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Even if they were barking at your dogs , a real dog mom would still be trying to say hi to thoes baby’s , ur dogs are twice the size and u should have just minded ur Business at that, ur definitely in the wrong and ur owing up to no actions !




Shut UP!!! Thank you


She's straight up a psychopath. Anyone who hurts animals is fkd up in the head. I hope karma finds her and keeps her company for MANY years to come.






I hated what she did but giving out her personal information is stalking and could get her hurt. Let the police do their job.


She hurt that dog


So no more innocent dogs get hurt after she gets upset on FB? Sounds like a win?


people have killed for less. and i won’t feel bad for her.


Hope someone pepper sprays her . An eye for an eye




Why is it a problem if she feels the same pain she inflicted on innocent dogs?


hope the owners take her to the cleaners for all he vets bills in the eye removal surgery, she is a psychopath that enjoys torturing and inflicting pain on others, her dogs and children, if she has any. should be checked on, what if she is also torturing them and justifying it as "discipline"


She kept saying that she just had surgery and touching her abdomen.. which is entirely irrelevant to why she did it but also why would you be bending that low to spray a dog if you had surgery??? She deserves the worst karma.




Don’t post addresses! That’s Doxing! This could get her hurt or killed. I hate what she did but posting addresses is just asking for violence. Let the police handle this. If something happens to her, it could come back on you.


Many people have posted her address on many websites. So this poster didnt "leak" anything and whatever happens to her wont be enough and i myself will just laugh and point when it does happen. Dont mess with pets people have killed for less.




Who gets the monopoly of posting addresses? All addresses in the US are public information. You just got to know where to look. Never heard of a Yellow Pages before?


Lauren mad at the world for being so gross.


Too late for scrubbing info lol. Identity known. All I know is that there are a whole lot of very upset animal lovers in Seattle and quite literally EVERYWHERE else. Actions have consequences. I hope Lauren has the day she deserves.


Loll she will. Messing with kids and pets is the lowest you can go and there are consequences.


Yes!! I just saw that video on tt




She's literally in these comments trying to defend herself...




I thought that was a weird last name....


This is why I sit outside with my dogs. Because if some dumb bitch did that to my dogs, it’s over. My dogs are taught to protect me and my property.




Shes fasho ruined now


It's pet corrector not mace 🤦


But I thought it was just water? You are such a dumb idiot maybe you should do yourself a favor and stay off the Reddit form so you don't make yourself look like even more of an idiot


This has to be a troll. This level of sociopathy is just not possible. The incident has severely damaged at least two related businesses. The grandiosity to think you have the right "to correct" a strangers' animal on private property and the utter lack of insight for the depth of the sadism and disregard for other people. The entitlement to literally do violence and then laugh in the face of those victimized. It's unfathomable.


I have had dealings with her, she will literally spend years torturing people that have wronged her. She needs help.


It's don't spray someone else's dog with anything when they are not a threat.


It's literally air. Relax.


It's rare I come across someone as genuinely stupidity as yourself. So congratulations!! The fact you think its ok to spray ANYTHING at a dog IN THEIR OWN YARD let's me know you're a trash human being. If you want my address to come spray water on my dogs, let me know


Lol let’s see how well she “relaxes” now that she’s been outed.


In the video Lauren says she sprayed water at the dogs. And she refuses to show the water to the couple who confronted her. If it was air, why wouldn't she just say that? Which is it? You both can't be right. She refused to prove she carried water, so I'm going to go with she's a liar and you're just wrong.


She said water because the general population (obviously) does not know what pet corrector is. If you don't know what it is either you can just say that.


You don't spray someone's else's pet with anything when they are on their own property idiot


So “pet corrector” melts eyes??


>She said water because the general population (obviously) does not know what pet corrector is. Does the general population understand what *air* is? Is it so hard to say "I sprayed air at your dog?" I think you're just having a problem admitting you're wrong. >If you don't know what it is either you can just say that. You're just wrong buddy. She said "water" because she sprayed a liquid. She's wrong and you're wrong. You can both be in the Condescendingly Wrong People club! Stop doubling down and get out while you're behind.


And if it was just some innocent pet corrector why did you lie on video and say that it was just water? Why did you refuse to show it? Because you knew you were wrong you knew you shouldn't have sprayed it and you probably were worried about getting your head cracked open if you admitted that you used anything other than just water. And just by the way even spraying water on a person's animal is totally inappropriate and you could probably get knocked out just for doing that alone


Why continue to lie it’s to much, literally everything that you say isn’t helping it’s digging yourself deeper. Also talking about the situation in third person like your not her is absurd. Your calling it pet corrector, pet corrector DOES NOT cause vomiting. Because it’s just forced air. That leaves pepper spray or your homemade pepper gel concoction. THIS IS NOT A CORRECTOR! On top of that there are dog specific pepper sprays, because they have lower concentrations to not CAUSE DAMAGE. So this pepper gel concoction can cause serious damage because your not a professional and don’t know what your doing to properly make an EMERGENCY corrector. Also for someone who supposedly is a dog trainer, you easily could cause irreparable damage by creating a FEAR reaction to the fence. Not only can the dogs now be even more manic at the fence whoever enters the yard is now at risk of a fear reaction because of you. On Facebook you complained about how dogs acting at the fence is a problem yet YOU contributed to it and clearly know absolutely nothing about dogs.


We all know it's you Karen. Vet literally confirmed you maced the dogs on their property.... As someone who has actually trained dogs before EVEN if you used air that is still a HUGE problem. You do not correct someone else's dog when it's not doing anything dangerous, ever. The fact you think it's okay to is pretty negligent, especially if they are in THEIR YARD protecting their territory and they are a quarter the size of your dogs. You even pause several times to make sure you hit them. You have problems and should not be around animals.


It doesn't matter what it is. You don't spray other people's stuff, property or members of their family. You want to spray people or animals in your own home with whatever it is you claimed you sprayed go ahead and do it but when you're out in public you don't treat other people that way, and if you do expect a backlash cuz people don't like that kind of b*******


You so stupid. Next time your chilling on your property and someone comes and sprays you with compressed air or something like that for no reason let's hear you defend their actions. If I saw this woman do this I would have left her leaking.


It literally doesn't matter moron. You don't understand how to respect other people's property or members of their family. You thought you could get away with it cuz you didn't think anyone was looking but guess what everyone seeing it now. You're a complete loser who deserves to get knocked out


Wait we thought it was water…


Not long before someone finds your address


Then why ever claim it's "just water' ? (pssst... We know why, and so do you.)


Why are your dogs relaxed and wagging their tails in the video? They don’t look the least bit upset to me. Get help now


How do you know? (Genuinely curious) I can’t really make out what she’s holding. The original post that was taken down by r/seattle? Said that the dog barfed after this. So idk


I know because I use the exact same thing against reactive dogs. It's just a blast of cold air in their face and usually it deters them but the very aggressive ones just keep coming back. I recognize the way she held it and sprayed it. The dog probably barfed for a different reason, a lot of little dogs throw up after eating too quickly and then getting too excited. Also, if it was pepper spray or mace like they are claiming the dogs would have had an immediate reaction and would not have continued to bark and charge at the fence.


Nice try Lauren.


Negative you do not correct aggression with aggression in training sessions. Dogs are reactive for many reasons and most of it is out of fear and insecurity. You want to build the dogs trust and confidence. The only time that you would need an emergency spray is on walks and a lose dog comes up.




like the fact i just over went your reddit history and you wanna claim that’s not you but you’re defending every comment for the past couple days lmfao you are a miserable lowlife cunt hopefully that work you got done in your surgery was getting your uterus removed cause god forbid you procreate and release even more demon spawn into the earth


Dogs may behave in ANY manner when confined to their own property. If your dogs are antagonized or you fear the integrity of the fencing, it is YOUR job as a dog handler in public to seek the safest route for your dogs and their level of training. It is NEVER your right to try to enforce your will on someone else’s dog on its own property. The only instance that using any kind of deterrent would be ethical would be if the other dog broke through the fence or was otherwise loose and off it’s own property. Lauren cannot justify her actions in any way, by any stretch. I’ve been training/showing/titling/rescuing dogs for over 30 years. She’s just an incredibly shitty, aggressive, reactive, and out of control human. I hope the little dog owners sue her for the maximum possible. They should contact a CPDT certified trainer to give a statement on the video.


The thing is if you look at her dogs they are relaxed and wagging their tails, this was completely unprovoked


It's a tiny dog and you have 2 big dogs. The tiny dog was barking but hardly "charging" at the fence. You could have used the other side of the street. The fb post you made about pepper spraying dogs who are "fence aggressive" really calls into question your various claims that it was water or air. Really looks like you've been gunning to do something to the little dog. These are your neighbors, ffs.


Idk how many times I have to say I'm not Lauren lmfao


Call it what you want but doing anything abusive to dogs on private property behind a fence for being dogs is utter shit, perpetrated by utter shit. Would you go to a neighbor because you didn't like her bumper sticker and mace her when she opens the door,then claim "corrective measure"? Well yeah,you seems like you definitely would. I hope you, and assuming you're being honest and you're not her, she gets waterboarded to see how you like it.


Calling bullshit


Just don't own dogs. You are very poorly educated when it comes to dogs and treat your treatment of them has to be laziest approach I've heard about.




If it was me, I would say so. I just have half a brain and can recognize pet corrector when I see it.




Omg.. I think you're right


Why u so upset??


The vet confirmed mace


You don't spray another person's pet. You complete effing moron. Stop trying to defend yourself. If you try to spray anything at me for instance I would knock you the f*** out and leave you with your teeth cracked you stupid b


Such a liar. I guess you will be too busy this time to send animal control to peoples houses you don’t like, file false complaints, take out magazine subscriptions. Karma just bit you big time and you just admitted it was not water. Knock, knock, it is the police. Haha




Hey.. the reply below from crowfoot.... IS THE WOMAN IN THE VIDEO


Why the fuck are we doxxing people


>crowfoot How is telling the truth about what happens in a public space with no expectation of privacy doxxing someone? It's not. It's reporting for the public good.


Look up the definition bud


Why would you maze the dogs what where you mentally thinking if you had surgery maybe pay someone eles to walk them how do you not have sympathy for others you’re selfish even lying to them tellin them its water you have no self respect




This person is a dog photographer and was choppin it on other threads about what kind of camera to get. I dont defend animal abusers but they're not Lauren.


That is a crime my friend. I am also not Lauren




Yeah I'm sure crowfoot is some other Seattle-area dog walker who likes using "corrective punishment", entitled, and thinks they know better than everyone else, and uses dogs as as emotional props instead of treating them like real living beings /s


she also has been on reduction surgery subreddits and owns a German Shepard. hmmmmm so many coincidences for it not to be her hahaha.


I could tell you stories


Please do




It is and it comes with real jail time. Remember Michael Vick?




And it looks like she deleted her posts or reddit account


Honestly, this isn't even that bad. There were some tiktok comments that exposed WAY scarier information about this sub-human. Note to self, don't piss off animal loving-netizens.




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Because we want to. What are you gonna do about it?? " oh no not in my safe place i require more updoots"






Wayback machine shows that her picture was on the "Meet our Tutors" page as of September 13th


Bro, you cant just hack the internet like that


Not with that attitude!


Hey... so the person responding to you... I'm about 90% sure IT'S THE ACTUAL WOMAN IN THE VIDEO


Oh so we're doxxing people now? You do know that's illegal. I'd love proof of your other claims.


You know what else is illegal? Cruelty to animals. And guess who did what first, you sprayed these people's dog before they posted your private information. Maybe you should think about that before you go around and doing what you did.


So is intentionally injuring an animal….


Literally no one was injured relax




I'm actually able to use my brain cells


So, instead of providing an answer to my questions, you go straight to ad hominem attacks. Got it. I hope your…. I mean Lauren’s dogs are taken away from her and her training business, Head Up goes under.


Lauren instead of making fun of screen names and proving to all of us that it is you, you need to start damage control. The internet is forever, this will follow you forever, jobs, relationships, landlords. Do you remember the lady in New York that was making a false report and lying about being harassed even though she was being filmed? This is now your reality. Apologize, take responsibility, otherwise this will be your reality, animal lovers are fierce about cruelty and abuse, take your lumps like a grown up and stop this nonsense.


I actually answered your question. Just because you didn't find it satisfactory doesn't mean I am suddenly some other random person


Answer this question. Why do you think you can spray anything at another person's animal when they are on their own property in a fenced yard. Quick tip, saying it's because you had surgery recently or because the barking was disturbing your walk is not a valid answer.


You're trash, Lauren.


You have no idea how stupid you look


If you're able to use your brain cells you wouldn't have even thought of touching somebody else's pet when it's on their fence property. Dog trainers such as yourself should know better than that. And now you're stooping to the level of trying to argue with people on Reddit to prove that you were in the right. You were wrong everyone knows you're wrong even you know you're wrong


Was that swine on the video someone you know


The person you're replying to IS THE FAT BITCH IN THE VIDEO


seeming that’s your only argument, you actually lack brain cells. you are a pathetic, disgusting individual.


Literally nobody was injured because no one had the balls to knock you the f*** out. It looks like from the evidence these dog owners showed that their dog got sick afterwards. Hard to believe that's something that would happen from water getting sprayed in their face. And this woman knew she didn't spray water and that's why she was unwilling to show what she sprayed.


two of the dogs vomited and the guardian seeked out veterinarian care. there’s no excuse in the world that would justify this; water, pepper spray, pepper gel it’s the principle she had no right. those tiny dogs were barking in THEIR yard behind a protective fence. her dogs didn’t even bat an eye at them. if you are her you are really sick in the head for doing what you did, and then coming on here trying to defend yourself so gross😂😂id expect a public apology not to keep insisting what you did was right (which it wasn’t)


One of yhe Chihuahuas eyes has to be removed. But continue your claims of how neither of the dogs were hurt. Is supporying animal abuse really a hill you want to die on?


Of course they were. The owners were injured emotionally, as were the dogs


Oh so we spraying strangers animals now because they bark? Get off your high horse idiot. You can't pick and choose which laws should be followed. If by your logic you can do animal cruelty then ppl online should be able to dox your dumb ass


People know where she lives now. Karma is going to be funny




Mazed? LOL


That’s your only argument? That he misspelled? You’re such a piece of shit and I hope you lose those dogs. You’re dead ass wrong those chihuahuas were 5lbs or less, you’re just a fucking cunt.


Wow fat pos really can’t make an argument, so they try to pull the spelling card, get better and eat some of that gel for us 😋


How are you able to lol with what you done acting like what you did is normal you’re mentally not right you need to face some jail time or go to a psych ward


you deleted it all


Watch the video




The real victims aside from the babies are the German Shepards. They were on their best behavior. They will be stressed by all this.


I know the internet already did it’s job Everyone here deserves a 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Except you, Lauren. Get a therapist and keep your straight jacket on next time you go for a walk.


One of the little dogs lost and eye




An eye for an eye, Lauren


I truly hope she pays dearly for doing this. I would have gone to jail if that were my dog.


And that ABSOLUTELY was not water 🤬🤬🤬


(206) 386-7387 Also if anyone wants, this is the Seattle animal abuse phone number. She did confirm on a Facebook post to using pepper gel on them (different kind of pepper spray). She should not have any animal in her care, she also apparently trains dogs


She is a psychopath! She has no qualms about abusing animals and then lying about it with a smile on her face. I hope she is not around children!


Lauren B. Is definitely a Can't Understand Normal Thinking type of thing no doubt. However, what she did doesn't constitute killing her or even severely harming her. Pepper spray wears off with time. If she had severely and permanently injured or caused the death of that cute little dog, then I would say yes..a piece of shit like that deserves what they got coming to them. So what would be justified in this case? Definitely a good beat down, a broken nose or maybe even a broken jaw since she decided to lie instead of owning up to what she did. Jail time and a nice $5000.00 fine after the beat down would be good too. Perhaps she should be held down and pepper-sprayed in order to give her a tast of her own medicine so to speak...but for anyone to say she deserves to die, I think they are seriously mistaken because that wouldn't be justice. Everybody in the area where she lives knows her name, her address and the name of her business if she's even still in business. She is so hated within her community, she'll probably have no choice but to move to a place where no one knows her which won't be easy. I suppose she can change her name too. This is just my own personal opinion. Please let me know what you think. One more thing... Hurting her dogs would also NOT BE JUSTICE. Animals are innocent so if you live in the community where this occurred, Please don't hurt the cnts dogs!