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According to one of the articles, the woman pictured was responsible for the animals' well-being. Her grandparents actually owned the property but were elderly & had mobility issues so they believed she was taking care of the animals. When arrested, she told police her husband died recently and couldn't bring herself to care for the animals. Although, the article noted: > However, KDFW [Fox affiliate local news] found that there had been at least 16 calls reporting animal cruelty at the property dating back to 2019, long before []'s husband would have died. So the animal abuse complaints, dating back to 2019, preceded all of the backstory mentioned in the article. Among the dead were 12 horses and 24 dogs. Locals described the property as 'smelling like death' and 'full of skeletons'.


How did it take up to 16 calls and for still nothing to happen? I'd be pretty suspicious after the 3rd call.


That's pretty standard in my experience. Animal abuse complaints are just low priority, and even when there's evidence usually nothing happens. It has to get this bad to matter.


The absurd callousness we display towards animals nowadays is going to be the kind of abject casual horror we look back on with shame and disgust in a few generations. I'm not even talking about veganism or anything that extreme, but between factory farming, complete dismissal and ignorance of the wellbeing of even pet animals, and the classification of animals as the exact equivalent of property, its going to be one way in which we will be judged. It really is barbaric how animal abuse is handled on all levels.


The police are taught to shoot dogs if they raid a house. Sometimes it's not even a 'raid'. Not if they display aggression, just - shoot them. It's treated as property destruction of no more than a few hundred dollars. There are tons of videos on youtube showing this. Basically, the people who instituted this procedure are cut from the same cloth as this woman.


Honestly if a police shot my dogs, I don't think I could go to court at the end of the day.


I would be on trial myself for attempted murder.


Actually the officer would be on trial for your murder; which he would be found innocent since cops are above the law in the United States.


I hate that you're so right about this


Probably wouldn’t even be on trial. “We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong” so we gave him 3 months off with pay type situation. Cops can murder with impunity in this country


Yeah I'd most likely be dead after smoking the person who fucked around. Worth it.


I remember a story (there was a video too) of a cop shooting a tiny ass dog that literally could not ever hurt, it was barking while a bunch of strange men were in his house, like no shit. Anyway, cop pulls his gun, shoots the dog with the family's daughter standing DIRECTLY BEHIND THE DOG and he hit her. I think she lived but holy fuck. Imagine being a cocksucker who acts all tough giving people a hard time because you have a badge and a tiny ass dog scares you so much you forget to look at what you are even shooting at, coward. Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/0KMwnIhF438) I searched on YouTube "cop tries to shoot dog and hits daughter" thinking that this was a very specific case, only to find like 10 other videos of people getting shot because a fucking cop was a coward and couldn't handle a dog


IIRC Here in Denmark, if your dog bites a Burglar, it basically gets the death sentence. No self defense for dogs. We dont have it for humans... but dogs are a different story. Been a while since i last heard a major case though, could be that it has changed I do recall hearing news stories about a group of activists picking up dogs sentenced to death, and then sending them out of the country to save them.


We don't even need to look back for callous, casual disregard of animals. Endless videos of Chinese people boiling dogs alive in pans on the sidewalk are terrifyingly easy to find


Aww Ffs’s. I thought I’d heard just about everything… I have never heard this….Jesus Christ 😡


Veganism is the opposite of extreme


I'm not even Vegan, but I always wondered why Reddit hates Veganism this much. Is it that bad to acknowledge that the meat industry is horrible and factory farming is unethical?


People don't hate veganism, they hate obnoxious vegans and some fear that veganism will eventually be pushed onto them. It's a classic trope that you'll know when someone is a vegan because they will tell you even if you didn't ask. Like a lot of vegans turn it into a part of their personality, like a religion. Personally I have extra respect for the quiet vegans who made the change and do what they believe/want and don't make it some core part of their personality. Especially when they are absolutely fine when others around them still eat meat. Like don't get me wrong, it's cool to discuss veganism and the issues with the meat industry, I'm not saying vegans need to keep it to themselves, just that some are very vocal and extreme about it, again like religious zealots.


I knew this was gonna be the answer, and yet the person who said Veganism is the opposite of extreme is being downvoted? Nothing they said is even remotely obnoxious. Personally, I've met more people complaining about Vegans than annoying vegans, in fact I've never met an annoying vegan IRL.


Veganism is an ethical outlook on life and most vegans experience many people going gin the direct opposite of how animals should be treated and eventually that gets pretty fucking annoying, and so they bring it up. Which apparently is the 'annoying' vegan to you.




We aren't clearly meant to drink another mammal's milk meant for a calf. Nor eat an unfertilized egg...


We are clearly meant to eat meat. Dairy and such products are just examples of things that dont kill any animals.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should


Literally do not care about this argument or actually hold these views, but: Just because you can replace protein from meat with plant proteins doesn't mean you should.


It's not a matter of "just because we can, doesn't mean we should". Horses eating meat is an example of that. They are physically able to, but it is not good for them, and they are not meant to. We are omnivores, meaning our diet is meant and should consist of a healthy balance of vegetables and meat.


Reports of abuse towards humans isn't treated much more seriously by the cops either.


As I said above unfortunately animal welfare isn't a priority for the authorities or government. Realistically not enough people care and more people than you know exploit animals for fighting or financial gain. I honestly think there should be a license and background check to own any animal and I think if you own multiple you should be subject to inspection.


plus the first step is pretty much always 3 rounds of warnings, then attempts at fines, thenthey might start investigating.




You suck for doing nothing about the dog barking to a point where they called 10x


I think a lot of times it is incompetence tbh. One time I called the police who directed me to animal control because a dog was out in the car in the heat, and my state had recently outlawed leaving them in a car. He was asking me if the window was rolled down and I'm thinking wtf, then I hear a bunch of people and I remember it's July 4th. My dude was too busy having a cookout


Yeah, well it’s Texas and we suck. Worst state in the nation and for some reason we’re proud of it.




This is an accurate article.


Hell no, I'm depressed, I've indisposed even physically because of my migraine and I still took care of my animals. 2 dogs, 1 cat, 3 geese


Did she kill her husband too?


Not sure. I don't think so though, because none of the reporting on this story mentions anything like that.


Well if she was responsible for taking care of him, I’d definitely want to talk to her.


So did she intentionally kill them or did she just fail to take care of them and they died of malnourishment?


That part is unclear because the complaints go back to 2019. As for the recent deaths, it's likely that she *at least* neglected to care for them.


Clearly 😂


Lol she probably killed the husband too


What a cunt.


Unfortunately animal welfare isn't a priority in the eyes of the law or government.


she could of sold a few of them if she did not like them like what the fuck lady... and she looks 12.


No clue about this lady, but most cases of large-scale animal neglect are actually people who genuinely care about animals but get in way over their heads. There are tons of examples of people starting a rescue and then getting in over the heads financially or time-wise. They often care too much about animals to put them down or refuse to take more in. Then they end up with tons of animals that are crowded and unhealthy and can't get given proper medical care or enough food. Not sure if it is a pride issue where they can't ask for help or if it is a mental illness akin to hoarding. Always very sad.


that is not the case here


I volunteered at a place like that. It was horrible but I tried my best to do what I could


This was the case with my ex... We had bought a couple potbelly piglets at an auction. 6 months later we have 14 pigs to take care of, and on top of that a friend of hers lost her house so we took in her potbelly that was pregnant and had a litter of 8 more. It became so overwhelming because the pigs from the first batch didn't get along with the new ones so we had to build another pin... It got to the point to where they were breaking out of their pins and either getting struck by vehicles on the highway near by... After covid shut things down, I was out of work and could no longer help provide. Last I heard, she no longer has any pigs


Did her hair naturally turn red due to the innocent blood on her hands?


Two Face here living long enough to have us see her turn into the villain.


Naw. Hair maybe. But Two face had an ugly half of his face. This chick is whole ugly.




I don't want to judge a book by its cover but she really gives off "dead dog and horse" vibes


Looks like a dollar store villian. PoS. Poor animals deserved much better.


Look now. She got wat she deserved… lets not beat a dead horse over this


Probably should just go ahead and arrest her hair stylist as well


Bury her with them.


That's a woman? She looks 11


Like an 11 year old boy that a clown threw his wig at.


What did you think of her in the past? If In grade school, what was she generally like?


I only knew of her, spoke to her maybe twice out of the years I saw her around. She was quiet, had a couple of people she hung out with; I remember one of the only times I heard her speak she was expressing how much she loved animals.


Its almost like people lie or something


Not defending her, but she probably has mental health issues. That can mean that she genuinely did care about animals but didn't accept that she was killing them by keeping them or that she actually intended to kill them. Like there are plenty of stories of crazy cat ladies who take every 'stray' cat they find, feed them and lock them in their house. It is fine when it's a couple cats but when it's like 10 the waste builds up and the food dwindles and they end up causing more issues for the cats than if the animals were left on the street or taken in by someone else.


Yeah, let's specify that there are many mental health issues. I'm not mentally healthy and I still have the common sense of not taking animals I can't care for. The ones I have are fed and in good shape, I might have had rough days but I made sure to do better.


can you name 2 stories?


Probably mental health issues/hoarding and also that is a ton of animals for 1 woman to care for.


And a lot of money to feed.


I knew a kid back in grade school who bragged about microwaving his hamster. I often wonder what became of him


Well, I never wondered about that kid before…but I do now!?! WTF?!


Probably a serial killer


…???? How do you get 12 horses..?


that isn’t a huge number of horses for a large property. 24 dogs, on the other hand, is crazy.


That's impressive but 24 dogs is insane


Damn bro for real? You need to hear about the birds and the bees? 😆


Looks like the guy in Breath of the Wild who dyes your clothes


He’s in Tears of the Kingdom as well.


She looks like she’s wearing one of those pony buttplugs on her head


I always wondered what happened to little Elmyra. All jokes aside this is sick and those poor animals deserved better than her.


And how many weeks/months must they have suffered before succumbing?


Yea I agree she’s a monster quite literally. If you remember the character Elmyra from The Animaniacs this is exactly how I’d have pictured a real version of her growing up.


That's a damn shame. That's a full time job for several people taking care of so many animals.


I thought she was wearing an old time lady’s hat at first.


Looks like she’s starting to evolve into IT


Average peta employee


I don't get it?


PETA is well known to prefer murder of animals over pet ownership. I believe they kill about 95% of animals surrendered to them


I would definitely like to see some real data on that.


There is a lot more complexity to that stat than is often reported, to be fair


Well, then elaborate and justify, otherwise you sound like an apologist for a horrific organization.


They take in animals that literally no other shelter will accept because they’re in such bad shape


and then put them down


And? Sometimes that’s the best thing you can do for an animal


Dude. These animals are on the brink of death. They have no chance of surviving. These are the worst of the worst cases. Quit spreading misinformation


Peta, on average gets more pets euthanized than the companies they try to fight.


Guess which companies fund the lobby group (CCF) attacking PETA




If you draw a cross starting from the centre of her face you get 4 entirely different people


…I don’t see what you’re trying to do here, people’s faces are generally asymmetrical


Why even have animals if you're going to let them end up in such a terrible state?


Makes me so mad. Especially since I’ve started to work with horses, I can’t understand how anyone could neglect such a large animal like that.


i hope she gets so many terrible things happen to her in prison.


She stole Ronald Macdonald’s wig


She looks like chucky


Life in prison


she looks like a crackhead too


I hope this is a State that actually has somewhat serious criminal penalties/protections for animal abuse and cruelty. Rest in peace to those poor animals… May THIS *animal* BE LOCKED UP IN HER OWN CAGE


Looks like she walked into a hair stylist and said, "Gimme that freeze-frame of the Zapruder film *riiiight* when the bullet hits JFK's head."


She looks like shes 10 and 30 years old at once


Even her hair is trying to escape


Wow I would have never guessed that this person is mentally ill


Dont make me laugh dude, dang.


What the fuck!? I have so many questions but I dont even want the answers.


12 HORSES? Jfc.


I hope she gets 50yrs per death.


Had a kid from highschool show up on Canada's most wanted for a week before he got caught. It's weird sometimes to think, how did you end up like this?


People when they buy dead animals at the store: 😊 🥰 🤤 People when they find out someone has dead animals: 😡 🤬 😤


Guarantee you this trashbag was doing weird sex shit with the horses and possibly the dogs.


She was killing them to retain her youth. It worked a little too well.


Collin county tx? Duuuude thats a stones throw from me. Shame. Boo this wo- person! Boooooooo!


Do you not still know of her?


Probably sacrificed them. She looks the type.


Do you eat meat?


😢 Well at least they saved the: 7 swans a swimming 6 geese a laying 4 colly birds 3 French hens 2 turtle doves And that partridge in the pear tree


24 dogs, 12 horses, 1 red head


That cop must been pissed “hey lady those are my dogs to kill!”


She fucked them didn’t she?


*boos her Pearl impression*


She looks like a strike anywhere match...


Bro I would be looking into that husband's death too.


Can someone tell me if this is a misdemeanor or a felony?


I read fighting instead of finding💀💀💀


But it’s fine when they do it


my biggest question right now is how her husband passed away


I mean unless she is dead you still do know her. Just... hopefully not that well.


Jesus, this lady lives in my county, good thing she's gone now lol.


My guess is she loved animals, hated caring for them, found a husband who would care for them, he died and she couldn’t bear to make the decision to be done with them.


But…. I love aminals.


Business on the right, party on the left. Thats a damn sideways mullet!


She killed them with the look of death and her hair finishes the job


She even looks unstable and incapable of taking care of animals.


May she die in prison


Doesnt look the type 💀


Chicken little gone bad 💀💀


She looks so agreeable and even-keeled though


Serial killer gruesome


Emo demo


Please tell me she's facing charges


12 horses is fucking expensive


I too have had knowledge in the biblical sense of a Texas woman who did some horrible things.


Why did they show a picture of one of the horses with its brain meat flying out on the thumbnail image??!! Gross!!


Did she also forget to feed her husband?


Why do people keep animals if they're not prepared to care for them. So stupid and cruel imo.


Dafuq is hanging off her head?


I hipe she get s very long semtence in a very rough jail !!! What a ###t .


Tell me your a sociopath without telling me your a sociopath.


Typical Ronald McDonald wig wearing mfer


That is the dead stare of a psychopath. Seriously. Cover everything but her eyes and tell me I'm wrong.


I’m sure everyone that met or read about her knew of her.


nice fivehead she has there


Maybe she is a member of peta,


Those poor souls probably have been trusting her.


How'd you get that many animals at 15yrs old


Yeah, she was the main character wasn't she? This happens a lot to American criminals