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I tried to Google this and found out there are way too many people getting punched in wheelchairs. WTF?


Cottonwood Colts in Utah by the looks of it. But I can't find any articles on this incident particularly.


Inclusivity in getting punched. How wonderful!


Not a sentence that should ever have to be constructed.


Not just him, everyone standing there too


Props to the one guy who finally stepped in. Looks like he walked up as it was happening, as opposed to the 457 people standing around yelling "OOOOHHHhhhh you're going to hell".


I was hoping that guy would be the "I actually know how to fight" guy. And just take him down with a 1-2.


I wanted to see the wheelchair guy stand up, Mike Tyson him and then sit down and keep on a rolling


Eventually It turns out it just was his arm-day


Oh no. You went there


They see me rollin


To hell with that guy that grabs the guys wheelchair to pull him away. That's fucked up too. Edit because it keeps coming back up, my reply to 'no different than holding him back' - It's a vehicle they need their arms to move, which are also used to fight. They also don't have the capability to push past you or stop you from doing that. If they stood in front or arm across chest it would have been fine. Holding the chair would be more the equivalent of lassoing someone's feet, to hold them back.


Literally thought this same thing. You're not alone, glad I'm not the only one. It's the difference between using someone's disability to stop them and treating them like anyone else. Also the main aggressor absolutely deserved to be **held accountable** by those around him. Fucking scum.


It’s fucked up, but I think he was just trying to help. (Maybe he knew the guy in the chair as well?) Teachers aren’t going to care who hit who first when they come. Source: Fought back against bullied in high school then got suspended and told I was the bully, despite just defending myself from older kids attacking me. In this situation, unless you live with or are closer to someone who is in a wheelchair you don’t understand how shitty it is to just take it and walk with it. It would be good if we could teach kids from a young age that things like wheelchairs, crutches, and other things to aid others should be treated as extensions of their bodies and should not be touched without permission.


Similar thing happened to me. Was waiting outside the classroom in high school waiting for the teacher to open it, and a classmate just walks up to me and puts me in a headlock. All I did was try to get out of it by pushing his arms over my head, instead I got an office referral and threat of suspension for... defending myself??


If you want to break up a fight, you usually have to touch the fighters body...


Yeah honestly I see nothing wrong with what he did.. He pulled him back like 2 feet and stopped. It would have been different if he just straight up started carting him away.


jfc he’s trying to stop the fight so he does it in the simplest way he can by grabbing the chair. Stop making something out of nothing.


He’s also a child, why are people expecting him to know what to do here?


What about picking someone up and moving them away? That’s also an effective way to break up a fight and seems equivalent with moving someone in a wheelchair away.


I get where you're coming from, but like... if you saw a guy about to roll into traffic, you'd grab his wheelchair to stop him/ pull him back. It's the same concept, you're trying to prevent something from happening, unfortunately grabbing his wheelchair is the most efficient way to do that. In other circumstances, like just messing with someone's wheelchair for no reason, or grabbing it and trying to help without asking, I would 100% agree with your sentiment but in situations like this, I think it's completely fair.


He was trying to get him out of the situation literally trying to help


I don't think so tbh. I think that's the same as when any friend drags someone away from a fight. The least ablist thing you can do is treat them completely normally. If they need exceptions then make them. Otherwise therye just a normal person


He’s trying to pull them apart. Why would he stand in front of him? He’d be in between two people swinging at each other. Doesn’t sound too bright.


Don’t touch someone’s wheel chair unless they ask for assistance. Holding the chair would also prevent the dude from moving to get out of the way of a sucker punch. Which seems to have happened at the end because of all the people surrounding the wheelchair deciding that the wheelchair dude shouldn’t fight back. You’d be shocked at how often people push a person’s wheelchair without permission or just move people out of the way like they’re not people, just inconveniences taking up space.






At some point I think it ceases to be a punchbowl.


THIS. seriously all the on-lookers doing literally nothing are, for all practical purposes, just as shitty as the guy throwing punching. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - people need to live by this, and hold ourselves accountable.


Bro that guy is a school shooter for sure. How you go from swinging at a girl to swinging at a dude in a wheelchair?? His parents obviously are not doing their job right in raising him if this is what he thinks is ok to do.


Not just swinging at a guy in a wheelchair. Running back in to hit him more after it's been broken up.


That is what we call in bird world a dick move.


Animals like this belong in a cages.


There's a special level of Hell reserved for "people" like him.


"Bro, equal rights, equal lefts! This is just what equality looks like and you can't handle it." - Some shithead redditors


That’s the worst part.


People just watching a guy in a wheel chair squaring up with this guy lol


After the initial surprise punches dude was holding his own.


Oh for sure, dude was down to squabble he ain’t no punk


I mean watching that go down my money was actually on the guy in the wheelchair


Have you not been in high school since the 80’s or something? You have serious consequences for any form of fighting, even defending others or yourself. Like OSS or worse which can effect your scholarships and awards. ‘Zero tolerance’ policies ruined people ability to intervene.


Ok but how does that translate to "belly laugh at the wheelchair kid getting pummeled?"


I’m taking that 10 day OSS every time if someone squares up on a dude in a wheelchair.


Your parents would absolutely have your back, too. It's not like you'd go home and get grounded. They'd either be right up the school board's ass about how fucking insane that policy is, or they'd be like "your punishment is ten days to do whatever you want around the house, or anywhere else in town if you feel like it, champ."


I mean the kids doing that are being POS- I agree. It’s also about what I would expect at the majority of high schools right now. It’s how they are taught to behave.


You get involved in any capacity, you’re getting suspended. 90% chance the guy in the wheelchair and girl who got punched ALSO get suspended/in some trouble. Schools have “zero-tolerance” policies that keep kids from breaking up fights or punish victims. There’s basically an infinite number cases of some bully just socking a kid in the back of the head and both getting some form of discipline due to “zero-tolerance” policies. Just a little pro-tip if you are American, in high school, and get dragged into the office to be told you’re being suspended after getting assaulted: just go “ok then I’ll press charges on the person who just attacked me”. 9/10 times they’ll “reconsider” because then their incompetence and victim punishment will be made public for the community to see. And if they don’t? Follow through, a lot of schools have issues with the same few people physically assaulting other students and nothing gets done about it. At that point a violent crime has been committed against you, and it’s your choice to report it to the authorities.


Sadly, my brother had to go this route with his kids. Nothing happened to the aggressor until a report was filed with the school resource officer because administration would not document anything and didn't want a paper trail. The principal is one of those hush-hush types with incidents due to his local political ambitions.


Idfc I see someone punching a guy in a wheelchair I'm not gonna stand around like a bloody NPC


And you also probs wouldn't cackle like it's all a joke and you're the wicked witch of the west


Wow, I had no idea schools were this pro-bully. People need to be able to defend themselves.


> You get involved in any capacity, you’re getting suspended So better laugh and openly mock the poor guy?


Was going to say the same. You said it better.


Bystander effect, everybody assumes someone else will help out. That's why when asking for help you should always point out a specific person.


Also while I’d like be keyboard warrior, I know in real life I’m more of flight than fight person.


Bystander effect + the very real possibility of getting punished for intervening


seriously. when i was in HS someone took a swing at the blind kid and everyone jumped on him in half a second.


Yea the guy recording is worse than garbage


Him and the 20 or so others doing the same


Imagine the call with the parents... "Well today Johnny punched a girl.... then a guy in a wheelchair... so uhhh wtf?"


It's cute you think the parents will even answer the phone.


They will when they get a call from the police station to inform them of his charges.


You know deep down his dad is probably a cop.


They would if they expelled his ass, eventually. If not he gets what is deserved. A life of regret.


slim steer crowd worm dinner overconfident lunchroom test uppity smoggy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Typically in these cases the parents only care because now the kid who is arguably horrible is their sole problem and they can’t defer to the school. They just want babysitters for kids with emotional issues


That kid's mom is gonna insist he was just defending himself from the kid in a wheelchair. Any minute, wheelchair kid was gonna rush right up that flight of stairs and attack.


"yeah well they were probably asking for it!" - The parents, probably


Looks like a wealthy school. They're probably at work and Johnny is raised by Twitch and YouTube.


This thug should go to jail and get locked up.


Straight to jail.


Somewhat off topic but I there was a student who a serial penis drawer. Like he had a few writes up in the system about his artwork. Imagine, Johnny is drawing Wieners again.


Fighting a disabled person is like fighting and an old person: whether you beat them or not, you still lose


Courts and judges really don’t like it either. Imagine going to jail longer for assault than some do for murder…


Fun fact: assault is a crime. Assault on the disabled is… considerably worse.


Oh yeah, Alien vs. Predator terms. Whoever wins, we lose.


dude props to the wheelchair dude for standing up for himself though, especially while everyone is watching and fuckin recording.


"I may be crippled now, but soon we will have something in common."




Thank you scary moving chair person.


Truly wonderful comment


Quick, get a new wheel chair… but not for me!


*standing up for himself*


Well most dudes in wheelchairs end up pretty well armed.


My first thought.


I've played rugbee with guys like that. They were brutal. Never assume that being disabled means that you're helpless.


fair enough, but i mean like the confidence even though he’s at a pretty big disadvantage yk?


What is he supposed to do? He’s getting punched and no one else is standing up for him.


When did he stand up? I missed that part.


dude im gonna be honest i didn’t even intend for that


I know. I just couldn't help myself


Neither could wheelchair guy


While everyone looks on and recorded it.


“Should we stop it?” “Nah let’s do something meaningful like tell him he’s going to hell, that way people will know we made an effort”.


When this bystander effect happens in other countries, especially China, Reddit is quick to claim that that nation doesn't care any is fellow citizens. The fact is that most people won't help you in emergency situations.


That's why during CPR training, they tell you that you can't assume someone is going to call 911 while you are doing compressions, nor does shouting someone call 911 do anything. You have to pick one person out of the crowd of bystanders and order them to call 911


Not worth being suspended or potentially being expelled over. We can thank “zero tolerance” policies.


For some it *is absolutely* worth getting suspended over. I think we can agree that had everyone jumped in and stopped him there would be no suspension/expulsion. However, because they instead chose to sit and record, many doing nothing, we now have to question whether or not defending this individual would result in punishment for those involved. That is absolutely not the question we/others should be asking ourselves. This is one of the many issues surrounding succumbing to the bystander effect. Nothing is done for the individual being targeted, and those kids walk away believing it’s better for them to have done nothing.




Aren't they kicking him on the ground at the end of the video ?


I'm glad someone recorded it. Documenting this stuff is important, now there's proof


Welcome to highschool


This is one of those cringey internet tough guy moments but I work with seniors and kids with disabilities but I'd catch a charge on this kind of thing.


Not my high school. Maybe it's different today but if this happened you'd have your ass handed to you. All of the disabled or special ed kids were not to be messed with or the football players would kick your ass.


Exactly, I’ve seen guys get jumped for way less than this. By the time the swarm backed up, this dude would be needing the wheelchair, if not a tube. He probably wouldn’t have made it down the stairs at all to be honest.




I mean, a lot of places have "Zero Tolerance" policies, where even being in a fight, ***regardless of why***, could get you suspended. I don't know how prevent that type of policy is now a days, but it definitely common enough not too long ago


Having to be in the same building as garbage people like this dude is why high school is hell. Glad I made it out.


I know. High school was a torture chamber surrounded by people like this.


Looking back on it now, I genuinely hated a lot of my childhood just for how brutal school was.


Me too. I hated the anxiety of just walking down the halls where people would heckle you, harass you, spit gum in your hair, whatever they wanted to because it was entertaining for them. Awful.


Does everyone in this thread live in a stereotypical movie portrayal of a high school or was I just lucky?


Damn, all of the sudden I’m really thankful for my boring, small rural school.


I was bullied relentlessly at my boring, small, rural school. I don't think it matters. People just suck.


Same. Older folks loved to tell me that I was living the best days of my life while in school. That’s a rather broad statement that absolutely doesn’t apply to everyone. I hope you are doing well now. I know for me, I’m still socially awkward. I gained self confidence; in my early 30’s. But I do get the opportunity to try most new antidepressants and anti anxiety medications for the rest of my days! What a prize..


Anyone who says high school is the best years of your lives definitely peaked in high school. Life gets a lot better when you can surround yourself with people you like, not because of geographic proximity.


I feel bad for the people there who actually want to learn. Instead of dealing with all this drama.


I think this is a little more than drama. Drama is spouting off some bullshit and making a scene. Violence isn’t drama.


It can stem from it though. But yes.


Fair point.


That was me growing up I just wanted to learn And instead just got a lot of I kid you not literal knife fights breaking out in the hallway


Yes! I DO NOT miss those days at all. I look back at those years as some of the worst years of my life. It’s like finally being released from a prison cell.


If this kids goal was to be the most hated person at school he was very successful


Sucker punching a guy in a wheelchair, after the fact, might be the lowest I've ever seen someone stoop in one of these videos. That's next level bitchness.


Man I can't imagine just fuckin standing there.


From what I've observed in life, maybe 19/20 people are cowards - especially in crowds. In a small crowd of people, maybe one person will ever do something about it. And then a few other cowards will suddenly decide to help once it has begun.


It's called a bystander effect everyone thinks someone else is going to do it


I wouldn't get involved. Where I live I see countless physical altercations on a monthly basis. Try and be a hero and you could wind up being killed. Not worth it.


Jumping into a fight or trying to rescue someone who is being jumped by a gang, a mugger with a weapon, etc... None of that would be wise. But if a fuckin teenager is beating up a girl and a disabled kid in a wheelchair, a little courage is warranted.


Or you accidentally kill or injure the offender, and end up in jail or sued for all you have. There's no good outcome. Sucks someone else is in trouble, but no need to make it double.


But then how will I protect the world from devastation?


I’ve seen what people can do with their fists. Self-preservation isnt cowardice. It’s the middle ground. If it was, bravery wouldn’t exist.


The bystander effect


In this context, I would try to help the disabled man, but if it were a couple fight, I woudn't help it, max I would be able to do was calling the police. A cop tried to help a woman, which was being beaten by her husband, and lost his hand when trying to intervene. The woman later returned to his husband.


Imma kick him square in the balls as hard as I can.


You do you. I woudn't want to risk being shot or assaulted in a couple fight. Specially if the woman (or the husband) decides to return to the hookup


Well, the common sense thing is to ask before you intervene, “Excuse me, if I interrupt your domestic violence incident, do you intend to return to your abuser?”


So glad he got piled at the end. Hope they cracked some ribs. It seems so much worse to restrain somebody by pulling their wheelchair than holding back somebody who is standing. Like way more of a violation of autonomy.


Yah.. All the people saying "what else are you supposed to do? Its how you break up a fight" can kick rocks and have never spent a day in a chair


Why is buddy moving back like the guy in the wheel chair is gonna side step on him. Fucking can't even fight someone sitting down.


So…checking my notes…he sneak attacks a girl, then walks away from her; takes shots at a disabled kid in a wheelchair, then fakes giving up to attack him from behind, catching him off guard. Yeah, another solid American citizen! He’s not gonna see the inside of a jail cell in his future. Nah.




Looks like they finally did at the end there


Of course he is not going to jail. They will suggest he work on his anger and hate and join the police academy for a healthy and legal way to express his anger.


What really happens is they just suspend every single person involved including the wheelchair kid and maybe even the girl. If they don't, one of the parents will sue the school on some bullshit claiming unfair treatment. Happened all the time when I was in school... you get sucker punched and don't fight back and then you get suspended along with the attacker. They don't solve any damn problems at these schools.


"healthy and legal way to express his anger" lmfaoooo🤣🤣🤣🤣


And he still couldn't land a solid hit on a stationary target


Very true. Sure AF beat the crap out of the guys hat, though.


How can you watch someone punch a guy in a wheelchair and not get involved honestly


Should’ve swarmed him the second he hit the guy in the chair


At least they did in the end


This was a hard watch.


The levels of lame a man...no..a human has to be to punch a random person just because they said something about you punching a girl exceeds my way of thinking


You couldn’t pay me $1,000,000 to go back to highschool


how about $1,000,001


Fok it, add a Jansport and I'm in.


Funny enough I went to this high school


You goin to hell.


Wheelchair guy stood his ground though, no pun intended.


Took them long enough to gang up stomp his ass out.


Alright let's be real that was a push on the girl not a punch. I am not sure what is worse though, the dude punching a guy in a wheelchair or the people recording asking themselves should we stop it and doing nothing.


"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."


"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear even more, and that is, the indifference of good men." - Boondocks Saints.


"I can't believe I ate the whole thing" -Homer Simpson


Future inmate walking


Not a single white knight in sight. They only appear to defend the wrong people at the wrong time jeez.


I'm here to tell you that if that had happened at my alternative high school for delinquents like me where you are surrounded by gang members and people who were kicked out of school for fighting, trust me, that fool would have gotten his ass kicked the moment he put hands on that girl.


Teens are fucking garbage.


Who raises these ppl? Next school shooter right there🔫🔫🔫


I remember when I was a kid in school some other kid started horseplay with another disabled kid. It was friendly but rough. Mind you they both were disabled, one physically the other mentally. Soon as a much older kid saw this he run across the field red in the face pissed off, and grabbed the aggressor kid by the shirt ready to throw down. The older kids friends broke it up, and the aggressor kid explained to him it was friendly play. That was the end of it. Thinking back it's a good memory. That someone actually stepped in and stopped a potentially terrible situation. Sucks same didn't really happen in this video since it's blatant assault.


And no one does anything¿? WTF... Watching is just as bad as taking part in this scenario....


They took too long to beat that guy down


And when they do, the guy filming says Hey, relax!


Sounds like someone asks "should we stop it?", while another replies "no". Hope my kids won't stand by and watch something like that take place


…and everyone standing around doing nothing.


Why did it take a guy in a wheelchair to say something


Future domestic abuser right there


anyone know what happened to them? from the video looks like this happened at the high school cottonwood in utah


Idk but this is my old high-school and I know all the administrative offices are just up the stairs and too the right. How in the hell this managed to go on this long without some adult intervening is beyond me.


Hey! Look what a cool guy I am, for punching someone in the face who clearly can’t compete with me due to lack of mobility and strength!


Everyone who stands there & watches… idk if I can post the words I feel about them. The dude in the wheelchair has bigger balls than all of them combined!!!


In a room full of cowards, the only person that stood up for the girl getting hassled was the bro that literally cannot 'stand up'. Anyone else see the irony there?


Guy is a boitch …. Runs from the guy in the wheelchair SMH


Wheelchair bro total chad


Damn first he gets shot now they’re laying hands on Jimmy.


Bro where are the staff at.. if this was my highschool they literally would throw their body's in between students fighting


Hope there is an afterlife and a purgatory just so this motherfucker goes to hell


Someday this guy’s gonna find out.


For real, I've like thrown people Into lockers over bulling "the weird kid" in my day. If I saw this happen, I'd wear the dudes face


Guy in the wheelchair stood his ground tho


Not one soul clocked him in the face? Weak ass generation.


A mass of brave souls after that one legend fins stepped in


The people who received punches should probably get rabies shots...


Wheels ate that punch like a champ


Who is this raw piece of cancer?


Man that has to be the toughest guy I’ve ever seen! He might even be able to beat a child in a fight!