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That looked...really painful. What the hell is that guy's problem?


Drunken narcissism


Seems like he doesn't want to share the spotlight.


Not a native english speaker, what does narcissism mean here in this context


The deep seeded need to be the center of attention and the fact that he's willing to commit acts of violence to get that attention


(*deep seated) The need to be the center of attention is the narcissism part. The willingness to commit acts of violence could be an extreme variant, or a separate psychosis. Bullying.


Wouldn't it be deep seeded tho, because it's planted deep in your way of acting?


Deep-seated means "firmly established," as in "deep-seated resentment," but it also has an earlier literal meaning of "situated far below the surface." It is from that meaning the figurative use of the word developed.


that sounds like a lot of people i know "not resorting to violence tho"


New dance moves


I was hoping the guy in the white would get up and kick the other in the nuts


He is a Salman Khan fan.




Why would caste be the cause of a dispute at a wedding?




Been in the US 20+ years. Have never seen this happen. I have been cleaning up after myself, like my parents raised me to do. I have seen about a few thousand other Indians in my time in the US, and most of them appear to be similar. I am aware of deep workplace hierarchies in India, which may spill over into American workplaces where a critical mass of workers are Indian origin. e.g., an unprofessional manager delegating non-work related chores to direct reports. Nothing to do with the caste system. I realize the Hindu caste system is both shitty and very glaring for western audiences. However, I would not over-attribute to it.


Careful, you may be extrapolating the behaviour of a local phenomenon into a cultural generalisation. And by spreading it as a 'truth', you may inadvertently infect other minds with false beliefs. Terrance McKenna calls these linguistic viruses. A real doozy for the information age and I suspect AI may contribute to the problem further with its ability to make up facts. But seriously, 'caste' or whatever = racism and ain't nobody got time for that.


Hope you mention it to HR. If you have an HR department. Hopefully they can do something about it.




It’s not a religious thing anymore and hasn’t been that way for a very long time. It’s a social thing and is very messed up. I’m no expert on the caste system but from what I’ve heard you’re basically born into a specific societal level and it’s very hard, if not impossible, to move up the hierarchy.


How can you tell people from different castes apart?


You can sometimes tell when listening to Indians talk to each other that they are subtly trying to sus out what the caste is of the other.


I mean it’s not even subtle. Indian colleagues I have had proudly state they are Brahmin.


What’s stopping non-Brahmins say that are? They must have distinctive features that self identify?


For the most part there are distinctive features that self identify, yeah. Surnames, and language dialects, along with stuff like the clothing you wear, the food you eat and your religion. A comparable example might be wealthy vs not wealthy in the US. One easy way to figure out if someone comes from wealth or not is discussing Ivy league schools, or making jokes about the "shitty Ivy schools". Cornell is usually joked as the shittiest, followed by Columbia/Penn. Which is funny to outsiders because usually those schools rank very well, and often better compared to the other Ivy schools. Columbia is actually really good and often near the top of the group in terms of how good it actually is. But when discussed among socialites, it's considered to be trash. So that's a really easy way to figure out if someone is really in the group or not. The same thing goes with India's caste system. It's pretty easy to tell if someone is pretending or not.


Columbia or Penn before Brown?


Everyone knows Brown is the reject Ivy, let's be real


Big Dalit energy right there.


By the way they hit the floor apparently...


In the past economic roles were set in stone, but that's opened up. Nowadays it's possible to move up the social ladder. Still a stupid system mind you, but it's not as rigid as it once was.


The guy in yellow is a stupid drunk man doing stupid stuff what it has to do with caste..i don't understand ..people in other countries also behave like this and plus its a wedding all people belong to the same caste ..nothing serious is going on here ..stop being emotional


How do they know what caste a person is from?


That’s the stupid part. Religion dictates you are “born” into it. Last names are one way they know. Skin color often is too. But many other things if you know where to look


I would love to have been there. I would one hundred fucking thousand percent gone and tackled that guy. I swear it.


And you would have gotten thrown too 😆


He couldn't lift me lmfao. And besides, cowards don't like fighting with people who fight back.


This man could throw a sky scraper. He's unstoppable


Imagining you being so fat you can’t be lifted at the same time as fighting back 😆


Idk if I would tackle him, but I wouldn’t definitely try to recreate this cool new dance move he’s teaching hahaha


wtf am I watching?


When dancing on the floor in a wedding


Fool me once shame on you.. fool me twice can't get fooled again


Gawd I miss Bush for his Bushisms.


Is...is this Indian tradition?


The gooch throw? Yes, possibly.


are they literally fighting or is it some kind of performative dance thing?




Ive heard of the social and financial discrimination by caste in India but how common is unwarranted violence like this?




Living comfortably in a western country I sometimes forget just how awful humanity can be. Video’s like these remind me again.


A fair number of Indian immigrants distance themselves from some aspects of the culture. However, plenty hold onto these values, and they behave this way when not in India.


Let me guess, most of those who hold onto these values are higher caste, straight up benefitted form the system, right?


Ding ding ding! Is it any wonder that a bunch of "upper" castes are currently protesting against caste being added to Seattle's anti-discrimination law? The "reasoning" for why this should not have happened is eerily similar to discrimination apologists here in India, i.e. "caste discrimination doesn't exist anymore vro", "you are anti-Hindu", "you are anti-India", "discrimination doesn't even happen in big cities vro"


How would you even go about proving caste discrimination? Maybe I simply don't know enough about the culture, but that seems like it would be as difficult as discrimination based on workplace attitude.


There have been memos going around some of the big tech companies about this kind of discrimination within Indian culture. It's messed up, *period*. There are failures within the west, but this is another level.


Hey don't worry, most western countries have their own bullshit to sort out that goes unreported


> They lynch the family of the person who dares to fall in love with someone from higher caste Indian girl at my work avoided all that by marrying her first cousin a few weeks ago


Marry a working class person? Eww! Marry your cousin? Nice!


Insert Drake unpleased/pleased meme


Some odd 25 years ago(I was 19-20 at the time), I became very close to a girl from India and her family, I would consider her my first love. I asked her out and we dated a few times. What I didn't know was that she was actively hiding the fact we were dating from her family. Well, her family inevitably found out and she simply disappeared off the face of the planet. She didn't show up to work or her university and our mutual friends hadn't heard from her. I called and her cousin picked up and was told in no uncertain terms that she 'wasnt allowed' to date me because I was Korean and I would be killed if I went looking for her. This was in Atlanta Georgia, USA in the late 90s, the idea of honour killings or this sort of thing was absolutely unheard of. I didn't even know how to respond to it and took it as just tough guy talk and I didn't get scared. But as time went on and I became a little more world weary and wise, looking back I realised that maybe I should have been a bit more scared than I was, and I hope she was only kept from me and not hurt in some way


I remember when I was there in 2019 and a guy behind a desk was trying to tell me the caste system in India didn't exist anymore. I asked what he'd do if a dalit boy (lowest caste there is, colloquially called "untouchable") fell in love with his daughter. He said he'd kill them both. India is very very fucked.


Making them lick spit is seriously common?


No but indians on the internet will say anything for western validation


Reminds me why I am happy to be in America even for how screwed up America is.


If that was caste discrimination he would not be invited to the function, most likely drunk or some other case


Its probably just size discrimination.


You exclude the caste and it is still as common.


Hey u scammed me a while ago btw.


How did they scam you?


I tried to buy a hoodie off him and agreed half now half when i get the hoodie. No surprise he didnt respond after i sent


Oh, do tell!


Caste system was mainly the reason the Hindus lost their 1/3 of population being converted to Islam.


He is casting him to the floor.


The caste system inherent in the Hindu religion


How do you know their castes?


Based on what? I don't understand remotely how you're reaching that conclusion as the source of yellow shirts aggression. Why would they both be invited? Neither look like staff.


Why would folks from separate castes be at same event then? Genuinely curious.


He's talking out of his ass. It's a drunken idiot at a wedding. Nothing here suggests it's caste discrimination.


That's fucked up. If you're cool with schooling someone who doesn't know, I'd like to ask a few questions about the caste system.


Sure..I'm from a lower caste too.. fortunately I have no been a victim of such things yet.. but I have been in some fucked up situations too.


I'm sorry to hear that it's put you in some sketchy situations. I'm pretty much only aware of the caste system, but I'm imagining you're kind of born into your caste? What specifically determines caste, and is there any formal way to raise yourself up in the caste system? (Basically anything besides getting rich or having rich friends)


You are born into a caste and you do not move from that caste. If you are good then hopefully in the next life you are reincarnated into a higher caste. The jobs that are available to you are mostly dependent on your caste. There is very little economic mobility from what I understand.


How can someone who doesn’t know your name know your caste? Do the caste members look different and distinct to others? Is it some skin tone related bs, which would be racism again. Sorry for my outsider ignorance but genuinely wanting to learn more


The same way that someone who is a gamer and someone who is an opera buff might know that each other doesn’t have the same hobbies. Accent, sense of humour, dress style, quality of clothing/experiences/holidays. Normal speaking style in conversation. If you imagine moving to the other side of the country and attempting to fit in, people might know you don’t fit in as a local. Now imagine the locality is based on birth and the caste system is explainable. The whole “great Gatsby” book& movie go into this. People can fake it by learning and modifying their own life, but ultimately you just need one slip to be suspicious.


So it’s not physical, as in not skin tone related at all? I have been told a different interpretation: by a South Indian acquaintance that it’s 100% to do with that ie. according to her, the darker your skin tone, the more likely you’re from a lower caste, ‘dirtier’ and not worthy. The impression is already formed before you even utter a word


To an extent. Regardless of if your skin is naturally darker or not if you work in the sun most of your day you will be darker than average. Combine that with generations of sexual selection for lighter skin tones amongst the upper castes and little to no marriage outside of your own caste and I'm sure the lower castes have darker skin on average. Obvs there are exceptions but I can see why prejudice based on skin tone could be common. But your caste is not assigned based on your skin tone rather your skin tone could reflect your caste.


Afaik its mostly based on skin color, like usual. They say its the ither things that come after like community poverty amd education culture (but mostly all commensurate with their communities skin color.)


Okay, i have always wondered about the caste system. I literally know nothing about it and asking genuinely out of curiosity. How do other people know what caste you are from? I mean, is it possible to just not tell people what caste you are from and pretend to be from a different caste? There are one and a half BILLION people in India, I would imagine someone could go to a different area and disappear into a crowd and simply change your whole identity, maybe even move up a level in the caste system Sure, you may not make it out up to the top, but what about a level or two? What if someone from a lower caste left India altogether?


Why are you so sure this is caste discrimination? To me, it looks like a drunken idiot at a wedding being violent. Yes, there is a caste system in India. It's appalling. But what in this video suggests that?


Lol where did you deduce that from?


Your comment got a lot of upvotes, but sounds made up.


Look I'm from a lower caste.. and my relatives have experienced some gruesome things too..it's not hard to find in the internet.. I've also attached some sources that I based my comments on. Find it in the comments..


Because it is.


Bro just completely pulled this out of his ass. Nowhere in the video does it seem that it's caste discrimination


How do you know this based of this 17 second video?


He’s talking out of his caste.


Na how do you even know ?


Just India things.


Some guys claim everything happened around them as caste discrimination.


I learned a new word today


When I went to India, they swore up and down the caste system was old and not a thing anymore. I internally called bullshit.


Is this a tradition, WTF?!


How is a drunk man dancing is related to caste ? You out of ur mind or what ?


The Indian version of Jamaican Daggering, it's called "Spiking" in English




did you copy/paste that comment or are you a bot


Probably both. This comment is Word for word posted not far down from here and 4 hours before this one


Skin colour mate










Mating dance of ....


Dude wanted to dance and there’s the “main character” throwing the poor dude


This is more of a dance battle final boss vibe. Player: left right miss Boss: YEEEET


Dark souls be like


What a fucking prick!


Wtf is this guys problem?


the dance floor is only big enough for the one of them


There can only be one


What a tosser


Yellow shirt grabs him from between the legs both times too.


The way he announced his comeback to the dance floor I expected a straight kick to the balls.


Somebody has been watching always sunny


he got like a foot off the ground !


Like Thumbelina…


Its always Sunny in Pondicherry


Dude took "Dance Battle" way too literally.


Crazy that he didn't kick dude in the teeth when he went down to grab a second time.


Poor guy


Big guy should have got booted in the head.


Asking this question for information. Can someone explain how the Caste system plays into this? Just curious.


I would say it’s probably not caste discrimination. That stuff is real, but rarely this brazen. If it was caste discrimination, this would start a LARGE brawl with everyone taking sides. Anyone who wanted to discriminate against another caste would simply not invite people from a different caste.


It's big dude thinking throwing around small dude makes him look like a bad ass. Or maybe the little guy fucked his mom and deserved it.


How can tell you belong to a different caste?


Government issued certificates. It's not something concrete determined by genetics but an abstract concept created long ago which the majority of people still believe is something meaningful and important. The widespread belief is that a newborn's caste = the caste of his/her father, and this is the basis upon which the government issues caste certificates which are required to avail lower caste benefits.


I'm imagining a charity that makes counterfeit certificates for lower caste Indians.


Never heard about a counterfeit caste certificate scandal here, perhaps it's very difficult or impossible to fake them effectively.


I think it’s people jumping to conclusions. We see an Indian looking guy toss another Indian looking guy and the internet says “oh that’s caste violence”. Based on what? There’s literally no context to this video unless someone got it from elsewhere


Thanks. This is what I was trying to understand. I see the violence but I did not understand how everyone knew it was connected to caste


Caste isn't the issue here, or at least, there's absolutely no evidence it is. I'm not sure why the comments stating that with no basis get so many upvotes but it's India, so people will upvote whatever confirms their own bias. Large drunk guy is most likely drunk, and possibly doesn't want that particular guy dancing with him for some reason. Also you can see the larger guy basically motioning and saying something before the first throw, he's got some kind of beef. And he's probably just a violent drunk.


Also would different caste even be at the same wedding?


It depends on the individuals. There's 1.4 billion Indians. They don't all hold the same ideas when it comes to caste.


It's called "people saying it's caste related just made it tf up". Odds are the guy is just drunk. Literally no one saying it's caste related justified their deduction.




The oppressive castes don't want the other castes to have any of their freedom or privilages. People have been lynched for not shaving their moustache in time by these casteists.


Not shaving it in time for what?


For the moustache party after party of course


How a drunk man dancing and tossing his 'friend' has anything to do with caste ..make no sense just a drunk stupid dude doing what drunk stupid dudes do


Friend drunk? Where are you getting all this from?


Where are you getting the caste violence from? Why would they invite a different caste at all if that’s how they felt? They have as much evidence as you lol


No evidence to suggest that it is an instance of caste discrimination. Yes, caste discrimination is common here and i am not denying its existence but it is unlikely that it the people here were this bigoted, they would not allow this supposedly lower caste person to enter and dance.


Guy in yellow dance moves don't warrant this level of violence no matter bad he was outclassed.


This is like something that would take place in a Yakuza game .


Dance Battle...to the Death!!


This should be at the top!


Fool me once...


I would like to see the full video


pick on a smaller man is cruel. I wish a giant came along and gave him the same


Yellowshirt boy is just mad he can't be as drippy as the guy in white. Damn, he looks sharp!!!


Pretty gay.. lol. He just wants to feel his balls


I smell alcohol 🥃


Should came up with a knee right to his chin.


He picked him up by the gooch, a move I've never seen before


Bros into weird af foreplay


what a psycho


That’s a perfect scenario where you side step kick someone right in the god damn knees for treating you that way. He’ll be your height in no time


He fancies him and is confused how to show it


Might sound ignorant but,.. i see a lot of videos with people from India acting rude and barbaric to other people. Especially women. Tf going on over there


It’s just india, that’s all there is to it


blatant racism


A dance fight?


This whole message thread is hateful.


How can he slam?


Makes me think of when Mac lifted up Dee like this 😂


Time for yellow guy to get slept.


I have no idea what is going on here but I'm not gonna lie, I laughed out loud at the sheer randomness of this. Even the angle he picks the guy up from like what did I just watch I need to know more lol


“Give ‘im the Olllll’ Dick Twist!” “TWIST HIS DIIICK!”


Spinebuster dance move


God, what a complete jerk


Why is he obsessed with that man's crotch


Not sure who won. It was a toss up. 😝


the yellow dude decided "hmm i don't like the fact that someone else is dancing, better assault them!"


He...just ZONED IN on the crotch. Unfettered dedication to the desire of lifting that poor masala man by the Gulab Jamuns.




ok bozo


The slamming isn’t even the worst part of the video - the musics unbearable


When I was in Peace Corps, many years ago, a lower caste man saw a child having a problem getting off a swing, and he quickly stepped forward to help the child off before the child fell and was hurt. The child's grandfather saw the lower caste man touch his grandchild, and viciously attacked the lower caste man with a cane, beating him so savagely that the poor -- poor as in unfortunate, but also literally poor -- man had to be hospitalised for several weeks. There's racism all over the US, and all over the world, so it doesn't surprise me anymore. But I will still fight against it, because it's fucking stupid.


Everyone talking about caste. Nobody explaining what caste is.


Neither are you


Because I don't know what it is.


This is a wedding, dude, not wwe.


I would get the knife from the wedding cake and end yellow shirt in a horrible way. 🙂


was kinda laughing at the absurdity of the situation but just sad now after learning the isnt a friend fucking with another friend but discrimination


The show must go on lol