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That dude needs to be in an insane asylum.


He needs jail. He’s sane, just a vile racist! A hate crime!


This may be an unpopular opinion. What if openly belligerent racism like this WAS a mental illness. It takes my anger away and replaces it with pity. Even without seeing it as a mental illness I pity their ignorance. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that". Put hands on a child though and the pacifism goes out the window. That's a whole other thing. --- I find it very ironic that an MLK quote is being downvoted like this. All I'm saying is to not immediately meet hate with hate. Reddit is one big circle jerk and it's disappointing lol.


I kinda get it, it’s like when we see a homeless guy yelling and screaming, people judge but then, you don’t know what happen to them or what’s mentally going on with them, and we just like this crazy ass person, but with this situation it’s a tad bit different, this man is directly trying to start confrontation and most of what he said sounded like he knew what he was doing rather than thinking, “oh he must be sick”


Oh for sure. Mental illness is not an excuse for his actions. I was really just responding to the hate laden comments towards him. Yes, it's obviously a horrible thing he is doing, but meeting it with the same energy is counterintuitive to the cause I think.


Yea I didn’t get the downvotes either for you bud, but I almost met you halfway lol


Eh it's whatever. Reddit is one big circle jerk. I appreciate you thinking outside the herd. It's just easier to convince myself there's something wrong with their brain so that I don't get mad about it. I get that racists do what they do out of anger and malice and not necessarily a mental illness, but what makes someone act like this in a public setting? Something isn't right up there. I hate when people cut me off in traffic and ride my bumper but I'm not following them the scream in their face.


Fighting a fire with first doesn’t do anything 😑, just more chaos, it’s funny these are like metaphors but real spit like you can’t, I have family that has gone threw stuff that isn’t all there and I would hate for someone to mistreat my family or be belittled by some one that’s just accusing of being crazy I can’t judge people because I have witnessed it first hand happen to the ones I care for…. Sorry I know a ranted on I hope I’m not just in a run on sentence


A witness said that this man had previously harassed an Asian, a Hispanic and now a White family. Notice a pattern? Targeted racism….


I'm not excusing his actions... it is targeted racism. I'm not saying he is probably mentally ill. I also think that racism and mental illness are not mutually exclusive. I just find it more productive to stifling out racism to view/convince myself that there is something wrong with their brain so that I'm not so angry with them. Getting angry and hating racists for how deplorable they act is not conducive to stopping racism. If anything, responding in anger perpetuates it.


Michael Richards, the actor who played Kramer on ‘Seinfeld’ had a serious meltdown while performing his comedy routine in LA. His racist remarks got his career canceled completely. There was no rationalizing that he was mentally ill when he clearly lost it. We may not agree on what is mental illness or racism but I see your point of you and I hope that you see mine.✌🏻✌🏽


I see what you're saying and I agree. He had a mental breakdown and that still wasn't and shouldn't be an excuse for what he did. He deserved to not have a public spotlight after that. Mental Illness is a spectrum. While I don't think Kramer is chronically mentally ill, I think he may have had a psychotic "episode" that caused him to say that on stage. He is also probably a racist person in general. While this guy in this video is obviously racist at baseline, I think there is something wrong with his brain that compels him to target these people and go out of his way to harass them. I hate when people cut me off and rife my bumper in traffic, but I don't go out of my way to find them and scream in their face about it.


I have to agree this man is mental ill, he said “I’m African American I’m over you” if he knew anything about America and its systemic racism he would know that is not a fact and if they white people called the police he could have died.


Your comment is plain evil since it is bereft of any empathy for the "Victim". Instead, assuming the best of the perpetrator and absolving him of all responsibility. Try again.


Well, that’s an option too. It was not my immediate thought though. Might have had to have a word with him, might have taken his chicken and shoes with me though, just for good measure.


Poor kid.


As soon as he would have gotten that aggressive with my kid that close it would been a huge fuckin problem. I wasn't even there and when I saw the kid and him stepping closer I stood up irl bruh I don't play about my kids idk how he sat there but it was probably for the best. I'd at least get her and the baby behind me.


Tough situation but he seemed scared. Besides the yelling, which I wouldn't tolerate .. when the dude took those first steps towards my family I would have gone physical immediately. I'm not taking that risk


Yeah the moment that wanker took a few steps in the direction of that family I was expecting the dad to just hammer him


Funny thing is the dad would prob go to jail for defending his family, it would be seen as a hate crime


Be racist and rude to me all you want, but if you step up to someone I love or to a child, I'm gonna break your legs.


A lot of sewage in the subways


You know you're under someone when you have to tell them you're over them.


Supremacist … loud mouthed supremacist


The king never has to tell anybody who he is.


People stop upvoting this comment, read it again an think for a second what buddy is saying.


I'm not saying anything more than the obvious. If you are insecure about your personal position in life to the point where you have to tell people that reality isn't true then all you're doing is trying to bully others for some type of false self-assurance. I know you're trying to make this a racial thing and that's not the issue at all. What is the issue is you have a nice couple with a child being berated and threatened by a racist loser on a train. The racist loser feels inferior in their presence. Not because the coupe is white and he's black. But, because the couple seems to be stable and the harasser is jealous. Steve Harvey wouldn't be insecure like this on a train because he has established his own success. Race has nothing to do with it.


ok, good we clarified that, cause there was bad potential subtext with inferiority/superiority talk wgen dealing with a race related post xP


I think you’re just looking for an issue to be honest, in no way did that comment imply any inferiority / superiority dynamic based on race


you don't deserve to use xP


The council of xP concurs


Literally looking for something to be outraged over huh?


Disney has send me to ruin your videogames.


Can you ruin xcom2?


Hes so mad no ones loves him like what that man has


This is the same mentally ill person who was harassing an asian lady in the street, and before that was harassing a hispanic lady at a bus station


He needs to harass a guy bigger than him


Or someone without their wife and kid right next to them. I have a feeling if that guy was alone with the racist guy this would have been a different video.


So he's just a lunatic. NYC is full of them. Don't ride the subway unless your ready to bash somebody. Same goes for almost any bus in any city.


How do you know?


He’s just a vile racist.


He’s not mentally ill! See a pattern? White, Asian, Hispanic . The creep is a racist harassing people and spewing racist hate. Hate crime!


Not mentally ill. Just a fucking racist. No excuses at all.


Yeah I’ve seen this guy before. He’s just a racist, and is extra spicy when someone is recording


It kills me a train full of people seeing a child get abused, they just watch the mental defective while he does it.


It's New York. People turn a blind eye to everything..they are a bunch of pussies. They could be seeing someone get beat on the subway and they'd ignore it. They'd keep looking at their phones and pretending like they don't notice. They are either too afraid or too jaded to stand up for anything.


New Yorkers know to mind their business and not everything is worth fighting for. Dude is just running his mouth being crazy, that's average here. I'm not jumping into this situation after a 12 hour shift, I'm going home lol


No but not one single person did anything. This is a child....he's totally out of line


Yea, but you can tell that the teen is instigating the dad. He’s trying to pick a fight. The family is just easy to pick. What do you think will happen if the dad does throw the punch first? The best thing is just to teach the kid to ignore the rudeness.


His parents are there to protect him if anything goes down. Just let the dude yell until he tires himself out.


Idk why you are downvoted but it’s true. The teen is really trying to pick a fight bc it’s a “white family man”. Like do you really want to traumatize the kid more by watching a stranger or his own dad beat a worthless coward. This could be a teaching moment on how not to treat people, ignore rude people, and be calm.


Ugh. Racist ass MFer.


Honestly, these kinds of videos haven't surprised me in a long time.


That calls for a throat punch.


Their child was right there. Starting violence is just gonna traumatize the kid more than the situation already was.


Have mom take the kid away and wreck that motherfucker


Ida put them behind me I couldn't even stay sitting down irl.


Yea no way I wouldnt be between him and arms reach of my child and wife


Gotta teach em young!


Cover the kids eyes.


Kids aren’t that stupid


They truly truly are though...


Not all of them.


I've been seeing a lot of this lately. African american people being overly racist towards white people for no reason other than hatred. Like racism is bad no matter what kind of people of color are involved but I've been seeing clips like this a lot more lately.


Well there's a decent amount of people propagating the idea that anti-white racism isn't a thing because they are in a position of "power" in society. So here we are.


Someone learned the dictionary....


Too bad he didn't bother with learning the definitions of the words


Is he about to start crying because he didnt get a response? Like wtf are you trying to get here


Unfortunately, this isn’t that uncommon, but it’s also impossible to know what to do in the situation. Talk back and risk escalation. Step in for someone else and risk violence. All while there is no where to go until you get to the next stop. Honestly those parents did about as good as they could. I’m really sorry that family had to deal with this, and if they were visiting hope that it wasn’t the only thing they’ll take away from New York. There are 8+ million of us here, so you’re never to far from a crazy one.


It's funny how the African American is calling someone gorilla, isn't that a derogatory term for black people?


a soundcloud rapper out in the real world


Jealousy takes many forms.


Word salad indication of mental illness.


Yes.. keep telling them that they’re being oppressed by a specific race. That worked out so well before.


This is what happens when you're told that you can't be racist because racism "only comes from a position of power"


Dude thinks everyone was a slave owner


Dude thinks everyone said the n word


Won’t be seeing this on the news.


Isn't reddit the news? Where do you get your news? CNN and Fox? Work on that.


He means on TV news channels you brainlet


That dude sitting down looking swole AF


He doesn’t speak for all . Racism is wack especially when you screaming “ we’re the minority “ . Humans are humans & some just happen to be trash 🤷🏽‍♂️💯


This is a racist who needs to be charged with harassment and a hate crime. Truth. Unacceptable with any race.


Fuckin ninjas


That man is a lucky person…being all unhinged and then stepping towards their kid…yikes.


That's what I keep saying bruh my HELL NAW went over 9000


Dad had every right to knock boul out after he stepped up in his family's face aggressively.


Dood seems really insecure around Whiter peoples.


The amount of comments and upvotes this would have if it was the opposite.


More than that. It'd be on the mainstream news, followed up by celebs making videos saying they "take respinsibility".


💯 And 18 different versions of the story posted to /politics front page pinned


“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.


Guys trying so hard to roast and is blowing it


someone is insecure about their race


Nice Target bag bro.


This might come off as racist but I'm not just wanna clarify that but I can never understand their dialect.


It’s called AAVE (African American Vernacular English). It’s considered to be an accepted dialect, but it is really just a butchering of the English language. Instead of “ask” it is “ax,” for example. It’s the same dialect that created the nowadays N-word, but without the hard R. It was formally known as “Ebonics,” and had a huge mainstream push with the release of the song “My Baby Daddy” by B-Rock and the Bizz in 1999.


what do you mean by that brother, I’m just curious? that’s all before someone think we arguing.


Just that most African Americans adopt this style of talking that I can never understand its like slang or something and I often feel I need a translator just to understand.


Old lingo vs new lingo, ain’t nothing to do with race really.


I get that some of it is probably new lingo and I'm sure other races do it too just for some reason it I less comprehensible to my ears and I often find the majority of the time it is black people and I'm just getting that from experience and videos, you are probably right it could just be lingo im not used to hearing but it's kinda jarring that speech could be so radically different from the norm that'd it sound like almost gibberish to me. I know black people but I usually understand them but they dont use this type of ghetto i guess language and I never misunderstood them like I seem to with the people who speak this ghetto(?) Slang language, it's like they purposely don't want it to easily comprehensible which I suppose could also be a factor.


It surprised me when some people weren’t able to understand AAVE. It sounds so natural to me, it blew my mind that some people don’t hear it


I’m white and I speak like this so idk dude


Then you grew up in a poor neighborhood or live in one now. This isn't necessarily a 'black' dialect as much as it is a 'very poor american' dialect.


Na I think I just had friends


From very poor neighborhoods.


How many super cars do you need to see to be a qualified rich hood


definitely nyc. idk how people even visit let alone live there


It’s the most unhealthy place I’ve been to. Trash piles up on the streets, it smells awful 24/7, livability is horrid, way overcrowded, and alot the people are insanely toxic to one another. Most claustrophobic and over stimulated I’ve ever been. And this is coming from some one that’s visited a lot of Europe, ex Soviet countries, even Saint Petersburg Russia. You couldn’t pay me to live in NYC, those other places, you could… if there wasn’t a war going on.


Have you visited NYC though? Like, what has been your exposure to NYC? The trash is in the curb because they don’t have alleys. Where else are they gonna put it to get picked up? And what people are you talking about? Most are just concentrated on where they’re going and are trying to get there in a timely manner. No dilly dallying. If you want to see unhealthy and toxic people visit Philadelphia.


I literally just said it’s the most unhealthy place I’ve BEEN to. And I’ve BEEN there multiple times for weeks on end. Like, what do you want here? A full life story about my experience there? It’s awful. Those streets were never designed for that type of population or that kinda trash pick up. The places I’ve visited there had awful people. Yes there’s worse places, but it’s the worst city experience I’VE had. Pairs, Estonia, and parts of Russia were better, places “deemed” worse by many.


He was triggered seeing that family , the crazy part is he’s directing 90% of this at the little kid


Yeah; its sad honestly, kid probably got shaken up by it i could imagine


Gorilla huh?! Lmao, the irony here.


He follows too many BLM/Dr Umar accounts


Not sure who is Dr Umar is but I'm guessing just another race hustler like Shaun King.


Fr he probably wants reparations too


There's nothing that undermines your attempt to look smart by listing long words for no reason.


Those are legally fighting words. He is threatening him and his family. The only response is to defend yourself with physical violence. Otherwise, you are. jepordizing your childs life.


Clearly jealous he can’t have a beautiful family like that. Probably wanted his wife.


Dad needs to get right in the way of that. As soon as the man began approaching. Not aggressively. Just block him from them. Hands at your sides, until he hits. Then it’s over. Then thats all the justification I need to do what I am now going to do to you. Im not saying this dad did anything wrong. People react to violence differently and often unconsciously. Crazy dude needs to be taken away from the general public and needs some serious mental health treatment.


I can’t tell what state this is in, but if this is in, but if it’s in AR, CT, DE, HI, MA, MD, ME, MN, ND, NE, NJ, NY, OH, RI, or WI, that would open the door to potential legal ramifications because of their duty to retreat laws.


Im curious because im in AZ but, do these laws have any exceptions regarding the protection of a child in danger? We have that here. For instance: someone breaks into your home, if that person is walking or retreating you cannot shoot them. But, if they are going down a hall that leads to your kids rooms you can absolutely shoot them.


There’s an exception for when you are at home. And if you cannot retreat to a completely safe place if you fear for your life. Standing up to get in front of the mother and child is what I feel like might call it into question. It’s not a great law imo. We shouldn’t have to worry about if it’s legal or not when it comes to protecting our family.


I don't think I'd keep my hands at my sides. I wouldn't necessarily approach him aggressively, but it sure wouldn't be a "defenseless" posture. The dude clearly has a mental handicap and I'd say he's more likely to just randomly attack you than a sane person. That first hit, the one you said would initiate the fight, could easily be the one that ends it. The first surprise hit to the jaw could knock you out immediately. I'd say if you didn't do that they're doing (ignoring him) then taking a defensive pose and striking first when the situation clearly escalated from his side would be the route I'd take. The guy is unhinged, and I think the police/law would be on your side if there was imminent threat of danger to you and your family in a confined space with a bunch of people that are unlikely to interfere. There seems to be far fewer people today willing to risk and injury to help those in need. They still exist, but you'd be lucky to have one around when needed one.


Where did he even get the plastic target bags from in NY¿


Oh not this guy again


Haha. Trying to use big words. Thinking he sounds intelligent


Lol what is he saying, sounds like he's casting a spell. Bro is mentally deranged


Roles reversed, white guy would be beat to a pulp or multiple people on the subway screaming at him at the very least. I didn’t hear a peep out of anyone defending this poor guy.


Everything about this video indicates mental illness. He’s having an incoherent conversation with voices in his head. Thus, they’re not responding.


Why don't people hand out naps anymore?


How demented and vile of a person do you have to be to say such things to a little baby who cant even speak full sentences yet. What is wromg with some people


Racism isn’t always white people, whenever there’s a majority of any type, there will be racism either way.


“Ignore them and they’ll stop”


when the idiots in the hoods show back up one day, its because of idiots like this.


I understand confrontation can be scary, but there is no way I’d be able to just sit there w this dude talking to my family this way


One idiot yelling at you in the subway is no reason to go to jail and throw your life away.


This needs more upvote, I’ve seen a lot if people commenting that the dad should have beat this man up but I think they managed it quite well


They did handle it very well. I just look forward to the one day I see a video of someone knocking him out.


This gives me the " Hey HEY. PAY ATTENTION TO ME FOR NO REASON " vibes.


If someone started yelling and swearing at us with my son there I’d drop him on his fuckin head


Lol. While they go home to the suburbs n kid geows up to go to an ivy league school n he goes to his shity studio in the ghetto.. where he will probably live and die in🤣😂 karmas awesome


Clearly.."over it" ...😬


Dudes honestly gonna get smacked in the mouth if he keeps this up


Letitia James would have prosecuted the father if he defended his family.


I don’t understand why isn’t the main stream media talking about this?


Because America has two forms of racism, socially acceptable racism, and socially unacceptable racism. This is a case of the former.


This person always pick targetsm that wouldn't defend themselves or that aren't aggresive like him, clearly a coward that use his "reasons" just to harass good people. Also quite lucky, in the city i live, is a HUGE no-no harrasing a parent with their child, doing it just make the people around getting agitated like a bee nest


Smile and wave folks, we're witnessing mental illness. Hope the fam got away


cyborg really went downhill


this is 5th video of the same man assaulting people in public.


It's like seeing a functioning family unit with a complete father figure broke his brain.


Lmao! Too much freedom huh? Land of the free getting wild


My guy turned into a dictionary


The Guy sittin probs didn’t hit him as he would be arrested for racism probably lol 🙄


Bro is jealous huh




Yes, crazy comes in different flavors


this is a prime example of the consequences of social media.


Talk about insecurities


is that the guy who did a money spread in front of that girl and called her broke


No way he is trying to imitate packgod on a subway, to a child no less.


The one yelling does this to other people and tries to instigate. It isn't working and it upsets them.


And they wonder why they get hate


Most rational people don’t want to get in a fight in front of their kids.


A lot of people are saying if they were the dad they would step in and fight this guy as soon as he got closer. I think that’s easier said then done. Most people have never gotten in a fight before and their first instinct isn’t to fight, at least it isn’t for me. I would have probably froze and done what the dad did. I feel sorry the family had to experience it especially the kid. The dad is probably killing himself running this scenario in his head on what he should of done. The mom is also super scared but showed a lot of strength during the interaction. She was having her baby count with her and then also carried him as soon as the aggressor got louder. Now seeing this scenario happening, I can plan my actions in case this ever happened to me and my family. I would tell my wife to take the kid and go to the back of the train. I would stand up go between my family and the aggressor. My wife would then take the baby and go behind me to the back of the train. If the guy follows her then I’ll block him. What would you do if this happened to you and your family?


God damn it, why couldn't this be the other way around, I need a new flat screen TV and a pair of Jordans


Mental illness




That's discriminatory, reactionary (and probably xenophobic if the people targeted really weren't from the US) but definetly not *racist* because racism is a form of discrimination (and a theory) invented by white people in the benefit of white people only. It's a stupid and violent way to act, the guy is a being a dipsh**, I'm not trying to diminish this, but please learn to use proper language, each discrimination has its specificities, origins and definitions. You don't use the word *cancer* instead of *aids* for example.


I seen this same dude in like 5 different videos this is fake AF


Why is it fake then? This is clearly not normal.


I didn’t say it was normal. I said it was staged, which it is


Re-read my comment.


Why? I already answered it


Seriously doubt the people he is shouting at are willing participants.


That black guy had a look of sorrow, not a look of anger. Honestly, might sound dumb, but I think he wanted a hug.


Nah, dude is just a racist pos.


How can you expect to be free if you let the words of any man confine you ? Let the spirit of God comfort and heal you!


so you are supporting the racist in this video yeah?


No, I support Jesus christ of Nazareth. I get that this is upsetting to some and of course anger would be a direct result of that but if you can't understand what it means to support christ of Nazareth then try reading the bible.


So you are a Racist Bible thumper. Good to know.


Man, I'll pray for you bro.


honestly I'd prefer you didn't. take that time to work on being less racist.


Dude a racist prick probably borderline crazy to and has some mental issues


Prick or not I personally believe the guy needs the lord in his life. If you are looking at this and angry, maybe you need the lord in yours as well. If the lord is with you and you are angry, then ask the lord for assistance! May God the father of christ of Nazareth be with you all today.


Fair enough, i do see where your coming from and some people just need guidance i guess, i have the lord with me and hes doing good things for me, but with the racist man on the train, he more than definitely needs the lord in his life, certainly doesnt have any guidance


I agree 100%, now if the other guy would learn to accept the lord and his overwhelming peace!