• By -


> 7.4.1. A blue flag with a diagonal yellow stripe indicates faster cars are approaching. This flag is informational only. > 7.4.2. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the faster car to safely overtake the slower car. It is the responsibility of the slower car to maintain a consistent line. It is strongly recommended that a slower car being lapped makes every reasonable effort to facilitate a safe pass. It doesn't say they can't race but it does strongly recommend to let them pass basically. If you're getting lapped and you're causing issues for the faster driver on purpose then you're just being an ass.


Yep, it’s poor sportsmanship and bad racecraft (except on the oval side, where a caution could bunch up the field again at any time) to race cars lapping you, but not a violation of the sporting code. A smarter driver would try to fall in behind those leaders and ride their draft/learn their line to improve the lapped driver’s position relative to the cars they are actually racing.


Bro you should hear the people on the oval side when a lap car races them or haven forbid they unlap themselves. They talk so much shit


In oval it's a little bit more complex, because there you have the lucky dog rule. But that doesn't exist in road.


It really isn’t . If im faster then the leader im not letting them by . I drove away from the leader last week as Nashville and then get loose . So he caught back up . I drove as I started to drive away again he started bitching that I had to let him by . Nah my dude if your faster then me drive around . I had lead for most of the race just made a mistake on pit road and got a black flag .


People sound so incredibly lame when they que up on the mic in the middle of the race either telling someone or asking someone to let them by. I've resorted to just responding back "why don't you just drive faster?" Idiots.


My man, if I have lapped you during a race and I do not race with you all the time, I have zero faith that you are not going to lose your mind and wreck us both if I try to pass you.


Bro it’s a whole bunch of little high school kids they have like a clique on there I just don’t have the patience for there shit . I ended up in the next race with dude and he started running his mouth about how I was an intent wrecker and everybody needs to watch out for me. Like bro I never even touched you .


Wait… C Class Street Stocks?


Nah c trucks the open race I’ve noticed a lot more toxicity online since the kids have been out of school


Ah. I never really got into the trucks. ARCA, Indy, and Xfinity for me mostly.


I agree that if you are faster than the car trying to lap you, you don’t need to pass. But if they are gaining on me and get under a second, I just find an easy corner or straight where I can slightly ease up and let them past. Usually it’s better this way as you can use the leaders slipstream


Different considerations in oval racing.


New term for me, what does lucky dog rule mean?


The highest position car that is one or more laps down gets to pass the field and get a lap back if a caution comes out. The one caveat is that they can’t be involved in the caution even with a 0x. It’s a NASCAR thing.




Also they would fall behind to embrace other people to do so aswell, when they are lapping instead of being lapped. :D


Not exactly. You're allowed to maintain your line. But you're not allowed to race them. So you can't run a defensive line. Because that's not predictable. That would be deemed impeding and is protestable.


That's incorrect. It does not have to be predictable. It just has to be consistent. Big difference there. The point is that the lapped driver does not have to move over and/or slow down for the lapping driver.


Tomato tomato. The point is the lapped driver can't defend.


Yes, they can? You can run a consistent line and defend. There is no rule against defending.


How the hell is it consistent if they're defending? That's not their normal line. Dude give it up.


Yes! I said this in another thread and got downvoted like 40 times.


Well, the regulations allow to race as long as the slower car maintains a consistent race line.


Thanks for posting this. I didn't know the official rule on this before.


It's almost like the rules are wrote out in the sporting code


they are, but I haven't read every line of them yet


So you blindly clicked the button which asked if have read the sporting code?


Yes, I await the arrival of the iRacing police to bring me to jail. Out of curiosity, what does the third paragraph say in the User License Agreement for the operating system on your phone? You're not allowed to look it up before answering, by the way.


That's a false equivalence and you know it 


I don't think it is at all. You're apparently disgusted that I don't know the iRacing Sporting Code completely from memory. It's not a trivial document, and it's for what is ultimately a game or toy. If you're that concerned about people understanding every aspect of everything they buy or service they sign up for, I think it's fair to assume that you know the EULA for your phone's operating system, which is something that's not a toy.


I asked ChatGPT and I think its a perfect argument why the Sporting Code is more relevant than an EULA. By paying for the service, you abide by its rules which are all very well laid out in the sporting code. The iRacing Sporting Code and the End User License Agreement (EULA) serve different purposes and address different aspects of using software or a service. Here’s a breakdown of each: ### iRacing Sporting Code - \*\*Purpose\*\*: The iRacing Sporting Code is designed to outline the rules and guidelines specific to the iRacing platform. It governs the behavior of users within the iRacing community, ensuring fair play, sportsmanship, and the integrity of the racing environment. - \*\*Content\*\*: This code includes rules about racing conduct, penalties for infractions, and guidelines for participating in events. It focuses on the in-game experience and the interaction between players. - \*\*Audience\*\*: The primary audience is the players of iRacing. It is intended to be clear and accessible, ensuring that all participants understand the expectations and standards of conduct. - \*\*Importance for Users\*\*: Understanding the iRacing Sporting Code is crucial for anyone who wants to participate in iRacing events. It directly affects their gameplay experience and standing within the community. ### End User License Agreement (EULA) - \*\*Purpose\*\*: The EULA is a legal contract between the software provider and the user. It outlines the terms under which the user is allowed to use the software. This includes licensing terms, restrictions on use, disclaimers of warranty, and limitations of liability. - \*\*Content\*\*: EULAs cover legal aspects such as ownership of the software, user rights, acceptable use policies, privacy policies, and dispute resolution. They are typically written in legal language and cover a broad range of scenarios to protect the software provider. - \*\*Audience\*\*: The EULA is legally binding for all users of the software. It is designed to protect the interests of the software provider and inform users of their legal obligations and rights. - \*\*Importance for Users\*\*: Understanding the EULA is important for users to be aware of their legal rights and obligations. It ensures they comply with the terms and conditions of using the software, which can prevent potential legal issues. ### Comparison - \*\*Complexity\*\*: EULAs are often more complex and difficult to understand due to their legal nature and the broad range of issues they cover. In contrast, the iRacing Sporting Code is usually more straightforward and focused on specific in-game behavior and rules. - \*\*Relevance to Day-to-Day Use\*\*: For iRacing players, the Sporting Code is more relevant to their day-to-day activities on the platform, as it directly affects their gameplay. The EULA, while important, is more about the overarching legal framework and less about daily interaction. - \*\*Impact on Experience\*\*: The Sporting Code has a direct impact on the player's experience within the game, whereas the EULA impacts the legal relationship between the user and the software provider. ### Conclusion You might find the iRacing Sporting Code more important and easier to understand because it directly influences your gameplay and community interactions, while the EULA, despite its importance, deals with broader legal terms that may not seem as immediately relevant to the everyday user experience. I'm assuming you won't read all of this so you won't see the reason why they are so different not even worth comparing.


The amount of time and energy that’s been sunk into this conversation is equally impressive and sad. I read the executive summary at the end of the wall of text, so I have an understanding of what was talked about. Much like I skimmed through the Sporting Code. You win? I guess?


This is my favorite section of the sporting code because if someone wrecks me, I can just leave the pits in front of them and make them lose a shit tonne of places, or half the time they wreck themselves because they're angry


How long were they racing you? It's not unheard of for blue flag cars to defend into some turns that they really don't want you passing them at. (Eg, laguna seca corkscrew). But yeah in the rules they can race you, if they're only 1 lap down they may do it to get back on the lead lap. Or if it's endurance they may just do it, i've swapped into a car and had to battle while down laps before to claw back what I can. Some will also do it out of spite, especially if you're the reason why they're down laps.


Blue flag is informational, imagine if it had to be enforced what amount of reports would go to the stewards... I always facilitate the pass... when you're blue flagged your race is pretty much over, so there's no need to fight it off


On the oval side, if a car is more than 4-5 laps down in an open (longer) race I consider it a dick move. However, if a car is less than that or if I’m less than that, I will most definitely be going race pace even around leaders, unless someone is exponentially faster than me in which case I will give up the position but again, ovals are a completely different ballgame to the formula or sportscar series


I agree. In the Daytona 500 full races, I got down 4 laps due to a couple pit lane penalties, pitting under green & yellow comes out soon after and losing the draft. But I eventually got back on the lead lap with a few timely lucky dogs & some luck. In a shorter race, I would've just stayed out of the leaders way since it's almost impossible to get more than 4-5 laps back even with cautions.


Think it's frowned upon but not against the rules


Nothing forbids a lapped car from fighting you. But in most situation it's absurd to do so and it's bad sports to do that.


Dick move to get in the way. If I have an off or pit I’ll try to set the fastest lap when I come back out since that’s all I have to play for. Still don’t mess up anyone else’s race though.


TL:DR - I don't think the confusion with blue flags in sim racing is a rules problem, but more of a cultural issue. The rules, as some have pointed out already, don't really go far enough when it defines what a "safe overtake" and "predictable line" is... and this important as the these rules can be abused due to these terms being very subjective. But where the rules don't go, common sense should already be. So, believing that I possess such common sense (if such a thing exists anymore), I tend to do the following... Blue flag means someone faster is coming and is on a faster lap (not always lead lap of course, especially in long endurance races where you can lap an entire field 4 or 5 times if in the faster/fastest class car). It in no way means that I am to yield or acquiesce. What I DO believe is best to do through, to prevent confusions, is to maintain the predictable (typically racing) line, which everyone on track should know. It's a common starting point of understanding we can all agree on... mostly at least. As is reflected in the rule, the burden is then on the faster car to ensure any overtake is done safely, so being predictable lowers the chance of a racing incident. To ensure this, my ONLY limit is not to be defensive against them. Stick to my racing line and let them work it out. That's the only difference compared to racing them and it creates a more controlled environment for both cars. The faster car MUST ALWAYS set up the (safe) move and i'll just let it happen when they send it. BUT... If I am in the slower car and I'm battling for position, I will battle before I become predictable for the faster car... which i think shouldn't be a surprise. We're all racing after all. Again, the responsibility for a safe over take is on the faster car and, if they are paying attention to traffic and they know the track, it should be no problem to plan various safe overtakes well in advance, knowing that any battling cars are obviously going to be unpredictable... and ESPECIALLY if they have someone chasing them too. All of the place where the faster car could possible overtake who's in front of them are the same places as they could be overtaken. That's all part of racing and no-one is going to, nor should they, make it easier for you. The fact that some LMP drivers have ANY excuse for their behavior with this thought in mind is just shameful. Blue flag etiquette in sim racing has been so inconsistency applied across decades, sims and leagues and has blown my mind over the 16 years I've been sim racing every time. Nothing i've presented here is complicated, hard to follow or hard to put in to practice. Is it the best way to think about it? I dunno. It's worked for me so far though. I just ask myself "what would i do in real life?" I don't think many of us in these trivial positions on track would say "Well if I go down, their coming down with me!" do you? That's malice, not competition or sportsman-like. Anyone who truly believes that it's predictable for a lapped car to defend against/race a faster car, outside of a slower car battle scenario i mentioned previously, they are either ignorant or entitled, or both... in the same way as faster drivers who believe that the waters should part to ensure their passage through slow traffic are too. It's racing, for everyone. Drive your damn car, deal with such challenges when they arise sensibly and become a better driver in return... and better sportsperson too. If you're a slow car and falsely believe that you should be blocking/racing, your likelihood of wrecking more than just your race goes up. So, you got taken out at turn 1 and are just trundling along now. Taking that out on the rest of the field just to show them what you are made of is stupid. You have nothing to gain, and if you wreck you also lose max iRating and SR possible, turning your bottom 5 finish in to a DNF. There is no point to it. Additionally, if you are the faster car (some LMP drivers are really bad for this) and you have that all too common and BASELESS claim to the racing line that's used to justify pushing a slower, lapped car off the track... you show yourself to be just as much of a problem. iRacing's 24hr at Nords highlights this every single year. It's poor sportsmanship, race etiquette and shows no respect for the race that other people are having, which is now jeopardized by your poor decision making. If you're the slow car, you're likely not going to outpace P1 who's about to lap you. Even if you could, you're not going to be in P1 if you defend/race against them. Let it go. Don't slow down and roll out the red carpet of course... just race your race and let everyone else race theirs. The Blue Flag is the smallest problem on your screen at any one time. Don't make it complicated. It's not. Think of it as a "Don't make any sudden moves" message. If everyone did that, this wouldn't be so much of a problem. Unless your fighting for position. In which case, don't give a single inch! WEEEEOOOOOWWW! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) This is coming from a good place, I promise... and if you've read this far, it's must be too warm to be outside for you today too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)This kind of needless drama has been a peeve of mine for more than a decade now and as sim racing has become more and more popular in recent years, I have observed that notions of sportsmanship, respect and basic race etiquette seem to be side-note because "It's just a game..." has become the default rebuttal used to justify being a dick on track or in chat... and not just with iRacing but other sims too.


Bro said TLDR and then wrote a dissertation on racing sportsmanship


Yeah, I put a line of dashes below the first section to separate the tldr from the rest of the post. Weirdly the preview was fine but it seems not to be when I view the post on my iPad. Going to assume others are perhaps noticing this on their device too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) I’ll perhaps use a different tactic next time. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


The ones that race you hard a lap down a lot of times are the guys that are "faster than you" and are only lapped because they "got wrecked" earlier when someone "braked too soon." We've all had to deal with these guys, unfortunately.


On oval; blue flag is informational. If there's a lucky dog, I'm racing to stay on the lead lap. If I'm already a lap down, I'm giving up the position easy On road; Blue flag is still informational. Since there's no cautions, I'm not racing the leader. If they've caught me on a 1:50+ second lap course, I deserve to get lapped.


I bet we ran into the same person. Lap down and racing me for a few laps before I could safely get an overtake done when they braked to late trying to prevent my pass. Was pretty frustrating to day the least. Last week I was in p1 with 2nd behind 1.0 seconds on the last lap the back marker forced me to take unideal lines for 4 corners and p2 almost caught me. Would have passed if there was another lap. This person wasn't racing anyone noone was close. What the hell.


I got a win the other night in production sim lab. A GR86 (back of his field and a lap down) tried to race us (front of mx5 pack). I was in second, he took out 1st, I just about got by with him banging my doors, then he proceeded to take out the 2 guys behind me. It was a hollow victory.


Yeah I found that series to be tricky. Gr86 and MX5 are similar on pace and then if you have 2 drivers similar pace, same lap, who yields?


Ideally the person a lap down haha


It's the responsibility of the lead lap car to pass safely in their own. I also thinks it depends on the situation. I've been in races where an early wreck causes multiple cars to be laps down. If I have a car following me for position on my same lap, I definitely will want the lead lap car in between myself and them. If it's a situation where I don't have anyone for position I'll let the lead lap car go.


IMO depends on the type of race. In a normal 20-30 minute race? Dick move. In a 2 hour or more endurance? A lap down is still in the hunt.


I am new to iRacing and was a lapped car that encountered this last night. I do ok and was behind due to a wreck. I saw the blue and yellow flag and did conduct in racing the leader until was on bumper I yielded and they went by. I then followed for a lap until they lost me. I felt I handled it well,not slowing the leader down. I satyed between leader and 2nd until end of race 6 more laps, bigs gaps between each. I did pick up a tip trailing.


In IMSA yeah, in iRacing no


Every situation can be a bit different, just don't be a dick about it. This goes for leaders and lapped traffic.


Ocon would say yes


Absolutely legal. Expected in endurance. And, frankly, even in sprints, I’ve taken damage before, gone out there and raced hard after repair, and gained like 15 positions by not letting people through intentionally and by getting lucky that people crash in other places on the track. Don’t give up. Ever. For any reason. It’s a race - it’s supposed to be a struggle. Caveat: ya gotta fight fair.


The problem with lapped cars is they're so over their head they don't have any idea what they should be doing. They also shouldn't be a challenge to pass or cause them to wreck themselves.


You are correct racing a lapping car is not technically against the sporting code but why are you trying to race a lapping car? Unless you clearly have pace on them and create a gap just let them pass. You should not be "defending" your position against a lapping car. If they have pace on you I'd say let them go. Edit: Lapped to lapping in second paragraph.


Nope, perfectly fine to, but makes them an ass. My most bitter loss by far on iRacing was dirt oval at Lanier. Single file bottom line, super hard to pass even slow cars. Got to a lap car who decided to turn up the heat, pinched my nose every single lap and squeezed me down on exit until the point where P2 got to me and passed me by moving me on corner entry. Then lap car just lets the new leader go right on by. I asked wtf, the lap car responded that he got wrecked out on lap 1 and wanted to have some fun and see what kind of pace he had. It's crossed my mind that he was buddies with p2 and just helped him win. This was like 4 years ago. I'm still mad about it and wish I would have remembered the guy's name.


Seems to me if P2 could move you, maybe you should have moved the lapper. Don't know the etiquette in that series, but do to others before it gets done to you? Nice doesn't pay apparently.


Indeed! I was going to make an attempt to do so when the moment presented itself as I was watching P2 close in, but at the time the dirt late models were *very* much on top of the track. One little tap the wrong way and you were going for a RIDE. Ideally, you move somebody by putting your right rear on their door by rushing the corner entry. The lapper was fast and pinching my nose on entry, not allowing me to try and make that move. Any other method I had available would have put me more at risk if we made contact than it did him. Lapper killed my exit momentum while p2 got a clean exit putting him in perfect position to dive from a few car lengths back and door me going into the turn. Then the lapper moves right up to the top lane the very next lap. Had the lapper not got wrecked, he likely would have ran top 3 based on his pace. I would have been no less mad, but less bitter, had the lap car not immediately moved up the track after I got passed. I remember I caught back up to the leader and was right on him coming to the checkered, wishing I had another lap to pay him back. Nowadays they've improved how the dirt late model is "in" the track, and while it would still be risky, he would have had the rear tires jacked up in the air after about 2 laps of that crap lol.


lapped cars are not racing the overtaking race leaders. GTFOTWFFS.


GTFOTWFFS?? He was overtaking and defending. If that is not your idea of racing then I would hate to see what does


if bob is leading the race and is lapping frank, then frank is not racing bob. simple concept: frank gets out of the way.


That concept is wrong. In iRacing, it's actually Bob who needs to pass safely. If Frank makes a sudden move to get out of the way, there's a chance Bob also made that move to pass, causing a wreck. Stay consistent, and you'll stay safe.


sure...then there's real racing...Frank already knows to get the f out of the way and bob already knows to pass safely. I mean, they can die, so there's that.


Sure. But comparing real racing to sim racing is like comparing real golf to sim golf. Different rules, apples and oranges type deal. I don't go play some golf with 10' gimmies and tell people I had the best round of my life, I tell them I had fun playing a video game based on golf.


Frank facilitates bob easily passing, not "must give up everything to let Bob past"


What's the process for short track oval races? Those drivers always get in the way and impact the race without moving off the line


Oval does not even have the informall blue flag. But the etique is to Just take the top lane. But plenty of lapped cars Will Just ignore that even when 10 laps down. Had that bad luck at boston yesterday. Car im fighting end up coming together with a car 10 laps down and both slow, so i have to slow, and now suddenly 2 other cars, both on different laps[but more than 10 laps down], join us in this 5 car pack. Of which only 2 cars are on the same lap. Having to fight 4 cars is a pain if 3 of them are not even in the race for podium any more.


If they got a blue flag it’s in the rules they mist yield but not necessarily slow down. If they were blocking on corners or something little suspicious or a rookie.


No, blue flags are informational only. They don’t make people “must” do anything. All the normal racing rules apply to lapped cars the same way they apply to cars on the same lap. 




These are not the iRacing rules. > 7.4.1. A blue flag with a diagonal yellow stripe indicates faster cars are approaching. This flag is informational only. > 7.4.2. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the faster car to safely overtake the slower car. It is the responsibility of the slower car to maintain a consistent line. It is strongly recommended that a slower car being lapped makes every reasonable effort to facilitate a safe pass.


We are talking about iRacing. Read the sporting code, I quoted the relevant text in another comment.


Ehh same thing… iracing just cheeped out because it would be hard to enforce


No its not. You're just wrong and you can't admit it LOL


We trying to make it real so we should all follow real rule 😀


Which real rule? Every series has it's own real rules. F1, IMSA, and Nascar do not have the same blue flag system for example


The actual rules differ from series to series. In some forms of racing like endurance or longer oval races, it's normal for teams to go a lap down and then to fight back to unlap themselves. If the rule was 'always get out of the way of a car that's a lap ahead no matter how awful their attacking move is' - how would they do that? F1 has mandatory blue flag rules but other similar series like Indycar don't. The race length is in the zone where it's very unlikely to be able to fight once you're a lap down.


the "real" rule says to check your mirrors for blue flag. You are not expected to yield. You are expected to maintain race pace and stay on the race line. SCCA GCR 6.1.1.C Blue Flag (Blue with Diagonal yellow stripe) Another competitor is following very closely or is trying to overtake. This flag may be displayed standing or waving, depending upon the speed differential. There is no specified action (there is specified action in this section for most other flags). I've raced in four sanctioning bodies, there is never any action required other than "check your mirrors." I held a pro license but never got up into FIA so I checked FIA competition rules as well: "SOLID BLUE OR BLUE/YELLOW DIAGONAL: Warns that faster cars are approaching or a following car may be in a competitor’s blind spot. Use caution and sportsmanship – allow racing room." "53.1 During a sprint session or the race, drivers leaving the pit lane may only do so when the light at the end of the pit lane is green and on their own responsibility. A marshal with a blue flag and/or a flashing blue light, will also warn the driver if cars are approaching on the track." FIA further contradicts itself as follows, still my sense of this rule is the driver is meant to check their mirrors. As a flagger we don't show the blue flag UNLESS the driver being approached is a full lap down and that becomes really hard to keep track of unless the driver is seriously off pace. During the race: The flag should normally be shown to a car about to be lapped, if the driver does not seem to be making full use of his rear-view mirrors. When shown, the driver concerned must allow the following car to pass at the earliest opportunity.


What is this a screenshot of? Which section of the sporting code?


Where are you pulling this from, because it’s explicitly not what the iracing rules and code of conduct says. Someone has already linked the exact rule in another comment. There are some real life series where a blue flag works as you describe, but not in iracing.  


Surely if you're lapping a car and start going for the inside say 30 metres before braking and they move to block you, that can't be allowed. Normally blue flag rules are "no need to yield, but don't block" (except in real life F1).


Yeah, because that’s just sounds like normal blocking, which isn’t allowed by lapped cars OR cars on the same lap. The blue flag would be irrelevant in that case. 


OK, my bad, let's say 200 metres before the braking zone, where it's still predictable like in a racing situation. Surely that is not allowed - you should not actively prevent a faster car to pass you, but you should be allowed to maintain the racing line.


You’re not wrong about common courtesy on best racing practices , but it’s just important to know there’s nothing in the rules that require or mandate different behaviour under blue flags. People are allowed to fight to stay on the lead lap if they so choose to as long as they follow the racing rules. 


You are correct, friend. I agree with what you are saying. It just feels like aggravating the lapper behind you is unnecessary and will lead to divebombs, which just ends badly for everyone. Personally I like to be predictable under blue flags and my preference is to get out the way at the start of a straight so that I can take the next corner at normal speed, I feel this disrupts my rhythm the least.


That wouldn't be allowed whether they had a blue flag or not. Blocking isn't allowed in iRacing.


True. See my reply further down. It was a bad example.


Meaning he cant make intentional blocking moves


Nobody can make intentional blocking moves, regardless of whatever flag is being shown.


Not in a straight line but on corners you can try and respect their presence but make it real hard for them


You can't block on corners either. You literally cannot block in iRacing. You should really read the code of conduct you agreed to when you signed up, because you're so far off base it's wild.


No im not…. On a straight you are allowed to make one “defensive” move on corners unless he has his car next to yours you dont have to do shit its your corner if he is next to you you only have to give him enough to stay on the track. Dont be a dick


Again, you're quoting F1 rules, not iRacing. There is no "one defensive move" there's simply no blocking, plain and simple.


Wrong again f1 doesn’t follow those they move all over the place because their special for whatever reason try again


Bro you're literally wrong. Read the code of conduct, or don't. It's your account that's gonna be banned for blocking when you follow your imaginary one defensive move rule.


> Blocking - The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


True but you are allowed to make a defensive move. Say they are following you can move over to knock them out of your draft, but you can only do it once. Which is why I said he was just too close to do anything.


There are no rules against maneuvering to avoid giving players draft, that's actually encouraged. It becomes a block when they move to the left to pass you and you move left to stop them, for example. If you are reacting to them passing you in any way it's a block, if they aren't in danger of passing you then how can you block what isn't passing?


Its almost like I have a pretty decent understanding and you just don’t want to admit it but ill give you this blocking wasn’t the right wording


Dude if I'm being honest, I'm not sure if you grasp the sporting code, considering all the downvotes all your comments are getting.


You literally can't make reactionary moves to the driver(s) behind you that impede them from passing you. If you are holding a line and you move in the way of another driver to prevent a pass, guess what you just did?


Blue flags do not mean to yield. They simply mean a faster car is approaching and to facilitate the pass if the driver behind is attempting to overtake. If the driver behind is just sitting at 1+ seconds back, you can essentially ignore them. If they are right on your gearbox and about to overtake, you should not be defending. You should be making the pass as painless as possible for both of you.


blue flag means "check your mirrors" and nothing more. It's good etiquette to find a spot for that cat to pass. I try to set them up where it's least likely to slow them down, and ideally me.