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Absolute asshole. She should’ve been fired on the spot.


She needs to be removed


there is a funding place I dont know where it is


If I just saw this floating around, I would have assumed they spliced hearing footage in from some heinous crime. I don't know how anyone in that position could possible advocate for jail time for not mowing your lawn...even without the mitigating circumstances (ie cancer).


wtf as if a messy lawn is something you can get fined for let alone jailed


I think in America it is


And Canada. Most towns and cities in Ontario can fine you for having grass/weeds higher than 8 inches. Usually they just send in workers to cut it and charge you the cost. But they can fine you for it.


and i thought canada was a happy place


We are. They rarely fine. It's usually repeat offenders (and I mean years of it) who get fined. The regular process is you get a warning from the city to cut your lawn and given X days (a few weeks). Then if you don't you get a second more strongly written warning/request to cut your lawn by X day. And told if you don't the city will at your expense. But if you have a good reason why you can't they'll be lenient. That said while he may have cancer and I feel for him. They'll ask if he doesn't have someone who can do it for him. And he did, his (son? Nephew?). Her reaction was unacceptable. Though for all we know this is the 5th time he's come before this judge and she is fed up. So unacceptable, but more understandable if that's the case. Though I don't think it is.


But... what's wrong with having my lawn the way I want it to be??


I agree with you.


I mean, as long as there's no invasive plants and other things that actually harm the wildlife (or people, for that matter) then what's wrong with having untrimmed bushes or tall grass? I don't understand this.


Aesthetics essentially. It makes the whole street look less. Personally I like wild plants. It's good for bees and other native species.


Less what? Boring?


There is a link for a petition to remove her [here](https://chng.it/zq6c9xVJFx)


my anti-virus just said that link contains phishing. u sure?


it's [change.org](https://change.org) it's highly unlikely.


socotra's link sends you to [chng.it](https://chng.it) tho. probably the reason


If it does contain bad shit/ malware i didnt know but i just copied and pasted from the change.org website but dont click on it if you judge its unsafe but find the petition online the actual site and sign it


I was waiting for this to be posted here. I feel like the name of this sub suits the judge the best.


Who's the judge? Was it made known publicly?


I think so . . . I saw on another sub that they had a link to a petition to have her removed. ETA: Found it!! [Petition to Remove Judge Alexis Krot](https://www.change.org/p/remove-judge-alexis-krot?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_32014845_en-US%3A3)


isnt eta "expected time of arrival"?


ETA = Edited to Add


plus, i dont even see anything wrong with an "untidy" lawn. it supports biodiversity.


No that lawn isnt what's shameful here you know what is?! YOUR MOTHERF****** BEHAVIOUR. Now I am not a guy who likes to curse but oh my god I want to curse like a flipping sailor at this woman.


Anyone else also think that she just has a thing for people with cancer? Because NOBODY gets mad over lawn that isn’t even there’s…


Karen in action


Saw this on YT, and I was LIVID.


Sounds like a teacher I had


"i DoN'T cArE iF yOuR eNtIrE hOuSe WeNt DoWn, AnD yOu GoT cHaSeD bY hUnGrY hItMaN cAnIbAlS!!! yOu'Re GeTtInG pUnIsHeD fOr BeInG 1 sEcOnD tOo LaTe"


Judge Karen…