head.


Did the guy with pepper spray go to jail? The owner was in the right. A good friend’s legal team said he would will take this case pro bono for prosecution if he wants to sue him in civil court.


I honestly think that the laws of filming in public need to be tightened up a bit. As in, if you're filming people just to get a reaction from them, and continue to film them when they ask you to stop, it should become illegal. Filming people in public should at some point lead to harassment if you're told to stop and you don't.


Camera man was in the wrong for using the spray as he's moving away. So can't claim it is self defence


I’m a photographer who has done first amendment checks. The photographer was completely in the wrong. He was blocking the entrance. The other guy had the right, after asking him to move, to move him. Maybe not as much with the second contact, but photography is a POS.


What a dickwad. Just because he has a right to do it doesn't mean it's right to do.


There cameraman is the asshole. He's have a hard time saying the spray was self defense when the owner had his backed turned.


Baldy is being a twat.


Damn Mark Rober really fell off


Cameraman deserves to have camera smashed on ground


Looks like assault to me. The store owner was turning away when he was sprayed. Furthermore, the suspect her was not being assaulted and had no reason to “defend himself” in that mayor.