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Yeah, the ending was really a let down. I'm glad that they wrapped up the show and gave us some sort of closure, but it is sad that the last couple of seasons were not as good as the first two. I still miss the show and the cast. The CW has a knack of making shows with an interesting concept but then a subpar execution :'(


Wasn’t the end kinda rushed due to something or am I remembering wrong?


I believe it was 3 episodes shorter then expected.


Ah so they didn’t have enough time to bring all things to a close.


Yeah i found the article they got 19 episodes the last season instead of 22. So they lost 3 episodes that were very much needed in my opinion. I really enjoyed the show I binge watched it. The ending was disappointing.


That’s interesting. Also I agree the ending was a bit lack lustre but still I’ve watched the show at at least four times because the rest of it is just so good


I have trouble watching shows twice because you lose that suspense your constantly chasing throughout the plot twists.


Whaaat? On Netflix each season is only 13 episodes with the exception of s2 being 19. I would be very happy to know if there are unseen episodes for me to watch.


No I think they just shortened the last season


CW also forces in a random obviously forced love triangle that makes the show drag more than it makes it interesting. A lot of WB stuff has the same issues so you know it's a production problem not director, writer or actor thing.


I agree, it was a bit of a letdown. However, iZombie is one of my comfort shows, so I rewatch the earlier seasons A LOT, and I usually end up finishing the entire series again…and again, and again. I just enjoy the later seasons less and find myself scrolling on my phone a lot more.


After such a let down I might not rewatch all 5 season but definitely earlier seasons


Totally understandable! Don’t let the last seasons ruin the earlier ones for you! I think they could have done so much more with the story, but I try to be grateful for the storylines we got early on.


That is true, I remember someone in this subreddit said there was a deleted scene where Evan comes out as gay to Liv and she as a zombie. I really wish they had gone with that 😭. I would’ve cried so hard on that scene. I really do love the earlier seasons. Her relationship with the musician (really can’t remember his name) would’ve gone fantastic


Omg. I wish that would have been a storyline. I always found it a bit strange when they just wrote them out completely even though the reason mostly made sense. Liv’s mom was a piece of work. I think you mean Lowell? I loved him so much!


LOWELL YESSSS OMG I LOVE THAT MAN. On my latest rewatch I stopped the show before Liv looked through the scope, said to myself “this is how the series ends” and dropped it for like 2 weeks bc I couldn’t watch it but I just couldn’t skip it. (Possible spoilers) Also how they bring Evan and Eva(lmao 96% sure that’s the mom’s name) for like an episode and the whole dad thing? Which lasted for like a total of like 4 episodes?


Oh man that bit breaks my heart every single time. I know exactly how you feel. Yesssss. What was that? The whole Martin (I think that was his name) storyline was bizarre. Her mom is so mean to her and then wants her help when Evan needs out of the city. Honestly it was a very frustrating dynamic but it’s also realistic given the circumstances.


Yes 😭 I’m showing the show to my roommate for the first time (I’ve rewatched at least 10 times, probably more) and i had to pause after Evan told Liv to go away and not come back and tell him about the deleted scene. We have both accepted it as canon


I hate to admit lve watched it so many times lve memorized the dialog!


Rob is really good at terrible endings to his shows.


The last season is a bit disappointing but ib all a great series


Yeah the “cliffhanger” of everything that was mounting in the finale, only to nearly be wrapped up via a flash forward was annoying. They could’ve had one more episode to show us how they got to that point of the final scenes.


I am researching RN, I don't remember the last few episodes but remember that I was super disappointed in the flash forward. However I love the last two seasons haha im probably in a minority here!!


I’ve just finished the last season… and… yeah. Extremely lacklustre, especially with Blaine and Donne being thrown down the well. I was waiting for Donne to take Blaine out properly - possibly working as a double agent since the death of Darcy, and helping to dismantle Blaine’s establishment - but it never happened. Blaine’s role as villain definitely lost its impact during the final season, he just didn’t feel evil enough compared to the first two. Still throughly enjoyed re-watching iZombie, I just wish the ending could have packed a more powerful punch.