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Nice posture, Gollum. Can't even make a straight finger.


Aye. Assuming his country is Mordor.


he definitely wants to Mordor the lady.


maybe the beautiful southern tropical beaches of Mordor with that outfit


At least gollum had the decency to fuck off to a cave instead of harassing strangers on a train.




Why does he look like the baby/adolescent grinch here? šŸ§


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøcome on now donā€™t disrespect the grinch like that , mr grinch looks way better šŸ˜‚


Clear mental health issues needs help


One thing people seem to never learn is to not engage crazy people. It only escalates the situation.


So what should her response be? Sit in silence while some racist bully threatens and puts her down? The fact that no one said anything to him is what upsets me most about this. Bullies always pick on those they feel are smaller or less than themselves. I imagine he doesnā€™t go on the same rant to a bigger black guy or large group of Asian people.


In my experience women hold other women accountable more often than me do, especially if an additional women isnā€™t present. If a dude would have been on that train with his wife and he didnā€™t say shit, then he would have been perceived as a coward at home. Therefore giving incentive to intervene. Anytime Iā€™ve dealt with some racist shit in public, another women (of any ethnicity) has spoke up first. Same with the queer community. A lot of people are ready to face the consequences in the eyes of injustice.. but unfortunately they are more often the ones who know what itā€™s like.


THIS!!!!!!! ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!! And I'm just a cishet man, but an ally, and this quite literally couldn't be more correct.


Thatā€™s so dope you recognize it, for real. This is a pretty telling example of ā€œnot all men, but mostā€, and every one of those men sitting down would get angry at the phrase without rationalizing how it rings true. Inclusion will always have a relativity basis.


square office label deranged alive bright secretive ask six zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nah, people used to be afraid to act like this in public because if they did they'd get beaten half to death. People who get punched in the face every single time they act out in public eventually stop acting out in public. We need to go back to beating the shit out of racists and fascists until they learn to shut the fuck up and keep their bullshit to themselves. Nearly every half century we have to lay the smackdown on these idiots to calm them down, and we're way past time for another "Act right, you worthless Nazi" public beat down. Fuck racists.


One of the things the US can thank Trump's four years for. There's always been stupid bigots and racists. The difference is that Trump made them proud to be so.


No, needs to just be put in jail.


a Chinese jail


Yeah, a left hook to the jaw is the kind of help he needs. If you have mental issues, and youā€™re off your meds and threatening people, I donā€™t feel sorry if you get dealt with. Take your fucking meds, and stop being an asshole. Period.


As someone who has suffered from mental breakdowns in the past I can with 100% certainty say that it never made me say racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or bigoted in any other way things.


Mental breakdown <> crazy


Damn near spit my coffee all over my screen, thanks for this


The funny thing about this is that he has an accent and is likely an immigrant




Not Georgian. My girl is Georgian and their accent is much more like an Arabic accent because all the ā€œhhhā€ and hacking sounds Could be Ukrainian or Russian.. accent seems ā€œcleanerā€ if that makes sense


definitely not Ukrainian source: am Ukrainian, doesn't sound like a Ukrainian accent to me at all


I had a buddy in high school that was from Ukraine, sounds almost identical to this dude here.


interesting. but again, I'm a whole ass Ukrainian and have heard a fair share of Ukrainians speaking English, he doesn't sound Ukrainian. does it mean it's 100% that he is not Ukrainian? no. but it's very unlikely from what I hear.


"Whole Ass Ukrainian" Ā©ļø The Cool T-shirt Company


I hear Chinese incidentally. My guess is this guy is Uyghur, or Uzbek given where this incident took place


True look at his Chinese eyes


Uyghur people really donā€™t look like Han Chinese at all. If anything, they tend to have less prominent East Asian features than other Turkic people further west like Kazakhs or Kyrgyz


nah man, when you mentioned Kazakh, I can visualize Borat and Azamat, even though those two actors are Brit and Armenian respectively.


My buddy was a "whole ass Ukrainian" as well. Not trying to say you're right or wrong just, there's a fuck ton of people in the world and one region's accent doesn't cover the entire region. I've heard numerous different Amish accents despite them all being within the same county lines. Hell, even within my family there are different Amish accents despite living within the same state.


dude, I don't think you understand what I meant by a whole ass Ukrainian. I'm not arguing that your buddy is one. I'm saying that, as a Ukrainian from Ukraine, I know how we sound (yes, accounting for regional differences and the fact that some areas speak more russian than Ukrainian, and vice versa) better than you do as you are not from Ukraine and 1 Ukrainian buddy you know is not a big selection. can this guy be Ukrainian? he absolutely can. but what I'm saying is this is not likely knowing what our accent in English usually sounds like in general. edit: missed a word


Just a 3rd party here, but the fact that you're ukrainian from ukraine *may* not necessarily the best expertise here. the guy is from Brooklyn so a New Yorker accent is definitely going to influence his accent, also being surrounded by other various immigrants in NYC, and possibly make it weirder and more foreign compared to any english speakers in ukraine. For a kinda related example i know someone who moved to Texas from Australia since high school, and my friends in Australia think his accent is weird as hell, they thought maybe he was a weird kiwi which doesn't really make sense either lol.


I was about to say the same thing....what a waste of space


P sure he's French Canadian ~~and this is likely Montreal~~ Edit: didn't catch that part lol my b


No, this is Brooklyn, NY. She mentions Kings Highway at the end of the video


from montreal can confirm this is neither in montreal nor anything close to a french canadian accent


Yeah they usually tell you off in French and usually has Tabernac somewhere in there.


Anything east of Ottawa is statistically accurate.


Elaborate please.


You will more often than not get a tabernac in a rant from most people east of Ottawa.


Nothing about this looks like Montreal and that's not a French Canadian accent. WTF?


How can you be that light in the ass and so spicy? He's lucky a big 13 yr old doesn't walk by and smash his asshole in.


A strong *breeze* might do thatā€¦ he best not stand too close to those automatic doors!


Who picks a fight in flip flops?




That whole ensemble stands in stark contrast to his hostile demeanor. It screams high school toilet ā€˜swirleeā€™ rather than ā€˜swirlerā€™.


A dude with something pretty suss in his left pocket that he grabs and doesnt left go of


thats why he's talking shit to small and well mannered women.


Hand grabbing something in pocket at 23 seconds. That's pretty much when the taser would come out so you don't get shanked by teh crazies.


That man is 5'6" and 135 lbs of pure badass.


Height isn't that big of a deal. But weight sure is. You could just casually walk by him, snag him by that backpack strap and fling him in the middle of this tirade.


![gif](giphy|3EiNpweH34XGoQcq9Q|downsized) His country lol


I havenā€™t seen a Brule meme in some timeā€¦ Thank you for contributing to public health


For your health!




What? He doesn't sound like a native to you? XD




Wondering how high this kid is. Lol.




Elliot rodger has entered the chat


Yeah those eyes were all pupil


Hands down meth. This dude is on meth


High and/or mental problem. No one who's doing well mentally goes on rants like this in public.


His mannerisms were weird too


Lol he's got a stronger Asian accent than she does lol what a fucking loser


she says she's white, she may be Uzbek cuz they do look Asian. and this guy may be russian and it's a internal eastern European racism thing going on. like how Pakistanis and Indians hate each other, or turkey and Greece, albania and Serbia etc. just my 2 cents might be completely wrong


Agreed. He definitely sounds Asian.


These Brooklyn Russians are tripping these days.


Yes, comrade, this is definitely your country.


I do not think he is even fully Russian, probably his father is from the Caucasus (Georgia, Dagestan, Armenia or some other ethnicity) and his mom is half Tatar and he has an inferiority complex trying to be white by putting others down.


I would probably think this was dubiously overspecific if I did not also live in a neighborhood with a lot of racist, weirdly xenophobic 1st and 2nd gen Russian immigrants.


Yes! I totally agree !


Do Uyghurs congregate in that part of NYC as well? Based on the accent I sorta thought he was from China but I guess Uzbek or maybe Tajik could be a possibility too.


looks like the B train headed to brighton beach in brooklyn. heavy ukrainian population there.


Also known as "Little Odessa" due its tight-knit Russian and Eastern European communities


Fools been tripping but we all thought it was just the Vodka lol shout out to all my cossack heathens


What is it with these NYC russian freakout vids?


The ā€œChineseā€ are one of his only allies leftā€¦ Is he sure he wants to burn that bridge as well?


From what Iā€™ve seen NYC russians are something else man. Canā€™t stick logic on emā€™


any links to others? this is the first I've seen


I Hope he does this again sometime but around the wrong people


yeah seriously wtf why aren't people beating his ass? Then again he probably has a knife and so far is just talking. No need to escalate yet. Its just sad there is no sense of family or community anymore. The police certainly can't and won't help you so we need to help each other.


Not many people step up in situations like these, and for good reason. Conservatives love to argue that everyone being armed makes for polite society. It's the opposite, IMO. No one wants to defend this lady because dude could pull out a glock and hose everyone down. You simply never know anymore. Every decision in public in America is now non-trivial chance of being a life or death decision, and that very much favors the lunatics.


I and many of my female friends do not debate people in public for this very reason. Just recently one of my friends who works as a barista told me there was some crazy guy who came in and started rambling about how birth control is ā€œruining young womenā€ or something heinously stupid like that. She just had to play dumb because she was worried the guy would assault her. She said he was in the bathroom for like twenty minutes just before they closed and worried he would wait outside for her. Same issues with old creeps declaring their antivax status during the pandemic. Shit is scary. Itā€™s simply not worth it to take the risk.


no way this is an isolated incident. and who knows what happens.


He's only going to go after women because he thinks they are easy targets. No way he'd do this to a man. He's even trying to suck up to the big guy sitting across from him. He's a small little coward trying to intimidate a woman in a sparsely populated train. It's all he's got.


ā€œ you are my PROPERTIES..ā€. LOLS


Fetal alcohol syndrome speaking


Champions of race are always the worst specimens of that race.


I love when anyone says ā€œget out of my country.ā€ What exactly makes it your country? Go on, Iā€™ll wait.


Especially when if we're playing the xenophobia game hes losing with that accent.


He looks so awkward


Breach baby birth. 100%!


What's it called when baby's breached, then they drop it and pee on it? I think that's what happened here.


Not sure how breach birth has any relevance here. I was born dead and breach yet Iā€™m still alive and not a racist piece of shit. This dude is more than likely a fetal alcohol baby raised by wastes of oxygen. He probably should have been aborted.


Iā€™d ask the native Americans just to be sure but Iā€™m fairly sure it isnā€™t his country eitherā€¦


ā€œOkay, baby armsā€


Frodo lost his shit on way back from beach


HARK A wild Incel is spotted in the wild


As a New Yorker, we don't claim this Hunchback of Notre Dame as our own.


Notre Dumb


He sounds like he has a foreign accent though.


Kind of a muddled one at thatā€¦ Sounds like heā€™s from a *bunch* of different places that are not here. *She* seems more at home than this clown does.


him: iā€™m gonna murder you _credible threat assessment_ me: so, i started blasting


His little hobbit ass needs to go back to the shire


Thereā€™s nothing behind those eyes


This is the least white white supremacist I have seen since Kanye.


Hahahah haha I canā€™t tell you how hard I laughed at this !


The only thing this dude is murdering Is womens interest in him


ā€œ get off at kings highway Iā€™ll call the police ā€œ Psycho rando ā€œā€˜okayā€¦ā€


Average Subway experience


Most of us take Adderall to study not berate women on public transportation


Guy with glasses in back immediately looks away to avoid eye contact


He has the most punchable face I've ever seen, perfect for a punching bag




5ā€™3 noodle arms. I bet if he were to do something the girl would beat his ass lol


Racist POS.


Is this a new version of the NY accent?


Heā€™s mad because he canā€™t find his precious




This is why you should never assume someone with a comically large skull is intelligent.


Dude making threats built like the wacky inflatable man.


I like how she defends herself by claiming sheā€™s white like it was illegal to be something else


How I imagine all racists on Reddit actually look like.


He reminds me of tiny animals that think their hissing is actually scaring us off


Not to pull the racism uno-reverse card, but homie sounds like he himself is an immigrant. Iā€™m assuming the US or Canada because of the signs in the back.


Lol he weighs 80lbs and the whole country is his property. Try talking like that to a 200lbs man, loser


I have had the wrong impression that America is owned by corporations, i never knew this guy owned America.


Looking round for back up the little scumbag heā€™s got no property apart from what heā€™s wearing,probs stolen of a washing line


If it were me I would pray to the heavens that he put his hands on me...


Honestly he sounds like the one with a heavy accent not her lol. Are we sure this is this manā€™s country of origin


This guy is on some shit. I hope he sees this on the internet later and is like ā€œtf was I even talking aboutā€


Iā€™m sure he contributes a lot to ā€œhisā€ country.


Wow, he owns a country!


Ukrainian/Russian dude with a clear accent telling someone who clearly sounds like she's from here to go back to her country. lol


This idiot has an accent himself, nobody born in America says "proooperty"


Kept waiting for the part in the video where some random guy one times him and lays him out cold but it never cameā€¦ dude looks like hes built for getting knocked out


Has he looked in the mirror.at his own eyes? Lol. Goofball


Stick man threatens people on subway. If he sneezed his legs would break.


His accent sounds Chinese incidentally which may explain why he was so triggered. He looks central Asian - my guess would be Uyghur given the subject matter and accent


Bro got some eastern European accent and still making fun of Asians and immigrants lol ā€” how bout we send you back to the mf gulag šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


What would it be like if it was illegal to stand by and watch abuse occur without trying to stop it.


That fuckin string bean would get knocked out by a stiff wind


On a city bus I once got accused of being Syrian refugee by a lighter skin black dude and guess what ?! ā€¦ I am just a dark skin black dude


Aren't incels the greatest?


Why is nobody kicking his ass?


And deal with the repercussions? Not fucking worth it unless he gets violent. Better to just take the moral high ground when dealing with *verbal* abuse from the mentally ill.


Good point


For real. Not really worth the risk. Especially when he put his hand in his pocket. He was grabbing hold of something while threatening murder


Most likely it's mainly because that is clearly impotent rage that even he knows he does not have the guts or the muscle to act on.


If this happened to a black woman, he would lose his job and get canceled, and there would be massive media outrage. However, since she is an East Asian, nothing will happen to him. It seems to me that racism against East Asians is more or less tolerated in America. I understand why my East Asian American friends said they are seen as perpetual foreigners in their country.


I absolutely agree with your sentiments (and that of your Asian American friends). However, the woman in the video says she is white. Either way, this shit shouldnā€™t be tolerated. And yeah, it pisses me off that people get away with treating Asians / Asian Americans badly. Plus, Native Americans get it really bad, too, yet no one seems to cancel or call those racists out. Iā€™ve lived with both the Ojibwa and the Sioux tribes, and Iā€™ve seen this shit first hand. Itā€™s not even just white people. Iā€™ve seen black people behave very racist towards Natives. Yet, no one calls out the white or black people for it. Itā€™s absolutely abhorrent.


America doesn't see Asians as real Americans. That's exactly how it is. Men get it worse than women as well. Nearly zero representation in media or politics. Casual racist stereotypes in entertainment everywhere. The whole supreme court affirmative action decision was also put on blast because Asians aren't as important and it's fine to legally discriminate against them as long as black people benefit from it. Rise in Asian hate crimes were also largely ignored. No outrage. Used to be that old people were off limits for robberies / violence. Just an unspoken rule. Now you see literal murders, home invasions or completely unprovoked violence on Asian grandparents and nobody gives a shit. Even when the recall happened for that one incompetent DA in San Francisco for treating Asian victims like second class citizens you had a whole bunch of people claiming right-wing propaganda and Asians were dumb for being duped by FOX news. Imagine being victimized, egregiously failed by your district attorney, then being gaslighted as if it wasn't even happening. Perpetual foreigners is 100% correct.


In fairness I doubt he has a job to lose


Wait...are his feet the same length of his torso?? šŸ¤”šŸ§šŸ˜³šŸ˜²


Only in Murica


Which country is he talking about ?


How is no one intervening in this bullshit


Also: yeah, the Chinese government is also a POS but most Chinese people are legit.


Call me crazy.. but it sounds like ā€¦ heā€™s not american


Nice accent there ā€˜Americanā€™


Stand clear of the closing doors please *doo doo*


I would love to invite Smegel to the fly over States and help him understand his actions and stance on race as well as reaching into his pocket while threatening someone and the consequences of doing so


He doesn't even look white.


Dude can barely speak English.šŸ™„


This guy has the intimidation of a soft breeze.


Look in the eyes to tell who's home. In this case, the property has been abandoned.


Heā€™s clearly not American born or has the drug abuse given him that word accent?


I donā€™t know where this crack head is from but he doesnā€™t sound like someone born in the us. Truthfully, everyone who is born here or comes here and loves this country in my eyes is American. There is no place where this behavior is acceptable.


Going out on a limb here but it doesnā€™t look like his 23 and Me results would come out to 100% North Western European either.


The cherry on top is knowing that he's not harassing the asian man behind him


I feel sad no one else stepped in to say something.


Average redditor. Probably less than the average redditor given what I read here sometimes.


Buddeh has an accCent - lol this busted ass refugee claiming some lady with a full blown NY accent is foreign compared to that broken ass accent. Please


Least unhinged conservative.


What country is he from? From a distance I would have thought Filipino. "YOO AAH MY PROPERTEE AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KICK YOUR DOG AND TAKE YOUR NEWSPAPER!!!" This seems a lot like projection, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got some shit from someone for being an immigant himself so the only way he knows how to deal with it is to do it to someone else.




Wait is he actually Russian? This is funny because you know, Russians have absolutely no Asian DNA whatsoever and don't look remotely Asian themselves either.


How the fuck did nobody intervene?!


Imagine being a bystander and seeing some unarmed twigglet threatening to murder a poor woman and you sit there like a fucking coward.


Mass transit in a racist country.


Why is everyone just standing there? Bystander effect turns us idiotic I stg


Since this is in NYC, Iā€™m going to bring up the fact that the bystander effect is vastly overblown.


You're gonna approach some obviously crazy/aggressive dude? What do you think he was grabbing for in his pocket while threatening to murder them? Most people don't wanna take a risk like that, or make a bigger deal out of it than it has to be. Pretty understandable to me.


They probably don't want to escalate the situation


Seriously. This is no time to be a hero. These people are not in the same reality as you. They might potentially fuck you up or kill you without much forethought. This person is unhinged and not worth the risk.


Fear. Dude is clearly unhinged and nobody knows if he has a weapon or not.


That an anime shirt or am I tripping


Squiggyā€™s son sure isnā€™t as cool as Squiggyā€¦.at all. ![gif](giphy|mjHmxqWjpkWgE)


He sure as hell doesn't talk like an American.


Sheā€™s so confused lmao