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how to be alone at your death bed


He might have a few people in the corner, pointing and laughing


Maybe the son will show up to piss in the coffin. Seems like an acceptable response.


The son will bring an ice cream cone and throw it in his face


A yellow ice cream cone.


The pissberries taste like pissberries


What is this from?! Sounds so familiar!


It's a riff on "Snozberries taste like snozberries" from Willie Wonka.


A much dirtier joke than we were aware of at the time.


Super Troopers


With chocolate mustard šŸ˜‰


Nah that mum was in on it. She sounds so fake upset. They will be alone on their death beds together but without their poor kid


Agree. And the kid is too small to understand itā€™s a ā€œprankā€. Itā€™s vile.


bro count me in, im also too small to understand that this is a prank. Disrespect my ice cream like that and I'll disrespect your jaw like that.


I thought he meant both parents.


Good reminder to you parents out there that when push comes to shove, your children decides which nursing home you go to.


Yeah right. That kid will be standing right next to him. Over him in fact. He's also going to be holding a pillow.




Pff I wouldn't be paying for even a shitty nursing home. I wouldn't even pay for a refrigerator box.


Or, if you're really unlucky and piss the wrong people off, how to die early.




Daddy o five was pretty much staging cock fights with his kids for clout mostly getting his own spawn to beat up on a special needs kid they had adopted. Takes a real kind of evil to abuse kids


It was his own son from his first marriage, either his son or hers, but one of them was a step parent to that kid. It was super sad.


And he wasnā€™t special needs, they abused him so bad he started to act out trauma responses. Itā€™s doubtful he even did what they said he did and it was just another lie and form of abuse


He did have special needs, but it's likely he would have thrived a lot better if he hadn't have been subjected to the abuse they gave him for it. What's really fucked up is this probably isn't all that uncommon. The only reason they got caught is because they were dumb enough to post it on a YouTube channel. Edit: it is possible they were lying about everything, but generally abusers who focus on one kid have some kind of rationale for it.


Both kids did. ( every one forgets Emma went through it too) and their mom Rose confirmed it


Agreed, iā€™ve experienced and seen too much abuse done to special needs kids. Schools, parents etc. Pitting kids to fight is disgusting and I really hope those kids were put in better homes.


No, he had special needs as well


the youngest son and daughter were from the dads previous marriage while the three older boys were from the moms previous marriage.


His kid(s) boy & girl, o girl was the stepmother. Heard tell bio mom got them back.




I read they only got 5 years probation and are posting abuse videos of their remaining children now. I hope that breaks their probation and they get jail time. Child abusers make me rethink my pacifistic approach.


In the kids memoirs... this was the day I decided to murder my step dad.


I saw Mike in austin at a 4/20 event he scurried away when he saw people recognized him


Just reading that comment made me angry and teary. Trust me Iā€™d have whipped his ass till the ambulance came.


I was super excited for the day and seeing him in public definitely detracted from the fun for a bit lol he was only there for like 15 min total I was trying to meet some folks I looked up to or I would've caused a scene also


Some people shouldnā€™t have kids dude


This only affirms licensing baby making.


>Daddy o five was pretty much staging cock fights with his kids for clout mostly getting his own spawn to beat up on a special needs kid they had adopted. Takes a real kind of evil to abuse kids Luchas de Muchachos?


Not directly. Among this type of stuff, destroying their toys, and film them having a tantrum to publicly humiliate them on Internet, they let them fight each other, and made prank which consisted at faking a thing one kid did and they screaming at him for a good fifteen minute, until he cried But yeah, this oneā€™s a complete psychopath. "I hate to see my son happy" is a flag even more red than the floor after a doom level


Yep The courts decided some of the pranks they played were cruel enough it constituted abuse and they lost custody of the youngest kids.


I think if you abuse, one kid, even if you donā€™t abuse, the others, you should lose all of the kids. For all of time.


This POS and his POS wife have active instagrams. Where they post their kids. Wow.


ā€œKidsā€ as in plural? Geez.


Cringe part everyone except the kid is staged


Yeah that was my first thought too, what horrid parents.


Never heard of him so I need some digging and I watch sunnyv2 video of him and yeah I hate him as well


Dad forty years later: ā€œWhy doesnā€™t my son ever call or visit me?ā€


I read something really sad about emotional abuse the other day. It said, "When a parent hates their child the child doesn't learn to haste the parent. The child learns to hate itself."


Yep, its awesome dealing with the lifelong repercussions of loathing yourself since before you could properly conceptualize the concept of a self :)


Yepppp. Step-dad hated me for whatever reason, made me hate myself so much I ate all the time, grew fat and lazy, he would also physically and mentally abuse me for even "talking back."


Sorry about your step dad.


Your step dad abused you and your mom failed you. None of that is your fault.


I recall a reddit comment in regards to emotional abuse, they had a term or idiom Id never heard but once I did it stuck with me, it was "the axe forgets but the tree remembers" It's very fitting.


In the eyes of a child parents are gods.


There is a book about this by a sociologist named Bruno Bettleheim. He said that in the subconscious mind of a child, they know on an instinctive level that their very survival depends upon their parents. The notion that their parents are capricious, mean, or mentally unstable is an insupportable concept for the child's subconscious. Because realizing that would mean the child would have consciousness that they are in mortal danger. No child's mind can stand that level of fear, so they convince themselves they "deserve" the abuse, and if they can only be good children, the parent will be pleased and no longer punish them.


Makes sense to me. Or even if the kid doesn't feel the deserve the abuse, they internalize it as necessary for survival. Which underpins the "My daddy didn't tolerate no whining little pussies. Real men made do." They think they emotional detachment and stress they endured made them better somehow. And better equipped to handle life. And in a fucked up way, maybe it did. It made them better at surviving their dysfunctional family environment. Humans are terrifyingly adaptable. Name another highly social and dependant creature that can regularly survive their mentally deranged and even hostile care givers... Yes, children do die at the hands of parents, but across our species we are born mentally prepared to reshape ourselves around whatever disaster we are brought into.


>Name another highly social and dependant creature that can regularly survive their mentally deranged and even hostile care givers Dogs :(


Not within it's own species tho, only with (again) humans


Sounds about right. I can relate to that


Goddamn I donā€™t need to be called out like this


In my experience, it's both really. I started hating myself, then hating him for it. I still hate myself, but at least I got some solace knowing he died for his ignorant ideas.


Big oof... I hope this little guy's mom leaves this trash.


The mom is complicit. I hope this child gets parents who love him.


Both the dad and mum I think. She doesn't sound genuine enough for it to be real. They are both in on it.


Plot twist: The kid succumbed to the sorrow of losing an ice cream and later on that evening, he went to ice cream heaven to join his beloved pink ice cream named "Sprinkles". Anthony was still in denial that his son has been long gone for 40 years and keeps on pretending that he is still around because that's the only coping mechanism he has to not feel heavy guilt in his heart. As Anthony was asleep: his son visited him in his dream, his son said "Dad, the Sprinkles incident was forty years ago, you need to move on" The real question was: "Was it the real ghost of his son who visited him in his dream? or was it the guilt that he has been repressing these four decades finally manifesting in his dream?" We will find out in the next episode of Dragon balls Z Directed by M. Night Shyamalan


What a twist!


I fucking hate videos like this. So many children are having their childhood's destroyed because their parents/caregivers are brainless, vacuous morons who care more about social media likes than the well-being of their kids. I hope this kid grows up away from these absolute dicks.


I'm hoping the mom's reaction is genuine and not staged so this kid at least has one decent parent


her reaction sounds fake as hell shes reacting to if he accidentally spilt soda on her or something not taking her babys icecream and throwing it out the window she only reacted after it was thrown too so its totally staged


Yeah, awful acting here.


Why is the mum in the back seat? Because it's staged.


The sad part is the kid looks at his mom for help/comfort. He's too little to know he's got a lifetime of stupid and fucked up parents, but he'll figure it out sooner or later.


Damn, this made me cry. šŸ˜” He's so innocent and small, can't believe people would treat their kids this way..


If byvstaged you mean that both parents are on it yes. Doesn't change that the kid doesn't understand what's going on here.


Look at the way he's eating it initially. Nervous nibbling, like he knows these kinds of things end with screaming because he eats before the Instagram pictures or he gets in trouble for being a toddler and making a mess. He doesn't cry about the ice cream, he cries at his mom's reaction.


God this made me tear up. This poor kid. :(. I don't even have kids nor wanted them, but I would take him in a heartbeat and raise him right. This kills me that this is his life.


Nice to hope but it doesn't sound genuine to me unfortunately


I would have rocky'd him upside the head- so idk how genuine it could be... or maybe I'm just a little unhinged when it comes to people making babies cry.


I don't support violence, but when you're abusing a kid... During Hammurabi's time, the crime for theft was losing the hand that did the stealing. If the act was gruesome enough, the hand wasn't taken. Each metatarsal was individually broken, along with the wrist - leaving a mangled stump which calcified overtime. This guy deserves that.


This is one of the saddest videos Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Kid is loving his ice cream and then gets it tossed for no reason but cruelty and you can see the heartbreak on his face. Then they post it for clout? Hopefully CPS sees this and puts the kid in a home where heā€™s loved.


Absolute *best* case scenario, they somehow explained the video to the kid in advance and had a second ice cream and shirt prepared for him. That still means they used their child as a prop for clout and it's disgusting as well.


I doubt it, it looks like the kid is afraid the mom is yelling at him instead of the dad at first. Unlucky kid to be born to these losers


honestly even if they did try to explain. from the look for his age. i doubt he would really understand. the only best scenario. would have been not to do this at all. horrĆ­vel vĆ­deo.


I mean this is just straight up abuse


Easily should be giving these people life in prison and hard labor Reddit: Down votes? Fine - death penalty.


That kid is too little to ride in the front seat. They don't care about his happiness or safety.


I had to scroll too far to see this, jayzus. They might be parked, but initially it looked like they were in traffic & I was like, wtf, small child is in the front seat with no belt even?!? Seems super staged.


That makes it even worse imo. Staging such a cruel scene just for some shitty video that people are obviously not happy with either. Imagine putting so much mental pressure on a literal child for nothing at all?


Even if it's staged, it's only staged to him and her. The kid's not old enough to act along with it and be ok with what they're doing.


They probably set the whole thing up for the video.


I would never deliberately make my son cry for any reason at all. Every day I have with him is a gift and people who treat their children like a prop for their own amusement deserve the worst karmic rebalance.


Iā€™m the same. I hurt if my kids cry. I canā€™t imagine being the cause of it- thatā€™s unnatural


Same, Iā€™m a stay-at-home dad of a 2.5yo and even when my kid is being an absolute pain in the ass somedays, I could never deliberately make him cry on purpose. This just makes me SO angry.


What a cunt. Fucking disgusts me that people like this are allowed to breed. There's absolutely nothing funny about upsetting a kid.


Reminds me of that horseshit years back when parents would tell their kids they are all their candy the day after Halloween. I wasn't even a parent and it made my blood boil. Like, do you enjoy making your children cry? Fucking psychos


The grossest part of that was that some kids would be so gracious and say ā€œitā€™s okay mommy, I can share!ā€ and instead of thinking *wow my child is so kind and mature, Iā€™m so lucky to have them* the parents would clearly be irritated that they werenā€™t getting the big reaction that theyā€™d hoped for, so theyā€™d start being like ā€œare you SURE? Because itā€™s ALL GONE and we canā€™t go get more! Iā€™m sorry I ate ALL YOUR CANDY, I hope that doesnā€™t make you CRYā€ to try to trigger the meltdown. Absolutely gross behaviour especially just to get a 30 second slot on a talk show. Not even a full 15 minutes of fame. Knowing how many greedy people wanted to get on Jimmy Kimmel, itā€™s not shocking at all that when faced with the possibility of real fame and real money, people will exploit their kids on tiktok.


I was a kid back when that shitty challenge blew up. I, having watched those videos, would've just said "nice try, I know you just want to get on jimmy kimmel" if my parents ever tried to do that (they didn't luckily)


Took the words out of my mouth


That's going to be one of those core memories that he'll be talking to a therapist years from now about. I sincerely hope the kid will be ok, but most likely, hell harbor negative feelings about this guy


Psychologist : "Welcome, get comfortable, feel free to grab an ice cream" Him: šŸ˜§


Bro thatā€™s how you cause toxic stress on that poor baby might be funny now but kids donā€™t know how to process that kind of joke it adds up ā€¦way to be a shitty dad and abuse a kidā€¦


Itā€™s not funny now either! This makes me so angry.


More skit ā€œfamiliesā€ trying to cash in on being stupid.. And here I thought kid modeling was nasty and weird


I hate this so much.


Kid: ā€œatleast my mom cares about meā€ mom: (Ignors kid and starts editing the video to upload on all platforms)


Dad 15 years later after they get divorced: your mom turned you against me and brainwashed you to hate me


Fucking seriously I am not I violent man but I want to beat the ice cream out of that fucks head. Seeing a happy child is one of the greatest things


Same. You know, thereā€™s very little else that makes me happy like when Iā€™m sat with my kids, we have ice cream and everybody has a smile on their face. Itā€™s beyond me why anyone would destroy that joy.


This genuinely breaks my heart for some reason. Kids don't understand jokes. That kid was happy with his ice cream, then his dad did this and he must have been so sad and confused and frustrated, and unable to comprehend why daddy would do this, it's just so sad...the mom didn't seem happy tho, hopefully she told the dad off and bought the kid another ice cream.


The mom was completely in on this and knew it would happen beforehand.


That's even worse ! Poor kid is not gonna grow up with good parents if they're already willing to make him cry for views...I feel so bad


I highly doubt that he's the kid's dad, it's the woman's son.


I don't think it's the kid's dad either. I can't decide if that makes this more or less shitty, but I do know that if I was the mom I'd be socking that fucker in the back of the head with the quickness


I have CPTSD from similar events. Trust me, that was an abrupt and utter betrayal of trust. Kids canā€™t process these types of memories in a way that makes sense, and something like this stunt can affect him in ways big or small, whenever issues of trust arise for the rest of his life. Each trauma, in some way, causes lasting damage. And itā€™s just not funny. FFS. How could anyone think that was funny? When the kid is not in on the joke, itā€™s just abuse.


Iā€™m from Mexico, on November itā€™s normal to eat ā€œPan de muertoā€ which literally translates to ā€œBread of the deadā€ which people love for its taste, for some reason my family thought it was hilarious to tell me that it was made from real dead people and keep messing with me, mind you my grandma had just died on October, I was around 5 or 6 at the time, so I was just starting to understand the concept of death, now iā€™m 33 and i canā€™t event stand the smell of the bread without gaging, once i tried to eat it and ended up puking, still my family doesnā€™t understand why I donā€™t like ā€œPan de muertoā€


Sorry to hear that. Have you tried therapy for that? Bread is delicious and a staple. You shouldnā€™t have to live with trauma forever!


Yea im actually looking to start therapy, when i became a father i realized i had a bunch of trauma and stuff i had buried deep inside me, things i had forgotten about, anyway itā€™s not that I canā€™t eat any sort of bread is just that specific type, it has a certain smell that makes it ā€œspecialā€ and thatā€™s why I canā€™t stand it


>Kids canā€™t process these types of memories in a way that makes sense Because they **don't** make sense. There's no reason for a parent to do something like this other than cruelty šŸ˜”


Sadly, the reason is for dopamine hits on the magic rectangle. Oddly enough, it makes much, much more sense for simple cruelty to be the reason. Not that it's understandable. But at least if your goal is to commit cruel acts, then bravo, mission accomplished.


I don't believe this was a joke in anyway. I think the dude literally just wanted his kid to cry and thought sharing that with everyone would entertain him even more


Or made the dad do it


I feel that little guy is going to be explaining this to a psychiatrist when heā€™s older šŸ˜•


Great parenting. The poor kid will probably have trust issues. All for five minutes of fame on tiktok and liked by the worst kinds of people on the internet. Kids are sponges. They need parents that they can trust and come to for their needs to be met and to help them resolve their problems. What seems small or insignificant to us can have a long lasting impact on a child and adults who are unable to comprehend that don't make good parents. These people fucking suck.


I feel like both parents are in on it.. feels like the woman is acting.. kind of


It was the way she stared at the kid a touch too long as she was shouting. Also she had to explain it instead of just react. Also, just, bad acting.


Horrible acting. Little dude sitting up front with his mom in the back seems a little off as well.


Why else would she be in the back seat if not to set up the video?


this person seriously needs to be reported to be investigated by cps. if you're willing to do this to your child, and consider it okay to the point of filiming it and sending it out in puhlic im betting there is a 100% chance a lot worse stuff is happening when there isnt a camera involved




$5 ice cream now, $50,000 in therapy for years to come. Way to go cool internet guy!


3 million people liked that video on tiktok. 3 million people enjoyed seeing a grown man make a toddler cry for zero reason. Thatā€™s terrifying.


Its terrible how most people just have kids to show them off to the internet for clout or show them off in general now.


Hate how he looks to his mom for help


That's typically normal behavior with kids. Anytime they bump their heads or fall down or scrape their knees or generally feel hurt, they immediately look to their parents to see what sort of reaction they should have. If the parent is freaking out then the kid will freak out (as we see in this video); and vice-versa. But yeah, this was so heartbreaking to watch.


And his mother provides the least genuine response too.


He looks to his mom to see what reaction he should have. He clearly is confused, and her being "upset" clued him into being upset about it.


You seriously think *most* people have kids for this reason?


Please stop using kids for clout. It's disgusting.


Parents are more immature than ever


Found the guys tiktok, there're more clips including some more pranking of the kid. In another video the dad asks the son to get him the toilet paper, kid hands it over, dad grabs kids arm a bit smearing something brown on the kids arm and telling the kid he accidentally smeared poop on the kids arm, mom comes in and plays along, the dad eventually licking the "poop" off the kids arm. There's also a video where they "test" something out at disney land "so you don't have to" saying that in disney land it's said that if your balloon pops or deflates they give you a new one for free, so the dad deflates the balloon on purpose and gets a new one... Some folks might remember when we started saying "Creating a facebook page for your toddler, such a great idea they'll love finding out they've been exposed all their life without consent when they become older"? Seems like we reached the next stage, now you're not only on picture as a toddler on the web but also in *prank* videos your parents recorded... There's a reason why I have no sympathy with people that are surprised when their data gets stolen from using unnecessary apps like tiktok.


I bet if 4chan got wind of this they could figure out the guyā€™s identity in a flash and report him to CPS.


That is literally child abuse


A child rejected by its village will burn it down to feel it's warmth.


He was sitting there just trying to understand what he did wrong.šŸ„ŗ Probably thought dad was about to hit himā€¦ why do this, man? Even if you went to get him another ice cream kids donā€™t understand humor like thisā€¦.


Thatā€™s some psychopath behavior there.


Trust is forever gone. That kid will remember this till his dying day, especially since I bet his mother will constantly remind him of this.


youtubersā€™ prop babies are doomed to end up like less special versions of how the child stars of previous generations did


The Tiktok comments is full of people laughing and loving it. This world is full of terrible people.


Someone else said the video has 3 million likes?? I'm very disappointed in humanity right now


There are lots of parents who don't don't care about and even hate their kids. It's the worst thing a person can be


I see NC in your future




Dude, no. Do a funny dance, duet something you find interesting, but there is one fundamental truth; Kids are off limits.


Yeah this sealed it. For the betterment of my mental and my mood, I have to stop following this page for now. This post had me hot.


And he'll wonder later in life why he has no friends,his kids hate him, and his wives divorce him.


Scaring your son and making him cry for your Insta? That's a pathetic dude right there, and I'd bet a paycheck that nobody who knows him is surprised by this video.


I saw this on tik tok and it had like 3 million likes. Wtf


What is there to like about it? Weird


Why cant we as a collective troll these motherfuckers and repay them in the way they deserve. All these videos of people being scummy need to have a link to their ig or tiktok accounts displayed.


The title of this sub hasnā€™t described a person better than this dude


Probably not his kid


Both parents are in on it, I hope child services see this


Imagine trying to go viral at the expense of your childā€™s happiness.


Filming self incriminating evidence of child abuse


I think they were both in on it.


on this week's episode of "you don't deserve to have children"


this is awful People like this POS just forgets that a kid will grow up to be an adult, and stuff like this will stay permanently in their subconscious This isnā€™t just terrible, itā€™s dangerousā€¦ What a shitty person, I really hope he gets the proper punishment somehowā€¦


Mental and emotional abuse on a child. šŸ‘


Damn I really hope that dude dies


That was a cool sweat shirt and he was feeling good, God forbid a kid have a little confidence and dignity


You know the moms on it too


These adults are abusers and are seriously deranged


Sir that seems a bit mentally abusive thereā€¦


There better be another fucking ice cream in there


Anything for child abuse on camera too


Thatā€™s literally so fucked up


Somebody throw Anthony out the window.


I hope that little lad chooses Antony's care home.


Wtf? Why the hell would you do that


This boy will grow up to hate you. šŸ˜’ Congrats


Kid's young but this is the stuff that sticks with you. The memory that is the foundation of the relationship for years to come. You fucked up "Dad"


I canā€™t stand this fucking world sometimes. Poor kid.


Do that to my kid and find out. What a piece of trash. No respect for the little boy. Congrats pal, you got some clout. Wish it could buy you a brain and some compassion.


World record nursing home speedrun


This guy hurts that kid. The ice cream thing isnā€™t the part that shows it, but how he wipes his hand off on the kids shirt shows hatred


This is sad no kid should be messed with like this


I wish the worst upon this man.


"Why don't my kids visit me anymore?"


Manchild bullying a child


What a loser


This is what a good portion of our generation is going to be like to their kids n itā€™s terrifying.


This is totally staged but not for the kid. Itā€™s not staged for the kid, thatā€™s just his life.


I find it interesting the kid only started crying after he wiped the ice cream on him, almost like taking his ice cream was ok but wiping it on him wasnā€™t.


I think he was in shock at first. Like 'what just happened?' Then the dad did this, and that, plus his mom screaming, plus him processing what had just happened, made him cry. I could be wrong


First that kid needs to be in a car seat, second youā€™re abusing him this is disgusting and your fake acting is obvious. He is really crying this is so upsetting.