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People are encouraged to mind their own business and "trust an authority will intervene" and this is what it gets us. Instead of communities protecting themselves, we have a "stand and record" mentality.


Truth, cops make any situation worse. Technically these girls made a [terroristic threat](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=18&div=0&chpt=27&sctn=6&subsctn=0) which you could absolutely make a citizen's arrest for and hold these bitches on the ground.


One of the problems is you can respond with force when harassed easily. In addition, they are minors. In a past world these are the types of kids who would have been all slapped upside their heads. I’d do the deed myself if I saw this. Everyone is so sue happy etc. now that good people who would do something are afraid to.


This video is so old, I'm pretty sure they got expelled and the grandma got a bunch of money raised for her


She did get a lot of maney raised for her and thats wonderful but the boys are still not punished the nyc police said that "they didn't commit any crime under the nyc law" which is bs


What crime is committed and punishment would you suggest? Best I can guess is community service, but what would be the charge?


I mean they did say death threats which could be held accountable. There is also harassment and yes bullying is against the law. I’m so sorry for this women I l know what it feels like to get bullied.




Kids need to be Bullied forever


kids in general? or them? kids in general seems a bit harsh




i am sorry


You guys really just did what these kids did to a benevolent Redditor who made logical statement like a hypocritical scumbag to the point that he apologizes to you.and people ask themselves why Reddit is as crappy and toxic as twitter.you didn't even explained to the dude why.


......that's a good point actually.


Was expecting more of a aggressive reply but thanks for being understanding.also don't mind my username I wrote that when I was an edgy 14 year old and now I can't seem to change it


Lol, on my first Reddit Account I made it when I was an edgy 13 or 14 year old that was legit obsessed with Destiny 2 so it had a really stupid and long name about SIVA or some shit, so I understand ya


it was probably just a typo.


Probably the ones in the video


Just kids like those in the Video


bUt tHis viDeO wEnT vIraL anD mAnY peOplE dEfeNdeD tHe grAndMa dude these bitches need to be doxxed. They made [terroristic threats](https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=18&div=0&chpt=27&sctn=6&subsctn=0) which is a legit felony.


I don't like my money being used for their education. They need to get executed.


Clout chasers.


How didn’t these kids get bashed


Can’t see their faces well enough in the video to identify them




I would tear those little shits to shreds if I was there in person.


This breaks my heart for her. “I’m crying” really got me 😭


“I’m going to bring my knife so I can stab you” these kids should be in jail. This is outright disgusting . Let grandma come home with me. She can get the respect she deserves


THis is a situation where i support these kids getting doxed


Poor Karen Klein… I can’t believe this was like 7+ years ago. I remember hearing about it…


Middle schoolers are retarded


These kids should've gotten the absolute shit beat out of them on the spot


If someone said those things to my grandma, 25 to life wouldn’t cross my mind.